Moordiani Moordiani
Faculty Of Pharmacy, University Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Published : 5 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Antiproliferative Effect of The Bark and Leaves of Erythrina Fusca Lour Against HeLa Cells Meiyanto, Edy; ., Sismindari,; Candra, Lany; ., Moordiani
Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy Vol 14 No 3, 2003
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Skip Utara, 55281, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (570.415 KB) | DOI: 10.14499/indonesianjpharm0iss0pp124-131


Erythrina fusca Lour (Indonesian: Cangkring) has been traditionally used to cure skin virus infection, cancer and inflammation. This experiment, therefore, was conducted to test its ability as anticancer through its antiproliferative effect using HeLa examine cell line as model. The bark and leaves powder were extracted using ethanol (70 %) and were used in the experiment after freezed drying. Those bark and leaves extracts have LC50 values of 110 and 140 mg/ml respectively. Antiproliferative effect was tested by examining the doubling time effect of the extract against the proliferating cells. Three different concentration were used to treat the cells for each extract, and cells were counted within time courses. The growth profiles were then compared between treated and control cells by calculating the doubling times. Either bark and leaves extract treated cells showed prolongation of the doubling times. This result indicated that such extract possess inhibitory effect or Antiproliferative effect against HeLa cells. Morphology analysis and nuclear staining of the cells indicated that one of the mechanism of the antiproliferative effect possibly through cell cycle modulation and apoptotic pathway. Keywords: Erythrina fusca, Antiproliferative, Doubling time, HeLa Cell
Edukasi dan Aplikasi Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Pemilahan Sampah di Lingkungan Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila Nurita Andayani; Esti Mulatsari; Moordiani Moordiani; Sondang Khairani; Gressty F Swandiny
Jurnal Abdimas BSI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Februari 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (996.803 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jabdimas.v5i1.11028


Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila (FFUP) merupakan salah satu fakultas yang ada di Universitas Pancasila yang memiliki jumlah mahasiswa cukup banyak. Selain itu, di Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila terdapat 9 kios kantin yang sehari-harinya melayani kebutuhan makanan dan minuman dari sivitas akademika FFUP serta fakultas lain di Universitas Pancasila yang berdampingan langsung dengan Fakultas Farmasi. Kondisi ini berpotensi menimbulkan suatu masalah yaitu penumpukan sampah. Secara umum kesadaran sivitas akademika dan orang-orang yang beraktivitas di lingkungan FFUP mengenai sampah masih kurang. Oleh karena itu edukasi, sosialisasi dan aplikasi mengenai pemilahan sampah sangat diperlukan di lingkungan FFUP yang berguna dalam mengurangi frekuensi sampah. Edukasi dan aplikasi telah dilakukan melalui kegiatan penyuluhan, pengadaan fasilitas pemilahan sampah, dan pelatihan aplikasi pemanfaatan sampah. Program ini cukup berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan civitas akademika tentang pengelolaan sampah berbasis pemilahan sampah dengan kenaikan pemahaman dan kepedulian tentang pengelolaan sampah sebesar 4,58%,  dan 8,94% secara berturut – turut dan telah diterapkan nya sistem pemilahan sampah di FFUP
Karakterisasi Isolat JS-1, Bakteri Alkalofilik Penghasil Siklodekstrin Glikosiltransferase (CGTase) dari Sumedang, Jawa Barat NUR MIFTAHURROHMAH; MOORDIANI MOORDIANI
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (482.541 KB)


Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase) is an extracellular enzyme which is produced by some bacteria and archae that converts starch into cyclodextrin (CD). This enzyme has a high commercial value because of its product (CD) is widely used in several industries, such as pharmaceutical, chemistry, cosmetic, food, textile and also for environment protection. In Indonesia, there are still a few bacteria as CGTase producer were discovered and observed. The aim of this research was to find bacteria as CGTase producer from soil of corn farm land in Sumedang, West Java, and further characterized the isolate in produce CGTase. Horikoshi agar media was used as screening media. An alkalophylic bacteria as CGTase producer, JS-1 was successfully gained from this process. This isolate was characterized in the term of Gram staining, oxygen demand, motility and catalase test. The characterization results showed that JS-1 is a bacillus, Gram positive, facultative anaerob, motil and catalase positive. JS-1 isolate was also further characterized in order to determine optimum incubation period and temperature for CGTase production. The results were showed that JS-1 isolate was produced CGTase in maximum level if incubated for 48h at 37 °C.
(Karakterisasi Listeria monocytogenes yang Diisolasi dari Pabrik Makanan Segar MOORDIANI MOORDIANI; CATH REES; PHIL RICHARDS
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (540.623 KB)


Listeria monocytogenes is a Gram positive rod-shape bacteria. Other foodborne pathogens, mostly, may cause typical symptoms of gastroenteritis. Unlike these microorganisms, Listeria monocytogenes infection may result in more serious symptoms, usually take in the form of meningitis or septicaemia. People with vulnerable immune system are in a bigger risk of being exposed. Furthermore, the bacterium is also severer than any other bacteria found in the food, with more resistant to heat, drying, or salty environment. This research was purposed to identify and characterize a sample named LM 25722248, which was isolated from fresh food factory in a city of United Kingdom. The isolate was characterized as a Gram positive bacterium, showed tumbling motility, and gave positive result for catalase test and haemolysin assay. Moreover, benefiting from molecular technology, it was possible to reveal that the isolate was Listeria monocytogenes.
Efek Sari Buah Terong Belanda (Solanum betaceum Cav.) terhadap Perubahan Profil Lipid pada Mencit Dislipidemia Ni Made Dwi Sandhiutami; Sondang Khairani; Moordiani Moordiani; Ira Ningtiyas Purpranoto
PHARMACY: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia (Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia) Jurnal Pharmacy, Vol. 18 No. 02 Desember 2021
Publisher : Pharmacy Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/pharmacy.v18i2.10302


Buah terong belanda (Solanum betaceum Cav.) mengandung antosianin, isoflavon, karotenoid, serat, vitamin-vitamin seperti vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C dan vitamin B6, banyak digunakan secara empiris untuk tekanan darah tinggi, aterosklerosis, membantu metabolisme, meningkatkan imunitas, sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek perubahan profil lipid dari pemberian sari buah terong belanda terhadap mencit dislipidemia. Pengujian efek perubahan profil lipid dilakukan dengan cara mengiduksi mencit dengan pemberian kuning telur, sukrosa dan lemak hewan sehingga mencit mengalami dislipidemia. Setelah 14 hari, penginduksian dihentikan dan dilanjutkan dengan pemberiaan sediaan uji setiap hari selama 7 hari (i) kontrol positif (atorvastatin dosis 2,6 mg/kgBB), sari buah terong belanda (ii) dosis 14 g/kgBB, (iii) dosis 21 g/kgBB dan (iv) dosis 28 g/kgBB, (v) kontrol normal dan (vi) kontrol negatif. Pemeriksaan kadar kolesterol total, trigliserida, LDL dan HDL pada darah mencit dilakukan dengan metode kalorimetri enzimatik pada hari ke-0, ke-14, dan ke-21. Sari buah terong belanda dosis 14, 21, 28 g/kgBB dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol total dengan persentase penurunan secara berturut-turut sebesar 21,08; 25,50; dan 29,94%. menurunkan kadar trigliserida sebesar 20,28; 31,69; dan 38,54%; menurunkan kadar LDL sebesar 28,43; 28,76; dan 42,83%; dan meningkatkan kadar HDL sebesar 16,67; 17,50; 30,13%. Sari buah terong belanda dengan dosis 28 g/kgBB perhari efektif menurunkan kadar kolesterol total, trigliserida, LDL dan meningkatkan kadar HDL mencit dislipidemia.