Ahsanul Khair Asdar
STABN Sriwijaya

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Journal : Jurnal Ilmiah Kampus: Sati Sampajanna

Jurnal Ilmiah Kampus: Sati Sampajanna Volume 10 Nomor 1, 2019
Publisher : STABN Sriwjaya

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Penelitian merupakan penelitian survei korelasional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh fraud diamond terhadap integritas akademik mahasiswa STABN Sriwijaya. Penelitian ini melibatkan 104 mahasiswa sebagai sampel yang dipilih menggunakan disproportionate stratified random sampling dari 132 populasi mahasiswa. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui penggunaan angket fraud diamond yang terdiri atas 48 butir pernyataan dengan memuat dimensi tekanan (pressure), peluang (opportunity), rasionalisasi (rationalization), dan kemampuan (capability) serta angket integritas yang terdiri atas 39 butir pernyataan dengan memuat dimensi kejujuran (honesty), kepercayaan (tirust), keadilan (fairness), rasa hormat (riespect), dan tanggung jawab (responsibility). Keseluruhan data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial masing-masing dimensi fraud diamond berpengaruh negatif terhadap integritas akademik. Demikian halnya secara simultan, dimensi fraud diamond berpengaruh terhadap integritas akademik mahasiswa STABN Sriwijaya sebesar 65,40%, sementara 34,60% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak menjadi fokus di dalam penelitian ini.
Siri’ Na Pacce dan Regulasi Diri Pelajar Buddhis Kota Makassar Ahsanul Khair Asdar
Jurnal Ilmiah Kampus: Sati Sampajanna Volume 11 Nomor 1, 2020
Publisher : STABN Sriwjaya

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This research was an ethnographic study with a qualitative approach. It aims to describe siri 'na pacce as a cultural philosophy of the Buginese and Makassarnese to self-regulation of Buddhist students in Makassar. This study involved Buddhist students at the junior and senior high schools in Makassar. The subjects were selected using purposive and snowball throwing methods. The research data were collected by interview, questionnaire distribution, and documentation study. The research data were analyzed with Miles, Huberman, and Saldana interactive analysis model (data collection, data condensation, data display, and conclusions drawing/verification). The results showed that siri' na pacce as a cultural philosophy of the Buginese and Makassarnese had a strong relation to the self-regulation of Buddhist students in Makassar. They had good self-regulation when they had a sufficient understanding of siri' na pacce. It can be seen in the form of (1) avoiding cheating on assignments and answers when carrying out exams and not giving answers when carrying out exams, (2) always maintaining good grades in the learning process, including when doing assignments or taking exams, (3) working hard to get brilliant achievements in school, (4) respecting and respecting teachers and classmates, especially during discussion sessions, greeting teachers politely in the school environment, and obeying the rules set by the school, (5) doing learning activities together without discriminating or being picky and prioritizing togetherness in learning activities, and (6) helping friends who have not mastered the learning material to their abilities, helping friends who experience disaster even though they aren't Buddhist, and learn to put yourself in the shoes of others who are having difficulties or calamity.