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Improving The Speaking Ability Of Students In Class IV.a SD Negeri 0411 Ujung Batu Through Vocabulary Card Media Helmida Hasibuan; Rinja Efendi
Indonesian Journal of Basic Education Vol 4 No 2 (2021): INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC EDUCATION
Publisher : STKIP Rokania Pasir Pangaraian

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The purpose of this study is (1) to find out how to improve speaking skills using vocabulary card media in fourth grade students of SD Negeri 0411 Ujung Batu in the academic year 2020/2021; (2) to determine the form of planning and implementation of learning to speak using vocabulary card media: (3) to find out the obstacles and results obtained from learning to speak using vocabulary card media, consisting of 20 students. This study also uses 2 (two) cycles starting from February to May 2021. From the results of the learning activities, it can be concluded as follows: (1) learning using vocabulary card media has a positive impact on improving speaking skills marked by an increase in students' speaking in each cycle, namely the first cycle obtained an average of 66.25 and in the second cycle obtained an average of 80; (2) the application of vocabulary card media in speaking skills has a positive influence, namely students are able to express and express ideas, and the results of students' scores meet the minimum completeness criteria
Application Of Hybrid Learning Methods To Increase The Activeness Of Grade 3 Students Of SD Negeri 0512 Bonal Jae Batu Mawaddah Pasaribu; Rinja Efendi; Elvina Elvina
Indonesian Journal of Basic Education Vol 5 No 1 (2022): INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC EDUCATION
Publisher : STKIP Rokania Pasir Pangaraian

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The purpose of this study is to increase student learning motivation. Questions shared with parents and surveyed found that all students were tired of distance learning. The learning approach to improving student activity is combined with distance learning. Hybrid learning is a combination of online (in-network) and offline (off-network). This learning method was adopted because learning is more diverse. Students can observe/experiment/work on projects in the home environment after acquiring the material in an online format. Students are not tied to screens and module books, but students are more enthusiastic about activities around the house with family. This research is a class action study of 23 grade 3 students of SD Negeri 0512 Bonal Jae Batu. The study was conducted in 2 cycles with 2 sessions per cycle. Each session consists of 4 stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The implementation of the research phase accommodates distance learning, which is carried out separately because the students are in their respective homes. Based on the results of the study, an average of 78.26% of students were active from 23 students in cycle I, and an average of 91.30% in cycle II. Therefore, the combined distance learning approach can increase student activity by 13.04% during the Covid-19 prevention period for grade 3 of SD Negeri 0512 Bonal Jae Batu
Application of the Problem Posing Approach to Improve Thematic Learning Outcomes of Class V A Students at SD Negeri 014 Rambah Rinja Efendi; Leni Marlina
Indonesian Journal of Basic Education Vol 5 No 3 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Basic Education
Publisher : STKIP Rokania Pasir Pangaraian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37728/ijobe.v5i3.621


This study aims to improve student thematic learning outcomes through the application of the Problem Posing approach. From the initial research data, student learning outcomes are still low, as evidenced by 19 students only 36.85% of students who complete and 63.15% of students do not complete below the KKM 75 that has been set by the school. This type of research is classroom action research conducted in 2 cycles, consisting of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The subjects of this study were fifth grade students of SD Negeri 014 Rambah. Data collection techniques using tests and observations. The research instrument used observation sheets and learning outcomes test questions. The results showed that after doing research on learning outcomes in the first cycle of meeting 1 obtained 63.16% of students completed, in the first cycle of meeting 2 increased to 79.95% of students who completed, in the second cycle of meeting 1 obtained 84.2% of students completed and at cycle II meeting 2 increased to 89.48% of students completed. It can be concluded that the research on the application of the Problem Posing approach to Improving Thematic Learning Outcomes of Grade V Students of SD Negeri 014 Rambah is said to be successful.