M. Nurhalim Shahib
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung

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Peran Kedelai (Glycine Max L) dalam Pencegahan Apoptosis pada Cedera Jaringan Hati Tejasari, Maya; Shahib, Nurhalim; Iwan, Djanuarsih; Sastramihardja, Herri S
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 2, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Bandung

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Abstrak Pada liver injury akibat berbagai sebab, terjadi apoptosis sel yang sangat banyak yang dapat memengaruhi fungsi metabolik hati.  Isoflavon kedelai telah diketahui dapat mencegah apoptosis sel pada folikel ovarium dan osteoblas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kedelai pada pencegahan apoptosis sel pada jaringan hati mencit yang diinduksi CCl4.  Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan 30 ekor mencit jantan galur DDY berumur 8─10 minggu yang dibagi dalam 6 kelompok perlakuan.  Kelompok 1 merupakan kontrol positif yang hanya diberi makanan pelet standar selama 3 minggu kemudian diberi 0,2 mL larutan CCl4 per oral selama 4 hari. Kelompok 2 merupakan kontrol negatif yang hanya diberi makanan pelet standar dan tidak diberi CCl4, sedangkan kelompok 3─6 merupakan kelompok uji yang selain diberi makanan pelet standar juga diberi kedelai dengan kadar berturut-turut 145,6 mg/hari, 218,4 mg/hari, 291,2 mg/hari dan 364 mg/hari selama 3 minggu kemudian diberi 0,2 mL larutan CCl4 peroral selama 4 hari.  Seluruh kelompok kemudian dikorbankan dan diambil organ hatinya untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan histokimia terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP Nick end labeling (TUNEL).  Parameter yang diukur adalah jumlah apoptosis sel pada sayatan jaringan hati mencit menggunakan mikroskop cahaya.  Data disajikan dan dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan uji analysis of varians (ANOVA) untuk menganalisis perbedaan antar kelompok. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa dari hasil pemeriksaan imunohistokimia TUNEL tampak jumlah sel yang mengalami apoptosis pada kelompok yang diberi kedelai lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan kelompok yang tidak diberi kedelai. Analisis uji ANOVA antara kelompok tersebut menunjukan perbedaaan yang signifikan dengan nilai p<0,05. Simpulan, bahwa pemberian kedelai dapat mencegah apoptosis sel pada jaringan hati mencit yang diinduksi CCl4.  Kata kunci : Apoptosis,  CCl4, isoflavon, kedelai, liver injury, TUNEL Soy (Glycine max L.) Prevent Apoptotic Cells in Liver Tissue Injury Abstract In the state of liver injury by any cause there are numerous apoptotic cells influencing metabolic function of the liver.  Soy isoflavone (Glycine max L.) known to have effect that inhibit apoptotic cells in follicle and osteoblast.  The aim of this study is to evaluate whether soy has anti apoptotic effect of  CCl4 induced liver  injury in mice. This study use 30 male DDY mice 8─10 weeks old, divided into 6 groups.   Group I acted as positive control, received standard pellet for 3 weeks and induced by 0,2 mLCCl4 per oral.  Group II, the negative control, received only standard pellet.  Group III─VI received standard pellet and treated by soybean extract 145.6 mg, 218.4 mg, 291.2 mg and 364 mg per day respectively administrated orally for 3 weeks and then induced by 0.2 ml CCl4 per oral.  After 4 days of CCl4 induced, the effect of soybean extract was evaluated using histo-chemistry evaluation Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL).  The identification and quantification of the apoptotic cells in mice liver tissue were done using light microscopy and showed that the TUNEL immune-histochemical examination. The results showed that the number of cells undergoing apoptosis in the group treated by soybean extract were less than the group that was not treated. The results enhanced by analysis of varians (ANOVA)  between the groups showed a significant difference with p<0.05. In conclusion, soy administrated orally could  prevent apoptotic cells in liver tissue.   Key words:  Apoptotic, CCl4, isoflavone, liver injury, soybean, TUNEL 
Journal of Medicine and Health Vol 1, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

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This research was to evaluate the influence of common carp meat diet on brain index and  gene NR2B expression of  Swiss Webster mice cerebrum.  The gene expression and performance of ion Ca2+ channel in neuron are influenced by Glycine and Glutamic Acid, which present in relatively high quantities in common carp meat.  Eighteen male mice were divided into 3 diet groups, the standard pellet, 120 mg and 480 mg common carp meat/day.  The brain index differences among groups were analyzed using ANOVA test (p≤0,05) and LSD.  The total RNA of 5 mg mouse cerebrum was isolated, followed by RT-PCR; the DNA quantities were predicted using Geldoc instrument, then were analyzed using ANOVA test (p≤0,05).  The 120 mg diet group brain index did not show difference (p=0,284) against the standard diet group, while the 480 mg diet group showed the increase compared to the standard (p=0,034) and 120 mg diet groups (p=0,004).  No DNA quantity differences of all groups (p=0,195).  It was concluded, the 480 mg common carp meat/ day diet increased the brain index of Swiss Webster mice, while the 120 mg and 480 mg common carp/day diets did not influence the gene NR2B expression of Swiss Webster mice cerebrum. Keywords : brain index, gene NR2B expression, common carp meat diet
The Effect of Programmed Physical Exercise to Attention and Working Memory Score in Medical Students Muhammad, Kevin Fachri; Ong, Anam; Shahib, M. Nurhalim
Althea Medical Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Althea Medical Journal

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Background: Attention and working memory are two cognitive domain crucial for activities of daily living. Physical exercise increases the level of BDNF, IGF-1, and VEGF which contributes in attention and working memory processes.This study was conducted to analyze improvement of attention and working memoryafter programmed physical exercise of Pendidikan Dasar XXI Atlas Medical Pioneer (Pendas XXI AMP).Methods: An analytic observational study was conducted on 47 students from Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran during September-November 2012. Attention was assessed using digit span backward test, stroop test, visual search task, and trail making test. Working memory was assessed using digit span forward test and digit symbol test. Assessment was done on the 11th and 19th week of Pendas XXI AMP. Data distribution was tested first using a test of normality, and then analyzed using T-Dependent Test and Wilcoxon TestResults: Significant improvement was noted for attention in males based on working time for stroop test (26.50±5.66 to 22.03±3.78 seconds), working memory in males based on digit symbol test score (43.96±6.14 to 53.36±5.26 points), attention in females based on reaction time of visual search task for target absent (0.92±0.07 to 0.87±0.07 seconds), and working memory in females based on digit span forward score (5.42±1.30 to 6.63±1.07 points) and digit symbol test score (42.47±5.95 to 53.84±5.33 points.Conclusions: Exercise in Pendas XXI AMP improves attention and working memory for college students in Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran. [AMJ.2015;2(1):291–97]
Effects of Morinda citrifolia Leaf Extract on Glucose Absorption through Intestinal Epithelial Membrane in Wistar Rat Models Shalim, Rikho Melga; Syamsunarno, Mas Rizky A. A.; Shahib, Muhammad Nurhalim
Althea Medical Journal Vol 4, No 4 (2017)
Publisher : Althea Medical Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (732.495 KB) | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v49n4.1266


Background: Noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia) has been used as herbal medicine by Indonesian people. However, the effect of noni leaves as an antihyperglycemic agent is still unknown. This study was conducted to find out the effect of Morinda citrifolia leaves on glucose absorption through intestinal epithelial membrane in wistar rat models.Methods: The study was conducted in November 2015 at the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Laboratory Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran. We used in situ perfusion and rats were divided into 2 groups. The first group used glucose solution as a control. The second group used glucose with extracts. Specimens were taken before and after perfusion to check the amount of glucose with spectrophotometer. Statistical analysis using t-test was conducted to compare the total absorbed concentration of glucose from each group. Results: From calculation we found the kinetic value (Km) of glucose absorption without extract (Km=17.24) and with extract (Km=16.67). Statistical test showed there was no significant in results (p>0.05).Conclusions: There is no effect of Morinda citrifolia leaf extract on glucose absorption. However, kinetics of glucose absorption suggested a non-competitive inhibition by Morinda citrifolia leaf extract. 
Analisis Keberhasilan Terapi Bermain terhadap Perkembangan Potensi Kecerdasan Anak Retardasi Mental Sedang Usia 7–12 Tahun Lisnawati, Lilis; Shahib, M. Nurhalim; Wijayanegara, Hidayat
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung Vol 46, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

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Retardasi mental (RM) merupakan gangguan heterogen yang terdiri atas fungsi intelektual di bawah rata-rata disertai gangguan keterampilan adaptif. Terapi bermain merupakan pendekatan yang efektif untuk melatih anak RM taraf sedang dalam mempelajari suatu konsep pembelajaran. Terapi bermain dilakukan dalam ruang khusus yang didesain sebagai tempat bermain yang dilengkapi dengan perangkat mainan khusus untuk menstimulus perkembangan potensi anak RM taraf sedang. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan pengembangan potensi kecerdasan anak RM sedang dengan menggunakan instrumen The Wechsler-Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) melalui penerapan terapi bermain.  Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen semu (quasi experiment) dan analisis kualitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah anak RM sedang di SDLB Aisiyah usia 7–12 tahun sejumlah 13 anak. Pendekatan analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik dengan pendekatan Wilcoxon dan Kruskal Wallis yang selanjutnya dilakukan analisis deskriptif untuk memberikan gambaran kondisi RM yang menyertai anak meliputi: faktor internal yaitu fase yang dialami anak pada masa kehamilan, persalinan, menyusui dan tahap tumbuh kembang, serta faktor eksternal yaitu kondisi sosial ekonomi keluarga dan pola asuh pada anak. Hasil penelitian 7 dari 13 anak RM sedang berhasil mengalami peningkatan dalam pengembangan potensi kecerdasannya. Bila dilihat dari hubungan frekuensi diberikannya terapi dengan tingkat keberhasilan anak, dari 7 anak RM sedang yang berhasil, 5 di antaranya termasuk kategori sering diberikan terapi bermain. Simpulan, terapi bermain mampu meningkatkan keberhasilan pengembangan potensi kecerdasan anak RM sedang. Keberhasilan tersebut berhubungan dengan frekuensi diberikannya terapi bermain dan didukung oleh kondisi penyerta (faktor internal dan eksternal) pada diri anak. [MKB. 2014;46(2):73–82]Kata kunci: Terapi bermain, kecerdasan, retardasi mental sedang Analysis of the Effectiveness of Play Therapy in Developing the Intelligence of 7–12 Years Old Children with Moderate Mental RetardationMental Retardation (MR) is a heterogeneous disorder that consists of lower than average intellectual function along with the disruption of adaptive skills. Play therapy is an effective approach to train children with moderate MR in studying the concept of learning. Play therapy is conducted in a special room designed as a playground, equipped with special toys to stimulate potential development of children with moderate MR. This research aimed to improve the success of the potential development of intelligence in children with moderate MR using WISC instrument through play therapy. The study design used quasi-experimental method (quasi-experiment) and qualitative analysis. The subjects of this study were thirteen 7–12 years old children with moderate MR in extraordinary primary school Aisiyah. The analysis approach used was statistical analysis with Wilcoxon and Kruskal Wallis approaches. A descriptive analysis was subsequently carried out to provide a snapshot of MR conditions that accompany the child including: internal factors, i.e. the phase experienced by the child during pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and the stage of growth and development, and external factors i.e. the family's socioeconomic condition and children upbringing. The results showed that 7 out of 13 children with moderate MR had experienced an increase in the potential development of intelligence. In terms of the relation between the therapy frequency and the children success rate, 5 of 7 moderate MR children who were successful were in the category of frequent treatment of play therapy. In conclusion, play therapy can increase the potential for successful intelligence development of children with moderate MR. This success is associated with treatment frequency and is supported by the presence of concomitant conditions (internal and external factors) in children. [MKB. 2014;46(2):73–82]Key words: Play therapy, intelligence, moderate mental retardation DOI:  10.15395/mkb.v46n2.277
Perbedaan antara Faktor Intrinsik dan Ekstrinsik pada Pasien Infeksi Nosokomial di Bagian Bedah dan Medikal RSUP. Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung Wahyudi, Bayu; Setiawati, Elsa Puji; Shahib, Nurhalim; Wirakusumah, Firman F.
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung Vol 50, No 4 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (211.764 KB) | DOI: 10.15395/mkb.v50n4.1576


Infeksi nosokomial merupakan satu masalah komplikasi di rumah sakit dan menjadi permasalahan penting bagi kesehatan publik di dunia. Kecenderungan pasien menderita infeksi nosokomial (HAIs) ditentukan oleh faktor intrinsik dan faktor ekstrinsik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah potong lintang. Terdapat 287 pasien yang mengalami infeksi nosokomial yang disebabkan oleh Klebsiella pneumoniae di Bagian Bedah dan Medikal Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung (RSUP) selama periode Januari sampai Juni tahun 2015 yang telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan tidak termasuk eksklusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan antara faktor intrinsik dan ekstrinsik pada pasien infeksi nosokomial yang disebabkan oleh klebsiella pneumoniae di bagian Bedah dan Medikal RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung dengan nilai p<0,05. Terdapat perbedaan kejadian resistensi terhadap karbapenem pada kasus infeksi nosokomial selain kadar Hb adalah tindakan medis untuk tindakan medis sedang mempunyai risiko 2,06 kali (IK 95%; 1,0–4,28 ), pada tindakan medis berat 3,03 kali (IK 95%; 1,21–7,61) bila dibanding dengan tindakan medis ringan. Terdapat perbedaan dengan ketidaksembuhan pada kasus infeksi nosokomial adalah kasus rawat medikal, leukosit >16.600, tindakan medis berat, dan keadaan kulit terbuka dengan OR masing masing 2,89; 2,09; 5,05; dan 1,88. Saran, untuk memberikan pelayanan yang prima dengan memperhatikan faktor intrinsik pasien baik usia, jenis kelamin, keadaan luka kulit dan status gizi, juga memperhatikan faktor ektrinsik berupa lamanya masa rawat, tempat pengambilan sampel, dan tindakan medik yang dilakukan. Kata kunci: Faktor intrinsik dan ekstrinsik, infeksi Klebsiella pneumoniae, kasus bedah dan medikal, nosokomialinfeksiDifference between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors of  Nosocomial Infection Patients in The Surgery and Medical Ward of Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital BandungNosocomial infection or Hospital-Acquired Infection (HAI) occurs as a complication during hospitalization in hospitals and becomes an important global public health problem. The tendency of patients suffering from nosocomial infectionis determined by intrinsic and extrinsic factors. This was a cross-sectional study on 287 patients with nosocomial infection caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae at the Surgical and Medical wards of Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital during the period January to June 2015 who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results showed the difference in intrinsic and extrinsic factors in patients with nosocomial infections caused by Klebsiella (p<0.05). There was a difference in the resistance towards Carbanepem in nosocomial infections. Factors influencing this were Hb level and medical actions. Patients with intermediate medical procedures had 2.06 times higher risk (CI 95%; 1.0–4.28 ) while in those with complicated medical procedures, the risk was 3.03 times higher (CI 95%; 1.21–7.61) when compared to those receiving simple medical procedures. A difference was also seen in the failure to recover in nosocomial infection between the medical inpatient cases (leucocyte of >16,600), complicated medical procedure, and open-skin condition with ORs of 2.89; 2.09; 5.05; and 1.88, respectively. It is suggested to provide excelent services by paying atttention to the intrinsic factors of patients, i.e. age, gender, skin wound status, and nutrition status and the extrinsic factors, i.e. length of stay, sampling sites, and medical procedures performed.Key words: Intrinsic and extrinsic factors , Klebsiella pneumoniae infection, nosocomial infection, surgical andmedical cases
Peran Lem Fibrin Otologus pada Penempelan Tandur Konjungtiva Bulbi Mata Kelinci terhadap Ekspresi Gen Fibronektin dan Integrin Enus, Sutarya; Natadisastra, Gantira; Shahib, M. Nurhalim; Sulaeman, Rachmat
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung Vol 43, No 4
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

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Penempelan jaringan dan penyembuhan luka pada cangkok konjungtiva lebih cepat pada teknik lem fibrin otologus (LFO) dibandingkan dengan teknik jahitan. Kedua proses tersebut memerlukan interaksi fibronektin (FN) dan integrin α5 yang mengaktivasi alur persinyalan intraselular. Tujuan penelitian untuk menentukan kekuatan ekspresi gen FN serta integrin α5 pada kelompok teknik LFO dan jahitan. Uji eksperimental hewan pada kelinci New Zealand White yang terbagi kelompok teknik LFO dan jahitan masing-masing 8 kelinci bertempat di Laboratorium Sentral (Biologi Molekuler) FK Unpad Bandung, periode Mei–Oktober 2008. Sampel jaringan untuk pemeriksaan reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) diambil dari eksterpasi satu hari sesudah jaringan cangkok konjungtiva bulbi. Analisis data untuk uji hipotesis dengan Mann Whitney for small sample. Ekspresi gen messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) FN secara bermakna lebih kuat pada teknik LFO dibandingkan dengan teknik jahitan (1,9 vs 1,0; p=0,014). Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna ekspresi gen (mRNA) integrin α5 antara teknik LFO dan teknik jahitan (1,2 vs 1,0; p=0,235). Sebagai simpulan ekspresi gen FN lebih kuat pada teknik LFO dibandingkan dengan jahitan, sedangkan ekspresi gen integrin α5 pada teknik LFO lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan teknik jahitan namun secara statistik tidak bermakna satu hari pascabedah. [MKB. 2011;43(4):183–8].Kata kunci: Fibronektin, integrin α5, lem fibrin otologus, RT-PCRThe Role of Autologous Fibrin Glue on Attachment Rabbit Conjungtival Graft Based on Fibronectin and Integrin Gene ExpressionThe tissue attachment and wound healing in conjunctional transplantation was more rapid with autologous fibrin glue (AFG) than suture techniques. Both tissue attachment and wound healing process need interaction between fibronectin (FN) dan integrin α5 activating the intra cellular signal transduction pathway. The aim of this study was to evaluate the gene expression, i.e. FN and integrin in conjunctival transplantation, comparing between AFG and suturing techniques. Animal experimental study was done in New Zealand White rabbits, which divided into AFG and suturing technique at Laboratorium Sentral (Biologi Molekuler) FK Unpad Bandung during May–October 2008, each 8 rabbits, respectively. The tissue sample for reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) examination was taken from the tissue excision one day after conjunctival bulbi transplantation. Data analysis was tested using Mann Whitney for small sample. The FN gene expression power of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) in the AFG technique was stronger than that in suturing technique (1.9 vs 1.0, p=0.014). There was no significant difference in integrin α5 gene expression of mRNA between AFG and suturing techniques (1.2 vs 1.0, p=0.235). In conclusions, FN gene expression in AFG technique is stronger than suturing technique. There is no difference in integrin α5 gene expression between two techniques, however there is a tendency of increased integrin α5 gene expression one day after surgery. [MKB. 2011;43(4):183–8].Key words: Autologous fibrin glue, fibronectin, integrin α5, RT-PCR DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15395/mkb.v43n4.67
The Effect of Katuk (Sauropus androgunus (L) Merr) Leaf Biscuit on Increasing Prolactine Levels of Breastfeeding Mother Indrayani, Diyan; Shahib, Muhamad Nurhalim; Husin, Farid
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 16, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v16i1.11324


Prolactin is one of the important hormones for increasing the synthesis and secretion of breast milk. Katuk (Sauropus androgunus (L) Merr) leaf biscuits are standardized and practical processed food products that are substituted with katuk leaf extract and have met the requirements as additional food for breastfeeding mothers. In addition to nutritional content, katuk leaf biscuits also contain phytochemical compounds, namely steroids and alkaloids. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of katuk leaf biscuits on increasing serum prolactin levels of breastfeeding mothers. This research was conducted in the city of Bandung. The design used was a randomized controlled trial. The sample was 45 primiparous postpartum mothers who gave birth at the public health center for Obstetrics and Neonatal Basic Emergency Services (Puskesmas PONED) in Bandung City, consisting of 22 treatment groups and 23 control groups. Sampling is conducted by block randomization. Data were analyzed using the Independent T-test. The results showed that there was an effect of katuk leaf biscuits on increasing serum prolactin levels in breastfeeding mothers. It is suggested that katuk leaf biscuits be used as an alternative as an effort to increase breast milk production so that it can support the success of exclusive breastfeeding.
The Effect of Programmed Physical Exercise to Attention and Working Memory Score in Medical Students Kevin Fachri Muhammad; Anam Ong; M. Nurhalim Shahib
Althea Medical Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

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Background: Attention and working memory are two cognitive domain crucial for activities of daily living. Physical exercise increases the level of BDNF, IGF-1, and VEGF which contributes in attention and working memory processes.This study was conducted to analyze improvement of attention and working memoryafter programmed physical exercise of Pendidikan Dasar XXI Atlas Medical Pioneer (Pendas XXI AMP).Methods: An analytic observational study was conducted on 47 students from Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran during September-November 2012. Attention was assessed using digit span backward test, stroop test, visual search task, and trail making test. Working memory was assessed using digit span forward test and digit symbol test. Assessment was done on the 11th and 19th week of Pendas XXI AMP. Data distribution was tested first using a test of normality, and then analyzed using T-Dependent Test and Wilcoxon TestResults: Significant improvement was noted for attention in males based on working time for stroop test (26.50±5.66 to 22.03±3.78 seconds), working memory in males based on digit symbol test score (43.96±6.14 to 53.36±5.26 points), attention in females based on reaction time of visual search task for target absent (0.92±0.07 to 0.87±0.07 seconds), and working memory in females based on digit span forward score (5.42±1.30 to 6.63±1.07 points) and digit symbol test score (42.47±5.95 to 53.84±5.33 points.Conclusions: Exercise in Pendas XXI AMP improves attention and working memory for college students in Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran. [AMJ.2015;2(1):291–97]
Journal of Medicine and Health Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (404.543 KB) | DOI: 10.28932/jmh.v1i2.505


This research was to evaluate the influence of common carp meat diet on brain index and  gene NR2B expression of  Swiss Webster mice cerebrum.  The gene expression and performance of ion Ca2+ channel in neuron are influenced by Glycine and Glutamic Acid, which present in relatively high quantities in common carp meat.  Eighteen male mice were divided into 3 diet groups, the standard pellet, 120 mg and 480 mg common carp meat/day.  The brain index differences among groups were analyzed using ANOVA test (p≤0,05) and LSD.  The total RNA of 5 mg mouse cerebrum was isolated, followed by RT-PCR; the DNA quantities were predicted using Geldoc instrument, then were analyzed using ANOVA test (p≤0,05).  The 120 mg diet group brain index did not show difference (p=0,284) against the standard diet group, while the 480 mg diet group showed the increase compared to the standard (p=0,034) and 120 mg diet groups (p=0,004).  No DNA quantity differences of all groups (p=0,195).  It was concluded, the 480 mg common carp meat/ day diet increased the brain index of Swiss Webster mice, while the 120 mg and 480 mg common carp/day diets did not influence the gene NR2B expression of Swiss Webster mice cerebrum. Keywords : brain index, gene NR2B expression, common carp meat diet