Ridwan Saptoto
Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia Vol 6, No 2 (2009): VOL 6, NO 2 (2009)
Publisher : Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia

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Dinamika psikologis nerimo sebagai motivator atau demotivator di lingkungan kerja perlu dipahami lebih mendalam. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain fenomenologis. Responden adalah orang Jawa yang bekerja sebagai pegawai swasta, pegawai negeri, atau pedagang. Analisis data menunjukkan bahwa nerimo cenderung menjadi motivator dan bukan demotivator. Nerimo membuat orang mampu menghadapi aneka tantangan kerja, khususnya tantangan yang tak terelakkan. Mereka yang menggunakan nerimo ketika menghadapi tantangan kerja merasa lega. Semangat mereka untuk maju muncul, mereka mampu mawas diri, berpikir dan belajar mengatasi tantangan atau menemukan pemecahan alternatif. Mereka menjadi termotivasi dalam bekerja. Sebaliknya nerimo menjadi demotivator jika dipahami sebagai sikap menerima aneka tantangan kerja secara pasif. Mereka memiliki keyakinan seperti ini menjadi apatis dan submisif. Perasaan tersebut pada gilirannya membuat mereka merasa tak berdaya dan nglokro.Kata kunci: nerimo, motivator, demotivator, tantangan kerjaThe psychological dynamics of nerimo as motivator or demotivator in the work setting need to be understood deeper. This research used a qualitative approach and a phenomenological design. The respondents were Javanese people that worked as private employees, public service employees, or entrepreneurs. The data analysis showed that nerimo tends to become as motivator instead of demotivator. Nerimo makes humans able to face work challenges, especially the unavoidable ones. Those who used nerimo when facing work challenges became relieved. Their spirit to move forward emerged, they were able to evaluate themselves, think and learn to solve the challenges or find alternative solutions. They became motivated in their job. Nerimo played as demotivator when it was understood as the attitude to accept every work challenges passively. Those who had this belief became apathetic and submissive. Those feelings made them feel helpless and nglokro.Keywords: nerimo, motivator, demotivator, work challanges
Perbedaan Waktu Pemberian Jawaban dan Hasil Tes Inteligensi Ditinjau dari Perbedaan Lembar Jawaban Saptoto, Ridwan
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 39, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.215 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpsi.6988


Many intelligence test administered designed as paper and pencil test. But efficiency demand in this time make it administered using computer answer sheet, and testie forced to give answer by blackening answer dots using 2B computer pencil in answer sheet. This method reduce testie time to think the right answer, and may influence intelligence test result. This study aimed to compare time to fill answer sheet and intelligence test results, between testie who did test with paper and pencil answer sheet and testie who did test with computer answer sheet. Experiment method choseed in this study. Simple design with repeated sample used in first experiment step. Prior, subjects were assigned to fill answer sheet by streak. And then they assigned to give answer by blackening answer dots. Data analysis show that there were significant difference between first and second assignment (F = 192.192, p < 0.05). Two independent group design used in the second experiment step. Subjects were randomly assigned to join control group or experiment group. Subjects in control group did test using paper and pencil answer sheet, while subjects in experiment group did test using computer answer sheet. Data analysis show that there were significant difference in intelligence level between control group and experiment group in CFIT A (t = 1.681, p < 0.05; one tailed), CFIT B (t = 2.289, p < 0.05; one tailed), and CFIT A and B (t = 1.819, p < 0.05; one tailed). Control group consistently higher in intelligence test results than experiment group. Keywords: intelligence test, CFIT, computer answer sheet
Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosi dengan Kemampuan Coping Adaptif Saptoto, Ridwan
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 37, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (253.27 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpsi.7689


This study was aimed to analyze the correlation between adaptive coping and emotional intelligence (EI). The subject of this study (N=69) are high school students in SMU Negeri 8 Yogyakarta, whose age ranged from 15 to 17 years old. Adaptive coping is measured by adaptive coping scale, and EI is measured by EI scale. Researcher developed both scale. Data was analyzed using Pearson’s product moment correlation. Results show that there are: positive correlation between EI and problem focused coping (PFC) part I (r=0,302; p=0,006), negative correlation between EI and emotional focused coping (EFC) and confrontative coping (CC) part I (r=‐0,322; p=0,004), and negative correlation between EI and PFC and CC part II (r=‐0,366; p=0,001). Spearman’s test correlation used to analyze correlation between EI and EPC part II, because this correlation did not meet linearity assumption. Spearman’s test correlation show that there is no correlation between EI and EPC part II (p=0,337). Based on these minor hypothesis, it is concluded that generally there is correlation between EI and adaptive coping ability.
Pengaruh Adaptasi Waktu Administrasi yang disebabkan Penggunaan Lembar Jawaban Komputer terhadap Hasil CFIT 3 A dan 3 B Saptoto, Ridwan
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 45, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (407.39 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpsi.30853


Previous research showed a difference in intelligence level caused by a difference in answering method. This research aimed to adapt test time administered using computer answer sheet. Adaptation time was conducted by comparing the time needed to give an answer by making a cross line and blackening answer dots using 2B computer pencil. Experiment method with two independent group design had chosen. Data analysis showed no difference in raw score between control group and experiment group in CFIT 3A (t = 1.045, p > 0.05), CFIT 3B (t = 0.368, p > 0.05), and CFIT 3A and 3B (t = 0.791, p > 0.05). Data analysis also found no difference in intelligence level between both groups in CFIT 3A (t = 1.063, p > 0.05), CFIT 3B (t = 0.470, p > 0.05), and CFIT 3A and 3B (t = 0.771, p > 0.05). Adaptation administration time did not change intelligence test results. Abstrak.Hasil penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan adanya perbedaan tingkat inteligensi yang disebabkan oleh perbedaan metode memberikan jawaban. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan adaptasi terhadap tes yang menggunakan lembar jawaban komputer. Adaptasi waktu dilakukan dengan membandingkan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk memberikan jawaban dengan cara menyilang dan menghitamkan alternatif jawaban menggunakan pensil 2B. Metode eksperimen dengan desain dua kelompok independen dipilih dalam penelitian ini. Analisis data menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan skor mentah antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok eksperimen pada CFIT 3A (t = 1,045, p > 0,05), CFIT 3B (t = 0,368, p > 0,05), serta CFIT 3A dan 3B (t = 0,791, p > 0,05). Analisis data juga menemukan tidak terdapat perbedaan tingkat inteligensi antara kedua kelompok pada CFIT 3A (t = 1,063, p > 0,05), CFIT 3B (t = 0,470, p > 0,05), serta CFIT 3A dan 3B (t = 0,771, p > 0,05). Adaptasi waktu administrasi tidak mengubah hasil tes inteligensi.