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Buletin Palawija No 22 (2011)
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kacang-kacangan dan Umbi-umbian

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Hama polong pada kedelai, Riptortus linearis (Hemiptera: Alydidae) merupakan salah satu hama pengisap polong kedelai . Tanaman inang R. linearis yaitu kacang hijau, buncis, kacang panjang, Tephrosia spp, Acacia pilosa, dadap, Desmodium, Solanaceae, Convolvulaceae, dan Mimosa pigra. R. linearis tersebar di sentra produksi kedelai di Indonesia yaitu pulau Jawa, Lampung, Sumatera dan Kalimantan serta di negara beriklim tropis, antara lain Amerika Utara, India, Brazilia, dan Jepang. Potensi R. linearis sebagai hama perlu diwaspadai karena berstatus sebagai hama penting, yang dapat menyebabkan kehilangan hasil mencapai 79%. Kerusakan akibat serangan R. linearis menyebabkan biji kempis, keriput dan terdapat bekas lubang tusukan sehingga biji tidak dapat dikonsumsi. Pengendalian R. Linearis dilakukan dengan teknik budidaya, pengendalian hayati, penggunaan insektisida nabati dan juga penggunaan insektisida kimia secara bijaksana.
Buletin Palawija No 20 (2010)
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kacang-kacangan dan Umbi-umbian

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Kerusakan akibat serangan penggerek polong, Etiella zinckenella Treitschke (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), dapat menurunkan hasil kedelai sebesar 80%. Varietas tahan terhadap E. zinckenella merupakan salah satu upaya untuk menekan kehilangan hasil akibat serangan hama. Keberadaan trikoma pada polong kedelai ikut berperan sebagai faktor ketahanan kedelai terhadap hama penggerek polong. Galur IAC-100 dan IAC-80-586-2 termasuk tahan terhadap penggerek polong karena mempunyai kerapatan trikoma lebih rapat daripada varietas Wilis dengan kisaran kerapatan 10–27/mm2 untuk IAC-100 dan 12,5–30 mm2 untuk IAC-80-586-2 sedangkan varietas Wilis 3,0–20 mm2. Kerapatan trikoma mempengaruhi jumlah peletakan telur E. zinckenella dan intensitas serangan. Intensitas serangan pada galur IAC-100 43,7% pada polong dan 28,3% pada biji dan IAC-80-586-2 55,6% pada polong dan 35,7% pada biji lebih rendah dibandingkan intensitas serangan pada varietas Wilis sebesar masing-masing 78,3% pada polong dan 38,4% pada biji. Disimpulkan bahwa trikoma ikut berperan sebagai faktor ketahanan kedelai terhadap penggerek polong.
Mapping And Strategies For Locale Specific-Based Poverty Alleviation In Tabanan Regency, Bali Province Setiawina, Nyoman Djinar; Lestari, Ni Putu Nina Eka; Suidarma, I Made
Journal of Rural Indonesia Vol 2, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Departement of Communication and Community Development

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Poverty is one of the main problems in a complx and chronic process of economic development that has no border in time and space dimension. Tabanan Regency, one of the regions with the highest poverty index among other regions has 41.894 people in poverty and Kediri sub-district has a pole position of people in poverty. One of the poverty problems to implement poverty alleviation is not optimal because the indicator does not use local specific or the root of the problem. This study aimed to analyze poverty condition in Tabanan Regency includes 1) describing real condition of poverty in Tabanan Regency with Nested Spheres of Poverty; 2) identifying the determinant of poverty in Tabanan Regency; 3) determining strategy of poverty alleviation based on local genius. The method used in this study was descriptive-quantitative using poverty index and other statistical descriptive analysis. The area of the study is ten sub-districts in Tabanan Regency: Selemadeg, Kerambitan, Tabanan, Kediri, Marga, Baturiti, Penebel, Pupuan, West Selemadeg, and East Selemadeg. The result of this study is poverty in Tabanan Regency is of moderate category for all aspect of Nested Spheres of Poverty, so poverty problem is still important program to alleviate. Aggregately, the rank priority of poverty is economic, wealth, political, natural resources, knowledge, health, social and infrastructure. The strategy to alleviate poverty in Tabanan Regency is to strengthen the economy, social culture and local institution, mitigating vulnerability of poverty, and sustainabile program for increasing the welfare of the community. © 2014 Journal of Rural Indonesia [JoRI] IPB. All rights reserved.Keywords: Mapping, Strategy, Poverty Alleviation, Nested Spheres of PovertyReceived: 19th October 2014; Accepted: 15th November 2014[How to Cite: Setiawina, N., Lestari, N., & Suidarma, I. (2014). Mapping And Strategies For Locale Specific-Based Poverty Alleviation In Tabanan Regency, Bali Province. Journal Of Rural Indonesia, 2(1), 67-80. Retrieved from]
Mapping And Strategies For Locale Specific-Based Poverty Alleviation In Tabanan Regency, Bali Province Setiawina, Nyoman Djinar; Lestari, Ni Putu Nina Eka; Suidarma, I Made
Journal of Rural Indonesia [JORI] Vol 2, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Journal of Rural Indonesia [JORI]

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Poverty is one of the main problems in a complx and chronic process of economic development that has no border in time and space dimension. Tabanan Regency, one of the regions with the highest poverty index among other regions has 41.894 people in poverty and Kediri sub-district has a pole position of people in poverty. One of the poverty problems to implement poverty alleviation is not optimal because the indicator does not use local specific or the root of the problem. This study aimed to analyze poverty condition in Tabanan Regency includes 1) describing real condition of poverty in Tabanan Regency with Nested Spheres of Poverty; 2) identifying the determinant of poverty in Tabanan Regency; 3) determining strategy of poverty alleviation based on local genius. The method used in this study was descriptive-quantitative using poverty index and other statistical descriptive analysis. The area of the study is ten sub-districts in Tabanan Regency: Selemadeg, Kerambitan, Tabanan, Kediri, Marga, Baturiti, Penebel, Pupuan, West Selemadeg, and East Selemadeg. The result of this study is poverty in Tabanan Regency is of moderate category for all aspect of Nested Spheres of Poverty, so poverty problem is still important program to alleviate. Aggregately, the rank priority of poverty is economic, wealth, political, natural resources, knowledge, health, social and infrastructure. The strategy to alleviate poverty in Tabanan Regency is to strengthen the economy, social culture and local institution, mitigating vulnerability of poverty, and sustainabile program for increasing the welfare of the community. © 2014 Journal of Rural Indonesia [JoRI] IPB. All rights reserved.Keywords: Mapping, Strategy, Poverty Alleviation, Nested Spheres of Poverty
Factors affecting the fishermen household income and welfare Lein, Alberto A.R.; Setiawina, Nyoman Djinar
International Research Journal of Management, IT & Social Sciences (IRJMIS) Vol 5 No 4: July 2018
Publisher : IJCU

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The desire to realize a prosperous society in the true sense is a great goal to be achieved by the Indonesian people in the system of government of the Republic of Indonesia. The potential of fishery resources can actually be utilized to increase income which will be expected to improve the welfare of fishermen households. In fact, many fishermen still have not been able to increase their catch, so the income level of fishermen households does not increase so that the welfare of the fishermans life is still not realized. The fishery sector is the mainstay for most people as if they depend on their fishing business. This phenomenon is occurring in most parts of Indonesia, including fishermen in the coastal area of East Flores. In relation to the phenomenon, then the research questions are 1). What is the effect of production cost, technology, selling price, and fish catch on the income of fishermen in East Flores Regency? 2). What is the effect of production cost, technology, selling price, and fish catch on the welfare of fishermen households in East Flores Regency? 3). Does the income of fishermen mediate the cost of production, technology, selling prices, and the fish caught on the welfare of fishermen households in East Flores District? Research objectives: 1). Analyzing, whether the factors of production costs, technology, the selling price of fish, and the catch of fish affect the income of fishermen in East Flores Regency? 2). Analyzing factors of production cost, technology, selling price, and fish catches have an effect on to fisherman household welfare in East Flores regency. 3). Analyzing whether fishermans income mediates the influence of production cost factor, technology, selling price and fish catch on fisherman households prosperity in East Flores Regency. The population of this study is 7,761 people. Sampling was conducted by applying "Slovin theory" so that the number of samples was 99 people. Proportionate Probability Sampling method was then applied in order to determine the number of respondents. The samples of 99 respondents were interviewed based on the questionnaires provided beforehand. In the interviews, the variables obtained consist of Production cost (IDR), technology (modern and traditional), sales price (IDR), and yields (Kg), Revenue (IDR), and welfare level (measured according to Standard Bureau of Statistics with 7 indicators, namely: consumption pattern, health, Education, Security, Love, Social and Culture). The cost of production, technology, selling price, and fish catch have a significant effect on fishermans income. Fishermen income has a positive and significant impact on the welfare of fishermen households in East Flores Regency. Indirect effect analysis found that factor of production cost, technology, and fish catch have significant influence through fisherman income to fisherman household welfare in East Flores Regency.
Pengaruh Jumlah Kunjungan Wisatawan, Lama Tinggal dan Tingkat Hunian Hotel Terhadap Pajak Hotel Restoran dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Kota Denpasar Rediteani, Ni Made; Setiawina, Nyoman Djinar
E-Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Universitas Udayana Vol. 7, No. 1, Januari 2018 (pp. 1 - 211)
Publisher : E-Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Universitas Udayana

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ABSTRACT Tourism industry is one of the industries that contributes in the economic growth of Indonesia. The tourism sector is considered equally to exports that can contribute to the economic growth of a region. The purpose of this research was analyzing the impact of the number of tourist arrivals, length of stay, and room occupancy rate and economic growth in the Denpasar city. The type of data used in this research was secondary data from 1998 to 2015. The research used Non-participant observation and in-depth interviews as the data collection methods. Path analysisoand sobel test to analyze indirect influence through intervening variable were used for the data analysis technique. Based on the analysis obtained the result that the number of tourist arrivals and length of stay have a direct and significant effect on hotel restaurant tax, whereas the room occupancy rate has no direct and significant effect. The number of tourist arrivals has no direct effect on economic growth, whereas the length of stay, room occupancy rate, and hotel restaurant taxes have a direct and significant effect on economic growth. Hotel and restaurant taxes are the intervening variable of the number of tourist arrivals to economic growth.
E-Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Universitas Udayana Vol. 7, No. 8, Agustus 2018 (pp. 1587-1825)
Publisher : E-Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Universitas Udayana

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Indeks harga saham gabungan, suku bunga dan harga minyak dunia terhadap nilai tukar rupiah tahun 2012 – 2016. Nilai tukar menjadi salah satu indikator penting dalam perekonomian suatu negara. Keberadaannya mempengaruhi segala aktivitas perekonomian. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis linier berganda yaitu menguji adanya pengaruh dari satu variabel independen dengan variabel dependen dengan alat Eviews 10.0. Serta melakukan pengujian asumsi klasik yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan nilai taksiran parameter yang sesuai sehingga nilai parameter tersebut memiliki karateristik tidak bias, konsisten dan efisien. Bedasarkan hasil pengujian secara simultan, indeks harga saham gabungan, suku bunga dan harga minyak dunia berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai tukar rupiah periode 2012-2016. Secara parsial, indeks harga saham gabungan dan suku bunga berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap nili tukar rupiah tahun 2012-2016, Sedangkan variabel harga minyak dunia secara parsial berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap nilai tukar rupiah tahun 2012-2016. Kata kunci : Indeks harga saham gabungan, suku bunga, harga minyak minyak dunia, nili tukar rupiah. ABSTRACT This research aims to analyze the effect of composite index, interest rate and oil prices towards Indonesian exchange rates 2012 – 2016. The exhcange rates become an important economic indicator of a country. Its existence affects all economic activities. The research is done by using quantitative method with multiple linier regression analysis technique in which to test the effect of independent variable to dependent variable by Eviews 10.0. And to do a testing classical assumption that intends to produce a good paramater’s value so it will has charateristic of best, linier, and unibiassed estimator. The result of the research simultaneously indicates that composit index, interest rate, and oil prices has a significant effect to Indonesia Exchange rates 2012 - 2016. Partially, composite index and interest rate has significant effect and result postive relationship to Indonesia exhange rates whilst oil prices affect Indonesia exchange rates significantly with the result negative relationship 2012 – 2016. Keywords : composite index, interest rate, oil prices , Indonesia exchange rates.
Pengaruh Kurs Dollar, Harga, dan Inflasi Terhadap Volume Ekspor Kepiting Indonesia Kartika Dewi, Made Dian; Setiawina, Nyoman Djinar
E-Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Universitas Udayana Vol. 4, No. 7, Juli 2015 (pp.746 - 872)
Publisher : E-Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Universitas Udayana

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Indonesian crab prices and high consumption of crab world provide export opportunities. This study aimed at analyzing the effect of simultaneous and partial exchange rate, price of export crab,and  inflation of the export volume of Indonesian crab in 1989-2013. This study was using secondary data, in 1989-2013 and tested multiplier linier regression analysis technique.The result of simultaneous test showed exchange rate, price, and inflation have a significant effect. Partially exchange rate and price is positive significant effect, inflation is negative significant effecton the export volume of Indonesian crab in 1989-2013.The dominant variabel is price of export crab. The government is advised to increase export prevent to deficit.
E-Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Universitas Udayana Vol. 7, No. 6, Juni 2018 (pp. 1112-1351)
Publisher : E-Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Universitas Udayana

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Inflation is condition when prices goods and services is rising slowly and continuously. This research purpose is: 1) To know the effect of the reserve requirement, BI Rate, exchange rate, the money supply (JUB) and foreign exchange reserve to inflation rate in Indonesia. 2) To analyze the indirect influence of the reserve requirement, BI Rate, exchange rate to inflation rate in Indonesia through the money supply (JUB) and foreign exchange reserves. This research is used secondary data with analysis of lane or path analysis. The result of this research is showed positive effect of reserve requirement on the inflation rate, BI Rate positive effect on the inflation rate, exchange rate negative effect on the inflation rate. The indirect effect showed reserve requirement and BI Rate not effected on the inflation rate through the money supply (JUB). Exchange rate effected on the inflation rate through the money supply (JUB), then BI Rate and exchange rate is effected on the inflation rate through foreign exchange reserves. Keywords: inflation, the money supply (JUB), foreign exchange reserves, reserve requirement, BI Rate, exchange rate
Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Impor Kentang Di Indonesia Tahun 2005-2012 Danni Lastina, Ni Luh Made Ayu; Setiawina, Nyoman Djinar
E-Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Universitas Udayana Vol. 4, No. 1, Januari 2015 (pp. 1 - 70)
Publisher : E-Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Universitas Udayana

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Kentang dikenal sebagai salah satu komoditas utama pangan. Namun jumlah produksi kentang di Indonesia masih tergolong rendah dikarenakan rendahnya produksi bibit kentang berkualitas unggul. Dalam penelitian berjudul ”Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Impor Kentang Di Indonesia Tahun 2005-2012” ini dimaksud untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan secara simultan dan parsial serta variabel mana yang berpengaruh dominan terhadap impor kentang Indonesiaantara konsumsi kentang, produksi kentang, PDB (Produk Domestik Bruto), dan kurs dollar Amerika Serikat. Untuk memcahkan masalah digunakan teknik analisis linier berganda, uji F, uji t dan uji asumsi klasik dengan menggunakan program spss. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh Konsumsi Kentang, Produksi Kentang, PDB (Produk Domestik Bruto) dan Kurs Dollar Amerika Serikat tahun 2005-2012. Secara simultan Konsumsi Kentang berpengaruh signifikansi terhadap volume impor kentang Indonesia tahun 2005-2012. Sedangkan produksi kentang dan kurs dollar Amerika Serikat, dan Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan.
Co-Authors A. A. Gede Dirga Kardita A.A. Gd Oka Nirjaya A.A.Istri Agung Vera Laksmi Dewi A.A.N Gede Maheswara A.A.N.B Surya Negara Ambar Puspa Galih Anak Agung Istri Ngurah Marhaeni Anak Agung Sagung Paramita Devi Ardiansyah, Muhammad Naufal Faherza Arya Dwiandana Putri Berata, I Kadek Edi Wirya Bonita, Ayu Putu Arantza Borromeu, Jezzuvo Desak Putu Emmei Juliantari, Desak Putu Emmei Desak Putu Putri Maharani Desak Putu Putri Maharani Dwi Kusuma Fajarwati, Rytia Yuki Gde Sudjana Budiasa Gede Agus Dian Maha Yoga Gusti Ngurah Sukma Apriadi Hardianti, Iqna I Gede Sujana Budiasa I Gst Ayu Athina Wulandari I Gusti Ayu Putri Anggara Indraswari I Gusti Bagus Indrajaya I Gusti Ngurah Alit Asmara Jaya I Gusti Wayan Murjana Yasa I Ketut Arsa I Ketut Catur I Ketut Djayastra I Ketut Wardana I Komang Gde Bendesa I Made Artanegara I Made Diksa Indra Yoga I Made Suidarma I Nyoman Diatmika I Putu Angga Primayoga I Putu Angga Primayoga I Wayan Sudirman Ida Ayu Nyoman Saskara Ida Bagus Darsana Ida Bagus Purbadharmaja IM Suyana Utama Iswara, Nyoman Bisma Jaya, I Gusti Ngurah Alit Asmara Kadek Deny Anjasmara Kadek Satrya Erlangga Komang Gede Samaranatha, Komang Gede krhisna bela, Gede Bayu Laksono Trisnantoro Lein, Alberto A.R. Lidwina Lidia Kasipmabin Loeis, Ardian Akmal Luh Ketut Prami Gayatri, Luh Ketut Prami Made Dian Kartika Dewi, Made Dian Made Gunarsa Putra Made Heny Urmila Dewi Made Kembar Sri Budhi Made Santana Putra Adiyadnya Mirah Desy Ratna Ngurah Agus Jayaprananta Ni Kadek Ayu Indrayani Ni Komang Ayu Sri Swandari Ni Luh Made Ayu Danni Lastina Ni Luh Sri Martha Ayuningsih Ni Made Dwi Kusumayanti Ni Nyoman Tri Astari Ni Nyoman Yuliarmi Ni Putu Lilyana Ni Putu Nina Eka Lestari Ni Wayan Mentari Ni Wayan Mentari, Ni Wayan Nyoman Kirwati Octavina, Laily Nur pardede, Andi Satia Monang Pradnyaswari, Ni Made Wulan Putri Suastini, Nyoman Ayu Putu Riani Gayatri Rai Artini Rediteani, Ni Made Sabila Aulia Aziziah Sabila Aulia Aziziah Sagung Inten Evicahyani Setiawan, I Kadek Dian Sonia, Agnes Putri Suharsono . Togatorop, Sahat Marulitua Vitriyanti, Made Aprilia Yoga, I Gede Edie Mardika Yundari, Yundari