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Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika Vol 8, No 2 (2011): Hukum Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palu

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Abstract: This paper deals with the significance of the methods of calculation (ḥisāb) and observation (ru’yah) in determining the beginning of month in Islamic calendar, especially months of Ramaḍān, Shawwāl and Żū al-Ḥijjah, since these months have relationship with sacred Islamic rituals. However, Muslims should review and reexamine the basic method employed in determining  beginning of month in Islamic calendar. Classical dichotomy that has led to controversy until these days relates to ḥisāb and ru’yah. Some said that ru’yah method is final and decisive while ḥisāb is only supporting ru’yah. Others said that it is ḥisāb that is final and decisive, while ru’yah is used to support the method of ḥisāb. From this dispute, there should be a meeting point; that is, ru’yah should be supported by accurate science of ḥisāb.Kata Kunci: Metodologi, Hisab, Rukyat
Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika Vol 8, No 2 (2011): HUKUM ISLAM
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Palu

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This paper deals with the significance of the methods of calculation (ḥisāb) and observation (ru’yah) in determining the beginning of month in Islamic calendar, especially months of  Ramaḍān, Shawwāl and Żū al-Ḥijjah, since these months have relationship with sacred Islamic rituals. However, Muslims should review and reexamine the basic method employed in determining  beginning of month in Islamic calendar. Classical dichotomy that has led to controversy until these days relates to ḥisāb and ru’yah. Some said that ru’yah method is final and decisive while ḥisāb is only supporting ru’yah. Others said that it is ḥisāb that is final and decisive, while ru’yah is used to support the method of ḥisāb. From this dispute, there should be a meeting point; that is, ru’yah should be supported by accurate science of ḥisāb.
Telaah Hukum Islam terhadap Nasab Anak Sakirman, Sakirman
Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika Vol 12, No 2 (2015): HUKUM ISLAM
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Palu

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The classical scholars of jurisprudence agreed that nasab child has only nasab relationship to his parents, nasab determination is one of the most important rights of a child and is something that a lot of impact on the childs personality and future. Fiqh scholars say that the concept nasab is one solid foundation in building a domestic life that can bind between individuals based on the unity of blood. In Indonesia Islamic law, the problem of the origin of the child, there are several different legal provisions. It is influenced by a plurality of the nation, especially in terms of religion and customs, the applicable law is varied. There are laws, ie Islamic law (fiqh) formulated in a fixed rule the Islamic Law Compilation (KHI).
METODE PENENTUAN ARAH KIBLAT DENGAN POSISI MATAHARI (Rasydhul Qiblah Harian Sebagai Metode Mengukur Arah Kiblat) A Jamil, A Jamil; Sakirman, Sakirman; Mukminin, Nurhayatun
ISTINBATH JURNAL HUKUM Vol 12, No 2 (2015): Edisi November 2015
Publisher : STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro

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AbstractResearch on method of determining the Qibla direction has been done by the people of Indonesia. But studies conducted have not been studied in depth at a particular focus of study. In fact, if observed, facing the qibla is the absolute duty for every Muslim. For facing the Qiblah closely associated with the implementation of the prayers that are part of one of the pillars of Islam. It can be said unauthorized persons prayers when implemented in a position not facing the Qibla. The samples in this study using techniques purposivve sampling area, where the sample is based on certain considerations in addition based on the area, because the Indonesian territory is divided into three time zones, the three regions of the sampled population, while the region was taken purposively by considering geographical location, namely latitude and longitude. Based on the research conducted, it can be seen that the rasydhul Qiblah daily can not be converted because of the time difference is relatively large, rasydhul Qiblah daily can be made a fixed schedule as the schedule of prayer, the suns position in the sense of the distance of the sun from the equator very influential on the time or the time the sun right leads to the direction of Qibla (rasydhul Qiblah), while the geographical location there is however relatively small influence. Keywords: Rasydhul Qiblah, the position of the sun, the direction of Qibla, the mosque, the Kaba AbstrakPenelitian tentang metode penentuan arah kiblat sudah banyak dilakukan oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Tapi penelitian yang dilakukan belum dikaji secara mendalam pada satu fokus kajian tertentu. Padahal jika dicermati, menghadap kiblat merupakan kewajiban mutlak bagi setiap muslim. Sebab menghadap kiblat terkait erat dengan pelaksanaan ibadah shalat yang merupakan bagian dari salah satu rukun Islam. Dapat dikatakan tidak sah ibadah shalat seseorang ketika dilaksanakan dalam posisi tidak menghadap kiblat. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposivve area sampling, dimana sampel berdasarkan pertimbangan tertentu selain berdasarkan area, karena wilayah Indonesia dibagi menjadi tiga wilayah waktu, maka ketiga wilayah tersebut dijadikan sampel populasi, sedangkan daerahnya diambil secara purposive dengan mempertimbangkan aspek letak geografis, yakni lintang dan bujur. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, maka dapat diketahui bahwa rasydhul qiblah harian  tidak dapat dikonversi karena perbedaan waktu relatif besar, rasydhul qiblah harian dapat dibuat jadwal tetap sebagaimana jadwal sholat, posisi matahari dalam arti jarak matahari dari khatulistiwa sangat berpengaruh terhadap saat atau waktu sinar matahari tepat mengarah ke arah kiblat (rasydhul qiblah), sementara letak geografis pengaruhnya ada namun relatif kecil. Kata kunci : Rasydhul qiblah, posisi matahari, arah kiblat, masjid, kakbah
PALITA: Journal of Social - Religion Research Vol 1, No 1 (2016): PALITA
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Palopo

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The fragility of the economic system of capitalism and socialism makes the Islamic economic system into an alternative economic system and studied in depth by contemporary Islamic economic thinkers. In realizing Islamic economic system must be aligned with the maqasid al-shariah (goals sharia). There are four main approaches in the study of Islamic economics namely: a pragmatic approach, recitative, utopian and adaptive. Such an approach always leads to moral values, human brotherhood, social justice, integrating Islamic values and aims for the establishment of al-mashlahah as the core maqashid al-shariah can be used as an argument of the legal establishment, especially relating to Islamic economics. Ijtihad in Islam economy by using al-maslahah can be done by meeting certain requirements that do not conflict with al-Quran and al-Hadith and not contrary to qiyas. Besides, it does not conflict with a higher benefit, both in how to do it and in a way to preserve from extinction. Economic Ijtihad Islam implemented by analyzing the social and political realities and priorities (fiqh figh realities and priorities) in order to achieve the benefit of society and the state.
Al-Mizan Vol 11, No 1 (2015): Juni 2015
Publisher : IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo

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Domestic violence is a huge problem and it needs serious handling, both countries through product of laws or religion through the messages of the Qur’an and hadith. This paper discusses the study of interpretation of surah al-Nisā’/4: 34 with a normative approach and it is analyzed by the method of contextual. The results show Islam is a religion that it does not require the existence of discrimination that gave birth to violence, particularly in the domestic sphere. Although in the study of the interpretation of surah al-Nisā’/4: 34 provides justification for the husband beating, but the verse is interpreted by contemporary scholars and it need to reinterpretation and other meaning of words (takwil) in the verse.
Konvergensi Pembagian Harta Waris dalam Hukum Islam. Sakirman, Sakirman
al-adalah Vol 13, No 2 (2016): Volume 13, No 2, Desember 2016
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (198.527 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/adalah.v13i2.1853


Abstract: The Convergence of Inheritance in Islamic Law. This article examines the legal position of Islamic inheritance law in Indonesia, especially from the aspect of implementation and factors hindering the implementation of the legal system in the Muslim community. As this study finds out, there are two main reasons why the Islamic Inheritance Law can not be implemented in Indonesia: (1) Indonesian Muslims are still bound to Customary inheritance law, either in forms of individual inheritance system (patrilineal, matrilineal or bilateral), collective inheritance syatem (inheritance is not distrubuted but is managed collectively), or Majorat inheritance system where the oldest son master the entire inheritance. (2) The Muslims have not fully grasped the concept of fairness and equality in Islamic law, especially when it pertains to the portion of sons and daughters which follows 2: 1 ratio.Abstrak: Konvergensi Pembagian Harta Waris dalam Hukum Islam. Artikel ini mengkaji posisi hukum kewarisan Islam di Indonesia terutama dari aspek implementasi dan faktor-faktor apa saja yang menghalangi penerapan sistem hukum tersebut di kalangan masyarakat Muslim. Berdasarkan hasil kajian diperoleh fakta bahwa Hukum Kewarisan Islam belum dapat terlaksana di Indonesia karena masyarakat masih dipengaruh oleh hukum kewarisan adat, baik mengikuti sistem kewarisan individual-patrilinial, matrilinial atau bilateral-kewarisan kolektif-harta warisan tidak dibagi tetapi dikelola bersama-, maupun sistem kewarisan majorat di mana anak tua menguasai seluruh harta warisan. Selain dari kuatnya pengaruh tradisi/hukum adat, hambatan lain adalah umat Islam belum sepenuhnya memahami konsep keadilan dan kesetaraan dalam hukum waris Islam, khususnya ketika berkaitan dengan porsi anak laki-laki dan perempuan yang mengikuti perbandingan 2: 1.
PALITA Vol 1, No 1 (2016): PALITA
Publisher : IAIN Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24256/pal.v1i1.82


AbstractThe fragility of the economic system of capitalism and socialism makes the Islamic economicsystem into an alternative economic system and studied in depth by contemporary Islamiceconomic thinkers. In realizing Islamic economic system must be aligned with the maqasid alshariah(goals sharia). There are four main approaches in the study of Islamic economicsnamely: a pragmatic approach, recitative, utopian and adaptive. Such an approach alwaysleads to moral values, human brotherhood, social justice, integrating Islamic values and aimsfor the establishment of al-mashlahah as the core maqashid al-shariah can be used as anargument of the legal establishment, especially relating to Islamic economics. Ijtihad in Islameconomy by using al-maslahah can be done by meeting certain requirements that do notconflict with al-Quran and al-Hadith and not contrary to qiyas. Besides, it does not conflictwith a higher benefit, both in how to do it and in a way to preserve from extinction. EconomicIjtihad Islam implemented by analyzing the social and political realities and priorities (fiqh fighrealities and priorities) in order to achieve the benefit of society and the state.

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Based on historical records, the demand to change the rules of marriagein Indonesia from pre-independence till now was initiated by the women’smovement and feminist. These cases had have at the beginning of the 20thcentury that women’s movement has influenced the world women in the3rd world. Thus, it have an effect for open the eyes of many people over theoppression of women as a result of the rules of conventional marriage andthe need for enforcement of women’s rights.Keywords: Sosial Movement, Gender, feminism. Women’s rights
Konvergensi Pembagian Harta Waris dalam Hukum Islam. Sakirman, Sakirman
al-adalah Vol 13, No 2 (2016): Al-Adalah
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (198.527 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/adalah.v13i2.1853


Abstract: The Convergence of Inheritance in Islamic Law. This article examines the legal position of Islamic inheritance law in Indonesia, especially from the aspect of implementation and factors hindering the implementation of the legal system in the Muslim community. As this study finds out, there are two main reasons why the Islamic Inheritance Law can not be implemented in Indonesia: (1) Indonesian Muslims are still bound to Customary inheritance law, either in forms of individual inheritance system (patrilineal, matrilineal or bilateral), collective inheritance syatem (inheritance is not distrubuted but is managed collectively), or Majorat inheritance system where the oldest son master the entire inheritance. (2) The Muslims have not fully grasped the concept of fairness and equality in Islamic law, especially when it pertains to the portion of sons and daughters which follows 2: 1 ratio.Abstrak: Konvergensi Pembagian Harta Waris dalam Hukum Islam. Artikel ini mengkaji posisi hukum kewarisan Islam di Indonesia terutama dari aspek implementasi dan faktor-faktor apa saja yang menghalangi penerapan sistem hukum tersebut di kalangan masyarakat Muslim. Berdasarkan hasil kajian diperoleh fakta bahwa Hukum Kewarisan Islam belum dapat terlaksana di Indonesia karena masyarakat masih dipengaruh oleh hukum kewarisan adat, baik mengikuti sistem kewarisan individual-patrilinial, matrilinial atau bilateral-kewarisan kolektif-harta warisan tidak dibagi tetapi dikelola bersama-, maupun sistem kewarisan majorat di mana anak tua menguasai seluruh harta warisan. Selain dari kuatnya pengaruh tradisi/hukum adat, hambatan lain adalah umat Islam belum sepenuhnya memahami konsep keadilan dan kesetaraan dalam hukum waris Islam, khususnya ketika berkaitan dengan porsi anak laki-laki dan perempuan yang mengikuti perbandingan 2: 1.