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Eco Rekayasa Vol. 11. No.1, Maret 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The objectives of this research study were to : (i) investigate how much water tariffs should be paid by consumer in order to serve the project investement and operation based on the full cost recovery schemes, and (ii) investigate sensitivity factors affeted to project NPV.  This study fokus on the Dumai,water development project, Riau Province. The project investment was approximatelly Rp. 82,34 billion  (Alternative 1 for water treatment facility of 80 l/sec) and Rp. 134,308 million (Alter-native 2 for watar treatment facility of 160 l/sec) for 25 years. Based on the  economic analysis, it was revealed that; the Net Present Value (NPV) of  the alternative 1 project was Rp. 4.4 billion (with water tariffs of Rp. 7.000,-/m3 for a household and Rp 9.000,-/m3 for an industrial sector), BCR =  1,135, and IRR = 16,829 %.  This IRR value is higher then bank interst rate (12%). Alternative 2 will yield NPV of 40 billion (with tariff of Rp. 5.700,-/m3 for Household and Rp . 8.000, -/m3 for an industrial sector), BCR= 1,122 and IRR = 16,433 % . Based on these economic analysis, this project was considered feasible to proceed. The factors that are relatively sensitive for the NPV of project were; chemicals, electricity and fuel, staff salaries, and interest rates.
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 14, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

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The first priority in the airport business area is safety because the risks of fatality and death rates causing aircraft accidents are higher compared to those of other transportation modes. There is a need to investigate the rate of hazardous airports in Indonesia using a combination of Empirical Bayesian and Regression by calculating of their safety indicators. Based on the analyses it was identified that the overall safety rate of airports in Indonesia was 2,502 events per 100 thousand aircraft movements and this was classified as Safe/Regulated Systems. There was also identified 10 airports considered as hazardous ones, based on the deviation values from the largest to the smallest, namely Wamena, Hasanuddin, Polonia, Juanda, Soekarno-Hatta, Sultan Syarif Kasim II, Sepinggan, Abdul Rahman Saleh, Hang Nadim, and Depati Amir, respectively. Keselamatan Penerbangan merupakan hal serius karena risiko kematian yang diakibatkan oleh suatu peristiwa kecelakaan pesawat udara relatif tinggi dibandingkan dengan moda transportasi lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan indikator keselamatan penerbangan suatu bandar udara berdasarkan ketentuan International Civil Aviation Organization dan melakukan analisis tingkat kerawanan bandar udara di Indonesia. Penentuan tingkat kerawanan bandar udara dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kombinasi Emperical Bayesian (EB) dan Regression. Dari analisis yang dilakukan diperoleh tingkat keselamatan penerbangan di bandar udara Indonesia adalah 2.502 kejadian untuk tiap 100 ribu siklus penerbangan atau events dan diklasifikasi sebagai Safe/Regulated Systems. Tingkat kerawanan 10 (sepuluh) bandar udara, disusun berdasarkan nilai devisasi yang terbesar sampai yang terkecil, adalah Wamena, Hasanuddin, Polonia, Juanda, Soekarno-Hatta, Sultan Syarif Kasim II, Sepinggan, Abdul Rahman Saleh, Hang Nadim, dan Depati Amir.
ANALISIS KESEDIAAN MASYARAKAT UNTUK MEMBAYAR (Willingness to Pay) BIAYA PENGADAAN AIR BERSIH (PDAM) DI KOTA PEKANBARU Sandhyavitri, Ari; Putri, Nessa Riana; Fauzi, Manyuk; Sitikno, Sigit
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 18, No 2 (2016): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

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This paper investigated how much the publics willingness to pay (WTP) for the cost of public water supply services (PDAM) in Pekanbaru City. This research also projected how much urban water demand of this city for period of 2014-2032. This study divided samples into two categories, namely (i) middle and high income society, and (ii) low income one. These categories were based on the type of house ownership, and the percentage of low income family in this city This research obtained two main factors affected to the WTP for public water services (Y), such as; (i) the number of family members (X1), and (ii) the amount of family income (X2). The equation formula of Y = -677.816 + 12934.502 X1 + 0.012 X2. The average public’s willingness to connect to PDAM for the middle and high income society was 62.13% and for the lower class was 44.44%.There was a trend that the middle and high incomes society’s water demand was relatively higher than that the lower one.  The amount of water tariffs for middle and high income class society was at the average of Rp.6.615 / m3, and Rp.4.971/m3 for the lower income one. This tariff was higher than the average tariff in 2014 (Rp. 3,300 / m3). The water supply capacity in 2014 was estimated to 620 l/sec, and it was projected that water demand in 2032 will increase to 3,946 l/sec (three folds). Tulisan ini meneliti berapa besar keinginan masyarakat untuk membayar biaya pelayanan pengadaan air bersih (PDAM) di Kota Pekanbaru dan membuat proyeksi kebutuhan air bersih Kota Pekanbaru 2014-2032. Sampel calon pelanggan air bersih dalam penelitian ini dibagi atas dua kategori, yaitu (i) masyarakat kelas menengah keatas, dan (ii) kelas menengah kebawah. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi dua faktor utama yang mepengaruhi keinginan masyarakat menengah ke atas membayar pelayanan air bersih PDAM (Y), yaitu; (i) jumlah anggota keluarga (X1), dan (ii) besarnya pendapatan keluarga (X2), dengan formula Y= -677,816 + 12934,502 X1 + 0,012 X2. Keinginan untuk menyambung pada masyarakat menengah keatas sebesar 62,13% dan di kelas menengah kebawah adalah 44,44%. Besarnya tarif air bersih yang diinginkan masyarakat menengah keatas Rp.6.615/m3 dan Rp.4.971/m3 untuk kelas menengah kebawah.Tarif ini lebih tinggi dari rata-rata tarif PDAM pada tahun 2014 yaitu Rp. 3.300/m3.Kapasitas pasokan PDAM air pada tahun 2014 adalah 620 l/detik, namun diproyeksikan kebutuhan air bersih meningkat menjadi 3.946 ll / detik untuk tahun 2032.
Analisis Pengaruh Perubahan Tata Guna Lahan Terhadap Ketersedian Air Di Daerah Aliran Sungai (Das ) Siak, Provinsi Riau Muhammad Iqbal, Ari Sandhyavitri Sigit Sutikno
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 13, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1291.771 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jts.v13i2.972


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model hidrologi yang mampu mewakili siklus hidrologi DAS Siak, Provinsi Riau, dan untuk menghitung ketersediaan air pada DAS tersebut.. Studi ini mengembangkan model hidrologi dengan bantuan software Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Perubahan penggunaan lahan berkelanjutan selama periode 10 tahun (2002-2012) dalam DAS Siak yang dianalisis berdasarkan pengolahan oleh citra satelit. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, koefisien determinasi optimal (R2) yang diperoleh dari model keluaran SWAT adalah sebesar 0,59, dengan Nash-Sutcliffe Efisiensi (NSE) adalah 0,58. Koefisien determinasi (R2) untuk model validasi sebesar 0,55 (> R2min 0,4), dan NSE adalah 0,48 (> NES min 0,36). Tingkat ketersediaan air selama periode 2002-2012 (Qmax / Qmin) secara berurutanmasing-masing sebesar 10,72 (2002), 6,83 (2007) dan 12,95 (2012). Karena diperoleh rasio Qmax / Qmin makin tinggi dari tahun ke tahun yang mengindikasikan ketersediaan air yang makin kritis. Hal tersebut menggambarkan perubahan penggunaan tata guna lahan di DAS Siak mempengaruhiketersediaan sumber daya air.
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 14, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (377.24 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/jt.v14i1.1373.%p


The first priority in the airport business area is safety because the risks of fatality and death rates causing aircraft accidents are higher compared to those of other transportation modes. There is a need to investigate the rate of hazardous airports in Indonesia using a combination of Empirical Bayesian and Regression by calculating of their safety indicators. Based on the analyses it was identified that the overall safety rate of airports in Indonesia was 2,502 events per 100 thousand aircraft movements and this was classified as Safe/Regulated Systems. There was also identified 10 airports considered as hazardous ones, based on the deviation values from the largest to the smallest, namely Wamena, Hasanuddin, Polonia, Juanda, Soekarno-Hatta, Sultan Syarif Kasim II, Sepinggan, Abdul Rahman Saleh, Hang Nadim, and Depati Amir, respectively. Keselamatan Penerbangan merupakan hal serius karena risiko kematian yang diakibatkan oleh suatu peristiwa kecelakaan pesawat udara relatif tinggi dibandingkan dengan moda transportasi lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan indikator keselamatan penerbangan suatu bandar udara berdasarkan ketentuan International Civil Aviation Organization dan melakukan analisis tingkat kerawanan bandar udara di Indonesia. Penentuan tingkat kerawanan bandar udara dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kombinasi Emperical Bayesian (EB) dan Regression. Dari analisis yang dilakukan diperoleh tingkat keselamatan penerbangan di bandar udara Indonesia adalah 2.502 kejadian untuk tiap 100 ribu siklus penerbangan atau events dan diklasifikasi sebagai Safe/Regulated Systems. Tingkat kerawanan 10 (sepuluh) bandar udara, disusun berdasarkan nilai devisasi yang terbesar sampai yang terkecil, adalah Wamena, Hasanuddin, Polonia, Juanda, Soekarno-Hatta, Sultan Syarif Kasim II, Sepinggan, Abdul Rahman Saleh, Hang Nadim, dan Depati Amir.
Identifikasi Parameter Signifikan Dalam Penentuan Prioritas Rencana Pengembangan Daerah Irigasi (DI) Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Rumeisyah, Rumeisyah; Sandhyavitri, Ari; Fauzi, Manyuk
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Rokan Hulu is one of districts that are members of the Operasi Pangan Riau Mandiri program (OPRM) which is a program implemented by the Riau Province in order to achieve self-sufficiency in rice for the Riau Province in 2013. To support the program, the governments of Rokan Hulu sought to develop rice fields irrigated area. Under budget constraint it is necessary to identify priority in the development plan for the irrigation area.This research discusses prioritization approache in developing of the irrigation areas based from the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Five criteria for development of the irrigation areas are prioritited as follow: technical aspec, economic, environmental, social/cultural and institutional.The results of the AHP analysis obtained the significant parameters as the following order: institutional (45,0%), technical criteria (21,9%), economic criteria (18,6%), Social/Culture criteria (8,6%), and environmental criteria (5,9%). The significant sub-criteria as the following order: the performance of farmer groups P3A, the condition and function of irrigation channel, availability of rehabilitation funds from local government (APBD), the availability of farmers implementing and availability of water resources. The significant irrigation areas are prioritited as follow Kaiti Samo irrigation area (56,9%)I, Menaming irrigation area (19,7%)II, Palis irrigation area (14,2%)III, Perak irrigation area (9,3%)IV.Keywords: analytical hierarchy process, Irrigation areas, Priority, Rokan Hulu
Uji Fisik Dan Mekanik Laminasi Kayu Akasia (Acacia Mangium) Menggunakan Perekat Epoxy Malau, Natalia K; Sitompul, Iskandar R; Sandhyavitri, Ari
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Timber can be used not only for daily purposes but also as structural requirements. The use of timber as a structural material is not only limited as solid timber, but also as a laminated timber. This aim is to determine of wood supplies of good quality and large dimension. This research determines the physical and mechanical properties of wood such as moisture content, density, bending test and shear test. Acacia mangium was used as the timber in this research and epoxy was used to glue each woods. Bending test was conducted on solid wood and solid wood with coating while shear test was carried out on solid wood, laminated wood, laminated wood with coating . All speciments used the same amount of epoxy 100 MDGL (Million Square Double Glue Line). From the test in this research it is found that average water content and density of acacia mangium was 8.51% and 0.825 gr/ respectively. Bending test carried out on solid wood and solid wood with coating resulted in the load of 72,67 N/ and 93,883 N/ respectively. Moreover shear test conducted solid wood, laminated wood, and laminated wood with coating resulted in the load of 2.129 N/ , 2.650 N/ and 1.919 N/ . Keywords : lamination, moisture content and density, bending test and shear test.
Penentuan Tarif Tol Berdasarkan Analisis Kelayakan Finansial (Studi Kasus: Jalan Tol Pekanbaru-Minas) Guspi, Guspi; Sandhyavitri, Ari; Malik, Alfian
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Road side which connected Pekanbaru-Dumai is one of the most important transportation lane in Riau and was projected as over capacity road. Therefore, a highway design and planning needs to be done in order to overcome these problems. The construction of a highway needs a quite large investment according to feasibility study which came from private. In order to get on investment full cost recovery analysis on this project in essential. The full cost recovery analysis aims to analyse the finance appropriateness on the construction of Pekanbaru-Minas highway with the life span for 40 years. Analysis was done by assuming the traffic growth rate factor (i) 5% /year, bank interests 9,78% /year, inflation was calculated as 5,82% /year from the established fee, ie Rp 860,00 /km. Financial analysis results showed that investment in the development of highway Pekanbaru-Minas give Internal Rate of Return (IRR) result is 10.35%, Net Present Value (NPV) Rp,59, Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) 1.063 and payback period for 26 years. According to this analysis, it could be concluded that the construction of Pekanbaru-Minas Highway is worthy to be proceeded. Keywords: Highway, Rate, Financial Properness
Analisis Kinerja Jalan Tuanku Tambusai Pekanbaru ( Studi Kasus : Depan Mall Ska ) Marbun, Douglas; Elianora, Elianora; Sandhyavitri, Ari
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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The degression of road performance was caused by several factors, particularly by road side activities. Tuanku Tambusai Road, the front side of Mall SKA is an economic region with large volume of traffic. This condition could be assumed in case the traffic volume gets higher, it will decrease the performance of road side, especially on busy hours due to the movement of vehicles to SKA Mall, the stopping public transportations, street vendors, and the parking motorcycles at road side. This research aims to evaluate the performance of Tuanku Tambusai Road, at the front of SKA Mall and find some solutions to overcome theproblems. The road performance analysis was based on Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997. The traffic data was collected from 3 days long, i.e. Saturday (3/2/2018), Sunday (4/2/2018) and Monday (5/2/2018). The results showed that busy hour was happened on Sunday at 12.45-13.45 WIB with Q = 2579,6 smp/hour, C = 3234 smp/hour dan DS = 0,80. Due to DS was higher than MKJI standard, which is DS < 0,75 some planning needs to be done in order to increase the performance of road. In order to reach the maximum standard, a specific lane was planned for vehicles which made their way into SKA Mall. The results showed that DS was able to meet MKJI standard, i.e. DS = 0,59.Keywords : Road Performance, MKJI 1997, Side Activities.
Proceedings ACES (Annual Civil Engineering Seminar) Vol 1 (2015): Annual Civil Engineering Seminar (ACES)
Publisher : Proceedings ACES (Annual Civil Engineering Seminar)

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Kajian karakteristik Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) di wilayah Provinsi Riau belum banyakditeliti. Kebutuhan akan informasi karakteristik DAS sangat penting guna analisispengalihragaman hidrograf menjadi debit. Khusus untuk Sungai Siak yang mengalir di wilayahKota Pekanbaru, memiliki beberapa sub DAS diantaranya sub DAS Sibam, sub DAS AirHitam, sub DAS Senapelan, sub DAS Sail, sub DAS Tenayan, sub DAS Pendanau. Salah satucara untuk menganalisis karakteristik sungai menggunakan data Digital Elevaltion Model(DEM). Data DEM dapat diolah menggunakan teknologi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG).Ketersediaan data DEM dan Sistem Informasi Geografis digunakan untuk ekstraksi morfometriDAS yang cepat, otomatis dan terintegrasi dengan data DAS lainnya. Data karakteristik DASdapat digunakan untuk menghitung debit banjir dengan metode hidrograf satuan sintetik.Metode hidrograf satuan sintetik yang sering digunakan di Indonesia yaitu Hidrograf SatuanSintetik (HSS) Gama I dan Nakayasu. Konsep unit hidrograf satuan dengan nilai kontrolvolume/limpasan langsung (HDRO)1 mm digunakan untuk mengetahui metode HSS mana yangsesuai diterapkan pada suatu sub DAS. Pada studi kasus dapat dilihat metode HSS yang bisaditerapkan pada sub DAS Sibam 1,041, sub DAS Air Hitam 1,034, sub DAS Senapelan 1,045,sub DAS Sail 1,011, sub DAS Tenayan 1,019, sub DAS pendanau 1,032 dengan menggunakanmetode Nakayasu dengan nilai volume error dibawah 5 % dan nilai HDRO 1 mmKeywords: Morfometri DAS ,Gama I, Nakayasu
Co-Authors A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Aditya Sukrama Afdhal Suzalici Putra, Afdhal Suzalici Agus Ika Putra Aidillah Fitria Alfa Roby Khairumusa Alfian Malik Alfian Malik Alfian Malik Andi Asri Permatasari Andy Hendri Antos Gazali Ardiminsyah Ardiminsyah Aris Fadillah Arvin Arvin Arvin Arvin Bambang Siswanto Bambang Sujatmoko Bismo Anggoro Brian Charles S Copricon, Deby Elfi David, Muhammad Dehas Abdaa Dewi Herlina Dewi Herlina Dewi Herlina, Dewi Dilla Kartika Edwar AR Elianora Elianora Elianora, Elianora Erizal &#039; Fajar Restuhadi Fajar Restuhadi Fajri Rahmatullah Fakhri Fakhri Fatiha Nadia, Fatiha Febrizal Ujang Ferry Anggriawan Ferry Fatnanta Fian Syauqi Fiqri Fansyuri Saragih Fri Murdiya Galuh Rahmadyarto Ginda Burnama Gunawan Wibisono Guspi, Guspi Harnedi Maizir Helfira, Nany Hendra Agustian Hendra Taufik Hendra Taufik Herdiansyah Herdiansyah Ilvi Rahmi Amalia Imam Suprayogi Indah Kamelya Shifa, Indah Kamelya Indra Kuswoyo Irvan A Ito Tandika Jhon Hadi Kusuma Lita Darmayanti Luse Benita M Galang Rosyandi M Nurmandra Muas M. Dian Rioputra M. Fajar Anwika Malau, Natalia K Manyuk Fauzi Marbun, Douglas Mardan Fajri Mariani Damanik Mashuri Mohtar Anwar Moulana Rizaldi Mufriadi Mufriadi Muhamad Azizi Muhamad Yusa Muhammad Ikhsan Muhammad Ikhsan Muhammad Ikhsan Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Zulfiqar Mutia Ananda Perdana Naswandi wanto Nessa Riana Putri, Nessa Riana Niko Saputra Nur Ihsan Prasetia, Bayu Reski Raja Andrian Maulana Rama Dwi Aryandi Reni Suryanita Riau Satrya Alamsyah Riya Nisa Putri Rizki Ramadhan Husaini Rizki Sahputra Roma Dearni Rosma, Iswadi Hasyim Rumeisyah, Rumeisyah Sigit Sitikno, Sigit Siswanto Siswanto Sitompul, Iskandar R Soewignjo Agus Nugroho Sri Djuniati Sri Djuniati Sri Juniati Suandi, Oki Sutikno, Sigit Suwitno Syifa Yulita Tri Tjahjono Vito Charly Yogi Guntara Zulfahmi Zulfahmi Zulfikar Djauhari Zulkarnain Yusuf