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Jurnal Manajamen Informatika Jayakarta Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Manajemen Informatika Jayakarta
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Jayakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52362/jmijayakarta.v1i2.444


The writing of this paper aims to present visual mapping applications as an alternative to reduce billing productivity in PT. Indonesian Telecommunications. As for the background of this writing trying to find solutions to address constraints are not found that occur in the field. This is due to the increasing number of customers who use the internet in the region, especially Jakarta, in this case many customers who do not understand about the procedures of payment, due bills and internet disconnection, then there is a lot of arrears so that it becomes the duty of CTB (Caring Teritory Base) as the billing party, then it becomes a problem if the customer's address is incomplete, there is no information rt and rw , the name of the tower, as well as the floor of the building. It will be a concern for the company to reduce Revenue Loss due to unpaid bills, as well as not achieving the targets set by management to employees. The analysis method used by the author is Object Oriented Analysis. (OOA). OOA sees problems based on system user objects. With OOA can be created modeling system. The application of OOA in this study uses Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagram. The Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagrams that the authors use are the Use Case Diagram design of the Activity Diagram design, the Sequence Diagram design, and the Class Diagram design. Application development method or Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that the author applied is waterfall method. Waterfall method has a special feature that is the entire development process is carried out in sequence starting from the stage of concept planning, modeling, development, testing and maintenance of the system. This analysis found that the existence of Find&Go application can help in overcoming arrears problems that occur in the company.
Perancangan sistem informasi peserta kursus mengemudi berbasis web pada kursus mengemudi AR’RAHMAN Jakarta Fitriyani Hidayah; Rumadi Hartawan; Zulhalim Zulhalim; Asih Septia Rini
Jurnal Manajamen Informatika Jayakarta Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Manajemen Informatika Jayakarta
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Jayakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52362/jmijayakarta.v1i1.416


Perkembangan dunia internet sekarang ini sangat pesat telah menuntut banyak orang untuk memanfaatkan dunia maya dalam setiap kegiatan di dunia nyata, situs website dan internet merupakan media penyampaian informasi atau sebagai media pelayanan yang efektif dan efisien, dengan jaringan internet kita dapat menjelajah tanpa batas ruang waktu menggunakan jaringan internet. Sistem Informasi Komputerisasi berperan penting dalam segala bidang, misalnya dalam informasi pelayanan suatu lembaga, sistem komputerisasi ini bertujuan untuk mengelola data secara mudah, cepat, dan akurat. Selain itu harus didukung pula oleh sumber daya yang bermutu, yang dapat mengelola data dengan baik. Namun kenyataannya masih banyak lembaga kursus yang masih menggunakan sistem manual, seperti yang penulis temukan pada saat riset di Lembaga Kursus Mengemudi Ar’rahman Jakarta dalam mengelola data pendaftaran peserta kursus baru. Sehingga menjadi kurang efektif dan menumpuknya kertas-kertas dokumen peserta, serta lambatnya proses pembuatan laporan. Namun apabila proses tersebut diperbaharui menjadi suatu sistem yang terkomputerisasi maka akan menjadi jauh lebih baik. Untuk itulah penulis mencoba membuat perancangan mengenai Perancangan Sistem Informasi Peserta Kursus Mengemudi Ar’Rahman Jakarta. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penulis melakukan analisa sistem lebih mendalam dengan cara obsevasi dan wawancara secara mendetail kepada staff untuk selanjutnya penulis kelola dan paparkan. Dengan memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi berbasis website ini diharapkan dapat membantu dan meningkatkan pelayanan yang lebih efektif, melakukan penyimpanan dokumen melalui database sistem agar tidak penumpukan arsip yang menyebabkan rusak atau hilang. Perancangan sistem informasi ini merupakan solusi terbaik untuk memecahkan permasalahan yang ada, serta dengan sistem yang terkomputerisasi dapat tercapai suatu kegiatan yang efektif dan efisien serta dapat lebih kondusif dibandingkan dengan sistem yang terdahulu. The development of the internet today is very fast, it has demanded many people to take advantage of the virtual world in every activity in the real world, websites and the internet are media for delivering information or as an effective and efficient service medium, with the internet network we can browse indefinitely using space and time. Internet Network. Computerized Information Systems play an important role in all fields, for example in the service information of an institution, this computerized system aims to manage data easily, quickly, and accurately. In addition, it must also be supported by quality resources who can manage data well. However, in reality there are still many course institutions that still use the manual system, as the author found during research at the Ar'rahman Driving Course Institute Jakarta in managing registration data for new course participants. So that it becomes ineffective, efficient and the accumulation of participant documents and the slow process of making reports. However, if the process is updated into a computerized system it will be much better. For this reason, the author tries to make a design regarding the Design of Information Systems for Participants in the Ar'Rahman Jakarta Driving Course. To achieve this goal, the authors conducted a more in-depth system analysis by means of observation and detailed interviews with staff for further management and explanation. By utilizing the development of website-based technology, it is hoped that it can help and improve services that are more effective, storing documents through the system database so that there is no accumulation of archives that cause damage or loss. The design of this information system is the best solution to solve existing problems, and with a computerized system, an activity that is effective and efficient can be achieved and can be more conducive than the previous system.
Book lending information system design Wahyu Hidayah; Agus Sulistyanto; Asih Septia Rini; Rumadi Hartawan
Journal of Engineering, Technology and Computing (JETCom) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Journal JETCom : March 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Internusa Mabarindo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1735.191 KB)


Currently, the process of data processing on borrowing books at the SMA 1 Muhammadiyah Jakarta Library is still done semi-computerized, namely using manual systems such as borrowing notebook media in recording transaction reports on borrowing/returning books at the SMA 1 Muhammadiyah Jakarta library. This of course allows for human error and other risks that will be problematic if continued. In overcoming the problem, the researcher proposes to design an information system for borrowing library books at SMA 1 Muhammadiyah Jakarta which is expected to help the library management in terms of data management for the better. To build a system, here the author uses the Waterfall method, for system modeling using UML (Unifield Modeling Language) and the software used in building the system by using the PHP and XAMPP programming languages ​​as connections to the database, namely MySQL. The data collection method used was observation, interviews and literature. It is hoped that the existence of a Book Borrowing Information System at the SMA 1 Muhammadiyah Jakarta Library can help facilitate the transaction process of data processing borrowing/returning books to be more effective and efficient
Designing a warehouse management information system : (Cases Study: PT. Fatijja Digital Indonesia) Hamidah Hamidah; Verdi Yasin; Rumadi Hartawan; Anton Zulkarnain Sianipar
Journal of Mathematics and Technology (MATECH) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Journal MATECH (November 2022)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Internusa Mabarindo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1224.759 KB)


The inventory system is a very important asset for every company. Inventory is a problem that is often faced by PT. Fatijja Digital Indonesia because the processing of data that is still manual is enough to hinder a work process that takes place so that there are often mistakes in calculating the stock of goods, recording outgoing goods, recording incoming goods, making invoices and month-end reports, for that the company needs an inventory application system using a MySQL database that can solve all existing problems, So that admins can carry out all activities to be effective and efficient. In developing this system, researchers used the waterfall method. The result of this study is a web-based inventory application system that is expected to make it easier for admins to manage incoming and outgoing goods
Design Of Application Proposal Formation Government Internal Auditor Functional Position Muhammad Ari Ardiansyah; Zulhalim Zulhalim; Rumadi Hartawan; Ito Riris Immasari
JISICOM (Journal of Information System, Informatics and Computing) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): JISICOM: December 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Jayakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52362/jisicom.v6i2.1047


Functional Auditor Development Center (Pusbin JFA) as a supervisor of government internal functional audit has a constraint to publish recommendation formation of auditor for Government Internal Oversight Apparatus (APIP). The current process is still running manually and slowly, so that need the application which makes APIP unit easier to compile proposals and speed up the verification and validation process at Pusbin JFA then the auditor's recommendation publishing process getting better. Laravel framework was matched to handle this application, which is website based. This framework was easy to use and accelerate the process for develop program or application, and then it was combined with Extreme Programming (XP) development method system where this method was matched to use in government institution or the place where the developer was limited. As long as use this Laravel framework and XP method, all of the application development process has been streamlined so this application can be implemented soon.