I Ketut Gegel
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Hutan Dibabat, Masyarakat Melarat, Masa Depan Gelap Refleksi Teologis atas Keberpihakan Gereja Terhadap Masyarakat dalam Upaya Pelestarian Alam I Ketut Gegel
Studia Philosophica et Theologica Vol 19 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Litbang STFT Widya Sasana Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/spet.v19i1.88


The Dayak community is known as a community that is close to nature, and even, can be said they unite themselves with nature. Nature is a "home" for shelter, a "pool" for fishing and Savannah for hunting wilds animals. Short words, nature is a treasure that is not counted in their lives. Therefore, when nature was damaged by investors for mining and coconut palm plantation businesses, the Dayak community was faced with great difficulties to maintain the sustainability for their own lives, because the nature that sustains their lives today has been damaged and destroyed. The critical question that arises: "How to deal with this challenge and who should help them fight for their rights in the face of greedy investors?” Fighting alone, should be difficult, because they should faced not only investors, but also by two other forces, namely: security authorities and local authorities. For this reason, other institutions are needed to help overcome this difficulty. The Catholic Church is an institution which present among Dayak community and together with them, fighting and protect their rights and lives. The Church's partisanship is a clear evidence of the embodyment of its main mission, that is, proclaiming the Goos News for the people. This noble task, merely, does not layed down in the act of liturgical cult, but also in real action, in concrete actions to fight for the rights, freedoms and the goodness of human life. Through these actions, the Church presents salvation to human being. Of course, the effort and commitment to ptotect local community and nature will produce more a good and better result when done together with other institutions. Therefore, Pope Francis through his Encyclical Letter Laudato Si, invites all parties who are well-wished to be jointly involved in seeking salvation for everyone through concrete efforts, that is, to protect the earth, our common home.
Communicatio In Sacris Berbagi Kasanah Rohani Medium Membangun Persaudaraan di Antara Umat Kristiani Analisa Sejarah, Doktrin dan Iuris I Ketut Gegel
Seri Filsafat Teologi Vol. 30 No. 29 (2020)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/serifilsafat.v30i29.25


In this paper, the author studies of Communicatio in Sacris as an act of sharing sacraments among Christians. This study begins with the author's observation regarding of relation among Christians at this time. In the past centuries, many dissensions happened and large communities were separated from full communion with Catholic Church. Each excludes others to take part in its own liturgy. However, it should be kept in mind, that unity which Christ willed, stood at the very heart of the Church’s mission. At every era, there have been figures who do not only defend the Church but also open the Church to other Christians, especially, in her liturgical services. It has begun a long the history of the Church. It is sufficient to simply to mention two of them. In 1244 Innocent IV allowed Dominicans to minister separated Christian communities by sharing the Eucharist with them. In modern age, John XXIII who led the 2nd Vatican Council has brought Catholic Church even more open toward other Churches, giving a wide possibility to share sacraments with non Catholic. The purpose of all these actions is for the goodness of souls. The method used in this article is a qualitative research, by analyzing the Church view of communicatio in sacris. The author analyzed the Church documents: 2nd Vatican Council, Canon Law and other sources, including digital sources to support the analysis. From this study, the author found out that communicatio in sacris in its strict meaning means to share sacraments amongs Christians that becomes an instrument to foster fraternity among Christians.
Revolusi Industri 4.0 Dan Dampaknyabagi Kehidupan Keluarga I Ketut Gegel
Seri Filsafat Teologi Vol. 29 No. 28 (2019)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Globalisasi telah memasuki era baru yang bernama Revolusi Industri 4.0. Klaus Shwab, 2016). Revolusi industri generasi keempat ini ditandai dengan kemunculan superkomputer, robot pintar, kendaraan tanpa pengemudi, editing genetik dan perkembangan neuroteknologi yang memungkinkan manusia untuk lebih mengoptimalkan fungsi otak. Hal inilah yang disampaikan oleh Klaus Schwab, Founder dan Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum dalam bukunya The Fourth Industrial Revo- lution.
Iman, Harapan, dan Kasih: Kekuatan dalam Kerapuhan Manusia Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19 I Ketut Gegel
Seri Filsafat Teologi Vol. 31 No. 30 (2021)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/serifilsafat.v31i30.160


This article intends to unravel the power of faith, hope and love in dealing with human weaknesses in facing Covid-19 pandemic. This epidemic has disrupted the order of human life as a whole, both private and public. The government has responded by seeking various things, starting from implementing physical distancing policies up to implementing the limitation of community activities. In addition, vaccination activities continue to be intensified. The purpose of all this is to slow down the pace of the Covid-19 pandemic. We have to appreciate these efforts. From the other side, we realize that to solve this problem we cannot rely merely on government efforts. The community must play an active role. In addition to complying with health protocols, the self-quarantine sought by community needs to be appreciated. However, these efforts need to be accompanied by strengths which come from within humans, namely faith, hope and love, as a complement to these external efforts. To describe this problem, the author uses qualitative research methods. The author studied a number of articles, such as Joerg Rieger, Hope versus Hope: Confronting Despair in Ancient and Present Times (2020); J.M. Child, Truth, Hope, Compassion in Times of Corona Virus and Presidential Elections (2020); and other documents related to this research. The results of this study confirm that the strength of the inner human forces altogether with solidarity performed by community can help to overcome the Covid-19 outbreak.
Karya Misi Msf di Kalimantan Bagian Timur Strategi Misi Gereja Awal I Ketut Gegel
Seri Filsafat Teologi Vol. 32 No. 31 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/serifilsafat.v32i31.184


Paham keselamatan pra Konsili Vat II dengan jargonnya “extra ecclesiam nulla salus” menjadi dorongan yang kuat bagi para misionaris untuk datang ke daerah misi mewartakan karya keselamatan Allah, tidak terkecuali bagi misionaris MSF yang datang ke daerah Kalimantan bagian Timur. Gereja mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk menyelamatkan manusia sebagai perwujudan dari amanat agung Tuhan Yesus: “Pergilah keseluruh dunia, beritakanlah Injil kepada segala mahluk. Siapa yang percaya dan dibaptis akan diselamatkan” (Mrk 16, 15-16a). Dalam arus pemikiran yang sama, Paus Leo XIII melalui ensikliknya Sancta Dei Civitas mendorong agar semakin banyak misionaris dikirm ke daerah misi. Tantangan direspon oleh MSF. Sebagai tarekat Rasuli berstatus Pontifical, MSF ikut bertanggungjawab dalam mewartakan kabar keselamatan agar semakin banyak orang diselamatkan dalam Kristus. Untuk memahami bagaimana MSF menjalankan misi itu, strategi apa saja yang digunakan dan siapa saja yang dilibatkan dalam karya misi tersebut sehingga “membuahkan” hasil yang menggembirakan dengan berdirinya 4 keuskupan: Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Palangkaraya dan Tanjung Selor, merupakan tujuan dari research ini. Untuk mencapai tujuan itu penulis menggunakan metodologi kualitatif. Sejumlah buku, khususnya Demarteau WJ. (1997). Mereka itu Datang dari Jauh dan Sinnema P. (1995). Sebiji Sesawi. Buku Kenangan MSF 100 tahun dan Karyanya di Kalimantan, 2 ensiklik yang berbicara tentang misi ad gentes: Sancta Dei Civitas dari Leo XIII dan Redemptoris Missio dari Johanes Paulus II dianalisa. Selain itu, sejumlah artikel terkait dipelajari, disintesakan dan pada akhirnya dinarasikan dalam research ini sehingga diperoleh suatu pemahaman yang lengkap tentang misi MSF di daerah Kalimantan bagian Timur. Hal ini sekaligus menjadi sumbangan dari reseach ini bagi peniliti lain yang hendak melakukan research lebih lanjut dalam bidang ini.