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AL-AHKAM Volume 24, Nomor 2, Oktober 2014
Publisher : AL-AHKAM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (60.419 KB)


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi mediasi kasus perceraian di PA Semarang, dimensi substansi PerMA No. 1 Tahun 2008 tentang Prosedur Mediasi di Peng­adilan dan budaya hukum masyarakat yang mengajukan perkaranya di pengadilan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan hukum non doktrinal yang menempatkan hukum sebagai “skin out system” atau studi mengenai law in action mengenai interrelasi antara hukum dengan lembaga Peradilan Agama yang harus melaksanakan amanat PerMA No. 1 tahun 2008. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan pendekatan doktrinal sebagai suatu “skin in system” atau studi mengenai law in book yang berupa PerMA No. 1 tahun 2008. Adapun analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori Lawrence M. Friedman dalam penegakan hukum, teori Lucy V. Kazt dalam proses mediasi, dan content analysis. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa mediasi di Peradilan Agama belum efektif karena para pihak yang ber­perkara tidak mau berdamai, minimnya pengetahuan hakim tentang ilmu mediasi, overload-nya perkara dan sarana Pengadilan Agama yang terbatas. Di samping itu mediasi yang ada hanya dilakukan di Pengadilan dengan syarat hadirnya para pihak menjadi kendala ke­berhasilan mediasi. Keberhasilan mediasi harus didukung oleh budaya hukum yang diawali desiminasi dan sosialisasi perdamaian dalam proses mediasi peradilan, mengutamakan perceraian secara damai serta berbasis budaya dan kearifan lokal.***This research aims to determine the implementation of mediation in divorce cases in The Religion Court Semarang, the substance perspective for PerMA No. 1 of 2008 on Mediation Procedure in the Court, and the legal culture for citizen proposing their problem to the court. This study uses the non-doctrinal law approach that puts the law as "skin out system" or the study of the law in action and also uses doctrinal law approach as a "skin in the system" or the study of law in book, PeMA No. 1 of 2008. The next, the study analysis uses the theory of Lawrence M. Friedman in law enforcement, Lucy V. Kazt theory in the mediation process, and content analysis. The researcher concludes that the mediation in the Religious Courts has not been effective yet because the litigants do not want to make peace, the lack of knowledge about science mediation judge, Religious Court cases are overload and limited means. Besides the existing mediation has just been done in court by requirement in which the parties should attend, whereas this requirement sometimes becomes the mediation success constraints. That is why, the success of mediation must be supported by a legal culture that preceded the dissemination and socialization of justice of peace in the mediation process, priority-based divorce amicably and based on culture and local wisdom.***Keywords: integrasi, mediasi, perceraian, PerMA
Al-Ahkam Volume 24, Nomor 2, Oktober 2014
Publisher : Faculty of Shariah and Law, State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (289.722 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/ahkam.2014.24.2.148


This research aims to determine the implementation of mediation in divorce cases in The Religion Court Semarang, the substance perspective for PerMA No. 1 of 2008 on Mediation Procedure in the Court, and the legal culture for citizen proposing their problem to the court. This study uses the non-doctrinal law approach that puts the law as "skin out system" or the study of the law in action and also uses doctrinal law approach as a "skin in the system" or the study of law in book, PeMA No. 1 of 2008. The next, the study analysis uses the theory of Lawrence M. Friedman in law enforcement, Lucy V. Kazt theory in the mediation process, and content analysis. The researcher concludes that the mediation in the Religious Courts has not been effective yet because the litigants do not want to make peace, the lack of knowledge about science mediation judge, Religious Court cases are overload and limited means. Besides the existing mediation has just been done in court by requirement in which the parties should attend, whereas this requirement sometimes becomes the mediation success constraints. That is why, the success of mediation must be supported by a legal culture that preceded the dissemination and socialization of justice of peace in the mediation process, prioritybased divorce amicably and based on culture and local wisdom
PENGEMBANGAN POTENSI PESANTREN DALAM MENCETAK SANTRIPRENEUR (Pemberdayaan dan Pendampingan Santripreneur di Pesantren Manahijul Huda Ngagel Dukuhseti Pati) Saifullah, Muhammad; Royyani, Muh. Arif; Shobaruddin, Muhammad
Dimas: Jurnal Pemikiran Agama untuk Pemberdayaan Vol. 15 No. 2 Tahun 2015
Publisher : LP2M of Institute for Research and Community Services - UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (109.568 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/dms.2015.152.747


Pondok Pesantren memiliki peranan penting di masyarakat, khususnya terkait persoalan agama. Saat ini, di tengah perkembangan zaman alumni pondok pesantren dituntut tidak hanya mahir dalam hal keagamaan saja, melainkan juga hal lain salah satunya adalah ekonomi. Pondok Pesantren Manahijul Huda sebagai pondok pesantren yang telah lama eksis di tengah-tengah masyarakat Desa Ngagel Kecamatan Dukuhseti Kabupaten Pati memiliki banyak alumni yang dinantikan kiprahnya di masyarakat. Sebagai upaya untuk memberdayakan para alumnus Pondok Pesantren Manahijul Huda khususnya di bidang ekonomi, maka tim KPD LP2M UIN Walisongo Semarang mendirikan sebuah konveksi penjahitan baju. Di kecamatan Dukuhseti terdapat beberapa lembaga pendidikan yang terdiri dari 3 Madrasah Aliyah, 3 SMK, 6 Madrasah Tsanawiyah, dan 8 Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah, yang memiliki total siswa sekitar 4.000 orang. Selama ini sekolah-sekolah tersebut saat hendak membuat seragam sekolah (Batik, Pramuka, Kaos Olahraga dll) untuk para siswa, selalu pergi jauh ke kecamatan lain, bahkan ada yang ke luar kabupaten Pati. Peluang inilah yang dilihat oleh Tim KPD LP2M UIN Walisongo untuk mendirikan usaha konveksi sebagai upaya untuk memberdayakan alumni sekaligus membantu sekolah-sekolah di kecamatan Dukuhseti dalam menjahitkan seragam para siswanya
Al-Ahkam Volume 25, Nomor 2, Oktober 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Shariah and Law, State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (203.041 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/ahkam.2015.25.2.601


Mediation as one of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is seen as a way dispute resolution humane and just. Humanist because the mechanism decision-making (the peace agreement) become the authority of the parties dispute and maintain good relations. Fair because each party negotiate to option a problem solution from his problem and outputs a win-win solution. Therefore, dispute resolution with litigation is becoming obsolete and people turn to mediation. Through the Supreme Court Regulation (Perma) No. 1 In 2008, mediation has been integrated into the proceedings in the court system. Every civil matters must completed first by way of mediation. Each judge's decision not by way of mediation first, the decision shall be considered null and void. This paper discusses the effectiveness of mediation in the settlement of divorce cases in the Religious Court Central Java, because of a divorce case is a matter of the highest ranks in the Religious Court. The focus of the study is the implementation of divorce mediation cases, mediation success standard divorce cases and the litigants public response to the peace efforts through mediation procedures
Menimbang Kritik Adnin Armas atas Hermeneutika Alquran Saifullah, Muhammad
SHAHIH: Journal of Islamicate Multidisciplinary Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : IAIN Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (443.709 KB) | DOI: 10.22515/shahih.v3i1.1284


The article is to examine Adnin Armass criticism of Quran hermeneutics. By comparing tafsir and hermeneutics of Quran, Adnin has depicted that the later was too relative for being method on Quranic interpretation. Instead, it contained the perilous  entity for Muslims, particularly in their identity—knowing the genealogy was from Western culture. On the contrary, tafsir was far from the relativity, native Islamic product of history,  and subsequently being the only way to touch Quran. No more appropriate way to understand Quran, Adnin Said, except tafsir. Along the histroy of Muslims, tafsir was absolutely fruitfull. Understanding the fact, thus, the article tries to evaluate the sources used by Adnin, till refused Quranic hermeneutics and embraced tafsir as something sacred with questions how far he understood them and picked them up from.    
Al-Qur’an dan Epistemologi Pembebasan Saifullah, Muhammad
MAGHZA Vol 3 No 2 (2018): Juli - Desember 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Humaniora (FUAH), Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1009.622 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/maghza.v3i2.2132


This article tries to explore Jamal's interpretation of ḥikmah in the Quran. Beside the discourse of ḥikmah still being polemic, Jamal’s decision to lay ḥikmah into fundamental place upon his broad thought is an obvious factor why they were chosen herein. One could catch the later through how Jamal in his interpretation had parallelized ḥikmah with Syafii’s particular word, qiyās. Jamal criticized Syafii’s interpretation in relation to ḥikmah which state that ḥikmah was not anything except sunnah. On another hand, he also put his construction of ḥikmah into what he called as new Islamic systematic knowledge, al-mandhumah al-jadidah li ma’rifat al-Islamiyyah. He regretted fiqh which had made many Moslems being oppressed either in thought or physic and subsequently proposed ḥikmah as the change of fiqh as the third source of new Islamic systematic knowledge. In time, there are two critical points concerning Jamal’s interpretation and the oppressed, those are Jamal’s status as a labor activist and Quranic revolution as the giant project. The article is, thus, plagued to analyze what actually Jamal desired through his interpretation regarding the new source, the Quranic revolution, and labor activist. The frame of critical discourse analysis of Van Dijk felt suitable to be employed herein.
Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 19, No 1 (2011): Ekonomi Islam
Publisher : LP2M - Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ws.19.1.215


Historical study of the Muhammad’s behavior and business ethics before being appointed as messenger is an interesting study, because the conduct and business ethics that Mohammed applied was based on the study of the verses of the Koran. After appointed as messenger (40 years old), the life of prophet Muhammad was more guided by the revelations of the Qur'an. Some principles which the prophet applied are honest, amanah, accurate in weighting, avoid gharar, not hoard goods, not execute al-ghab and tadlis among seller and buyer.***Kajian sejarah mengenai perilaku dan etika bisnis Muhammad sebelum ditunjuk sebagai nabi merupakan kajian yang menarik, karena peri laku dan etika bisnis yang diterapkan oleh Muhammad didasarkan pada kajian ayat-ayat al-Qur’an. Setelah ditunjuk sebagai nabi (usia 40 tahun), kehidupan Nabi Muhammad lebih dibimbing oleh wahyu-wahyu al-Qur’an. Beberapa prinsip yang diterapkan oleh Muhammad adalah jujur, amanah, timbangan yang tepat, menghindari gharar, tidak menimbun barang, tidak melakukan al-ghalb dan tadlis di antara penjual dengan pembeli.
Maximizing Religious Capital: Building English Villages Based on Islamic Education around the Campus Saifullah, Muhammad; Muthohar, Sofa; Fadlilah, Sayyidatul
Nadwa Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Islamic Education and Trancendence
Publisher : FITK UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/nw.2019.13.2.5870


Some Islamic groups, especially the traditional Indonesian circles, have a negative view of English. English is considered the language of infidel invaders and the language of hell. This paper aims to describe the development of society in implementing Islamic religious education while eliminating the negative impression of the use of English in Islamic societies to be an important language to be learned as a language of global communication. The research method uses the sociological phenomenological method. The results showed that the Amanah village had six social capital namely human capital, social capital, natural capital, physical capital, and financial capital and religious capital. The development strategy undertaken is to maximize religious capital by establishing religious institutions and carrying out religious activities by being given English language lessons. There are two centers of activity, namely the Baitussalam mosque and the AleC (Amanah Learning Center). Other capital that plays a significant role is social capital that is inclusive and accommodating towards migrants.AbstrakSebagian masyarat Islam terutama kalangan tradisional Indonesia berpandangan negative terhadap bahasa Inggris. Bahsa inggris dianggap sebagai bahasa para penjajah yang kafir dan bahasa neraka. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pembangunan masyarakat dalam melaksanakan pendidikan Agama Islam sekaligus menghilangkan kesan negative penggunaan bahasa Inggris di masyarakat Islam menjadi bahasa penting untuk dipelajari sebagai bahasa komunikasi global. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode fenomenologis sosiologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kampung Amanah memiliki enam modal sosial yaitu human capital, social capital, natural capital, physical capital dan financial capital serta religious capital. Strategi pembangunan yang dilakukan yaitu dengan memaksimalkan modal relgius dengan mendirikan institusi agama dan menjalankan kegiatan-kegiatan agama dengan diberi sisipan pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Pusat kegiatan ada dua yaitu masjid baitussalam dan AleC (Amanah Learning Center). Modal lain yang sangat berperan adalah modal sosial masyarakat yang bersikap inklusif dan akomodatif terhadap para pendatang.  
SUHUF Vol 12 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Lajnah Pentashihan Mushaf Al-Qur'an

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22548/shf.v12i2.480


My aim in this article is to investigate critical Qur’an translation of Oemar Bakry upon H.B. Jassin’s translation. There are two points appropriated to discuss: Bakry’s endeavor to lobbying Religion Ministry related to Jassin’s interpretation of Qur’an and its context succeeded in triggering an extraordinary polemic amongst Indonesian thinkers along 1978-1982. First revolves with Bakry’s letter sent to the Minister of religion and put in a prologue of his book, Polemik H. Oemar Bakry dengan H.B. Jassin. One could see therein how Bakry hopes the Minister to stop the production of Jassin’s because it has desecrated the Qur’an itself. Second appears in various response come from the Ministry of Health and a few scholars such Quraish Shihab, Mustofa Bisri, and its kind. The article demands to unload what is the original intention of Bakry and how could his critics come up till evoke the polemic. This, therefore, argues that what actually happened within them is such reciprocal engagement. Bakry obtains an advantage of sale book and Jassin gets a raised popularity.
WAJAH ALQURAN DAN HADIS DALAM BINGKAI MEME: dari Estetis Menjadi Lukratif Saifullah, Muhammad
Riwayah : Jurnal Studi Hadis Vol 5, No 1 (2019): Riwayah : Jurnal Studi Hadis
Publisher : ilmu hadis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/riwayah.v5i1.5041


Seiring dengan lahirnya generasi Muslim baru yang melek digital serta adanya tekstur dunia maya yang berbeda sama sekali dengan dunia nyata, rupanya itu berdampak pada pergeseran cara resepsi masyarakat Muslim Indonesia kontemporer atas Teks Sucinya. Jika sebelumnya mungkin bisa dirangkum menjadi tiga pola: eksegis, estetis, dan fungsional, maka kali ini ceritanya bisa berbeda. Artikel ini mencoba untuk menginvestigasi pergeseran di muka melalui meme-meme di media sosial, khususnya Instagram, yang memuat baik kutipan ayat Alquran atau teks hadis. Salah satunya adalah meme unggahan akun @taaruf_nikah yang menuangkan interpretasi ringkas surah al-Zumar (39): 10 dalam latar rerumputan menguning silir oleh angin, bangkai kursi di tengahnya, fon identik, dan kesinambungan warna yang menyatu. Di situ tertulis, “Yang sabar ya.” Untuk melihat meme ini sebagai semata resepsi estetis, saya kira akan ada banyak hal yang dibuang, mengetahui yang mengunggah adalah tim kreatif dari akun yang mendaku dirinya sebagai agen biro jodoh daring. Namun, ketika dipahami sebaliknya, ia cukup menyisakan titik-titik keindahan. Dari sini, artikel ini tergoda untuk mengamati sejauh mana meme-meme Alquran dan hadis diproduksi dan kemudian dikonsumsi yang akhirnya berujung pada pembentukan wacana keberagamaan di benak masyarakat virtual Indonesia. Artikel berpendapat jika pergeseran paling mencolok bersemayam pada lahirnya pola resepsi lukratif, semacam fungsional tapi lebih praktis.Along with the birth of digitally literate Muslim generation and cyberspace texture in which does not resemble to its real world at all, it apparently influences upon shift of how contemporary Indonesia Moslems receive (doing reception) their sacred texts. If before one could cover it become three patterns: exegesis, aesthetic, and functional reception, so that nowadays within digital world the emergence story diverges. This article wants to investigate a mentioned shift through memes in social media chiefly Instagram contained either Quran’s quote or hadith’s. One of them is what account @indonesiabertauhid has uploaded in regard with al-Zumar (39): 10. It depicts the simple interpretation with long mature grass backdrop, a carcass seat in the centre, and breaf punch line, including their identical font. One affords to find writing such, “Yang sabar ya.” To render these memes as merely the fruit of aesthetic reception, I deem it shall disband many things, knowing that the creative team is standing under account which claims itself as online matchmaker agent, but to conversely treat, it also remains some scenic points probably. The article therefore interests to disclose to what extent those memes are produced and consumed within which culminates upon religious making-meaning among virtually Indonesian. All in all, it can be argued that a strikingly shift occurs on birth of so-called lucrative reception, such functional yet rather practical.Â