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PRIVATE LAW Vol 2, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum UNS

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Tulisan ini membahas tentang bagaimana suatu perlindungan hukum mengenai Kehadiran keberadaanundang-undang nomor 4 tahun 2009 bagi sektor pertambangan batubara. Undang-Undang Nomor 4Tahun 2009 tentang Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara telah merubah pola kegiatan pertambangandi Indonesia dengan ditinggalkannya sistem Kuasa Pertambangan dan Kontrak Karya menjadi sistemperizinan. Perubahan lain mengenai pengaturan pengusahaan pertambangan antara lain meliputi adanyapengaturan wilayah pertambangan, perubahan bentuk usaha pertambangan, hilangnya perbedaanperlakuan antara badan usaha domestik dan badan usaha dengan modal asing.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (23.26 KB) | DOI: 10.29406/bul al-ribaath.v14i1.579


The majority of indigenous Dayak farmers in Toho district encounter several issues. Their productivity was varied seasonally. In the rainy season, they were difficult to dry paddy in the sun. They also required costly diesel to fuel their threshing machines. In the health area, this region ever promulgated to set up Desa Siaga, but until now the discourse has not been realized. Health coverages such as childbirth by medical labor, exclusive breastfeeding, PHBS, and environmental sanitation were extremely low. This programs empowered dayak farmer community through Innovations in Agriculture, Economics, Education and Health Integrated (PERENDIKESDU). The programs included (a) Increasing the entrepreneurial agricultural economics, methods/concept used to overcome the problems, namely: the establishment and coaching a group of women farmers, training of making rice with simple biomass drying machine and simple threshing machine, training nursery plantation processing, packaging socialization plantation products. (b) Establishment and Development of alert village, methods which are used to treat the problems namely: workshops, health promotion include counseling on health behavior, socialization healthy latrines, clean water supply, sanitation, training of village cadres standby and Posyandu cadres, management training standby village, ground socialization land use for medicinal plant families (toga). (c) Elimination of illiteracy, methods which are used to treat the problems, namely: the implementation of training for creating collages, mosaics, and a montage of simple materials, realization Morance training methods, training of cadres illiteracy, the establishment of home building illiteracy. Keywords: Agriculture, Economics, Education, Health, PERENDIKESDU, Dayak.The majority of indigenous Dayak farmers in Toho district encounter several issues. Their productivity was varied seasonally. In the rainy season, they were difficult to dry paddy in the sun. They also required costly diesel to fuel their threshing machines. In the health area, this region ever promulgated to set up Desa Siaga, but until now the discourse has not been realized. Health coverages such as childbirth by medical labor, exclusive breastfeeding, PHBS, and environmental sanitation were extremely low. This programs empowered dayak farmer community through Innovations in Agriculture, Economics, Education and Health Integrated (PERENDIKESDU). The programs included (a) Increasing the entrepreneurial agricultural economics, methods/concept used to overcome the problems, namely: the establishment and coaching a group of women farmers, training of making rice with simple biomass drying machine and simple threshing machine, training nursery plantation processing, packaging socialization plantation products. (b) Establishment and Development of alert village, methods which are used to treat the problems namely: workshops, health promotion include counseling on health behavior, socialization healthy latrines, clean water supply, sanitation, training of village cadres standby and Posyandu cadres, management training standby village, ground socialization land use for medicinal plant families (toga). (c) Elimination of illiteracy, methods which are used to treat the problems, namely: the implementation of training for creating collages, mosaics, and a montage of simple materials, realization Morance training methods, training of cadres illiteracy, the establishment of home building illiteracy. Keywords: Agriculture, Economics, Education, Health, PERENDIKESDU, Dayak.
URGENSI MEMPELAJARI EKONOMI ISLAM ( Studi Motivasi Belajar Ekonomi Islam Pada Anggota Kelompok Studi Ekonomi Islam Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Diponegoro Semarang ) Saleh, Ismail; Rahardja, Edy
Diponegoro Journal of Management Volume 1, Nomor 4, Tahun 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Diponegoro University

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The economic system of capitalism, socialism, or a combination of the two has proved a failure in creating the world's wealthy. The international community now has found another economic system as a solution that Islamic economic system. Perfection Islamic economic system both in terms of theory and practice has been increasingly recognized by the people of Moslem but also non-Islamic people. Therefore, it is crucial to study Islamic economics intensively because someone can know if it is important or not already know. The importance of studying Islamic economics should be well known by members KSEI FEB UNDIP so they must have a great motivation in studying Islamic economics. But from the initial observation shows that most members KSEI FEB UNDIP are less motivated to study intensively Islamic economics. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of intrinsic factors and extrinsic motivation of Islamic economics KSEI member of FEB UNDIP. This study uses qualitative data collection conducted by the method of triangulation. The informants of this study is the HEI's senior who is a tutor of a weekly small discussion. The results of this study states that learning is intrinsically motivating factors consist of factors ideals, abilities, and conditions of each KSEI’s member both phisical and psychological (perceptions, interests, attitudes, intelligence). Psychological factor that comes from religious motives is a major influential factor in the intrinsic motivation to learn. While learning to extrinsic factors consist of social environmental factors (inside and outside KSEI), non-social environment (natural and instrumental) as well as the teachers in the learning effort. Mandate as an HEI’s senior and as a board of KSEI has been a major factor influencing extrinsic in motivation adding to the study of Islamic economic.
Visual Quality Protection of Ciboer Rice Fields to Maintain the Attraction of Bantar Agung Tourism Village Syahadat, Ray March; Putra, Priambudi Trie; Saleh, Ismail; Patih, Tandri; Sagala, Anendawaty Roito; Thoifur, Dimas Muhammad
AGRARIS: Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development Research Vol 7, No 1: January-June 2021 (Forthcoming Issue)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/agraris.v7i1.6960


Bantar Agung Village in Majalengka Regency, West Java Province, is developing agriculturally-based tourism. The Ciboer Rice Fields area is one of the attractions in the village of Bantar Agung that presents the visual beauty of the rice field landscape. New agrotourism opportunities will be developed in this area. The study has aimed to evaluate the visual quality of the Ciboer Rice Fields and how it would be affected by agrotourism-related changes. Data were analyzed using Kendall’s W test, scenic beauty estimation (SBE), semantic differential (SD), factor analysis, and multidimensional scaling (MDS). It is found that when more objects are added to the Ciboer Rice Fields landscape, the value of beauty is diminished. Village regulations are needed to protect the visual experience of the Ciboer Rice Fields.
Efektivitas Inokulasi Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskula (CMA) terhadap Produksi Bawang Merah dengan Teknik Pengairan Berbeda Ismail Saleh; Ida Setya Wahyu Atmaja
Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Vol. 8 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society for Horticulture / Department of Agronomy and Horticulture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (201.582 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jhi.8.2.120-127


ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to investigate the effectivity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation on shallot yield with three techniques of irrigation. This research was conducted at Gagasari Village, Cirebon from May to August 2016. This research was arranged in split plot design with two factors. Irrigation technique as main plot consisted of three levels i.e. without water logging, intermittent, and using water logging. Rates of AMF as sub plot consisted of three levels i.e., 0, 10, and 15 g per plant. The result showed that rates of AMF affected water content of plant. The rates 15 g per plant of AMF gave the highest of water content of plant (65%). Furthermore, the highest of biomass was resulted by water logging treatment. Phosphorus content of plant was not affected by AMF inoculation.  Inoculation of AMF increased shallot bulb weight per plant when it was combined to intermittent and water logging treatment. Based on regression test to AMF rates at water logging treatment, the optimum rates to increase weight of shallot bulb was 6.71 g AMF per plant. That rates potentially gave 23.53 g per plant of shallot bulb.Keywords: intermittent, phosphorus content, water content, water logging   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas dari inokulasi cendawan mikoriza arbuskula (CMA) terhadap produksi bawang merah dengan tiga teknik pengairan yang berbeda. Hifa CMA dapat membantu proses penyerapan air dan unsur hara pada tanaman terutama fosfor (P). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Gagasari, Kabupaten Cirebon dari bulan Mei sampai Agustus 2016. Terdapat dua faktor perlakuan yang disusun dengan rancangan split plot. Petak utama adalah teknik pengairan yang terdiri atas tiga taraf yaitu selalu tergenang, intermittent, dan tidak tergenang. Anak petak adalah dosis CMA yang terdiri atas tiga taraf yaitu tanpa CMA, 10 g per tanaman, dan 15 g per tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang nyata dosis CMA terhadap kadar air tanaman. Kadar air tanaman tertinggi (65%) diperoleh dari pemberian dosis 15 g per tanaman. Serapan P tanaman tidak dipengaruhi oleh penambahan CMA. Bobot kering tanaman tertinggi (20.23 g per tanaman) diperoleh dari perlakuan teknik pengairan dengan penggenangan. Inokulasi CMA efektif meningkatkan bobot umbi per tanaman pada teknik pengairan intermittent dan selalu tergenang. Berdasarkan hasil uji regresi terhadap dosis CMA pada kondisi selalu tergenang, dosis optimum untuk meningkatkan bobot umbi per tanaman yaitu 6.71 g CMA per tanaman. Dari dosis tersebut diperoleh potensi bobot umbi per tanaman 23.53 g per tanaman.Kata kunci: intermittent, kadar air, penggenangan, serapan P
Saraswati Jurnal Mahasiswa Desain Interior
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/srs.v0i0.422


Kawasan Cagar Budaya Betawi Setu Babakan terletak di Kelurahan Srengseng Sawah, Kecamatan Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan. Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta memulai suatu Konservasi Budaya ”baru” di tempat tersebut dengantujuan untuk menjaga dan melestarikan kebudayaan yang merupakan warisan nenek moyang, salah satunya berupa rumah adat Betawi.Di dalam Cagar Budaya Betawi Setu Babakan terdapat beberapa rumah adat yang memang sudah mengalami renovasi namun pada bagian-bagian yang rusak saja dan bentuknya masih sesuai dengan aslinya baik dari segi arsitektur dan interior. Akan tetapi banyak juga rumah yang mulai berubah, baik dari segi fungsi maupun arsitektur secara modern namun diharuskan tetap mengadopsi bentuk atausimbol arsitektur rumah Betawi oleh pemerintah setempat.Keberlanjutan suatu arsitektur budaya sangat erat  engaruhnya dari peran serta penduduk atau masyarakat yang memiliki kebudayaan. Hal tersebut menyangkut keberlanjutan interior rumah adat Betawi itu pula, seiring dengan kemajuan jaman di masa kini.Kata kunci: Cagar Budaya Betawi Setu Babakan, Konservasi Budaya, Rumah Adat Betawi, Keberlanjutan Interior, Kemajuan Jaman.
Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis Vol. 10 No. 1 (2013): Vol. 10 No. 1, Maret 2013
Publisher : School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (799.01 KB) | DOI: 10.17358/jma.10.1.32-39


ABSTRACTThis research analyzed the sustainability of culinary tourism in Puncak, comprising the strategic issues review, and comparing its sustainability aspects to the existing culinary enterprises. This study employed a qualitative-descriptive analysis method in three cases: a large-scale Cimory Restaurant, a medium-scale restaurant/café Melrimba Garden, and small-scaled street hawkers in At-Ta'awun rest area. In general, the value chain was categorized into five major band based on their function: Food Service Business; Suppliers (local community, traders, cooperatives); End user (tourists and customers); Governance (government, areal coordinator, Kompepar); and Intermediaries (distributors, tour agents). There were at least five strategic issues that emerged in the tourism development in Puncak area: 1) land function conversion. 2) Economic and social impact of tourism to the local community; 3) Participation of locals in tourism activity; 4) Traffic and infrastructure, and 5) Waste management. The three restaurant operators were compared in term of sustainability criteria, based on their customers’ preferences, and three aspects of sustainability: economic, environment, and social. It was found that Cimory scored the best in sustainability performance and followed by Melrimba. The street hawkers, with several note, scored as third in the sustainability performance.Keywords: culinary tourism, ecotourism, puncak, value chain, sustainable tourismABSTRAKPenelitian bertujuan menganalisis keberlanjutan pariwisata kuliner di Puncak, meliputi kajian isu-isu strategis  dalam  pariwisata kuliner, dan perbandingan aspek keberlanjutan dari usaha kuliner yang sudah ada. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif-kualitatif pada tiga kasus: restoran skala besar Cimory, rumah makan/kafe skala menengah Melrimba Garden, dan penjaja/pedagang asongan di area istirahat At-Ta’awun sebagai pengusaha kuliner skala kecil. Secara umum, rantai nilai dikategorikan menjadi lima kelompok utama berdasarkan fungsinya: penyedia layanan makanan; pemasok (masyarakat lokal, pedagang, dan koperasi); konsumen akhir (turis dan pelanggan); pemerintahan (pemerintah Kabupaten Bogor, areal koordinator, kompepar), dan perantara (distributor, agen tur). Setidaknya ada lima isu strategis yang terjadi dalam pengembangan pariwisata di daerah Puncak: 1) konversi fungsi lahan; 2) dampak ekonomi dan sosial, 3) partisipasi masyarakat lokal dalam kegiatan pariwisata; 4) lalu lintas dan infrastruktur di daerah Puncak, dan 5) pengelolaan sampah. Ketiga restoran memiliki kriteria keberlanjutan, hasil preferensi pelanggan, dan tiga aspek keberlanjutan (ekonomi, lingkungan, dan sosial). Cimory memiliki nilai yang terbaik dalam kinerja keberlanjutan dan diikuti oleh Melrimba. Pedagang kaki lima, dengan beberapa catatan, mencetak nilai sebagai peringkat terakhir dalam kinerja keberlanjutan.Kata kunci: wisata kuliner, ekowisata, puncak, rantai nilai, wisata berkelanjutan
Jurnal Agroteknologi Vol 12, No 1 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/ja.v12i1.10656


Kenikir is an indigenous plant that has the potential to be cultivated, but there are still many people who do not know the potential of kenikir. This research aims to study the effect of shoots harvest on the results of kenikir and to find the best concentration of liquid organic fertilizer rabbit urine for the growth of kenikir. This research was conducted in January - April 2020 in the experimentation field of Perjuangan University of Tasikmalaya at an altitude of 359 m asl. The design used was a two factor Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The first factor is the age of harvest, consisting of 3 levels ie 7 WAP (Weeks after planting), 8 WAP and 9 WAP. The second factor is urine concentration consisting of 4 levels ie 0 ml.L-1, 10 ml.L-1, 20 ml.L-1 and 30 ml.L-1. The results showed that 10 ml of L-1 U2 treatment produced higher kenikir plants and thicker diameters. U2P3 treatment gave the best response to plant height variables. All treatment combinations gave the same response to the number of leaves harvested and the weight of fresh shoots
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Hukum Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Hukum

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The suspect is granted a set of rights by the Criminal Procedure Code through Articles 50 through 68. But in reality the protection and enforcement of human rights is still far from satisfactory and also in the process of examination is still not really done, it is because there is no sanction laws that can be delegated to law enforcement officers and state apparatus. In addition there is abuse of power by investigators or law enforcement officers against suspects or defendants.The type of research used in the writing of this law is juridical sociological legal research is a study that wants to see the correlation between law and society, so as to reveal the effectiveness of law enforcement in society and mengidintifikasi unwritten law applicable to the community. The nature of this research is descriptive. This study uses secondary data that is ready-made data.The result of this research is the application of the protection of suspect rights in the investigation process by the investigator in the legal area of Resort Police Indragiri Hilir not optimal yet in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations namely Law Number 48 Year 2009 regarding Judicial Power, Law Number 39 Year 1999 regarding Human Rights and Law No. 8 of 1981 on Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP). Unacceptable action in the investigation process is based on the visa result known that the police conduct maltreatment of the suspect, the absence of an arrest warrant during arrest and unauthorized search to the head of RT and homeowners. Obstacles in applying the protection of the suspect's right in the investigation process by the investigator in the Law Territory of the Indagiri Hilir Resort Police in the form of a violation of the law against the right to know clearly and the language understood by him about what is suspected and what is indicted, the right to freely give information to the investigator and such judges are upfront, and the right to a private doctor's visit. The suspect's legal effort is to use a lawyer to obtain his / her rights as a suspect and the police committing an offense at the examination stage get disciplinary sanction by the police agency.
Hexagro Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/hexagro.v2i1.115


Bawang merah merupakan salah satu komoditas utama yang dibudidayakan olehpetani di daerah Cirebon dan Brebes. Sebagian besar petani masih menggunakan umbisebagai bahan perbanyakan tanaman tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuipengaruh umur panen terhadap karakteristik dan viabilitas bibit bawang merah varietasBima. Umbi bawang merah dipanen pada dua waktu panen yaitu 50 dan 60 hari setelahtanam (HST). Umbi bawang merah kemudian diuji viabilitasnya setelah disimpan selama40 hari pada suhu ruang. Peubah yang diamati setelah panen antara lain bobot dandiameter umbi, kadar air, dan padatan total terlarut (PTT) umbi. Viabilitas umbi bawangmerah dilihat dengan menghitung persentase muncul akar dan daun, panjang akar dandaun, serta bobot kering daun dan akar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidakterdapat perbedaan yang nyata antara karakteristik umbi bawang merah yang dipanenbaik pada umur 50 dan 60 HST. Hal ini diduga umbi bawang merah yang dipanen padaumur 50 HST sudah matang secara fisiologis. Berdasarkan uji viabilitas, umbi yangdipanen pada umur 50 HST memiliki persentase muncul tunas yang lebih tinggidibandingkan dengan umbi yang dipanen pada umur 60 HST.Kata kunci: bawang, umbi, umur panen, viabilitas