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Analisis Perbandingan Pengaruh Penggunaan Flyslab dan Plat Floordeck dalam Mewujudkan Lean Construction Sandagie, Edwin; Wibowo, M. Agung; Purwanggono, Bambang
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (492.172 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v22i1.12405


Nowadays there are several kinds of products innovations in the construction industry, one of whom is a precast concrete slab. In fact, products of innovation are not necessarily fully able to provide a positive impact, both in terms of cost, quality, time, and waste on building construction projects. Moreover, what is offered by the manufacturer of precast concrete slab has not necessarily correspond with the needs of the customer. The purpose of this study is to analyze the comparison of products in terms of time, cost, quality, and waste between projects using precast concrete slab and the same projects that were simulated using floordeck concrete slab. This research will: (1) simulate the project if not using precast concrete slab product, (2) analyze the comparison of products in terms of time, cost, quality, and waste between the real project and the simulation project, (3) calculate the benefits obtained from the use of precast concrete slab product. The use of flyslab at Pertamina Parking Building Project (which consists of three floors and two floors using flyslab) when compared with the results of the simulation project that uses floordeck concrete slab: (1) in terms of time, it can provide a savings of 12.5% of the total duration of the simulation project, (2) in terms of costs, it can provide costs savings on the total cost structure reaches 23.13%, (3) in terms of quality, flyslab constituent materials are designed to have a higher quality when compared to floordeck concrete slab constituent materials, (4) in terms of waste, on a project that uses flyslab, the amount of waste generated is much less when compared to the results of the simulation project that uses a floordeck concrete slab.
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil volume 1, Nomer 1, tahun 2012
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (525.519 KB)


ABSTRAK   Dalam bidang perbaikan dan perkuatan struktur beton, sering muncul kebutuhan untuk menempatkan beton baru menyatu dengan beton lama. Beberapa contoh aplikasi di lapangan adalah pada struktur jalan raya yang membutuhkan perbaikan atau pelebaran dan juga untuk memperbaiki struktur beton dari kerusakan akibat penurunan kualitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan salah satu metode penanganan interface yaitu dengan mengasarkan permukaan beton lama. Pada metode penyambungan dengan pengasaran permukaan beton lama, dibagi menjadi dua yaitu pengasaran tingkat rendah dan tingkat tinggi. Klasifikasinya yaitu pengasaran tingkat rendah dilakukan dengan membuat tekstur pada permukaan beton lama dengan kedalaman ± 3 mm sedangkan pengasaran tingkat tinggi dilakukan dengan membuat tekstur pada permukaan beton lama dengan kedalaman ± 7 mm dan diberi kawat ayam. Benda uji yang digunakan berupa kubus berukuran 15x15x15 cm yang dibagi menjadi dua yaitu beton lama berukuran 10x15x15 cm dan beton baru berukuran 5x15x15 cm. Kedua metode pengasaran tersebut masing-masing akan dikombinasikan dengan variasi umur penyambungan beton lama dan baru yaitu umur penyambungan 7, 14, dan 28 hari. Secara teoritis, semakin tinggi tingkat pengasaran permukaan beton lama maka tegangan geser pada sambungan akan semakin kuat. Umur penyambungan yang paling lama menghasilkan kenaikan nilai tegangan geser yang paling besar antara metode kasar rendah terhadap kasar tinggi. Kata kunci: perbaikan, beton, pengasaran, umur penyambungan, kekuatan geser ABSTRACT   In the field of repair and retrofitting of concrete structures, often there is a need to place the new concrete together with the old concrete. Some examples of applications in the field is on the highway structure which need of repairing or widening, and also to repair concrete structures from damage due to loss of quality. This study uses a method of handling the interface by roughning the old concrete surface. In the method of splicing concrete by roughning the old concrete surface, the roughness is divided into two level of roughness, it is low and high roughness. The Classification of low roughness is done by making the texture on the old concrete surface to a depth ± 3 mm and the high roughness is done by making the texture of the old concrete surface to a depth ± 7 mm and were given by the chicken wire. Specimens that used are cubes which dimentions are 15x15x15 cm which is divided into two layers, the old concrete layer size is 10x15x15 cm and the new concrete size is 5x15x15 cm. Both of roughness methods, each of them will be combined with the age of splicing variations between old and new concrete, it is 7, 14, and 28 days. Theoretically, by making higher the level of roughness surface in the old concrete, the shear strength of the interface will be stronger. The longest age of splicing resulted the biggest increasing of shear stress between low roughness and high roughness.   Keywords: repair, concrete, roughness, age of splicing, shear strength