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Bacteria as Self-Healing Agent in Mortar Cracks Nugroho, Ananto; Satyarno, Iman; Subyakto, Subyakto
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol 47, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2147.727 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2015.47.3.4


This study was aimed at finding the possibility to apply Bacillus subtilis integrated into mortar matrix to act as a self-healing agent to seal cracks. Bacterial spores at concentrations of 104, 105, and 106 cells/ml were directly added into pulverized fly ash as medium to protect bacteria in high alkaline conditions. The results show that the addition of Bacillus subtilis spores into the mortar mixture enhanced the compressive strength, especially at a cell concentration of 105 cells/ml. The bacterial mortar had a small ability to recover the stiffness of the mortar, amounting to 34.85% of its original stiffness. The effectiveness of crack sealant and resistance to water flow were limited to a maximum crack width size of 0.22 mm. Physical observation showed that the bacterial mortar is characterized by calcite precipitation as a product of ureolytic bacteria. The quantity and distribution of calcite precipitate depended on the precipitation weight, gravity direction and oxygen availability. Meanwhile, chemical analysis using XRD and EDX showed that the bacterial mortar had a better crystallinity.
Perkuatan Lentur Pelat Lantai Tampang Persegi dengan Penambahan Tulangan Tarik dan Komposit Mortar Hartono, Juandra; Satyarno, Iman; Triwiyono, Andreas
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 13, No 1 (2010): MEI 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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Overloading of structures can cause failure. In order to continue using them, strengthening is required. In this research elastic strengthening was carried out on concrete floor plates by means of tensile reinforcement addition, and mortar composite additionto apply epoxy resin. Four reinforced concrete slabs, consisted of one control slab (PK), one monolith slab (PM), one strengthened slab (PPE) and one unstrengthened slab (PPTE). Specimen dimensions were 700 mm x 1500 mm x 60 mm for the PK, and 700 mm x 1500 mm x 100 mm for the others. Specimens were placed on a simply supported loading frame, and statically loaded at their mid-span. Numerical analysis using Response-2000 software package was carried out for comparison with the experiment al result. It was found out that the flexural capacity of the PK, PPE, PPTE and PM specimens are 5,99 kNm, 12,52 kNm, 13,87 kNm and 21,38 kNm, respectively. In comparison with that of thePK, flexural capacity of the PPE and PPTE specimens was found to increase by 109,019 % and 131,55 %, respectively. The increase of stiffness was 324,77 % and 430,21 % for the PPE and PPTE specimens, respectively. The ductility factor of the PPE and PPTE increase 29,63 % and 19,03 %, respectively . The PK and PM specimen s experienced flexural failure, while the PPE and PPTE specimens experienced debondingfailure.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 13, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (608.913 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jts.v13i3.873


Abstrak: Response-2000 adalah suatu program yang dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis elemen beton bertulang akibat beban aksial, momen, geser, maupun kombinasi ketiganya sehingga respon beban-lendutan dapat diprediksi dan kekuatannya dapat diketahui. Makalah ini membahas perbandingan kapasitas daya dukung beban hasil pengujian balok bertulang tampang T yang diperkuat wire rope pada daerah momen negatif dengan analisis menggunakan Response-2000 dan metode pias. Metode pias dilakukan dengan cara membagi penampang menjadi sejumlah pias dengan ketebalan tertentu, kemudian menganalisis gaya-gaya yang bekerja sampai tercapai keseimbangan sehingga dapat ditentukan kapasitasnya. Analisis dilakukan terhadap 3 model balok tampang T, masing-masing 1 balok tanpa perkuatan, 1 balok diperkuat dengan 2 wire rope, dan 1 balok dipekuat dengan 4 wire rope. Jenis wire rope yang digunakan adalah Independent Wire Rope Core (IWRC) dengan diameter 10 mm. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kurva hubungan beban-lendutan untuk semua balok berdasarkan analisis Response-2000 memiliki pola yang mendekati kurva hubungan beban-lendutan hasil pengujian. Namun demikian terdapat perbedaan pada kemiringan kurva di mana hal tersebut dapat disebabkan oleh adanya anggapan lekatan sempurna (perfect bond) pada program Response-2000. Hal yang sama juga berlaku pada analisis metode pias. Daya dukung beban hasil Response-2000 menunjukkan rasio sebesar 1,05; 0,95; dan 0,89 terhadap hasil pengujian, masing-masing untuk balok tanpa perkuatan, balok diperkuat dengan 2 wire rope, dan balok dipekuat dengan 4 wire rope. Sedangkan kapasitas daya dukung beban hasil analisis metode pias menunjukkan rasio sebesar 1,05; 0,85; dan 0,76 terhadap hasil pengujian.
Jurnal HPJI Vol 4, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Jurnal HPJI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/.v4i1.2850.%p


                                                                                          Abstract                           The existence of external media can interfere with the concentration of toll road users. This study aims to identify and analyze the influence of external media components on the safety of toll road users, using questionnaire survey data to parties related to the regulation, operation, and use of toll roads. Data analysis in this study using Structural Equation Modeling method with the AMOS 21 software. The results show that the external media relationship with the safety of toll road users is 31.8%. External media components contributing to the safety of road users include outdoor media type of 85.1%; content and delivery method of 90.1%; type of external media structure of 20.7%; external media layout of 31.3%; external media dimension 47.3%; and outer media design 72.9%. Keywords: toll road, outdoor media, road users, road users safety  Abstrak Keberadaan media luar griya dapat mengganggu konsentrasi pengguna jalan tol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis pengaruh komponen media luar griya terhadap keselamatan pengguna jalan tol, dengan menggunakan data hasil survei kuesioner terhadap pihak-pihak yang berkaitan dengan pengaturan, pengoperasian, dan penggunaan jalan tol. Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling dengan bantuan perangkat lunak AMOS 21. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa hubungan media luar griya dengan keselamatan pengguna jalan tol sebesar 31,8%. Komponen-komponen media luar griya yang memberikan kontribusi terhadap keselamatan pengguna jalan meliputi jenis media luar griya sebesar 85,1%; isi dan cara penyampaian sebesar 90,1%; jenis struktur media luar griya sebesar 20,7%; tata letak media luar griya sebesar 31,3%; dimensi media luar griya sebesar 47,3%; dan desain media luar griya 72,9%. Kata-kata kunci: jalan tol, media luar griya, pengguna jalan, keselamatan pengguna jalan
Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 19, No 1 (2009): JANUARI 2009
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

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Earthquake in Jogjakarta on 27 May 2006 has caused severe damage to two hundred thousand buildings. Such damage produced a lot of rubbles and, on the other hand, also the need of a huge amount of material to rebuild the buildings. Currently, rubbles, including brick rubbles, are treated only as rubbish and polluting the environment. Anticipation efforts to such problem are required. One of the solution alternatives is a recycling procedure for brick rubbles. Because high water absorption is required, recycling brick rubble is unique that it requires high water cement ratio for mixing the brick masonry wall rubbles. This research attempted to identify the influence of Cebex 112, a mortar plasticizer additive, to cement mortar with brick powder. The mortar workability consistency was measured using the flowtable, ranged from 70% to 90%, showing the easiness of the mortar workability, but without too much bleeding when molded. Sample was made in cube shape of 50mm x 50mm x 50mm. Four ratios of portland cement (pc) to fine aggregate (fa) were used, which were 1pc:4fa, 1pc:6fa, 1pc:8fa and 1pc:10fa. Five ratios of Cebex 112 additive were 0.0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8% of the Portland cement weight. The samples made were 200 cubes and compression test, absorption test and specific gravity test were given. Results showed that Cebex 112 improved workability and volume due to the reaction between cement and Cebex 112. Admixture is air entrained controlling the microscopic air bubbles which increased the cohesion and provides lubrication for fine aggregate. Cebex 112 decreased the compacting value, improved the absorption and decreased the mortar specific gravity. It also may reduce the cement consumption. This admixture reduced required water at cement ratio 1pc:4fa, but increased at 1pc:6fa, 1pc:8fa and 1pc:10fa. The maximum compaction value was at 1pc:4fa with Cebex 112 content of 0.00% and 17.24 MPa. The minimum was at 1pc:10fa, with Cebex 112 content of 0,6% and 2.67 MPa. The mortar highest specific gravity portion was 1pc:4 fa, 0.0% with 1,71 MPa and the lowest was at 1pc:4fa, with Cebex 112 content of 0.8% and 1.32 MPa. The 24 hours highest absorption was at 1pc:8fa, 0.6% with Cebex 112 content of 29.3% and the lowest was at 1pc:4fa, with Cebex 112 content of 0.0% and 22.3%. These figures show that mortar cement with recycled brick can be used for wall partition and wall interior.
SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN JEMBATAN BERBASIS WEB DENGAN METODE BRIDGE CONDITION RATING (Studi Kasus Pengelolaan Jembatan di Kabupaten Garut) Subagio, Gatot; Triwiyono, Andreas; Satyarno, Iman
Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 18, No 3 (2008): SEPTEMBER 2008
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

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A state progression level can be identified from the infrastructure demand. However, infrastructure projects requires high investment cost, therefore it is recessary to optimally maintain the existing infrastructure facility. Bridge management is required to maintain the bridge function and role, as well as to keep the bridge service period in line with the service period plan by using various efforts to maintain the safety, comfort, and economy in serving the traffic. The bridge management needs a lot of recent information of the bridge inventory and condition. It is required to build accurate and up-to-date information for bridge management completed with DSS (Decision Support System) to make the inventorying result to be easily understood and to determine bridge management priority. Research area in producing this system was located at Garut Regency, West Java by taking 7 bridges as samples, under Bina Marga Public Work management. WEB-based Bridge Management Information System (SIMJWEB) was software built with PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor) and MySQL Database Management System. The bridge condition is visually assessed using the Bridge Condition Rating method of NYSDOT (New York State Department of Transportations). Bridge component is assessed based on Component Rating of 7 as good and 1 as worst. The total Component Rating is multiplied with Weight Factor from each component, and then divided by total Weight Factor resulting from Bridge Condition Rating that reflects the bridge condition. Treatment priority determination is based on Bridge Condition Rating Value. Information on treatment time delay is obtained from estimated bridge service period using IBMS (Interurban Bridge Management System) assumption. SIMJWEB is able to provide prompt information on the inventory, condition, proposal and management priority data, as well as the estimation of bridge service period. Such information helps the bridge manager in making decision. Through internet media, bridge user can actively participate to bridge management in a region by giving idea or following public hearing made by bridge manager. This research results show that Cipancar 1 Bridge has the highest treatment priority at condition rating of 4.874 and requires rehabilitation as the proposed treatment. The lowest priority is Cimanuk Andir bridge at condition rating of 6.587 and requires regular and periodic maintenance as the proposed treatment. By estimating that Cipancar 1 bridge plan period is 50, the Equivalent period is 28.3 years and in 22 years later, the bridge function would not be functioned anymore.
Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 18, No 2 (2008): MEI 2008
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

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Talaud Archipelago Sub-Province is one of the Sub-Provinces in North Sulawesi Province, the growing result of Sangihe and Talaud Archipelago Sub-Province in 2002. This growth followed by the development in all fields, including the infrastructure development which is based stone from outside of the island. This research is done to explore the local potential and also to test laboratory that the local stone can be used as alternative construction materials. In this study, there are 85 stone cube which are used to test it’s strength. Each variant of test is 5 stone and the factor will be given to the stone is the temperature which is 200oC, 400oC, 600oC and 800oC in 15, 30, 60 and 120 minutes. And then follow by checking the rout aggregate nature. Next step is to make concrete which is made by the mix of the aggregate of “Ape” stone and the sand from River Lua Talaud Archipelago and also concrete which is used the mix of the “Ape” stone aggregate and the sand from mount Merapi in Yogjakarta. The result shows that the heat of “Ape” stone can increase the strength of the stone. In the beginning, the strngth is 6,052 MPa., and then maximum increase until 37,43 MPa., after been heated in 400oC temperature for 120 minutes. The aggregate of the“Ape” stone which is been heated includes the lightweight aggregate which can be used directly as an alternative of Red Stone. Concrete as the mix of the “Ape” stone which is heated before, and the sand from Lua River with fas of value 0,5 and 410 kg/m3 cement weight. the weight of ratio concrete 2, 04 kg/dm3 and strength 12, 88 MPa, and also concrete which is mix by the “Ape” stone and the merapi mount sand with fas of value 0,5 and 410 kg/m3 cement weight, the weight of ratio concrete 2,12 kg/dm3 and strength 15,79 MPa. Result, the concrete is the lightweight concrete with the B0 and B1 class. So the conclusion is the “Ape” stone, can be use as an alternative of construction material.
BATAKO STYROFOAM KOMPOSIT MORTAR SEMEN Wancik, Ahmad; Satyarno, Iman; Tjokrodimuljo, Kardiyono
Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 18, No 2 (2008): MEI 2008
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

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Research in construction material by exploiting styrofoam as lightweight concrete, gives result that a construction material will have a lighter weight if it is mixed with styrofoam, and achieve a lower strength. This research were try to improve the strength of styrofoam concrete block composite by giving cement mortar mixture as an outer layer. The specimen of concrete block composite will be made with concrete method of preplaced concrete, where initially by putting down the concrete block composite with styrofoam into a mold according to various thickness of outer layer required, and mortar mixture as outer layer around it. It was found that the compressive strength of concrete block with various outer layer thickness of 5, 10, and 15 mm without cord net were reached at 2.52 MPa, 5.44 MPa and 7.49 Mpa respectively with weight per piece were 7.60 kgs, 9.06 kgs, and 10.23 kgs. The compressive strength of concrete block with cord net size 100 mm² were reached 3.27 MPa, 5.75 MPa and 8.58 MPa respectively with same various outer layer thickness and weigh per piece reached at 8.06 kgs, 9.15 kgs, and 10.28 kgs. Water absorption of outer layer were achieved 2,01 % and 7,06 % for soaking during 10 minutes and 24 hours respectively. Generally, the composite styrofoam concrete block with cement mortar outer layer thickness of 5 mm, 10 mm and 15 mm has meet a clauses of SNI requirements to solid concrete block for concrete block quality IV, quality III and quality II.
Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 17, No 2 (2007): MEI 2007
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

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At present cockle shells of ale-ale are used only as materials of heaping up muddy yards or roads in Ketapang City. Therefore, it is a challange to conduct study to utilize cockle shells of aleale as aggregate for concrete. It is expected that the result of this study can not only give additional economicall value for cockle shells of ale-ale, but also reduce impacts on environment. In the present research, intact and broken cockle shells were used as concrete aggregate mixed with white sand, and white Portland cement. The amount of cement used is 300 kg/m3. The composition of both intact and broken cockle shells of applied in the research was 100%, 75%, 25%, and 0%. The specimen of intact cockle shells ale – ale was made in various shape and size namely sylinder-shaped models of ∅150 x 300 mm and ∅80 x 160 mm and a ‘concrete brick’-shaped model, while specimen broken cockle shells of ale-ale were sylinder-shaped models of ∅150 x 300 mm and ∅80 x 160 mm, a cube-shaped model of 70 x 70 x 70 mm and a ‘paving block’- shaped model. The research aims at finding the compressive strength of 28 days old, abration of concrete, and impact resistance of concrete. From the result of the research, it can be identified that the specific gravity of concrete with intact and broken cockle shells of ale-ale with the variation of 50% corresponds to a ‘normal concrete’ category. While specific gravity the intact cockle shells with variation of 50% is 2367.82, the broken cockle shells with the variation of 50% is 2302,66. Based on the result, it can also seen that with the variation of 50%, the highest compressive strength of concrete in the mixture of intact cockle shells of ale-ale is 24.98 MPa, and for broken cockle shells of ale-ale is 27.53 MPa.
Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 18, No 2 (2008): MEI 2008
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

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The availability of natured material for construction is so limited and in the other hand it’s demand increase. The consequence is try to explore alternative materials such as waste material which has not been explored as construction material. The recycled paper were chosen to be used as a filler component and mixed with cements as a bonding agent. Hence paper fiber include other paper ingredients will become construction material and at the same time to minimized the impact of waste paper to environment. One of the way to enhanced the paper and cements mixture quality as a component of concrete panel were by adding an admixture. Cements and water mixture are the bonding agent, while the filler material are paper and sugar cane admixture as the retarder. This mixture can be categorized as a light concrete. If it used as a papercrete panel will be the alternative building element to reduc dead load for the main structures. A light concrete panel from a mixture of news paper powder and white cement as a bonding agent, forms panel through cold pressed process. Papercrete panel and cube are made for sample with size 420 x 420 x 7 mm³ and 50 x 50 x 50 mm³ respectively. The volume ratio of paper - cements mixture were 2, 3, 4, are made of two condition i.e. without admixtures and with 0,2% sugar cane admixtures concentration by cement weight. The research will find out papercrete unit weight, flexural strength panel, cubical compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, water absorption and the price of concrete panel at every cubic and square meter. The result is concrete unit weight ranges from 840 - 933 kg/m³, the highest flexural strength papercrete panel reached at volume ratio of paper - cements mixture 2 with sugar admixture was 8,36 MPa. The highest the compressive strength reached at the volume ratio of paper – cements mixture 2 with sugar cane admixture was 2,48 MPa. The highest modulus of elasticity at the volume ratio of paper - cements mixture 3 with sugar admixture was 6,48 MPa with water absorption still above 50%. that is lower water absorption 56,93% at volume ratio of paper - cements mixture 2 with sugar cane admixture and the highest absorption at volume ratio of paper - cements mixture 4 was 84,23%. While the increasing of paper powder in mixture, concrete unit weight, flexural strenth, compressive strength and modulus of elasticity papercrete becoming lower with the increasing of water absorption. Addition of sugar cane 0,2% by cements weight haves an flexural strength improvement up to 7,66%, and enhanced compressive strength 50,24%, improvement concrete weight equal to 4,71% and reduced adsorption until 10,7%, but in papercrete product with sugar cane admixture doesn't have significant effect of production budget.