Setiawan, Awan
Proceedings of KNASTIK 2012
Publisher : Duta Wacana Christian University
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This paper discusses the implementation of a method for single sign on (SSO) by usingCentral Authentication Service (CAS) and MySQL in a Web portal environment.Department of Informatics Faculty of Engineering Langlangbuana Univesity possesseda variety of web-based applications to support the academic activities, including webapplication libraries, application of laboratory management, and academicinformation systems. All access to these applications each needs a unique userauthentication for each user. This will cause the user login process many times. SingleSign On technologies provide convenience to the user to authenticate. Users only needto do a one-time login for access to all existing applications. Users do not have tomemorize numerous accounts, only one account and not have to repeatedly login, onesingle login is enough. It can also simplify user data in organizing existing datasecurity, so that the user is more secure, because it uses centralized user data storage.CAS used to handle communication problems between different web applications, so allthe applications can be integrated into a Web portal. MySQL is used as data storage,where all user data stored in a MySQL database.
Predicting Success Study Using Students GPA Category
Setiawan, Awan;
Suksmana L, Kuntjahja
The Asian Journal of Technology Management (AJTM) Vol 8, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung
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DOI: 10.12695/ajtm.2015.8.1.7
Abstract. Maintaining student graduation rates are the main tasks of a University. High rates of student graduation and the quality of graduates is a success indicator of a university, which will have an impact on public confidence as stakeholders of higher education and the National Accreditation Board as a regulator (government). Making predictions of student graduation and determine the factors that hinders will be a valuable input for University. Data mining system facilitates the University to create the segmentation of students’ performance and prediction of their graduation. Segmentation of student by their performance can be classified in a quadrant chart is divided into 4 segments based on grade point average and the growth rate of students performance index per semester. Standard methodology in data mining i.e CRISP-DM (Cross Industry Standard Procedure for Data Mining) will be implemented in this research. Making predictions, graduation can be done through the modeling process by utilizing the college database. Some algorithms such as C5, C & R Tree, CHAID, and Logistic Regression tested in order to find the best model. This research utilizes student performance data for several classes. Parameters used in addition to GPA also included the master's students data are expected to build the student profile data. The outcome of the study is the student category based on their study performance and prediction of graduation. Based on this prediction, the university may recommend actions to be taken to improve the student  achievement index and graduation rates.Keywords: graduation, segmentation, quadrant GPA, data mining, modeling algorithms
E-Government Interoperability and Integration Architecture Modeling Using TOGAF Framework Based On Service Oriented Architecture
Setiawan, Awan;
Yulianto, Erwin
The Asian Journal of Technology Management (AJTM) Vol 11, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung
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DOI: 10.12695/ajtm.2018.11.1.3
Abstract. Development of e-Government in Indonesia continues to roll and run in every government agency, both in central government and local government. Implementation of e-Government means that there are government's efforts to build and improve the quality of public services and internal operations in each regional apparatus organization effectively and efficiently. These activities inline with one of the bureaucracy reform mission, that is the modernization of government bureaucracy through the using of information and communication technology optimization to support bureaucracy reform vision and the creation of good governance. The development and implementation of e-Government currently mostly implemented by each regional apparatus organization. This condition makes it difficult to exchange data and information related to multisectoral activities due to data and information spread across various databases from different applications, platform, environment and architecture without good documentation. In preparation for arranging the e-Government architecture, we will use The Open Group Architecture Framework - Architecture Development Method as an enterprise architecture framework. The purpose of this research is to study and conceptualize e-Government interoperability and integration solutions of all existing applications and providing some model documents such as e-Government Architecture Vision, Integrated Business Model References Architecture, and Integrated Data Model References Architecture.Keywords: E-Government, interoperability and integration, service oriented architecture, TOGAF-ADM, information and communication technology
Analisis Partial Least Square Menghasilkan Output Alternatif Antarmuka Tambahan Dari Kansei Engineering
Arief Ginanjar;
Awan Setiawan
Jurnal Tiarsie Vol 17 No 2 (2020): Jurnal TIARSIE 17.2
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Langlangbuana
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DOI: 10.32816/tiarsie.v17i2.78
Ketika menggunakan Kansei Engineering dalam mencari kandidat terbaik untuk menentukan model perancangan antarmuka website, peneliti menggunakan metode analisis Partial Least Square (PLS) yang dilakukan secara berulang hingga ditemukan elemen terbaik yang dapat diimplementasikan. PLS sebagai alat bantu untuk menentukan nilai terbaik antara elemen website. Output perbandingan yang dihasilkan akan dikelompokkan berdasarkan Kansei Word sebagaimana yang telah ditentukan dalam rencana awal implementasi Kansei Engineering, output perbandingan PLS iterasi pertama mempunyai kemungkinan mendapatkan nilai usulan terbaik jika digabung dengan melakukan iterasi kedua terhadap asimilasi dua atau tiga elemen yang mempunyai nilai tertinggi. Metodologi yang digunakan mengacu kepada Kansei Engineering Type I dengan melalui pengolahan data menggunakan Cronbach’s Alpha untuk menguji kelayakan responden, kemudian untuk mengetahui hubungan Kansei Words dapat menggunakan Coefficient Correlation Analysis (CCA), sedangkan hubungan antara Kansei Words dengan spesimen dapat menggunakan Principal Component Analysis (PCA), sedangkan mencari pengaruh Kansei Words paling kuat dapat menggunakan Factor Analysis (FA) dan analisis Partial Least Square (PLS) namun harus dilakukan iterasi proses PLS hingga variabel rekomendasi model perancangan antarmuka yang dihasilkan menjadi lebih bervariatif.
The Effects of Critical Multiliteracy Learning Models on Mastery of Explanatory Text Concepts
Dadan Setiawan;
Tatat Hartati;
Rahman Rahman;
Isah Cahyani
International Journal of Science and Applied Science: Conference Series Vol 3, No 1 (2019): International Journal of Science and Applied Science: Conference Series
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret
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DOI: 10.20961/ijsascs.v3i1.32550
The aims of this study was to determine the ability to master the concept of elementary school students through the implementation of critical multiliteracy learning models. This research was conducted on fifth grade students of elementary school. The research method used in this study was a quasi-experimental method. The participants in this study amounted to 39 students. Data was collected using tests and rubric. Analysis of data in this research using the t test with SPSS version 20.0 program for windows. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the mastery ability of the explanatory text concept of students experienced a significant increase and was included in the sufficient category. This can be seen from the pretest score obtained by students at 34.74 and the posttest results at 64.23. Based on the results of the t test the significance value is 0.00˂0.05 thus it can be concluded that there are significant differences between the mastery of students' concepts before and after being given treatment using critical multiliteracy learning models.
Awan Setiawan;
Erwin Yulianto
Jurnal Accounting Information System (AIMS) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Ma'soem
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DOI: 10.32627/aims.v2i1.63
The world of insurance business that is full of competition makes the perpetrators must always think about breakthrough strategies that can guarantee the continuity of their insurance business. One of the main assets owned by insurance companies is business data in an extraordinary amount.Data mining is a new technology that is very useful to help insurance companies find very important information from business data as the main asset they have. Data mining can predict trends and traits of business behavior that are very useful to support important decision making. Automated analysis carried out by data mining exceeds that carried out by traditional support systems. Apriori and FP-Growth are the most famous algorithms for finding high frequency patterns, these algorithms are part of the Rule Association used in this study.
Erwin Yulianto;
Awan Setiawan
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Maso'em Bandung
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DOI: 10.32627/internal.v1i1.30
Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is one of the distribution issues which is long discussed in the optimization review, where the review problem is how a salesman visits the entire travel route within the coverage area and returns to the starting point of departure with the rule that no destination should be visited more than once. PT. Panjunan is a company engaged in the products distribution of various principles. Currently the managing process of customer location data at the company is still not maximal due to the absence of calculations in every daily visit routes so it impact on the effectiveness of time. In addition, the absence of visualization of real customer data on the field leads to the error distribution and marketing of goods which is uneven, not on target and impact on the decline in sales value. One of the techniques used to accelerate the search solutions of TSP problems is to use an insertion algorithm, or also called the Cheapest Insertion Heuristic (CIH) algorithm. The discussion of this research is to study and apply CIH algorithm in determining the optimization of daily sales traffic route with the aim of this research is to make daily trip route optimization program by applying Cheapest Insertion Heuristics algorithm and provide real customer data visualization on original map in the field as analysis material for operational team and management by utilizing Google Maps API service. System development method used in this research using waterfall model with implementation tools is laravel framework and mySQL as DBMS.
Awan Setiawan
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Maso'em Bandung
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DOI: 10.32627/internal.v3i1.97
Aplikasi Media Promosi Perumahan berbasis Augmented Reality merupakan aplikasi yang memudahkan dalam memberikan informasi tentang penjualan rumah oleh perusahan developer perumahan dengan menggunakan device mobile pada sistem operasi Android dan pembeli rumah dapat melihat bentuk 3D melalui aplikasi media promosi perumahan berbasis Augmented Reality. Aplikasi ini menggunakan Blender untuk membuat pemodelan 3D dan Unity yang telah di install Vuforia sdk untuk aplikasi media promosi perumahan serta marker untuk mengolah citra. Rancangan Sistem pada aplikasi dibuat menggunakan Unified Modelling Language (UML).
Pemodelan Arsitektur Sistem Informasi Profil Risiko Menggunakan Framework TOGAF
Awan Setiawan;
Erwin Yulianto
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 1 No 1 (2017): SISFOTEK 2017
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia
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Perbankan saat ini memiliki beragam produk jasa keuangan sehingga kompleksitas transaksi dan interaksi antar lembaga jasa keuangan bertambah. Hal tersebut wajar mengingat standar industri di dunia perbankan yang menuntut adanya kebutuhan bisnis yang fleksibel. Merujuk kepada ketentuan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, perlu diterapkan kecukupan proses identifikasi, pengukuran, pemantauan, dan pengendalian risiko sehingga dapat mewujudkan stabilitas sistem keuangan yang tumbuh secara berkelanjutan. Pendirian Bank X dibentuk melalui Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia yang sekarang sudah menjadi salah satu bank besar di Indonesia. Saat ini Bank X masih belum memiliki sistem informasi yang bisa melakukan proses-proses sebagaimana dimaksud di atas. Sistem Informasi Profil Risiko yang akan dikembangkan diharapkan dapat diterapkan dan dipahami dengan baik oleh seluruh pengguna informasi khususnya shareholder dan stakeholder sehingga menghasilkan pelaporan Profil Risiko secara menyeluruh dan komprehensif.
Expert System for Diagnosing Disease Symptoms of Rice Pests Using the Dempster Shafer Algorithm and Fuzzy Tsukamoto Algorithm
Awan Setiawan;
Sany Ni'ma Fauzia;
Kusmaya Kusmaya;
KM Syarif Haryana;
Iwan Abadi;
Erwin Yulianto
Jurnal Sisfokom (Sistem Informasi dan Komputer) Vol 11, No 3 (2022): NOVEMBER
Publisher : ISB Atma Luhur
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DOI: 10.32736/sisfokom.v11i3.1425
Agriculture is the largest sector in almost every developing country economy. This sector produces food for most of the population in the country. Some Indonesian people work as farmers who have an important role to ensure the availability of basic ingredients, namely rice from rice. However, the limited number of experts, namely Field Agricultural Extension Officers (PPL) results in limited counseling that will be obtained by farmers, because to overcome all the problems faced by farmers, it is constrained by time and the number of farmers who have problems with their crops. In this case, farmers find it difficult to deal with problems of pests and diseases that attack rice, therefore a tool or an expert application is needed that can help farmers to diagnose pests and diseases of rice in order to provide solutions to overcome them. In connection with that, this study aims to develop an application design of an expert system for diagnosing rice pests using the Fuzzy Tsukamoto algorithm which is a method for classifying objects based on the most similar data, and adding the Dempster Shafer algorithm as a comparison of the methods used to obtain data. maximum result validation. By using the Fuzzy Tsukamoto Algorithm, the author classifies similar objects, in this case the symptoms that often occur during the rice harvest season, then compares them with the Dempster Shafter Algorithm to obtain validation of diseases that occur in rice plants based on the classification of symptoms that have been mapped. . Furthermore, the system will provide the best decision to provide advice related to diseases experienced by rice plants so that farmers can immediately resolve them.