Feri Ansori
Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

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Pusat Bahasa Mandarin Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia: Refleksi dan Proyeksi Hubungan Sosial Budaya China-Indonesia Feri Ansori
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (331.159 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v4i1.246


Abstrak - Kebangkitan China pada awal abad 21 dalam percaturan global dipandang sebagai sebuah fenomena yang menegaskan bahwa dominasi Barat akan segera berakhir dan muncul kekuatan global baru dari kawasan Asia. Hal ini ditanggapi beragam oleh berbagai kalangan, sebagian menganggapnya sebagai suatu hal yang positif, namun sebagian lagi menganggapnya sebagai satu ancaman. Terpilihnya Presiden Joko Widodo pada pemilu 2014 yang mengusung poros maritim dunia dengan tol laut sebagai agenda utama, memunculkan sebuah paradigma baru bagi pemerintah Indonesia dalam memandang Jalur Sutera Maritim Abad 21 (21st Maritime Silk Road) yang dicanangkan oleh China sebagai sebuah tantangan atau potensi. Konektifitas dalam Belt and Road Iniative sejalan dengan 5 (lima) pilar utama yang dicanangkan oleh Presiden Joko Widodo dalam program poros maritim dunia. Dalam mensinergikan kebijakan dua pemerintah ini, tentu saja hubungan people-to-people yang terjalin melalui hubungan sosial dan budaya menjadi pilar yang sangat penting. Bagaimana kebijakan pemerintah kedua negara dalam meningkatkan hubungan people-to people, akan sangat berpengaruh dalam keberhasilan kerjasama ini. Makalah ini memaparkan perkembangan hubungan sosial budaya Indonesia-China melalui berbagai kegiatan di Pusat Bahasa Mandarin di Unversitas Al Azhar Indonesia. Pusat Bahasa Mandarin mungkin mampu mengurangi kesan negatif sebagian masyarakat Indonesia terhadap China, tapi terbatas hanya pada beberapa orang saja yang terlibat erat dalam lembaga tersebut. Kata Kunci - Poros maritim dunia, Jalur sutera maritim abad 21, Indonesia, China, People-to-people Abstract - The rise of China in the early 21st century in the global arena is seen as a phenomenon that resists Western domination will coming to an end and emerging new global powers from the Asian region. This was responded to by various parties, some of them regarded it as a positive thing, but some regard it as a threat. The election of President Joko Widodo in 2014, which brings the maritime axis of the world with the sea toll as the main agenda, has created a new paradigm for the Indonesian government in the view of the 21st Maritime Silk Road by China as a challenge or potential. Connectivity in Belt and Road Iniative is consistent with 5 (five) main pillars proclaimed by President Joko Widodo in the world maritime axis program. In synergizing this, of course the people-to-people relationship that exists through social and cultural relationships becomes a very important pillar. How government policies of both countries in improving people-to people relationship, will be very influential in the success of this cooperation. This paper describes the development of socio-cultural relations between Indonesia and China through various activities at the Mandarin Language Center at Al Azhar University of Indonesia. The Chinese Language Center may be able to reduce the negative impression of Indonesian society on China, but only to a few people who are closely involved in the institution. Keywords - World maritime axis, 21st century maritime silk trail, Indonesia, China, People-to-people
Analisis Pemahaman Mahasiswa Program Studi Bahasa Mandarin dan Kebudayaan Tiongkok Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia terhadap Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Feri Ansori; Tri Budianingsih
JURNAL Al-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI HUMANIORA Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Juli 2022 (Edisi Khusus MBKM)
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v7i2.1008


The “Independent Campus, Freedom to Learn” (MBKM) Policy, which was initiated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology is an innovative step to improve the quality of human resources to be ready to enter the world of work. This policy gives freedom to students to be able to carry out activities outside their department either at the same university in different department or at other universities or other institutions that collaborate in MBKM activities. This research was conducted using a field survey method, the research aspects including the student’s level of knowledge on the MBKM program, sources of information for the MBKM program, activities in the MBKM program, competency improvement through the MBKM program and others. The object of this research are the students of the Chinese Language and Culture department at the University of Al Azhar Indonesia, discussing the level of student understanding regarding the MBKM policies. The research found that most of the students did not get clear information about the MBKM program. Although all respondents stated that the MBKM program provided good benefits for improving competence and soft skills in preparing life after graduation, but at the implementation stage there were still several obstacles. The findings of the study also provided suggestions for improving the implementation of MBKM activities.Keywords - Competency improvement, MBKM policy, Student understanding
Analisis Gaya Bahasa dan Makna pada Lirik Lagu Penyemangat Anti-Epidemi (抗疫公益歌曲) Nadya Padma Sari Aulia; Tri Budianingsih; Feri Ansori
JURNAL Al-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI HUMANIORA Vol 7, No 3 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v7i3.847


This study examines the language style and intertextual meaning contained in 5 anti-epidemic song lyrics that were selected based on the amount of people's interest. The anti-epidemic song is a song that was released specifically as a form of support and to show empathy for the difficult situation that is currently happening due to the infectious disease known as COVID-19. This study looks at how musicians communicate through song lyrics to convey a sense of empathy and spirit to the community, as well as see whether there is a relationship between song lyrics and texts or social and historical conditions in society. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method, the results of this study are the language styles that are found to be very diverse, namely: 借代 (jièdài), 反语 (fǎnyǔ), 婉曲 (wǎnqū), 对偶 (duì'ǒu), 比喻 (bǐyù), 反复(fǎnfù), 对比 (duìbǐ), 映衬 (yìngchèn), 排比 (páibǐ), 顶真 (dǐngzhēn), 夸张 (kuāzhāng), 双关 (shuāngguān) and 比拟 (bǐnǐ), it can be strung together into amazing song lyrics and managed to give a certain effect for those who listen, the meaning is also very closely related to the real conditions that are happening in the community so that these songs can be received very well. Keywords – Language Style, Intertextual Study, Anti-Epidemic Song