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Community Empowerment Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (347.497 KB)


Dari tahun ke tahun perkembangan Industri Kerajinan Menengah (IKM) mainan tradisional anak dari kayu di kota Magelang sangat signifikan, tetapi pemanfaatan limbah kayu gergajian berupa serbuk kayu masih belum optimal. Limbah serbuk kayu selama ini hanya dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar tungku, padahal limbah serbuk kayu dapat dimanfaatkan untuk dibuat menjadi kampas rem dengan kekuatan yang dihasilkan hampir sebanding dengan kekuatan bahan asbestos. Tujuan Pelaksanaan Program Ipteks bagi masyarakat (IbM) ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan friction material dari limbah serbuk kayu kepada calon investor / calon produsen dan sekaligus memperkenalkan kepada masyarakat dan industri Indonesia suatu alternatif bahan non-logam yang dapat dipergunakan untuk pembuatan kampas rem sepeda motor. Solusi yang pernah ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan mahalnya harga produksi kampas rem adalah dengan menggunakan limbah serbuk bambu dan serabut kelapa. Pada proses pencetakan kampas rem dari limbah serbuk bambu dan serabut kelapa belum dilakukan sintering (penekanan dengan pemanasan) pada proses pencetakannya, sehingga kekuatan kampas rem serbuk bambu dan serabut kelapa masih rendah. Solusi yang tepat untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan membuat kampas rem dari limbah serbuk kayu dengan melakukan sintering pada proses pencetakannya, sehingga bisa dihasilkan kampas rem yang kuat, murah dan ramah lingkungan
Predicting the Intention of Millennial Moslems to Visit Halal Tourism Saifudin, Saifudin; Puspita, Rosana Eri
Publisher : Prodi Ekonomi Syariah Pascasarjana IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/equilibrium.v8i1.7322


The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors that influence the intention to choose halal tourism in Indonesia using the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) model. Data samples used in this study were 265 respondents and processed with Statistical Package for the Social Sciences to test the significance of the regression model. The independent variables are attitude, subjective norm, and halal certification and its impact on behavioral intention. The results show that attitude, subjective norm, and halal certification have a positive and significant effect on behavioral intention to visit halal tourism. Halal tourism practitioners can estimate the behavior of prospective millennial visitors through this paper. As for academics, this paper is used for further research by integrating halal certification in TRA as a predictor of behavioral intention in millennial Moslems. Empirically this research is useful to increase understanding of halal tourism and visitor behavior. Halal tourism is a relatively new phenomenon for practitioners and academics. This study is an initial study investigating the determinants of millennial Moslems' visits through the TRA model. Therefore, this paper will be useful as an academics contributions about millennial Moslems to visit halal tourism in Indonesia and the world.
Walisongo Law Review (Walrev) Vol 1, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (736.879 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/walrev.2019.1.2.4825


Development is one of the contributors to global warming, especially industrial development. Industrial companies in Kendal Regency in 2017 there were 61 companies with 25,385 workers. The phenomenal industry in Kendal Regency lately is a Special Industrial Zone (KIK) known as Kendal Industrial park (KIP). Kendal Industri Park (KIP) is the largest industrial development city in Central Java with a total development size of 2,200 hectares. Kawasan Industri Park (KIP) is a joint venture between two industrial developers in Southeast Asia naming Sembcorp Development Ltd and PT Jababeka Tbk. This paper examines the implementation of the Sak Uwong Sak Uwit (SUSU) policy in Kendal District where the policy is in response to global warming. The focus of this study is the implementation of a policy, so the method used is a juridical-empirical legal research method. The focus of his study is looking at the law in terms of law in action not in law in books. The Sak Uwong Sak Uwit (SUSU) policy can be implemented even though it is not yet maximized. The bride and groom have received information about this policy and implemented it, but it is different from the mother giving birth who did not get information about this policy so that for the mother giving birth the program did not work. This policy has been able to move the community (law as a tool of social engineering) to care for the environment by planting trees. By planting these trees environmental conservation will be created.Pembangunan menjadi salah satu penyumbang terjadinya pemanasan global (global warming), terlebih pembangunan industri. Perusahaan industri di Kabupaten Kendal tahun 2017 tercatat sebanyak 61 perusahaan dengan 25.385 tenaga kerja. Industri yang fenomenal di Kabupaten Kendal akhir-akhir ini adalah Kawasan Industri Khusus (KIK) yang dikenal dengan sebutan Kendal Industri park (KIP). Kendal Industri Park (KIP) ini merupakan pengembangan kota industri terbesar di Jawa Tengah dengan total ukuran pengembangan mencapai 2.200 hektar. Kawasan Industri Park (KIP) merupakan perusahaan patungan antara dua pengembang industri di Asia Tenggara penamaan Sembcorp Pengembangan Ltd dan PT Jababeka Tbk. Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang implementasi kebijakan Sak Uwong Sak Uwit (SUSU) di Kabupaten Kendal di mana kebijakan tersebut sebagai respon terhadap pemanasan global. Fokus kajian ini adalah implementasi dari sebuah kebijakan, sehingga metode yang yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum yuridis-empiris. Fokus kajiannya adalah melihat hukum dari sisi law in action tidak pada law in books. Kebijakan Sak Uwong Sak Uwit (SUSU) dapat diimplementasikan meski belum maksimal. Calon pengantin sudah menerima informasi tentang kebijakan ini dan melaksanakannya, namun berbeda dengan ibu melahirkan yang tidak mendapatkan informasi tentang kebjaka ini sehingga untuk ibu melahirkan program ini tidak berjalan. Kebijakan ini sudah mampu menggerakkan masyarakat (law as a tool of social engineering) untuk peduli lingkungan yaitu dengan menanam pohon. Dengan menanam pohon tersebut konservasi lingkungn akan tercipta.
Intra-party Democracy: The Practices on the Election of Prosperous Justice Party President Ghafur, Jamaludin; Saifudin, Saifudin
Sriwijaya Law Review Volume 4 Issue 2, July 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28946/slrev.Vol4.Iss2.638.pp154-171


This paper will analyze the arrangements and practices for the election of chairperson (president) of the Prosperous Justice Party as one of the party's instruments in implementing intra-party democracy. There are two main issues to be discussed, namely: (i) has the regulation of the election of the president of the Prosperous Justice Party reflected democratic arrangements? (ii) has the democratic election been conducted in the Presidential Election for the Prosperous Justice Party? To answer this question, researchers examine all the laws and regulations relating to the legal issue in question. The laws and regulations referred to fall into two categories, namely primary and secondary legal materials. The results showed that both in terms of formulation of rules and practice, the election of the president of the Prosperous Justice Party is still far from democratic values. It is caused by the following five factors: (1) the right of nomination is not open to all party members but is nominated by the chairman of the Advisory Council, (2) the right to vote does not involve broad party elements but only becomes the authority of the members of the Advisory Council, (3) presidential candidates parties are not elected through a voting mechanism, but by appointment (acclamation), (4) the nature of the election is not competitive because it is always only followed by a single candidate, and (5) there is a limitation of the term of office of five years, but there is no limit on how many times. It has the potential for a party presidential position to be held by one person for an unlimited period.
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa Vol 8, No 10 (2019): Oktober 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa

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AbstractInterpersonal intelligence is the ability of students in their efforts to give a good impression about themselves, trying to balance themselves with the environment, controlling feelings and being able to express reactions with time and conditions so that interactions with others can be intertwined smoothly and effectively. Therefore, researchers want to examine the Interpersonal Intelligence Analysis of Class VII MTs Nurul Islam West Pontianak students so that researchers are expected to obtain accurate information regarding the Interpersonal Intelligence Analysis of Class VII MTs Nurul Islam Pontianak Barat students.The method used in this research is descriptive method because it explains about social interaction in VIIMTs Nurul Islam West Pontianak students. The sample of this study was 30 students of VII grade MTs Nurul Islam, West Pontianak. This research uses indirect communication techniques using tools such as questionnaires or questionnaires. Questionnaire is intended for students to find out how much students' understanding of the material that has been delivered and given to students. This research is a quantitative approach because in analyzing the data the descriptive statistical technique is used.. Keywords:Interpersonal Intelligence
Memahami Hadis Ukhuwwah dalam Konteks Media Sosial (Upaya Membangun Etika Solidaritas Sosial) saifudin, saifudin
RIWAYAH Vol 3, No 1 (2017): Riwayah : Jurnal Studi Hadis
Publisher : ilmu hadis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/riwayah.v3i1.3464


Manusia dilahirkan sebagai makhluk sosial yang bersaudara satu dengan lainnya (ukhuwa). Berawal dari tingkat sosial terkecil (keluarga) dan berkembang dalam lingkungan yang lebih besar- dari sosial tingkat dasar sampai dengan tingkatan pemerintah, semua berhubungan dengan letak dasar keluarga. Solidaritas sosial yang ada belum mampu menunjukkan ikatan sosial dalam bentuk ikatan ideologi, agama atau hubungan manusia dengan sesama dalam lingkup bernegara. Dengan memahami hadis ukhuwa, studi ini diharapkan mampu memberikan pandangan sosial yang berhubungan dengan ukhuwa  dalam dunia virtual, pada sosial masyarakat industri yang sangat modern yang mana arus informasi berubah sangat cepat dari berbagai penjuru dunia. Ukhuwa dibangun dengan tiga pilar utama, pertama, simpati, tanggung jawab moral dan solidaritas sosial. Pilar- pilar tersebut seakan sudah terlaksana dalam aspek kehidupan. Akan tetapi, pilar-pilat tersebut akan berbeda dengan kenyataan jika dalam lingkup virtual.The birth of the brotherhood (ukhuwa) was inspired by the human existences as social human being. The human was born from the most little social institution (family) and than to be grown in the biggest environment- from the basic society level until the governmental level, all of which rest on family ties. Solidarity shown by society in a social sphere, shows that there are many social engagement that cannot be separated either in the name of ideology, religion, or a formal relationship between the members in a country.With understanding to hadith of  ukhuwa, this study has found the sociological reality of interwoven ukhuwa  in the virtual world, in an ultra modern industrial society which is changing very rapidly due to the current flood of information coming from all over the world. The ukhuwa building is supported by three important pillars, namely a sense of sympathy, moral commitment, and social solidarity. The pillars at a glance resemble to what happens in the real social world. However, the pillars are manifested in different forms in accordance with reality in virtual space.
Pengembangan Mainan Anak Tradisional dari Kayu bagi Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM) di Kota Magelang Saifudin, Saifudin; Sutoyo, Sutoyo
Community Empowerment Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (347.497 KB)


Dari tahun ke tahun perkembangan Industri Kerajinan Menengah (IKM) mainan tradisional anak dari kayu di kota Magelang sangat signifikan, tetapi pemanfaatan limbah kayu gergajian berupa serbuk kayu masih belum optimal. Limbah serbuk kayu selama ini hanya dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar tungku, padahal limbah serbuk kayu dapat dimanfaatkan untuk dibuat menjadi kampas rem dengan kekuatan yang dihasilkan hampir sebanding dengan kekuatan bahan asbestos. Tujuan Pelaksanaan Program Ipteks bagi masyarakat (IbM) ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan friction material dari limbah serbuk kayu kepada calon investor / calon produsen dan sekaligus memperkenalkan kepada masyarakat dan industri Indonesia suatu alternatif bahan non-logam yang dapat dipergunakan untuk pembuatan kampas rem sepeda motor. Solusi yang pernah ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan mahalnya harga produksi kampas rem adalah dengan menggunakan limbah serbuk bambu dan serabut kelapa. Pada proses pencetakan kampas rem dari limbah serbuk bambu dan serabut kelapa belum dilakukan sintering (penekanan dengan pemanasan) pada proses pencetakannya, sehingga kekuatan kampas rem serbuk bambu dan serabut kelapa masih rendah. Solusi yang tepat untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan membuat kampas rem dari limbah serbuk kayu dengan melakukan sintering pada proses pencetakannya, sehingga bisa dihasilkan kampas rem yang kuat, murah dan ramah lingkungan
Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 21, No. 1, Special Issue 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/profetika.v21i1.11650


Integrasi ilmu di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah  Jakarta (UIN Jakarta) adalah mandat utama transformasi perubahan status IAIN menjadi UIN. Pemikiran dan gagasan ini menegaskan bahwa secara filosofis antara (ilmu) agama atau sains tidak ada pertentangan. Keduanya berwatak Islami karena keduanya bersumber dari Allah SWT, baik berupa wahyu maupun alam semesta. Oleh karena itu, sains tidak bebas nilai  dan tidak dikhotimis. Kendati demkian,  hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gagasan integrasi ilmu agama dan sains di UIN Jakarta belum terimplmentasi pada regulasi,  metode, petunjuk pelaksanaan (juklak) serta petunjuk teknis (juknis) dengan konsepsi atau narasi yang disampaikan UIN Jakarta. Sebanyak 45 skripsi di bidang sains yang dijadikan sample penelitian ini tidak ditemukan pemikiran atau model integrasi ilmu agama dan sains. Integrasi di UIN Jakarta hanya tampak pada kebijakannya, yaitu para Surat Keputusan Rektor. Masalah pokok yang dikaji dalam penelitian adalah bagaimana model, rupa atau bentuk implementasi integrasi ilmu agama dan sains dalam penulisan karya skripsi di UIN Jakarta.
Responsibility and Accountability of University Social and Environmental Performances: A Sustainability Balanced Scorecard Model Pertiwi, Imanda Firmantyas Putri; Puspita, Rosana Eri; Saifudin, Saifudin
Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : IAIN Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (666.965 KB) | DOI: 10.22515/shirkah.v6i1.343


Since research on the use of sustainability balanced scorecard to assess university social and environmental performances still remains unexplored, this study aims to fill the gap by examining the acceptance of the idea of the State Islamic Religious Colleges (PTKIN) performances in terms of responsibility for social and environmental aspects based on the sustainability balanced scorecard model. Drawing on a qualitative research, eight respondents from the Board of National Accreditation for Higher Education (BAN-PT) and PTKIN policymakers were interviewed. The results indicated that PTKIN must pay more attention to social and environmental perspectives. It was further revealed that although BAN-PT regulation has explicitly included these two perspectives, there were several indicators that still need to be added according to the sustainability balanced scorecard model. Moreover, the results depicted several challenges such as budgeting, regulations, and paradigms that required some adjustment from the policymakers. These results contribute as fruitful insights for university policymakers in developing strategies to enhance university performances, particularly in social and environmental aspects.
Resilience of Muslim Families in the Pandemic Era: Indonesian Millennial Muslim Community's Response Against COVID-19 Kasdi, Abdurrohman; Saifudin, Saifudin
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 17 Nomor 1 2020
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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This paper aims to investigate the resilience of millennial Muslim families in Indonesia in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak. The indicators examined were their resilience in gender partnerships, health and security, economic conditions, social-psychological resilience, and social-cultural resilience. The sample of data used in this study were 403 respondents. This research is a quantitative descriptive. The SPSS tool is used to describe the percentage of respondents' answers. The results showed that the gender partnership, health and safety, psychological social resilience, and socio-cultural resilience were in a quite good condition, but the economic conditions of the millennial Muslim family were the opposite. Family science practitioners can estimate millennial Muslim family behavior after the COVID-19 pandemic through this article. As for academics, this article is used for further research by integrating millennial Muslim family endurance. Empirically this research is useful to increase understanding of family resilience in the face of crisis. Millennial Muslim family resilience is a relatively new phenomenon for practitioners and academics. This research is a preliminary study that investigates the resilience of millennial Muslim families. Therefore, this investigation will serve as an investigation of knowledge about the resilience of millennial Muslim families when a virus outbreak occurs in Indonesia and the world.