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Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 10, No 1 (2012): April 2012
Publisher : School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (564.418 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jil.10.1.19-25


ABSTRAK Upaya reklamasi di pengusahaan pertambangan yang masuk dalam Kawasan Budidaya Kehutanan (KBK) mengharuskan upaya reklamasi mengikuti aturan yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Kehutanan yang mensyaratkan penanaman jenis pohon lokal. Informasi jenis-jenis pohon lokal yang dapat digunakan untuk revegetasi lahan pascatambang batubara belum banyak tersedia sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jenis-jenis pohon lokal cepat tumbuh yang berpotensi untuk revegetasi lahan pascatambang batubara di PT. SGP. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis vegetasi, analisis sifat fisik kimia tanah dan kajian habitat tempat tumbuh tiap jenis serta kemampuan regenerasi alami. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 58 jenis pohon yang ditemukan, terdapat tujuh jenis pohon yang berpotensi untuk digunakan dalam revegetasi lahan pascatambang, yaitu Ficus sp., Fordia splendidissima, Homalanthus populneus, Leea indica, Macaranga hypoleuca, Melastoma malabathricum dan Vernonia arborea. Aspek teknis yang perlu diperhatikan dalam revegetasi dengan ketujuh jenis tersebut adalah sumber benih/bibit, serta teknik penanaman dan pemeliharaan. Kata Kunci: revegetasi, pascatambang batubara; Kecamatan Samboja Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara ABSTRACT Reclamation efforts in the mining business in the District Forestry Culture (CBC) lead reclamation efforts following the rules issued by the Ministry of Forestry, which requires the planting of local species. Information of local tree species that can be used for post-mining land revegetation of coal has not been widely available so that this research needs to be done. This study aims to analyze the species of fast-growing native trees that potential to plant on revegetation of post-mining coal area in PT. SGP. The method used is the analysis of vegetation, analysis of soil physical and chemical properties and study of the grow habitats of each species and the ability of natural regeneration. The results showed that from 58 species of trees that are found, there are seven species of trees that potential for revegetation post-mining, i.e. Ficus sp., Fordia splendidissima, Homalanthus populneus, Leea indica, Macaranga hypoleuca, Melastoma malabathricum and Vernonia arborea. Technical aspects that need to be considered in revegetation with seven types of sources are source of seeds/seedlings, also planting and maintenance techniques. Keywords: revegetation, post-mining coal; District Samboja Kutai Kartanegara Regency
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 10, No 2 (2012): Oktober 2012
Publisher : School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (812.595 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jil.10.2.89-94


ABSTRAK Salah satu instrumen untuk mengelola dampak lingkungan adalah UKL-UPL, namun pemrakarsa belum sepenuhnya melakukan pengelolaan dan pemantauan lingkungan, tercermin dari data yang dimiliki Kantor Lingkungan Hidup Kota Magelang bahwa jumlah pelaporan rutin pemrakarsa sebesar 0%.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ketaatan  serta kendala pemrakarsa dalam mengimplementasikan UKL-UPL serta pengawasan oleh Kantor Lingkungan Hidup Kota Magelang. Objek penelitian adalah 6 kegiatan di bidang kesehatan. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode observasi dengan pendekatan analisis bersifat preskriptif berbasis data kualitatif.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemrakarsa belum taat, dikarenakan :  1) Belum menyadari bahwa lingkungan hidup adalah kepentingan publik yang tidak boleh dirusak, 2) SDM dan sarana kurang memadai, 3) Anggaran besar.  Pengawasan yang dilakukan Kantor Lingkungan Hidup Kota Magelang belum berjalan sebagaimana diharapkan.  Pengawasan dan koordinasi yang ada selama ini bersifat reaktif. Kata kunci: UKL-UPL bidang kesehatan, analisis penaatan, pengelolaan dan pemantauan lingkungan ABSTRACT Environmental Management and Monitoring Effort (UKL-UPL) is one of important instruments for maintaining environmental impact management. however, the effort has not been properly implemented in Magelang territory, according to data reported by the Municipal Office of Environmental Affairs of Magelang. It is disappointing that the local initiators did not give any routine report concerning the implementation progress. This study aimed to analyze degree of compliance and problems faced by the environmental initiators in implementing the UKL-UPL as well as monitoring by the Municipal Office of Environmental Affairs of Magelang. The study was obtained by an observation method using a prescriptive analytical approach based on qualitative data. Result of the study showed that the initiators’ lacking degree of compliance had caused poor quality of the environmental management and monitoring. Problems that faced the initiators included 1) poor awareness of the importance of preserving and sustaining the environment for common good, 2) poor quality of human resource and facilities, and 3) lacking budget. The Municipal Office of Environmental Affairs of Magelang had not performed monitoring properly. Both monitoring and co-ordination were still reactionary whenever a problem arose. Keywords: UKL-UPL based environmental health, analysis of compliance, management and monitoring
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 10, No 2 (2012): Oktober 2012
Publisher : School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (739.749 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jil.10.2.100-110


ABSTRAK Taman Wisata Alam Grojogan Sewu merupakan kawasan konservasi yang telah memberikan banyak manfaat bagi pemerintah dan aktivitas perekonomian setempat khususnya sebagai lokasi pariwisata alam. Namun pada akhirnya kegiatan wisata alam telah cenderung menjadi kegiatan wisata massal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya dukung wisata alam yang didasarkan pada jumlah optimal pengunjung di areal wisata dan upaya untuk mengoptimalkannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah penilaian daya dukung efektif, penilaian persepsi para pelaku wisata (wisatawan dan penyedia sarana serta jasa wisata), kajian identifikasi keunggulan untuk pengembangannya dan penentuan strategi kebijakan publik melalui Analisis Hierarki Proses (AHP).  Hasil penilaian menunjukkan bahwa daya dukung efektif wisata alam adalah 1.002 wisatawan per hari yang lebih tinggi daripada daya dukung aktualnya (926 wisatawan per hari). Wisatawan mendapatkan kepuasan dalam berwisata (95%) dan ingin kembali berwisata di Grojogan Sewu (92%). Hasil analisis AHP bahwa perlu dilakukan peningkatan kapasitas ekonomi kreatif masyarakat lokal dalam menghasilkan produk dan jasa wisata. Kata kunci: daya dukung, wisata alam, Grojogan Sewu ABSTRACT Grojogan Sewu’s Nature Park is a conservation area which has provided many benefits to the government and the local economic activity especially as a nature tourism site. But in the end, a nature tourism activities have tended to be a mass tourist activities. This study aims to determine the carrying capacity of the natural attractions that are based on the optimal number of visitors in the area of ​​tourism and the efforts to optimize it. The methods used are an effective carrying capacity assessment, an assessment of perceptions of tourism stakeholders (traveler and tourist facilities and tourist services), a review of the identification and a determination of excellence for the development of public policy strategies through Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Assessment results show that the effective carrying capacity of nature is the 1.002 tourists per day higher than the actual carrying capacity (926 travelers per day). They get a satisfaction traveled (95%) and want to get back traveling (92%). AHP analysis result that is necessary to improve the capacity of local creative economy in providing products and services tourism. Keywords: carrying capacity, nature tourism, Grojogan Sewu
METANA Vol 9, No 02 (2013): Desember 2013
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.266 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v9i02.7612


Abstract   The reduction of land that used for land-based mining caused the shift of mining from land-based mining to off-shore mining, that used to namedFloating Inkonvensional Mining. This type of mining caused waters quality degradation.This research aimed to analyze Pb, Cd, and Zn content in water, sediment, and biota so that the value of the bio-accumulation factor can beanalyzed.The locations determination was conducted by using purposive random sampling method and the implementation was using GPS Garmin 60 in June 2013. The sea water sampling was using the water sampler, the sediment sampling was using paralon pipe, the plankton sampling was using the plankton-net, the shellfishes sample was collected from the fishermen, and the chavies and squids sample was got from Baganin the waters of Pulau Panjang.The analysis of the metal in water and sediment was refer to the prosedur standard method (APHA, 2005), while the analysis of the heavy metal in the planktons and the tissue of the biota was refer to SNI 2354.5:2011. The content of metal was compared with the quality standard that have been determined.The Cd and Zn content in water was under the sea water quality standard for sea biota. The Pb in the waters have been exceeded the quality standard that have been determined in Kepmen LH no. 51 Tahun 2004.The Pb, Cd, and Zn content in sediment was  lower and far away from the quality sandard that have been determined by Norwegia and Irlandia. The heavy metal content in Anadara granosa, Stolephorus, sp, and Loligo chinensis, gray which were got chaught in the waters of Batu Belubang was lower thanthe national quality standard (SNI 2731.1:2010). The value of bio-concentration factor (BCFs-w) showed that the highest ability of sediment to accumulate Pb was existed in station number 2, i.e. 10,037 l/kg. The value of bio-concentration factor (BCFo-s) showed the plankton ability to accumulate Pb in sediment (1,26) was higher than its ability to accumulate Zn in sediment (1,22), while its ability to accumulate metal in water (BCFo-w) was as high as 8,275 in station number 2. The value of bio-concentration factor (BCFo-s) showed that the shellfish, chavies, and squid ability in accumulating metal in sediment was as high as 0,713; 0,564 and 0,703. The value of bio-accumulation of shellfish in sediment was higher because sediment was the habitat of shellfish.Floating Inkonvensional Mininghave contribution in spreading heavy metal, that was contained in the soil, to the waters. This condition needs supervision to control TI Apung growth in this location so that does not pollute the waters. Kata kunci : Lead(Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Zink (Zn), Water, Sediment,Plankton, Shellfish, Chavies,Squid, Batu Belubang, Floating Inkonvensional Mining, Bio-concentration Factor (BCF).  
Kajian Teoritis Penentuan Tetapan Planck Menggunakan Model Elektrodinamika Maxwell Zaada Faidullah, Ilmy; Sasongko, Dwi P.; Priyono, Priyono
BERKALA FISIKA Vol 12, No 4 (2009): Berkala Fisika

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Theory of Electromagnetism and Planck constant have important role in the development of light theory. Electromagnetism theory explains the velocity of light is constant and finite because light is phenomenon of propagation of Electromagnetism Wave. Distribution of Planck Radiation that introduces Planck constant also based on the theory of Electromagnetism, however, now light treated like as a particle. Planck constant not only radically changes concept of light but also has be main source of the birth of Modern Physics. An interesting thing to investigate connection between Maxwell equation that well known with concept of classically Physics and Planck constant, a constant that often used in Quantum Mechanics. Deriving Planck constant from Maxwell Equation can be done by understanding study of Radiation Quantization that based on the assumption. First, Electromagnetism wave is on the vacuum space so there is no charge and current. Second, Hamiltonian of Radiation stated by Hamiltonian of Harmonic Oscillation. Third, mass of Photon regarded does not affect Hamiltonian of Radiation because it is difficult to determine rest mass of Photon. Fourth, Dirac postulate used as non commutable multiplication rule of position and momentum coordinate. In this research has obtained an elaborate explanation deriving Planck constant from Maxwell equation that can be shorted as follow. From Maxwell equation will be derived Maxwell wave equation that consist of Vector Potential Fields. Its form similar with Harmonic Oscillation function so Hamiltonian Radiation can be stated as Hamiltonian of Harmonic Oscillation. By Using Dirac postulate, Oscillation Harmonics can be studied in Quantum Mechanic so will be obtained  Planck constant that contained on the Fourier Coefficient Operator.   Keywords : Maxwell Equation, Planck Constant, Fourier Coefficient Operator.
Evaluasi Kinerja Metoda Analisis Pengukuran Neutron (APN) Arifin, Zaenal; Sasongko, Dwi P; Munir, M
BERKALA FISIKA Vol 13, No 1 (2010): Berkala Fisika

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Evaluation of Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) methods performance has been done. The objective is to validate the data form these analysis on the determination of the trace element concentration in the waters and sediments. This evaluation covering test of devices stability, background counting, Figure of Merit (FOM), Critical Level (Lc), Detection Limit (LD), Determination Limit (LQ) and test of quality result. Result show that device in stabil condition  have background counting about 0.0037 to 0.1806 cps, Figure of Merit (FOM) about to 0.0045 to 0.1732 secon. The data result analysis above Critical Level (LC), in LC about 0.07 to 16.42 ppb. Detection Limit (LD) about 0.14 to 32.93 ppb in significant 95% expect Hg obtained LD 1.26 ppb. Determination Limit (LQ) about 0.44 to 100.10 ppb. Test of quality result show that of standardized difference about 15.17% to above 50% and Precision result analysis about 0.01% to 99.00%.   Keywords : NAA Methods, Trace element, devices stability, background counting, Figure of Merit (FOM), Critical Level (Lc), Detection Limit (LD), Determination Limit (LQ) and test of quality result.
Menentukan Tipe Pasang Surut dan Muka Air Rencana Perairan Laut Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah Menggunakan Metode Admiralty ., Fadilah; ., Suripin; Sasongko, Dwi P
Maspari Journal : Marine Science Research Vol 6, No 1 (2014): Edisi Januari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (467.025 KB) | DOI: 10.36706/maspari.v6i1.1703


Pengelolaan  wilayah  pantai  sangat  penting  untuk  mempertahankan  fungsinya  sebagai pelindung  (barrier)  antara  lautan  dan  daratan,  karena  wilayah  ini  berperan  khusus  dalam bidang  pelabuhan,  navigasi,  rekreasi,  dan  sebagainya.  Pasang  surut  merupakan  faktor  utama yang  mempengaruhi  keberadaan  peran-peran  wilayah  pantai  tersebut  sehingga  perlu diperhitungkan dengan baik sebelum melakukan kegiatan di wilayah pantai. Setiap wilayah memiliki kondisi pasang surut yang berbeda-beda. Studi perhitungan dan penentuan  kondisi  pasang  surut  telah  banyak  dilakukan  baik  secara  konvensional  maupun menggunakan  metode  admiralty.  Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  menentukan  komponen  dan  tipe pasang  surut  di  Kabupaten  Bengkulu  Tengah  Provinsi  Bengkulu  menggunakan  metode admiralty.  Hasil  yang  diperoleh  bahwa  perairan  di  Kabupaten  Bengkulu  Tengah  Provinsi Bengkulu  memiliki  pasang  surut  Tipe  Campuran  Condong  Ganda  (Mix  Tide  Prevailing Semidiurnal) dengan tinggi rata-rata muka air laut berkisar 70cm.
Karakterisasi Daerah Rawan Gerakan Tanah di Lapangan Pandanmurti Desa Candigaron Kecamatan Sumowono Kabupaten Semarang dengan Metode Mikrotremor Sasongko, Dwi Purwantoro; Yulianto, Gatot; Arifin, Zaenal
Jurnal Pembangunan Wilayah dan Kota Vol 16, No 2 (2020): JPWK Vol 16. No. 2 June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/pwk.v16i2.26401


Gerakan tanah di Lapangan Pandanmurti, Desa Candigaron, Kecamatan Sumowono, Kabupaten Semarang berupa tanah retak dan sebagian mengalami penurunan tanah. Untuk mengindentifikasi daerah Gerakan tanah di lokasi peenlitian ini dilakukan survei mikrotemor dengan metode HVSR. Berdasarkan pemodelan 2D daerah yang mengalami Gerakan tanah terkarakterisasi oleh lapisan tanah dengan nilai amplifikasi lebih besar daripada 1 dengan rentang amplifikasi 1-6,5. Frekusensi dominan lapisan tanah lokasi penelitian terkarakterisasi mempunyai nilai 0,02-0,06 Hz. Berdasarkan pemodelan #D separasi berkas amblesan dengan bagian yang belum ambles dicirikan dengan adanya dikontinuitas di bagian selatan-tenggara dengan isovalue nilai frekuensi 1,36 Hz dan daerah yang tidak mengalami deformasi lebih lanjut dicirikan dengan isovalue nilai amplifikasi lebih besar dari 0,79. Berdasarkan kontur lokasi penelitian Gerakan tanah di lokasi penelitian bersifat rayapan (creeping).
Karakterisasi Daerah Rawan Gerakan Tanah di Lapangan Pandanmurti Desa Candigaron Kecamatan Sumowono Kabupaten Semarang dengan Metode Mikrotremor Sasongko, Dwi Purwantoro; Yulianto, Gatot; Arifin, Zaenal
Jurnal Pembangunan Wilayah dan Kota Vol 16, No 2 (2020): JPWK Vol 16. No. 2 June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/pwk.v16i2.26401


Gerakan tanah di Lapangan Pandanmurti, Desa Candigaron, Kecamatan Sumowono, Kabupaten Semarang berupa tanah retak dan sebagian mengalami penurunan tanah. Untuk mengindentifikasi daerah Gerakan tanah di lokasi peenlitian ini dilakukan survei mikrotemor dengan metode HVSR. Berdasarkan pemodelan 2D daerah yang mengalami Gerakan tanah terkarakterisasi oleh lapisan tanah dengan nilai amplifikasi lebih besar daripada 1 dengan rentang amplifikasi 1-6,5. Frekusensi dominan lapisan tanah lokasi penelitian terkarakterisasi mempunyai nilai 0,02-0,06 Hz. Berdasarkan pemodelan #D separasi berkas amblesan dengan bagian yang belum ambles dicirikan dengan adanya dikontinuitas di bagian selatan-tenggara dengan isovalue nilai frekuensi 1,36 Hz dan daerah yang tidak mengalami deformasi lebih lanjut dicirikan dengan isovalue nilai amplifikasi lebih besar dari 0,79. Berdasarkan kontur lokasi penelitian Gerakan tanah di lokasi penelitian bersifat rayapan (creeping).
Status Keberlanjutan Ekologi pada Pengelolaan Lubang Resapan Biopori di Kelurahan Langkapura Kecamatan Langkapura Kota Bandar Lampung Tri Mulyaningsih; P Purwanto; Dwi P Sasongko
Sains Tanah - Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Agroklimatologi Vol 11, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15608/stjssa.v11i2.224


Status of Ecological Sustainability in The Management of Biopore Infiltration Hole  in Langkapura Village, Langkapura District, Bandar Lampung City. Management of Biopore Infiltration Hole (BIH) is an activity undertaken as an effort to reduce the vulnerability of flooding and drought, also reducing the debit of rubbish in Bandar Lampung city. This study conducted in July to August 2014, in Langkapura village, Langkapura district, Bandar Lampung city. The aims of the study are; to know the physical and chemical soil BIH area, to analyze the index and sustainability status of ecological dimensions, and to analyze the sensitive attributes of ecological dimension through the sustainability BIH management. The analytical method used is MDS analysis ( Multidimensional Scaling ) with Rap-Biopore approach which modified from Rapfish analysis . The analysis stage is using MDS with Rap-Biopore approach which include; scoring attributes BIH management, MDS ordination determination , sensitivity analysis (Leverage) , and Monte Carlo analysis. The results of the research; (1) The physical condition of the soil is predominantly blocky clay soil structure, texture (sand 20.47%, dust 25.91%, 53.62% clay); permeability 0:14 cm/h, porosity 57.73%, temperature 27 °C, (2) The chemical soil conditions pH 6.54 and the base saturation 34.66%; sustainability index value reach to 38.10, which the status of sustainability management from LRB is “less sustainable", (4) Attributes that  highly sensitive through sustainability management LRB are rainfall and groundwater quality.