Ninik Meiyudianti
Magister Kenotariatan, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Narotama Surabaya

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JURNAL HUKUM DAS SOLLEN Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Hukum Das Sollen
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indragiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32520/das-sollen.v1i4.328


Obligation of creditor in making report for nullification of debt in fiduciary registration office to delete the record of fiduciary object is known as liability omission (Roya). Liability omission can be done when debtor paying off all debts that is possessed to the creditor. When liability omission (roya) is not conducted by the creditor after debtor pay off all the debt, it certainly harms the debtor since he/she as debtor is not able to use the fiduciary object to make new credit agreement with other parties. The present research aims to elaborate and examine further about the obligation of creditor in performing liability omission toward the fiduciary object when the debtor paying off all the debts. Moreover, the present study tries to elaborate further about accountability of creditor regarding negligence in performing liability omission toward fiduciary object that has been paid off. The method used in the present study is a normative legal research, namely legal research which is conducted by examining the library materials or secondary law while in finding and collecting the data is done by two approaches, namely the law and conceptual approaches. The present study shows that deletion record of fiduciary object based on paying off of debts by the debtor shall be performed by the creditor. When creditor neglects in performing this act within fourteen days (14) after the repayment of debt, it can be justified as infringement of law. Moreover, creditor shall responsible to pay all losses that is experienced by the debtor.
Jurnal Pro Hukum : Jurnal Penelitian Bidang Hukum Universitas Gresik Vol 7 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Pro Hukum : Jurnal Penelitian Bidang Hukum Universitas Gresik
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (183.573 KB) | DOI: 10.55129/jph.v7i2.722


Obligation of creditor in making report for nullification of debt in fiduciary registration office to delete the record of fiduciary object is known as liability omission (Roya). Liability omission can be done when debtor paying off all debts that is possessed to the creditor.  When liability omission (roya) is not conducted by the creditor after debtor pay off all the debt, it certainly harms  the debtor since he/she as debtor is not able to use the fiduciary object to make new credit agreement with other parties.The present research aims to elaborate and examine further about the obligation of creditor in performing liability omission toward the fiduciary object when the debtor paying off all the debts. Moreover, the present study tries to elaborate further about accountability of creditor regarding negligence in performing liability omission toward fiduciary object that has been paid off. The method used in the present study is a normative legal research, namely legal research which is conducted by examining the library materials or secondary law while in finding and collecting the data is done by two approaches, namely the law and conceptual approaches. The present study shows that deletion record of fiduciary object based on paying off of debts by the debtor shall be performed by the creditor. When creditor neglects in performing this act within fourteen days (14) after the repayment of debt, it can be justified as infringement of law. Moreover, creditor shall responsible to pay all losses that is experienced by the debtor.  Keywords: Deletion of Fiduciary Object, Infringement of law, Accountability ABSTRAK Kewajiban kreditur melakukan laporan atas hapusnya hutang kepada kantor pendaftaran fidusia untuk dilakukan pencoretan pencatatan jaminan fidusia dikenal dengan sebutan roya. Roya dilakukan setelah debitur melunasi seluruh hutang yang dimilikinya kepada kreditur. Kewajiban melakukan roya tersebut apabila tidak dilakukan oleh kreditur tentunya akan merugikan debitur karena debitur tidak dapat menjadikan benda yang dimilikinya tersebut sebagai obyek jaminan fidusia pada saat debitur akan melakukan perjanjian kredit dengan pihak lain setelah dilunasinya hutang yang lama.Penulis dalam penelitian ini ingin menelaah dan menganalisa lebih lanjut tentang kewajiban kreditur atas jaminan fidusia yang telah dilunasi debitur dan tanggung gugat kreditur atas kelalaian melakukan roya pada jaminan fidusia yang telah lunas.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif, yaitu penelitian hukum yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka atau bahan hukum sekunder sedangkan pendekatan masalah dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan undang-undang dan pendekatan konseptual.Pencoretan pencatatan Jaminan Fidusia setelah hapusnya Jaminan Fidusia karena adanya pelunasan hutang oleh debitur menjadi kewajiban dari kreditur. Kreditur yang karena kelalaiannya tidak melakukan pencoretan pencatatan Jaminan Fidusia dalam waktu 14 (empat belas) haris setelah adanya pelunasan hutang dari debitur dapat dikualifikasikan melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum dan bertanggung gugat untuk mengganti kerugian yang dialami oleh debitur. Kata Kunci : Pencoretan Jaminan, Perbuatan Melawan Hukum, Tanggung Gugat