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UNTAG Law Review Vol 3, No 1 (2019): UNTAG LAW REVIEW (ULREV)
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (146.824 KB) | DOI: 10.36356/ulrev.v3i1.1071


Cyber attacks are a dangerous threat to a country that has a high dependence on communication and information technology. Cyber attacks can be used systematically to disrupt and dysfunction an infrastructure and network so that it can cause not only physical damage but also fatalities. Cyber attacks are complex and multidomain; consequently, they require comprehensive and targeted policies. Indonesia in the early stages of developing cyber policies, therefore it can learn from America in developing policies in dealing with cyber threats.
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

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State military strategy and weaponry may reflect the economic, political and describes the mastery and the capability of technology. Technologies turn the conventional war paradigm that is kinetic and located in physics domain towards modern warfare using non kinetic weapon and located in fifth domain, namely cyberspace. This war techniques and methods is emphasized to attack through computer network with particular political intent or national security of a state with the aim of causing damage, chaos, death, undermine and disrupt the defense system, transportation system, telecommunication system, banking system and other state’s vital assets systematically without crossing the state boundaries.In the conventional warfare is relatively easy to implement the International Humanitarian Law Principle but there are some constraints in the implementation these principles in cyber warfare, such as the nature of anonymity, military and civilian infrastructures network interconnection, lack of international and national regulation on cyber warfare/cyber attack so that countries unilaterally interpret the rules of war in the cyber domain. These problems led to much debate over whether cyber warfare are in the scope of IHL or not due to non-kinetic cyber attack therefore it cannot be considered as an armed conflict in the truest sense. This determination is very important because it is associated with the implementation of the basic provisions of IHL during armed conflict, such as the protection to the non-combatant, civilian, and civilian objects, etc.Several developed countries stated cyberspace as their new warfare domain and has been developing cyber units to equip their military forces both to conduct cyber and defend against cyber attack in cyberspace. Eugene Kaspersky stated that global cyber war will be more dangerous and increasing. The attacks carried out will be more systematic and sophisticated than before. Indonesia with 82 million Internet users should pay more attention to this issue because in last three year Ministry of ICT state that 3,9 Millions cyber attacks against Indonesia's domain. we can imagine if this attack carried out on vital infrastructure such as mass transportation, banking systems, defense systems, air traffic control systems, or civil nuclear power plants will not only cause malfunctions, but has the potential to cause physical damage, injury even civilian death.Therefore, in 2013 the Indonesian government began to develop a cyber defense system to counter cyber attacks that could interfere with the sovereignty, defense and national interests of Indonesia. Director General of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense said that regulatory and presence of cyber command center are important factors that must be considered in order to run well. Based on the above description, the authors are interested in developing the rules concept of cyber warfare based on IHL principles and integrate with military force in order to maintain the sovereignty of Indonesia in the real and cyber domains.Keywords: cyberwar, international humanitarian law, Indonesia, policy, strategy
The Urgency of Defining Indonesia’s National Critical Infrastructure Anang Setiyawan
UNIFIKASI : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 6, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/unifikasi.v6i2.1673


Abstract: Indonesia has experienced millions of cyber attacks but it has never been able to be handled properly and completely, partly because of weak policies and conventional perspectives in understanding cyber threats. A country's vital infrastructure is related to a country's national interests, so threats to vital infrastructure are tantamount to threatening Indonesia's national interests. The level of use and dependence of a country on information and communication technology is directly proportional to the level of security and defense vulnerability in a country. Communication network connectivity and information technology cause security in this domain to become a separate issue in itself. This study aims to outline the importance of Indonesia to establish a national vital infrastructure in Indonesia in order to prepare Indonesia to face threats in the fifth domain. Determination of national vital infrastructure is urgent because it is closely related to the determination of jurisdiction, national defense and security policies in the cyber domain. This research is a normative study using a comparative approach. The results showed that Indonesia still uses a conventional perspective in seeing the form of threats and determining national vital objects as stipulated in Presidential Regulation No. 63 year 2014. Therefore, in order to face the threats of defense, security as well as national interests of Indonesia in the cyber domain, government needs to evaluate existing policies in accordance with the modern threats, as well as to establish and define Indonesia's vital national infrastructure.Keywords: national interest, security, defense, critical infrastructure, cyber threat.Urgensi Penetapan Infrastruktur Vital Nasional Indonesia Abstrak: Indonesia mengalami jutaan serangan cyber namun tidak pernah dapat ditangani dengan baik dan tuntas, hal ini diantaranya disebabkan karena lemahnya kebijakan dan perspektif konvensional dalam memahami ancaman cyber. Infrastruktur vital suatu Negara sangat terkait dengan kepentingan nasional suatu Negara, sehingga ancaman terhadap infrastruktur ini sama artinya dengan mengancam kepentingan nasional Indonesia. Tingginya penggunaan dan ketergantungan suatu Negara terhadap teknologi informasi dan komunikasi berbanding lurus dengan tingkat kerentanan keamanan dan pertahanan disuatu Negara. Konektifitas jaringan komunikasi dan teknologi informasi menyebabkan keamanan di domain ini menjadi masalah tersendiri yang kompleks. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan pentingnya Indonesia untuk menetapkan dan mendefinisikan infratruktur vital nasional di Indonesia dalam rangka mempersiapkan Indonesia menghadapi ancaman pertahanan dan keamanan di domain kelima. Upaya penentuan infrastruktur vital nasional ini penting segera dilakukan karena berkaitan erat dengan upaya penentuan yurisdiksi, kebijakan pertahanan dan keamanan nasional Indonesia di domain. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan komparatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia masih menggunakan perspektif konvensional dalam melihat bentuk Ancaman dan menentukan objek vital nasional sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden No. 63 tahun 2014. Oleh karena itu, dalam rangka menghadapi ancaman pertahanan dan keamanan serta kepentingan nasional indonesia di domain cyber maka pemerintah perlu mengkaji kembali kebijakan yang ada sesuai bentuk ancaman modern dan menetapkan infrastruktur vital nasional milik Indonesia.Kata kunci: national interest, security, defense, critical infrastructure, cyber threat.
Perbandingan Kebijakan Sistem Big Data Di Indonesia Dan Uni Eropa Tanzil Kurmiawan; Anang Setiyawan; Woro Winandi
Widya Yuridika Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Widya Yuridika: Jurnal Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Widya Gama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/wy.v3i2.1514


Human rights are individual privacy that must or must be protected by the state and recognized internationally. Privacy protection is regulated in article 28 G paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution. Government regulations in Indonesia are quite a lot in regulating individual privacy on personal data but have not been firm enough and clear in regulating the protection and confidentiality of individual privacy, especially those stored in big data. The development of big data in Indonesia is very rapid somany parties have taken advantage of business by managing the data of Indonesian citizens in the system he made. However, this has not been matched by regulatory reforms and the existence of legal certainty over information security standards applied in the big data system so that the data owner suffers a loss if there is a violation of his personal data. The results of this study are comparing and analyzing the regulations in force in Indonesia with the General Data Protection Regulations which have effectively been in effect in the European Union since 2018.
Citizenship Jurnal Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Vol 7, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (392.794 KB) | DOI: 10.25273/citizenship.v7i1.4294


This study aims to see the relevance of Pancasila values as a defense paradigm in Indonesia in dealing with modern threats. This research uses doctrinal methods with statue approach. The pancasila values able to unite, collaborate with all the elements in order to achieve and realize the goals of the State of Indonesia. Pancasila values still need to be held firmly and realized in the all aspects of the Indonesian people’s life. Pancasila is a defense paradigm that has been tested in the Indonesian people struggle history in facing threats from within and outside the country. Pancasila as a defense paradigm is still very relevant to be used to deal with various forms of threats both conventional threats and modern threats as we are currently facing.
SUPREMASI HUKUM Vol 17 No 01 (2021): Supremasi Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33592/jsh.v17i01.1164


The Asean open sky policy will have logical consequences on the regulation, control and utilization of Indonesian air space, therefore a strategic regulation, control and utilization strategy is needed to maintain the national interests of the Indonesian state as a whole.This paper uses doctrinal research methods through literature study, while the data analysis uses qualitative methods. The results of this research study indicate that the government must improve and make improvements to infrastructure on national aviation in terms of capacity, systems and technology, as well as strengthening existing policies and regulations so as to maximize the use and utilization of the potential of the air space.
Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat Desa Gondosuli-Kabupaten Karanganyar terhadap Pengelolaan Lingkungan sebagai Upaya Pengurangan Resiko Bencana Anang setiyawan; Sri Lestari Rahayu; Sasmini; Ayub Torry Satriyo Kusumo; Emmy Latifah; Erna Dyah Kusumawati; Rachma Indriyani; Anugrah Adiastuti; Siti Muslimah; Diah Apriani Atika Sari
Jurnal Dedikasi Hukum Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Agustus 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jdh.v3i2.28438


Pertumbuhan dan pengembangan daerah wisata diberbagai wilayah sebagai penggerak perkonomian suatu daerah berbanding lurus dengan resiko bencana yang akan dihadapi jika tidak dikelola dengan baik. Desa Gondosuli, Kecamatan Tawangmangu memiliki potensi wisata alam yang menarik sebagai tujuan investasi berbagai pihak, namun masalahnya adalah pembangunan objek wisata, sarana prasarana pendukung dan pemukiman diwilayah ini terkesan tidak memperhatikan karakteristik geografis, selain itu, menurut data kebencanaan menunjukkan bahwa wilayah desa wisata Gondosuli memiliki tingkat kerentanan bencana tanah longsor yang tinggi. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan peningkatan pengetahuan melalui diseminasi dan pelatihan mitigasi bencana alam berbasis komunitas yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat dan pemerintah desa terhadap bencana dengan melibatkan Akademisi, BPBD Karanganyar, Perangkat Desa serta Masyarakat Desa Gondosuli. Program pengabdian ini mampu meningkatkan kesadaran akan karakteristik wilayah yang rentan bencana sekaligus berhasil membentuk komunitas tanggap bencana berbasis masyarakat desa Gondosuli.   Abstract Increasing Community Awareness of Gondosuli Village-Karanganyar Regency towards Environmental Management as an Effort to Reducing Disaster Risk. The growth and development of tourist areas in various regions, as an economic driver for an area, are directly proportional to the disaster risks that will be faced if not managed properly. Gondosuli Village, Tawangmangu Sub-district, has attractive natural tourism potential as an investment destination for various parties. However, the issue lies in the development of tourist attractions, supporting infrastructure, and settlements in this area, which seem to overlook the geographical characteristics. Additionally, according to disaster data, the Gondosuli tourist village area has a high vulnerability to landslides. The method used involves increasing knowledge through the dissemination and training of community-based natural disaster mitigation. The aim is to raise awareness among the community and village government regarding disasters by involving academics, the Karanganyar Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), village officials, and the Gondosuli Village community. This community service program has succeeded in increasing awareness of the characteristics of disaster-prone areas and has effectively formed a community-based disaster response in Gondosuli Village.