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At-Tafkir Vol 9 No 1 (2016): Vol. 9 No 1 Juni 2016
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Langsa

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The following article tries to discuss the formulation of a set of Islamic values ​​in order to become a reference for the creation of alternative and solution regarding the equitable of society which respecting human values ​​in both the global and national levels. For that reason, Moslem scholars need to formulate a set of a fresh or alternative thought and the Islamic movement to be developed in the context of human life in accordance with the global ethics such as democracy, pluralism, human rights, and true justice humanitarian. Therefore, the development of thought and the Islamic movement needs  to be integrated and transformed the values ​​of Islam in the context of the values ​​of equality, justice, humanity. From the work of this creative methodological expected to bring Islamic thought that is more fresh and responsive in answering the demands of the position of equality of all citizens and equitable treatment, in particular the guaranteed freedom of belief, minorities, minority both in terms of religious, economic, ethnic and so on other protected and guaranteed their rights equally and fairly.
At-Tafkir Vol 9 No 1 (2016): Vol. 9 No 1 Juni 2016
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Langsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The following article tries to discuss the formulation of a set of Islamic values ??in order to become a reference for the creation of alternative and solution regarding the equitable of society which respecting human values ??in both the global and national levels. For that reason, Moslem scholars need to formulate a set of a fresh or alternative thought and the Islamic movement to be developed in the context of human life in accordance with the global ethics such as democracy, pluralism, human rights, and true justice humanitarian. Therefore, the development of thought and the Islamic movement needs  to be integrated and transformed the values ??of Islam in the context of the values ??of equality, justice, humanity. From the work of this creative methodological expected to bring Islamic thought that is more fresh and responsive in answering the demands of the position of equality of all citizens and equitable treatment, in particular the guaranteed freedom of belief, minorities, minority both in terms of religious, economic, ethnic and so on other protected and guaranteed their rights equally and fairly.
Reaktualisasi Dharma Dakwah Islamiyah Kampus UII Demangan Baru1 Ahmad Darmaji; Syarief Zudaidah; Yusdani Yusdani; Edi Safitri
Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 10, No 1: June 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/aiijis.2014.0029.32-43


The following research tries to answer the research question of how the portrait and the dynamics of society around campus of UII Jalan Damangan Baru No. 24 Yogyakarta? and how social dynamics of society from the perspective of Islamiyah Dakwah as one of the dharma UII? This research is a field and qualitative research, the location of research at Campus UII Jalan Damangan Baru No. 24 Yogyakarta. The approach that used in this study is phenomenological approach. The analysis which used in this study is the analysis of Miles that including: data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing / verification as an intertwined at the time before, during, and after the collection of data in parallel, to build conclusion. The results of this research has been revealed that the religious community in Campus UII Jalan Demangan Baru emphasizes tolerance. However, the attitude of this potential, by the Campus UII has never seen as an opportunity to do various efforts to strengthen through service programs and Islamiyah Dakwah. In addition to this research also found that the relationship between the Campus UII Jalan Demangan Baru with itys several units and the local community, not shown as partners of both planned and programmed for mutual support and cooperation between two entites. Keywords: dakwah, Universitas Islam Indonesia, religious life, lembaga pendidikan Islam Islam.
NALAR POLITIK KENEGARAAN DALAM ISLAM (Studi atas Pemikiran Muhammad Abiri>) Yusdani Yusdani
Analisis: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 11, No 1 (2011): Analisis : Jurnal Studi Keislaman
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (410.911 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ajsk.v11i1.616


Discourse of  Islam vis-a-vis state is not apart from complexity  of Arabic and Islamic reason. Muh}ammad ‘Abid al-Jabiri showed that complexity  from  sources  of  thought  of  contemporary  socio-political science and sources of  Arab-Islamic tradition itself. According to him, democratic leader type of  Prophet is only applicative for Mecca and Medina  society.  Both communities  are recognized  applying  nomadic tribe system, and recruitment of  their leader was based on an adagium primus inter pares, just for the best and highly capable man can be elected by community. The past tradition cannot be applied wholly to present day without considering its socio-cultural aspect.
Membangunan Basis Metodologi Untuk Memperkokoh Keilmuan Fikih Berwawasan Keindonesiaan Yusdani Yusdani
Jurnal Hukum Islam Volume 17, Nomor 2, Desember 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jhi.v17i2.2378


Indonesian fiqh cannot be separated from the study of systems theory and the philosophy of science approach. Philosophy of science, with the target subject and object, is science (knowledge) includes two main topics, namely epistemology and methodology. To understand the text as a source of Islamic law, the discussion and application use macro interpretation, so that an understanding and interpretation of Islamic legal sources derived from the text of the Qur'an and Hadith is by the Indonesian context. The Indonesian context is the subject and at the same Time the object of fiqh in discovering new laws in harmony with the legal needs of Indonesian society. This condition is also an effort to strengthen Indonesia's fiqh position. The methodological offer of Indonesian fiqh was carried out with a transdisciplinary approach, namely through systemic integration and interconnection, to discover the theory of truth in implementing Indonesian fiqh. The next problem is that fiqh as a science, cannot be released in a particular social and cultural context and contains universal values that will always be relevant for each age and place following the objectives of fiqh itself and as a philosophy of Islamic law with the approach of system the maqasid based ijtihad.
Ajaran Etika dalam Kitab Simbur Cahaya Yusdani Yusdani
Ta'dib: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 2 (2001): Ta'dib
Publisher : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/td.v4i2.711


EL-TARBAWI Vol. 8 No. 2 (2015): Jurnal El-Tarbawi
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/tarbawi.vol8.iss2.art3


Pembahasan pokok artikel berikut ini adalah menjelaskan pandangan Islam Progresif yang berpendirian bahwa urgensi dalam konteks Islam dewasa ini termasuk di Indonesia untuk merumuskan seperangkat nilai-nilai Islam yang dapat menjadi referensi alternatif dan solutif bagi terciptanya masyarakat berkeadilan yang menjunjung nilai-nilai kemanusiaan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu rumusan pemikiran dan gerakan Islam alternatif yang segar untuk dikembangkan dalam konteks kehidupan manusia yang sesuai dengan etika global seperti demokrasi, pluralisme, HAM dan keadilan sejati kemanusiaan. Karena itu, pengembangan pemikiran dan gerakan Islam sekarang ini dalam pandangan Islam Progresif perlu mangakomodasi nilai-nilai kesetaraan, keadilan, kemanusiaan. Dengan demikian, kedudukan semua warga negara setara dan memperoleh perlakuan yang adil, terutama jaminan kebebasan berkeyakinan, kaum minoritas, baik minoritas dalam segi agama, ekonomi, etnis dan lain-lain dilindungi dan dijamin hak-haknya secara setara dan adil. Jawaban Islam terhadap berbagai persoalan kemanusiaan dewasa ini dalam pandangan Islam Progresif perlu didasarkan dan penggalian khazanah keislaman itu sendiri dengan mempergunakan context-based ijtihad (progressive ijtihadist) yang bertitik-tolak dari nilai-nilai dasar Islam yang esensial (maqasid syari’ah).
Yogyakarta Urban Middle-Class Sufism: Economic, Political and Cultural Networks Yusdani Yusdani; Hujair AH Sanaky; Edi Safitri; Imam Machali; Muhammad Iqbal Juliansyahzen
Ulumuna Vol 23 No 2 (2019): December
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/ujis.v23i2.342


The phenomenon of strengthening religious activity in the urban middle-class society in Yogyakarta Special Region in the last decade has been remarkable. The shift from the traditional Sufism to the model of piety associated with this middle-class Sufism further reinforce the middle class's religiosity. This study focused on the problem of the middle-class Muslim community when involving in Sufi practices. Through an in-depth interview with Sufi members and observation on their Sufi practice, this study shows that the urban middle-class Sufism pattern in Yogyakarta places emphasis on aesthetic-symbolic values. On the one hand, the tendency of religious patterns of Muslim communities is a form of negotiation between the values of spirituality in Islam and the forms and practices of global culture. On the other hand, the Sufi practice constitutes negotiation of the models of piety with economic-business motives. This Sufism is not institutionalized in conventional Sufism, commonly known as sufi order (tarekat) such as qadariyya, naqshabandiyya, and shattariyya, among the most popular Sufi order. Middle-class Sufism frames their distinctiveness in the form of economic, political, and cultural networks.
Madania: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman Vol 19, No 1 (2015): JUNE
Publisher : IAIN Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (293.942 KB) | DOI: 10.29300/madania.v19i1.26


Ushûl Fiqh in Progressive Islamic Law. The present article is aimed at describing though of ushûl fiqhwhich becomes a basis of progressive Islamic law. Basically, the progressive Islamic law has a basic concept ofushûl fiqh setting out ijtihad based contextual concept that comes from the essential of Islamic basic values(maqâsid as-syarî’ah). Its essential values such as justice, equity, and equality are transformed to respond thecontemporary humanity issues including democracy, human rights, gender equality, the rights of minorities, therelationship between religion and state, culture, science, and technology. Hence, the concept of progressiveushûl fiqh will develop and offer more humane Islamic law (anthropocentric transformative) than before byupholding the prophetical values. The framework can create some various field in Islamic such as cultural Islamic,interfaith Islamic law, political Islamic law, govermental Islamic law, environmental Islamic law, and multiculturalIslamic law.
At-Tafkir Vol 9 No 1 (2016): AT-TAFKIR: Jurnal Pendidikan, Hukum dan Sosial Keagamaan
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Langsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The following article tries to discuss the formulation of a set of Islamic values ​​in order to become a reference for the creation of alternative and solution regarding the equitable of society which respecting human values ​​in both the global and national levels. For that reason, Moslem scholars need to formulate a set of a fresh or alternative thought and the Islamic movement to be developed in the context of human life in accordance with the global ethics such as democracy, pluralism, human rights, and true justice humanitarian. Therefore, the development of thought and the Islamic movement needs to be integrated and transformed the values ​​of Islam in the context of the values ​​of equality, justice, humanity. From the work of this creative methodological expected to bring Islamic thought that is more fresh and responsive in answering the demands of the position of equality of all citizens and equitable treatment, in particular the guaranteed freedom of belief, minorities, minority both in terms of religious, economic, ethnic and so on other protected and guaranteed their rights equally and fairly.