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Studi Bibliometrik dan Sebaran Topik Penelitian pada Jurnal Hayati Terbitan 2012-2016 Rahayu, Sri; Saleh, Abdul Rahman
Pustakaloka Vol 9, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : STAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v9i2.1092


ABSTRAKJurnal ilmiah merupakan sumber informasi primer yang sangat penting  karena di dalamnya memuat hasil penelitian para ahli di bidangnya, kemudian dari hasil penelitian tersebut dituangkan ke dalam tulisan ilmiah dalam bentuk artikel ilmiah.  Jurnal Hayati (HAYATI Journal of Bioscience) sebagai salah satu jurnal ilmiah Indonesia yang yang memiliki reputasi sangat baik dikaji pada tulisan yang berjudul Studi Bibliometrik dan Sebaran Topik Penelitian pada Jurnal Hayati terbitan 2012-2016. Tujuan kajian tersebut adalah untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran bidang ilmu/topik penelitian, produktifitas kepengarangan, derajat kolaborasi kepengarangan, informasi referensi yang digunakan, serta keusangan (obsolescence) informasi yang dijadikan referensi oleh penulis. Data kajian di ambil dari seluruh artikel Jurnal Hayati selama lima tahun terakhir yaitu terbitan tahun 2012-2016. Data yang diperoleh diolah dengan bantuan aplikasi Microsoft Excel serta tabel pivot yang ada pada MS Excel. Hasil olahan tersebut akan ditampilkan dalam bentuk tabel dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Sebaran cabang ilmu yang menjadi bahasan dalam penelitian mengenai keaneka ragaman hayati, biosystematics, ekologi, fisiologi, genetika, bioteknologi dan semua betuk kehidupan dipetakan. Produktifitas pengarang dicari dan dibandingkan dengan dalil Lotka. Derajat kolaborasi pengarang dipetakan serta indeks kolaborasi pengarang dicari. Hasil kajian ini menggambarkan peta penelitian di bidang ilmu hayati dan diharapkan menjadi masukan bagi peneliti dan pengambil keputusan untuk menetapkan bidang-bidang apa saja yang perlu menjadi prioritas penelitian di bidang ilmu hayati.ABSTRACTScientific journals are a primary source of information that is very important, especially for the university community, because that journal contains the results of research from experts in their fields, then from the results of the research is written into scientific writing in the form of scientific articles. Jurnal Hayati (HAYATI Journal of Bioscience) is one of the Indonesias scientific journals that have well reputation the field of Biology. The Bibliometric Study on that journal, of which 153 articles from 2012-2016 publications were studied, have been conducted. The purpose of the study was to identify the distribution of science/ research topics, productivity of authorship, degree of author collaboration, reference information used, and obsolescence of reference sited by the authors. The data was taken from all articles of  Jurnal HAYATI for the last five years which is published in 2012-2016. The data obtained is processed by Microsoft Excel software and pivot table of the MS Excel. The processed products will be displayed in table form and analyzed using descriptive analysis. Distribution of research topics on biodiversity, biosystematics, ecology, physiology, genetics, biotechnology and all life mapped. The productivity of the author is sought and compared with Lotkas proposition. The degree of author collaboration is mapped and the collaborative index of the author is sought. The results of this study illustrate the research map in the field of biological sciences and is expected to be input for researchers and decision makers to determine what areas will be the research priorities in the field of life sciences.
Jurnal TIN Universitas Tanjungpura Vol 1, No 2 (2017): Jurnal S1 Teknik Industri UNTAN
Publisher : Jurnal TIN Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (462.047 KB)


Cassava is one of the farm’s product that is located in West Kalimantan, especially in Sekadau District. In Mr. Abu’s home industry of cassava chips which it used manual cutting tool, the cutting process often got pain on skeletal muscle such us waist, brisket, necklace, arm, and got work accident because position was not ergonomic. Based on problems, the solution that can do is using cassava cutting machine design. Therefore, this research is needed to decrease pain problems and work accident in the cutting process of cassava. The method that was used in this research is Nordic Body Map with antropometri approach. Nordic Body Map is the method of subject assessment which the results depend on condition who is gotten by worker to know the level of injury risk on moskuleskeletal system. Antropometric was used to determine the size of machine which it will be built depends on operator body dimention. In order to the cassava cutting machine will be ergonomic and can improve the result of operator work. The results showed that the using method of Nordic Body Map got the low level of injury risk on muscle in amount of 458,75%. The comparasion result in before and after designing increases in amount of 105 %. The dimention of choosing machine is the height of seat of 45 cm, the height of back seat of 53 cm, the height of machine of 97 cm, the depth of back seat of 47 cm, the depth and length maximum of machine around from 73 cm. Keyword – Antropometry, Cutting Machine Cassava, Design, Ergonomy, Nordic Body Map.
Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia Vol. 11 No. 1 (2011): Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia
Publisher : Perpustakaan IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (237.045 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jpi.11.1.%p


Pendidikan merupakan salah satu cara untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Di masa depan penyelenggaraan pendidikan cenderung ke arah metode Student-Centered Learning dibanding dengan penyelenggaraan pendidikan saat ini yang lebih banyak menggunakan Teacher-Centered Learning. Pada pendidikan berbasis Student-Centered Learning peran guru/dosen menjadi tidak sentral, namun lebih sebagai fasilitator. Sumber pengetahuan lebih banyak berada di luar guru/dosen antara lain di perpustakaan. Dengan pendidikan berbasis Student-Centered Learning ini, maka pustakawan akan berperan sebagai fasilitator ataupun navigator bagi mahasiswa yang akan mengakses pengetahuan dari perpustakaan. Oleh karena itu tantangan besar bagi pustakawan untuk menjalankan peran fasilitator atau navigator informasi bagi pendidikan masa depan.Kata kunci: Pustakawan, Dosen, Teacher-Centered Learning, Student-Centered Learning
Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia Vol. 10 No. 2 (2010): Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia
Publisher : Perpustakaan IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.192 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jpi.10.2.%p


Produk peternakan merupakan produk yang menjadi sumber protein hewani bagi manusia.Kemajuan bidang peternakan ini dicapai karena penelitian-penelitian yang dilakukan pada bidang inioleh para peneliti dan dosen. Jurnal Media Peternakan (MPE) menjadi salah satu media yangmemuat hasil-hasil penelitian bidang peternakan ini. Untuk mengetahui sebaran bidang yang ditelitioleh para peneliti dan dosen, dilakukan kajian terhadap artikel yang dimuat di dalam MPE selamasepuluh tahun terakhir (2001-2010). Pengelompokan bidang menggunakan skema UniversalDecimal Classification. Dari hasil kajian diketahui bahwa bidang yang paling banyak diteliti adalahbidang pakan ternak dengan jumlah artikel sebanyak 104 artikel (42,98 %). Sedangkan yangterbanyak kedua dan ketiga adalah bidang sosial ekonomi peternakan dan pemuliaan ternak masingmasingdengan jumlah artikel sebanyak 37 artikel (15,29 %) dan 22 artikel (9,09 %). Bidang ilmuyang tidak diteliti adalah ternak kerja, ternak kuda, burung selain unggas, anjing dan kucing.Kata kunci : topik penelitian peternakan, distribusi penelitian peternakan, Jurnal Media Peternakan
Identifikasi Literasi Informasi Dalam Rangka Pengembangan Kurikulum Di Sekolah Dasar Ronald Marseno; Wisnu Ananta Kusuma; Abdul Rahman Saleh
Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia Vol. 13 No. 1 (2014): Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia
Publisher : Perpustakaan IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (289.397 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jpi.13.1.%p


ABSTRACTInformation literacy is defined more than just using technology to obtain information such as the use of internet and e-book, or library user education that have become one of public service in a library. Information literacy skills need to be supported by another skill, one of which is digital literacy skill. This study aimed to identify information literacy skills using information technology and digital literacy skills referring to standard conditions and objectives that have been implemented in learning activities. Descriptive approach which refers to the TRAILS (Tool for Real-time Assessment of Literacy Skills) and  SPCLC digital literacy standards used as a method in this study. We investigated the digital literacy skills and the information literacy skills of students from two elementary school in Jakarta. The result showed that the digital literacy skills of the  students did not affect to their information literacy skills. Therefor, we recommend to conduct curriculum development which integrate information literacy subject in activities of learning by using computer and internet.Keywords : Information literacy, digital literacy, recommendations for curriculum development.
Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia Vol. 13 No. 2 (2014): Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia
Publisher : Perpustakaan IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (359.263 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jpi.13.2.%p


Abstrak Perpustakaan Badan Standardisasi Nasional adalah perpustakaan yang mengkhususkan diri dalam melayani pemustaka yang membutuhkan informasi standardisasi. Dalam melayani pemustakanya Perpustakaan BSN tentu dapat memuaskan atau tidak memuaskan pemustakanya. Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar tingkat kepuasan pemustakanya maka dilakukan kajian ini. Kajian ini menggunakan metode servqual. Indeks harapan pemustaka terhadap layanan perpustakaan BSN adalah sebesar 4,38 pada skala 1-5 atau 87,61 pada skala 1-100 yang berarti sangat baik. Sedangkan Indeks Persepsi (kepuasan) terhadap layanan perpustakaan BSN adalah sebesar 3,93 pada skala 1-5 atau 78,41 pada skala 1-100 yang berarti baik. Ada nilai kesenjangan sebesar 0,45 pada skala 1-5 atau 9,20pada skala 1-100. Kesimpulannya Perpustakaan BSN harus meningkatkan kinerjanya agar mencapai skor sangat baik. Kata Kunci:Manajamen; Indeks Kepuasan Pelanggan, Servqual
Hubungan Dimensi Kepercayaan Dengan Partisipasi Pemustaka Melalui Facebook Fan Page (Studi Library 2.0 Di Perpustakaan Nasional RI) Heru Yunianto; Abdul Rahman Saleh; Eko Sri Mulyani
Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia Vol. 14 No. 1 (2015): Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia
Publisher : Perpustakaan IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (277.092 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jpi.14.1.%p


Untuk mengundang partisipasi pemustaka dalam library 2.0, Perpustakaan Nasional RI membuka account Facebook Fan Page. Keterlibatan pihak-pihak yang berpartisipasi dalam library 2.0 ini didasari oleh kepercayaan satu sama lain. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk menjelaskan hubungan dimensi kepercayaan yang terdiri dari kemampuan, kebaikan hati, dan integritas pustakawan dengan partisipasi pemustaka melalui penerapan Facebook Fan Page di Perpustakaan Nasional RI. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara metode purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi dan kuesioner. Teknik analisa untuk menganalisis data adalah Structural Equation Model (SEM) dengan metode estimasi Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) dan menggunakan alat bantu software AMOS 21. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 169 responden, sehingga dapat dianggap mencukupi ketentuan minimal SEM. Hasil analisis dan kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa hanya variabel integritas pustakawan yang mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel kepercayaan pemustaka pengguna Facebook Fan Page Perpustakaan Nasional RI. Sedangkan variabel integritas pustakawan dan kepercayaan pemustaka menjadi variabel-variabel yang mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel partisipasi pemustaka pengguna Facebook Fan Page Perpustakaan Nasional RI.Kata kunci:  Web 2.0, Library 2.0, Facebook Fan Page, Structural Equation Model, Kepercayaan,  Partisipasi, Perpustakaan Nasional RI
Rancangan Sistem Penilaian Kinerja Perpustakaan Berbasis Indikator Kinerja Iso 11620:2008 Pada Layanan Terbuka Perpustakaan Nasional RI Abdul Wakhid; Imas Sukaesih Sitanggang; Abdul Rahman Saleh
Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia Vol. 14 No. 2 (2015): Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia
Publisher : Perpustakaan IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (498.411 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jpi.14.2.%p


Library performance measurement is one of a strategy to evaluate utilization of library resources. The objective of this study was to identify indicators needed to measure the performance and to design an counting system measurement at Open Service at National Library of Indonesia.  The measurement indicators were based on ISO 11620:2008 consisting of 45 indicators. It was selected 10 indicators: 1) percentage of required titles in the collection (RTC); 2) shelving accuracy (SA); 3)  staff per capita (LS); 4) collection turnover (CT); 5) loans per capita (LPC); 6) in-library use per capita (IUC); 7) library visits per capita (LVC); 8) percentage of target population reached (PTPR); 9) user satisfaction (AUS); 10)  user services staff as a percentage of total staff (USSPTS).  The indicators were selected through four stages: 1) selecting indicators related to activities in the Indonesia National Library and removing indicators related to activities that are not conducted in the institution; 2) removing indicators related to cost; 3)  identifying and selecting indicators related to vision and mission by the questionnaire; 4) analizing the results of the questionnaire and setting the indicators that have an average value of the results greater than 0 as an  selected indicator. The results of managements attitude that required the a performance counting system. System design was developed based on the system requirements and management’s needs. The system that was able to process data  into information of performance. The system was integrated with the integrated national library system (INLIS) and the data that were not available in INLIS were manually input. Steps of system developing were defining use case, description use case, activity diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram, object role/relational mapping and entity relationship diagram.  Keywords: Information System, ISO 11620, Library, Performance Indicators
Ekosistem Yang Mempengaruhi Pengembangan Pustakawan Abdul Rahman Saleh
Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia Vol. 19 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia
Publisher : Perpustakaan IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.872 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jpi.19.1.53-66


The development of a library is strongly influenced by the environment of the users has to be serve. This environment is currently known as the VUCA ecosystem, namely Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. VUCA itself emerged as a result of technological developments which are currently called the industrial revolution 4.0. This paper is a literature review that discusses the influence of the VUCA ecosystem in library development based on the literature and related research reports. Literature is collected both online and printed literature and then discussed. Various papers relevant to the VUCA ecosystem were collected from books, journals, and websites, then analyzed descriptively. Various library developments must consider the VUCA ecosystem so that the services provided by libraries are in accordance with the needs of users in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Libraries are entities that are strongly influenced by the VUCA environment or ecosystem. Therefore, in order for libraries to survive in the era of destructive technology that causes VUCA, the librarian as the driving force of the library must have a service breakthrough that can get out of the VUCA trap.
Pemetaan Informasi Sebaran Bidang Ilmu Pada Skripsi Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Lulusan IPB University Tahun 2015-2019 Berdasarkan Standar Universal Decimal Classification: Suatu Kajian Bibliometrika Abdul Rahman Saleh; Sri Rahayu
Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia Vol. 19 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia (Edisi Khusus)
Publisher : Perpustakaan IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1121.887 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jpi.19.2.96-114


Introduction. Agriculture is an important sector for Indonesia. One of the agricultural sub-sectors is industry and agricultural mechanization. Progress in this field cannot be separated from research activities carried out by lecturers, researchers and students. IPB as one of the leading agricultural universities has certainly produced a lot of research in its field. To find out and photograph the research conducted by undergraduate students, this research was conducted. Methods and Data Collection. The sample is limited to the thesis of the last 5 years (2015-2019) which is taken from the IPB repository. Data analysis. Mapping is reviewed based on the UDC Classification. The table was analyzed descriptively and mapped using VosViewer. Results and Discussion. The number of thesis researches of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB during 2015-2019 is 2,055 titles. The most researched topics were “production and preservation of solid food” totaling 461 studies and the least were “ventilation and air conditioning” and “rubber industry” with only 2 studies each. The most common keyword is "food preservation techniques" with 278 occurrences. The keyword that has the most correlation is "food preservation techniques" with a total of 605 relationships. Keyword analysis using VosViewer is divided into 16 clusters with the largest cluster consisting of 69 keywords. Furthermore, the main supervisor who was the most productive in guiding students was Arif Sabdo Yuwono (31 mentors), while the most productive supervisors were Muhammad Arif Darmawan and Didah Nur Faridah (19 each). Conclusion. The topic of most interest is “production and preservation of solid foods” (461 titles). The most common keyword is "food preservation techniques" with 278 occurrences. The most productive main supervisor is Arif Sabdo Yuwono with a total of 31 students.