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IKESMA Vol 9, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : FKM - UNEJ

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Some of the air pollutants that may result in respiratory complaints are NO2, SO2, and dust particles. These pollutants may irritate respiratory tract, leading to lung function impairment and respiratory complaints. The objective of this study was to analyze the concentration of NO2, SO2, and dust in Surabaya. This was an observational analytic study conducted cross-sectionally among traffic policemen and staff policemen in Polwiltabes Surabaya. This study was conducted within the working area of Polwiltabes Surabaya from December 2007 to July 2008. Population of study group was the members of traffic policemen and control group was staff policemen who had met the given criteria. Sample size was 42 persons, 21 persons each from study group and control group. Data analysis used independent two sample t test and multiple logistic regression test. Mean of NO2 and dust levels had exceeded the established standard, while mean of SO2 level was still below its established standard. Mean of indoor NO2, SO2 and dust levels were still below the established standard. Lung function test revealed that 13 (61.9%) of study group had normal lung function and 8 (38.1%) had mild restrictive impairment. In control group, 19 (76.2%) had normal lung function and 2 (23.8%) had mild restrictive impairment. Study group had restrictive impairment 4 time higher risk and 1,4 time higher risk having obstruction impairment than control group. Study group had respiratory complaints 2 time higher risk than control group. Method of data analysis using multiple logistic regression test revealed that age and SO2 concentration had significantly affected lung function and respiratory complaints in study group. It must be consider that poor air quality have causative factor into lung function. It is recommended that local government increased public transportation service, provide additional air quality monitoring, transportation arrangement system, and motor exhaust gas should periodically be checked.
Analisis Keefektifan Kebijakan Pictorial Health Warning pada Kemasan Rokok dalam Menurunkan Perilaku Merokok Siswa Smk se Kabupaten Jember Christyana Sandra
Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 5, No 4 (2016)
Publisher : Center for Health Policy and Management

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (219.965 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jkki.v5i4.30529


ABSTRACTBackground: Smoking is a major factor impacting on lung health. In cigarette smoke there are 4000 harmfull chemicals for health. Two of them are the addictive nature of nicotine and tar which are carcinogenic. The number of novice smokers prevalence in teenagers. But smoking at an early age will increase risks to to health. The increased risk is what pushed the Government to enforce Pictorial Health Warning policies on cigarette packs in 2014.Methods: The objectives of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the policy in lowering the smoking behaviour in students of SMK in Jember District. This was descriptive study with SMK student population, study was carried out in Februari to April 2015. Samples was 63 student using random method.Results: As many as 53,96% from 63 students which are active smokers. All students active smokers that know of any creepy images on cigarette packs but only 70,58% of them know that creepy images is the Government’s policy. As much as 42,86% do not feel scared at the sight of the creepy images, either the first time or after it. 79,41% of active smokers do not feel scared at the sight of creepy images on cigarette packs. Conclution: Pictorial Health Warning policy has not been fully sociallized to the public, only a fraction of the active smokers who feel scared at the sight of the picture has not yet been effectively raises the active smoker’s desire to quit smoking. It is recommended that the Government lists of images that more creepy and vary in order to evoke feelings of fear and disgust so that reduces the interest the student for smoking. Keywords: Pictorial Health Warning, active smokers, SMK students. ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Rokok merupakan faktor berdampak besar pada kesehatan paru. Dalam asap rokok terdapat 4.000 zat kimia berbahaya untuk kesehatan. Dua diantaranya adalah nikotin yang bersifat adiktif dan tar yang bersifat karsinogenik. Jumlah prevalensi perokok pemula pada remaja semakin meningkat. Padahal merokok pada usia dini akan meningkatkan risiko terhadap kesehatan. Peningkatan risiko inilah yang mendorong pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan Pictorial Health Warning pada kemasan rokok pada tahun 2014.Metode: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keefektifan kebijakan tersebut dalam menurunkan perilaku merokok pada siswa SMK se Kabupaten Jember. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan populasi seluruh siswa SMK se Kabupaten Jember, penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari sampai April 2015. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 63 siswa SMK menggunakan metode sampel acak.Hasil: Dari 63 siswa SMK diketahui sebanyak 53,96% merupakan perokok aktif dan semua siswa perokok aktif tersebut mengetahui adanya gambar menyeramkan yang ada di kemasan rokok namun hanya 70,58% diantaranya yang mengetahui bahwa gambar menyeramkan tersebut merupakan kebijakan pemerintah. Sebanyak 42,86% tidak merasa takut saat melihat gambar menyeramkan tersebut, baik pertama kali atau setelahnya. 79,41% perokok aktif tidak merasa takut saat melihat gambar menyeramkan pada kemasan rokok.Kesimpulan: Kebijakan Pictorical Health Warning tersebut belum sepenuhnya tersosialisasikan dengan baik kepada masyarakat dan hanya sebagian kecil dari perokok aktif yang merasa takut saat melihat gambar tersebut namun belum secara efektif menimbulkan keinginan perokok aktif tersebut untuk berhenti merokok. Disarankan pemerintah mencantumkan gambar yang lebih menyeramkan dan bervariasi agar menimbulkan perasaan takut dan jijik sehingga mengurangi minat pelajar untuk merokok. Kata Kunci: Pictorial Health Warning, perokok aktif, siswa SMK
Implementasi Kebijakan Pelindungan dan Pemenuhan Hak Kesehatan Penyandang Disabilitas di Kabupaten Jember Christyana Sandra
Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 11, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Center for Health Policy and Management

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkki.69719


Penyandang disabilitas kerap mendapatkan perlakuan diskrimitatif seperti masih terbatasnya akses untuk memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan peneliti, Ketua Dewan Pembina PERPENCA (Persatuan Penyandang Cacat) Kabupaten Jember menyebutkan bahwa infrastruktur dan sumber daya manusia fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan belum terdistribusi secara merata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana implementasi pemenuhan hak kesehatan berdasarkan variabel isi kebijakan, konteks implementasi dan dampak kebijakan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Implementasi kebijakan pemenuhan hak kesehatan berupa upaya pelayanan kesehatan preventif dan promotif serta penyediaan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan tingkat pertama bagi penyandang disabilitas di Kabupaten Jember telah disesuaikan dengan isi kebijakan dalam Peraturan Daerah Nomor 7 Tahun 2016. Berdasarkan konteks implementasi kekuasaan kebijakan mencakup pada wilayah Kabupaten Jember. Karakteristik lembaga pelaksana sebagai yang menyediakan fasilitas dan merancang penganggaran dana, dirasa belum seluruhnya pelaksana mengetahui adanya peraturan daerah terkait. Meskipun, secara garis besar kepatuhan dan daya tanggap lembaga legislatif maupun eksekutif dalam implementasi dinilai baik oleh masyarakat. Implementasi kebijakan ini juga memberikan dampak positif maupun negatif yang dirasakan mulai dari kalangan pemerintah maupun masyarakat. Kebijakan pelindungan dan pemenuhan hak kesehatan penyandang disabilitas di Kabupaten Jember telah diimplementasikan, namun perlu dilakukan evaluasi kebijakan untuk selanjutnya dapat dilakukan perbaikan serta pengembangan kebijakan.
Hubungan Bauran Pemasaran dan Faktor Psikologis dengan Proses Pengambilan Keputusan Pasien dalam Pemanfaatan Rawat Jalan (Relation of Marketing Mix and Psychological Factors with Patient's Decision-Making Process in Outpatient Services Utilization) Fathur Rachman Hakim; Nuryadi Nuryadi; Christyana Sandra
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 3 No 3 (2015)
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Based on the results of preliminary study have been found decrease in the number ofoutpatient visits in Balung Regional Hospital every years at 2010-2013 with an averageby 5.41%. Considering that indicators of outpatient utilization rate based on the numberof visits per day (within a period of 1 year), and utilization rate of the patient depends onthe decision to use it, therefore concluded that patient's decision to utilize outpatientservices in Balung Regional Hospital were less good. The purpose of this research wasanalyze the relation of marketing mix and psychological factors with patient's decisionmaking process in outpatient services utilization in Balung Regional Hospital, Jember.This research was an analytical design by cross sectional, with number of sampleswere136 of public patients who use outpatient services in 2014. The data were analyzedstatistically by using association Somer's D test. The results showed relationshipbetween place, product, price, promotion, people and process with patient's decisionmaking process. But there was no relationship between physical evidence with patient'sdecision making process. Furthermore, there was relationship between perception,motivation, and attitude with patient's decision making process in outpatient services.Keywords: Marketing Mix, Psychological Factor, Decision Making Process
Mutu Pelayanan Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) di Klinik VCT Puskesmas Puger dari Perspektif Provider Indah Ernawati; Christyana Sandra; Yennike Tri Herawati
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 7 No 2 (2019): Volume 7 No. 2, 2019
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/pk.v7i2.19121


Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) is an entry point to help everyone in utilizing services related to HIV-AIDS prevention, care, support and treatment. Puger Primary Health Care is a primary health care located in the work area with the highest number of HIV-AIDS sufferers in Jember Regency, experiencing a decrease in client visits, and there are some management services that are still not in accordance with VCT guidelines. This study aimed to describe the quality of VCT services at the VCT Clinic Puger Primary Health Care from the perspective of provider. This study was descriptive study using questionnaire, documentation study, and observation. The study respondents were 7 VCT clinic officers. The results indicated that in input parameter showed a lack of human resources, insufficient funding, lack of availability and material conditions that meet the VCT guidelines. In planning indicators related to the human resources, improvements of infrastructure facilities had not been written in the POA, the job description was sufficient based on duties and competences of staff and there were coordination, supervision and evaluation. In the dimensions of technical competence, access to services, efficiency, human relations, continuity and safety of VCT clinics in good categories, but sufficient and less categories for dimensions of effectiveness and comfort dimensions.
Kemampuan Membayar Iuran Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Bagi Nelayan di Kabupaten Jember (Ability To Pay The Premium Of National Health Insurance For Fisherman in Jember) Widya Noormalasari; Nuryadi Nuryadi; Christyana Sandra
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 3 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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National Health Insurance is an Indonesian government program which mandates by social Insurance that required for all Indonesian citizens through BPJS. Coverage by independent participation in Jember is still very small that equal to 0.75 % of all participants registered. The results of a preliminary survey on the fisherman shows that 72.5 % of respondents thought unable to pay contribution JKN. The objective of this study was to calculate the ability to pay contribution of JKN for fishermen in Jember. This study was a quantitative descriptive study conducted in 3 villages, there are Puger Wetan village subdistrict Puger, Sumberejo village subdistrict Ambulu, and Lojejer village subdistrict Wuluhan. Results showed that most of respondents monthly income was middle which was in the interval ≥Rp.3.100.000,- to ≤Rp.7.750.000,- by the average was Rp.6.200.000,-; while the average household expenditure reached up to Rp.6.077.424,-. The calculation formula has got to calculate ability to pay is ΣRevenue – (-63880+ 0,8653X + ₁ 0,6361X3+ 1,277X4+ 1,081X5+ 0,6571X6+ 1,269X7+ 1,151X8+ 1,165X9+ 0,9445X10+ 1,307X11+ 1,540X12+ 0,9707X13+ 1,007X14+ 1,159X15+ 0.9988X16+ 1,047X17+ 1,064X18+ 3,517X19+ 1,015X20). Most of respondents (54,5%) were able to pay the premium of National Health Insurance. Most of respondents (61,11%) were only having ability to paid the premium for inpatient care grade 3 (Rp.25.500,- for one person every month). Keywords : Ability To Pay, National Health Insurance, Fisherman
Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Peduli Remaja (PKPR) oleh Remaja Sekolah di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Bondowoso Citra Al Karina; Christyana Sandra; Yennike Tri Herawati
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Volume 8 No. 2, 2020
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/pk.v8i2.15812


Abstract PKPR is a program developed since 2003 at the primary care level aimed as well as for access by teenagers to improve the health status of adolescents since. PKPR implemented since 2007 in 11 health centers in the regency and already strata. Visit data utilization in the 15-19 age PKPR, KIE activities amounted to 14.26%; health care amounted to 76.75%; and counseling by 1.71%; as well as with the achievements of PKPR utilization of 92.72% (33 224 adolescents) who has yet to reach the expected target is equal to 100%.The purpose of this study to analyze the factors that affect the utilization PKPR by school adolescents (15-19 years) in the working area of ​​the regency health centers in 2019. This research is an analytic research with cross sectional design where data collection is done at one time. The research samples 96 adolescent proportioned Tlogosari health center, tamanan and Maesan the regency with the technique multistage sampling, Data were obtained through a questionnaire and documentation study. Data was analyzed using statistical test of chi-square or fisher's exact test and logistic regression in the form forward with a significance level α = 0.05. The results showed that the statistical chi-square test and Fisher's exact test for the predisposing characteristics, namely there is no influence of age (p = 0.554); gender (p = 0.853); level of education (p = 0.348); and knowledge (p = 0.584). Enabling characteristics of no effect, the ownership of health insurance (p = 0.784) and accessibility to health care (p = 1.000); and there are significant variables is the availability of health workers (p = 0.002) and health care (p = 0.000), the competence of health professionals (p = 0.002), and the time/speed of service (p = 0.012). Factors needs (perceived need) no effect (p = 1.000). The test results of multivariate logistic regression with forward stepwise method (likelihood ratio) is the most influential factor on the utilization PKPR is not available health facilities (p = 0.045) and less competent health workers (p = 0.001). Keywords: PKPR program, utilization PKPR, youth, access Abstrak PKPR ialah suatu program yang dikembangkan sejak tahun 2003 di tingkat puskesmas yang ditujukan serta untuk diakses oleh remaja guna meningkatkan status kesehatan remaja sejak. PKPR dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2007 pada 11 puskesmas di Kabupaten Bondowoso dan sudah strata. Data kunjungan pemanfaatan PKPR usia 15-19 tahun pada kegiatan KIE sebesar 14,26%; pelayanan kesehatan sebesar 76,75%; dan konseling sebesar 1,71%; serta dengan capaian pemanfaatan PKPR sebesar 92,72% (33.224 remaja) yang masih belum mencapai target yang diharapkan yaitu sebesar 100%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi pemanfaatan PKPR oleh remaja sekolah (15-19 tahun) di wilayah kerja puskesmas Kabupaten Bondowoso tahun 2019. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan desain cross sectional dimana pengambilan data dilakukan pada satu waktu. Sampel penelitian 96 remaja yang diproporsikan pada Puskesmas Tlogosari, Tamanan dan Maesan Kabupaten Bondowoso dengan teknik multistage sampling. Data diperoleh melalui angket kuesioner dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji statistik chi-square atau fisher’s exact test dan regresi logistik berupa forward dengan tingkat signifikansi α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa uji statistik chi-square dan fisher’s exact test untuk karakteristik predisposisi tidak terdapat pengaruh yaitu umur (p=0,554); jenis kelamin (p=0,853); tingkat pendidikan (p=0,348); dan pengetahuan (p=0,584). Karakteristik enabling tidak terdapat pengaruh yaitu kepemilikan asuransi kesehatan (p=0,784) dan aksesibilitas menuju pelayanan kesehatan (p=1,000); serta variabel yang terdapat pengaruh ialah ketersediaan tenaga kesehatan (p=0,002) dan fasilitas kesehatan (p=0,000), kompetensi tenaga kesehatan (p=0,002), dan waktu/kecepatan pelayanan (p=0,012). Faktor kebutuhan (perceived need) tidak terdapat pengaruh (p=1,000). Hasil uji multivariat regresi logistik dengan metode forward stepwise (likelihood ratio) faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap pemanfaatan PKPR adalah tidak tersedia fasilitas kesehatan (p=0,045) dan tenaga kesehatan kurang kompeten (p=0,001). Kata Kunci: program PKPR, pemanfaatan PKPR, remaja, akses
Hubungan Citra Pelayanan dengan Pemanfaatan Layanan Rawat Inap di Rumah Sakit Jember Klinik Tahun 2018 Agustin Dwi Rahayu; Christyana Sandra; Sri Utami
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 9 No 2 (2021): Volume 9 No.2, 2021
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/pk.v9i2.12609


The role of the hospital’s image greatly influences the success of activities in acting as a hospital. There are five dimensions to measure the image of service through the company image (corporate image): corporate identity, physical environment, contact personnel, service offering, and corporate individuality. The study is a quantitative study aimed at analyzing the image of service and utilization of inpatient services at Jember Klinik Hospital. Results showed that of the 90 respondents, respondents had good ratings of corporate identity (60%), physical environment (68.9%), contact personnel (97.8%), service offering (74.4%), corporate individuality (70%), and service utilization (77.8%). Data analysis showed that the variables which have a significant correlation with the utilization of inpatient services at Jember Klinik Hospital are corporate identity (0.007), physical environment (0.010), service offering (0.009), corporate individuality (0.043), and contact personnel (0.065) has no correlation with the utilization of inpatient services at Jember Klinik Hospital. The study concluded that the assessment of service images at Jember Klinik Hospital is good, but the physical environment variable has a low rating regarding inadequate parking facilities. The strategic location and type of service provided by the hospital are essential factors in the utilization of health services.
Analisis Kebutuhan Pelatihan bagi Tenaga Administrasi di Instalasi Rawat Jalan RSD dr.Soebandi Jember (Training Need Analysis for Administratrive Staffs in Outpatient Installation at RSD dr.Soebandi Jember) Anita Krisdiyanti; Nuryadi Nuryadi; Christyana Sandra
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 2 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Training need analysis is the process of collecting and analyzing data to identify the factors that need to be improved with training. In 2009, RSD dr.Soebandi Jember has conducted a training needs analysis for administrative staffs using based Job Competencies Based Need Analysis approach. However, it would be appropriate if the RSD dr.Soebandi Jember uses Person Competencies Based Need Analysis approach so can be identified that the gap between the standard and actual competency. The objective of these study was to analyzed the training needs for administrative staffs in Outpatient Installation at RSD dr.Soebandi with Person Competencies Based Need Analysis approach. These study used a descriptive research. Based on these research, competency standards of knowledge, attitude, and skill consist of excellent service, administrative, computer, and SIM-RS. In addition, it was determined those all or 100% of administrative staffs in Outpatient Installation must met the standards of competency in both categories. In actual competency was found that the administrative sttafs who had good knowledge are 43%, good attitude are 91%, and good skill are 45%. Based on results of the identification of standard competency and actual competency can be concluded that on average there was a gap on all competency. Keywords: Training Need Analysis, Person Competencies Based Need Analysis
Analisis Biaya Satuan (Unit Cost) Dengan Metode Activity Based Costing (ABC) (Studi Kasus di Poli Mata RSD Balung Kabupaten Jember) Anis Tri Sugiyarti; Nuryadi Nuryadi; Christyana Sandra
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 1 No 1 (2013)
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Hospital is a government environment agency stablished to provide health services to the community. Therefore, hospitals desperately need input in the form of complete information, about is cost of a unit (unit cost). RSD Balung Jember that are required to perform the calculation of unit costs (unit cost) by of activity based costing (ABC) method. The purpose research is the calculation of unit costs (unit cost) by of activity based costing (ABC) method in Eyes at RSD Balung Jember. These research used descriptive with case study. Results sowed that, extraction corpus alienum Rp. 42.695; epilasi eyelash Rp. 36.579; incisi hordeolum or chalazion Rp. 41.956; tonometri Rp. 19.883; funduscopy Rp. 39.642; fluorosence Rp. 41.200; slyt lamp Rp. 14.119; visus Rp. 13.674; eye irrigation Rp. 60.544; extraction granuloma and ptyrigium Rp. 63.685; lift statches Rp. 36.507; anel test Rp. 60.288; prescription glasses Rp. 30.249; colour blind test Rp. 17.332; and health KIR Rp. 17.332;.The type of action that has a unit cost above tariff is funduscopy, fluorosence, lift stitches, anel test, and prescription glasses, while under the tariff is the extraction corpus alienum, epilasi eyelash, incisi hordeolum or chalazion, tonometri, slyt lamp, visus, eye irrigation, extraction granuloma and ptyrigium, color blind tests and health KIR. Keywords: Unit Cost, Activity Based Costing (ABC)