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Penerapan The Swedish Traffic Conflict Technique pada Audit Keselamatan Jalan di Simpang Jalan Wonocolo – Jalan Bebekan Taman, Sidoarjo Kurnia Hadi Putra; Hangga Wyasa Faarijal Hammi
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Terapan 2019: Menuju Penerapan Teknologi Terbarukan pada Industri 4.0: Perubahan Industri dan Transformasi P
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

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Keselamatan jalan merupakan upaya dalam menanggulangi kecelakaan yang terjadi di jalan raya. Kecelakaan tidak hanya disebabkan oleh faktor kondisi kendaraan maupun pengemudi, namun juga faktor lain seperti konflik lalu lintas. Persimpangan jalan Wonocolo – jalan Bebekan Taman Sidoarjo memiliki tingkat konflik yang sering terjadi. Pada kurun waktu 1 minggu kecelakaan terjadi sebanyak 2 atau 3 kali. Kecelakaan yang terjadi tidak selalu melibatkan pihak kepolisian dan kecelakaan dapat dikatakan ringan serta tidak mengalami kerugian material. Untuk menangani konflik yang terjadi perlu analisis menggunakan metode Traffic Conflict Technique. Metode ini adalah mengidentifikasi kecelakaan yang hampir terjadi yang berhubungan dekat dengan kecelakaan dan melihat pola terjadinya konflik untuk mengkategorikan konflik yang terjadi apakah serius atau tidak. penerapan metode ini adalah mengamati perilaku pengguna jalan, menganalisis jenis konflik, serta berinteraksi dan wawancara terhadap pengguna jalan guna informasi penunjang dalam mengidentifikasi konflik yang terjadi. Tujuan dari penggunaan metode ini untuk mengurangi konflik yang terjadi serta meningkatkan keselamatan dan kenyamanan bagi pengguna jalan. Sehingga hasil dari penelitian dengan penerapan metode TCT diharapkan dapat mengidentifikasi dan memberikan gambaran apakah konflik yang terjadi masuk kategori serius atau tidak dan selanjutnya dapat dilakukan upaya dalam memberikan rekomendasi penanganan agar dapat mengurangi konflik yang terjadi serta meningkatkan keselamatan lalu lintas.
SOSIALISASI PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH RUMAH TANGGA DI LINGKUNGAN RW 02 KELURAHAN KERTAJAYA KECAMATAN GUBENG KOTA SURABAYA Jenny Caroline; Siti Choiriyah; Mila Kusuma Wardani; Dewi Pertiwi; Theresia Maria CA; Ratih Sekartadji; Arintha Indah Dwi Syafiarti; Yanisfa Septiarsilia; Kurnia Hadi Putra
J-ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 9: Februari 2022
Publisher : Bajang Institute

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Pengabdian masyarakat merupakan salah satu dari kegiatan tri darma perguruan tinggi, tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalag untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dan memajukan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Jurusan Teknik Sipil – Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya (ITATS) melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dengan topik ‘’Sosialisasi Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga di Lingkungan RW 02 Kelurahan Kertajaya Kecamatan Gubeng Kota Surabaya’’ yang bekerja sama dengan masyarakat dan perangkat RW 02 Kecamatan Kertajaya Kecamatan Gubeng Kota surabaya dan sosialisassi dilakukan di balai RW. Hasil dari pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan dengan kegiatan sosialisasi Pengolahan Sampah Rumah Tangga kepada warga setempat adalah adanya pemanfaatan sampah rumah tangga yang dijadikan sebagai kerajinan tangan dan memiliki nilai ekonomis. Adanya pemberdayaan masyarakat, khususnya ibu-ibu rumah tangga agar dapat mengembangkan kreativitasnya melalui pelatihan membuat kerajinan tangan yang bernilai jual sehingga dapat meningkatkan penghasilan mereka. Dengan demikian kami sebagai civitas akademik memberikan edukasi dan ilmu kami untuk warga setempat di masa pandemi COVID-19 saat ini
Analisa Dampak Lalu Lintas Pada Ruas Jalan Tambak Wedi Surabaya Akibat Rencana Pembangunan Cable Car/ Gondola Kurnia Hadi Putra; Pradimas Nur Cahyo; Mutiara Firdausi; Nafilah El Hafizah
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31284/j.jts.2022.v3i1.3028


The plan to develop a cable car/gondola on Tambak Wedi Road in Surabaya has triggered trip generationand attractions, which can eventually decrease the performance of this road. Therefore, an analysis of the road performance due to the development of the cable car/gondola is necessary to minimize the impact of its performance and to provide solutions to traffic problems when the analysis indicates bad results. This research employed the method of the Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI 1997), or Indonesian Highway Capacity manual, and other related regulations. The analysis of road performance began with a traffic survey and was followed by predicting trip generation and attraction. After analyzing the existing conditions of road performance, the researcher analyzed the traffic predictions during construction and operation as well as proposed recommendations for alternative management to overcome the traffic impacts caused by the planned development. The research results demonstrated that the existing condition on Tambak Wedi Road obtained the highest result in the morning by V/C Ratio 0.16 and LOS A, whereas during the construction, the highest result occurred in the morning by V/C Ratio 0.2 and LOS A. Finally, during the operation, the highest result also occurred in the morning by V/C Ratio of 0.57 and LOS A.
Analisis Struktur Dermaga Pupuk NPK di Tersus PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur untuk Kapal BULK Carrier dengan Kapasitas 10.000 DWT Cahya Buana; Fuddoly Fuddoly; M. Dwi Nugroho; Kurnia Hadi Putra; Nafilah El Hafizah; Ratih Sekartadji
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (391.407 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.jts.2020.v1i1.934


Adanya rencana pengembangan fasilitas di tersus PT. Pupuk Kaltim yaitu dengan membangun dermaga khusus pupuk NPK. Pengembangan ini diharapkan dapat membantu proses distribusi pupuk NPK dengan efektif, efisien, dan cepat. Dermaga yang direncanakan adalah dermaga jenis quadrant shiploader untuk kapasitas kapal 10.000 DWT. Perencanaan dermaga ini telah diwujudkan dalam bentuk rencana pengembangan dermaga. Namun untuk mewujudkan pembangunan tersebut diperlukan detail engineering desain yang meliputi sistem fender dan boulder, perencanaan trestle, pivot, loading platform, mooring dolphin, breasting dolphin, catwalk, pemancangan, dan detail penulangan. Selain detail engineering desain, perlu ditinjau juga terhadap kedalaman air pada alur masuk tersus PT. Pupuk Kaltim. Untuk pengerjaan pembetonan pada tugas akhir ini direncanakan menggunakan beton konvensional atau cor in situ, namun dalam metode pelaksanaannya, pihak kontraktor dapat mengupayakan menggunakan sistem pracetak namun tetap mengacu pada desain yang telah direncanakan pada tugas akhir ini. Perencanaan dermaga tidak hanya mencakup perencanaan fasilitas laut serta perencanaan struktur dermaga saja. Selain itu perlu juga direncanakan terkait metode pelaksanaan pembangunan dana dalam perencanaan dermaga juga harus ditinjau terkait rencana anggaran biaya dari dermaga tersebut. Dari hasil analisis perhitungan didapatkan kebutuhan dermaga dengan dimensi trestle sebesar 4 x 50 m2, pivot 8 x 14 m2, loading platform 3 x 82 m2, mooring dolphin 3,8 x 3,8 m2, breasting dolphin sebesar 4,8 x 4,8 m2.
Analisis Penentuan Tarif Jasa Transportasi Udara Rute Kediri - Jakarta di Bandar Udara Kediri Kurnia Hadi Putra; Fenti Nur Azizah
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.58 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.jts.2021.v2i2.2478


Kediri Airport has been developed by Gudang Garam Ltd and Angkasa Pura I Ltd since 15April 2020. This airport will open the access of surrounding areas such as Tulung Agung, Blitar, Ponorogo, Trenggalek, Madiun, and Magetan. To know the tariff value for the flight of Kediri-Jakarta route, the researcher conducted value analyses using ATP (Ability To Pay) and WTP (Willingness To Pay) as well as tariff analysis based on the Government Regulation No.51 Year 2014. Meanwhile, the methods used to count ATP value wasHousehold Budget and the one for calculating WTP wasState Preference.The result of ATP (Ability To Pay) earned averagely IDR 361,000,00, while WTP (Willingness To Pay) gained averagely IDR 784,000,00. This sort of condition was named Captive Riders, meaning that the willingness to pay for transportation service was higher than the ability to pay for transportation service. The calculation using the Government Regulation No. 51 in 2014 obtained tariff IDR 1.204.753,50, in the other words, this value was more than the willingness and ability to pay of passengers who want to use the transport service of Kediri Airport. Accordingly, the subsidy from government is necessary.
Pemodelan Bangkitan Pergerakan pada Perumahan Griya Citra Asri Kota Surabaya Kurnia Hadi Putra; Muhammad Reza Fikma Effendi
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (427.473 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.jts.2020.v1i2.1427


As an industrial city in west Surabaya exactly Margomulyo industrial area, Surabaya city has numerous housings to support people’s needs such as Griya Citra Asri (GCA) residence. Consequently, the road performances are decreasing and eventually disrupt the activities and movement for both humans and goods from inside and outside the town, for instance traffic congestion, accident, and limited vehicle speed which does not meet the speed plan.  Therefore, this research aimed at investigating the characteristics of trip among people living in this housing area. Besides, it was also intended for figuring out the model of trip generation of people at Griya Citra Asri Surabaya residence using multiple linear regression. The best model for movement generation obtained Y = -0.808 + 0.156 + 0.083 + 0.166 + 0.665 + 0.165 + 0.170 + 0.091 having R2 = 0.997, F count = 9966700, in which X1 = total family members, X2 = total revenue, X3 = total family members who are working,  X4 = total family members who are schooling, X5 = total vehicles, X6 = total cars, and X7 = total travel distances. Accordingly, there were 2 dominant factors affecting the trip generation at Griya Citra Asri Surabaya housing namely total family members who are schooling (X4) and total cars (X6).
TAPAK [Teknologi Aplikasi Konstruksi] : Jurnal Program Studi Teknik Sipil Vol 12, No 1 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Sipil Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/tp.v12i1.2318


Pada Ruas Jalan Kandangan – Sememi memiliki status jalan Provinsi, dimana jalan tersebut berada di Kecamatan Benowo Kota Surabaya yang menyatukan antar Kota Surabaya dan Kabupaten Gresik. Dipilih lokasi tersebut sebagai objek penelitian karena seringnya dilalui kendaraan berat dan jalan existing mengalami kerusakan yang cukup parah hal itu pula menyebabkan seringnya kecelakaan pada lokasi ini. Maka dari itu dilakukan perencanaan ulang dengan menggunakan perkerasan kaku. Perencanaan ulang dilakukan dengan membandingkan dua metode dengan umur rencana 40 tahun dan jenis perkererasan ialah BBTT, metode yang digunakan yaitu Manual Desain Perkerasan Jalan 2017. Pada metode Manual Desain Perkerasan Jalan 2017 memperhatikan data nilai kelompok sumbu pada setiap jenis kendaraan niaga. Hasil perhitungan perencanaan tebal perkerasan kaku menggunakan metode Manual Desain Perkerasan Jalan 2017 diperoleh tebal perkerasan kaku setebal 285 mm, ruji (dowel) Ø 32 mm, panjang 450 mm, dan panjang 300 mm, batang pengikat (tie bars) D16 mm, panjang 700 mm dan jarak 750 mm
Journal Innovation of Civil Engineering (JICE) Vol 3 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jice.v3i2.18156


A bus terminal is an infrastructure for road transportation to drop off and pick up passengers. Anjuk Ladang Terminal in Nganjuk Regency, which is a busy terminal, requires services that can provide comfort and safety for passengers.Therefore, this research was aimed at investigating the level of service of the Anjuk Ladang bus terminal and determining the level of passenger satisfaction toword terminal service through questionnaires employing the ImportancePerformance Analysis method. Furthermore, it was intended to investigate the suitability of the facilities at the Anjuk Ladang terminal based on the Regulation of the Regulation of the minister of Transportation Number PM 132 in 2015.The result of analyzing the user of Anjuk Ladang Terminal service indicated that they where quite satisfied with the interior display, environmental cleanliness, courtesy of officers in aserving customers,and terminal officer honesty. Meanwhile, quadrant I of the Cartesian diagram demonstrated limitations in term of customer care from the staff, cleanliness in the toilet and passenger waiting rooms, as well as security at the terminal. In conclusion, Anjuk Ladang Terminal must improve the quality of services included in quadrant I. However, the facolity’s suitability has complied with the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number PM 132 in 2015.
UTILIZATION OF MADURA COARSE AND FINE AGGREGATES IN LOW-TRAFFIC ROAD PAVEMENTS Ratih Sekartadji; Kurnia Hadi Putra; Theresia Maria Candra Agusdini; Mutiara Firdausi; Ita Suhermin Ingsih; Faizal Maulana
Journal Innovation of Civil Engineering (JICE) Vol 4 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jice.v4i2.19935


Aggregates from Sampang are still rarely used in flexible pavement. Therefore, this research is to identify the effects of coarse aggregate and soft aggregate from Sampang – Madura, to recognize their performance in the HRS – WC mixture. It adopted Bina Marga General Standards 2010, Division 6 (Revision 3) for HRS – WC mixture, by testing the physical characteristic of coarse aggregate and soft aggregate from Sampang (in terms of specific gravity and absorption, coarse aggregate wear and tear, and sieve passing Nr. 200) and Marshall Characteristic Testing with asphalt content variables of 6%, 6,5%, 7%, 7,5%, and 8% of the total mixture, each with 3 tested objects. With reference to the physical aggregate characteristic, it was found that the coarse aggregate satisfied the specification standard. On the other hand, the value of the specific gravity of the soft aggregate was still lower than the specification standard, i.e., 2,25 gram/cm2, while the minimum standard was 2,5 gram/cm3. It definitely affected the performance of the HRS – WC mixture. As the volume of the mixture was larger and left a larger cavity in the mixture, it required larger content of asphalt in order to generate a mixture qualifying the Bina Marga General Standards 2010, Division 6 (Revision 3). Based on the results of Marshall Test Characteristic Testing, it was found that the optimum content of asphalt was 8% of the total mixture. Keywords: Sampang; Coarse aggregate and soft aggregate; HRS WC; Aggregates physical characteristic, Marshall Testing
THE EFFECT OF OVERLOAD ON THE DESIGN OF LIFE OF ROAD PAVEMENT (CASE STUDY: KOTI ROAD, JAYAPURA CITY) Kurnia Hadi Putra; Ita Suhermin Ingsih; Theresia Maria Candra Agusdini; Mila Kusuma Wardani; Felicia Tria Nuciferani; Muhammad Exchel Cakra Putra
Journal Innovation of Civil Engineering (JICE) Vol 4 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jice.v4i1.19936


The roads hold a vital role in the transportation system in the Province of Papua, especially in the Jayapura area. However, real road conditions often experience a decrease in performance (damage) due to construction failures or deviant utilization. On Koti Road in Jayapura, sometimes vehicles passing it do not match the maximum permissible load. Consequently, excessive loading on the pavement can directly affect the design life of a road section. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the percentages of actual overload on each vehicle class, the increase in the cumulative VDF value, and the decrease in the design life on Koti Road, Jayapura. The research results indicated that the actual overload on Koti Road, Jayapura, obtained 81.06% for group 6a, 43.13% for group 6b, and 40.42% for group 7a. According to the Bina Marga method (1987), the cumulative VDF value increased by 133.8% due to actual excessive load in the field, while based on the NAASRA method (2004), it was 121.2%. In terms of the actual overload effects, the design life decreased by 9,273 years, or 46,365%, from the 20-year design life using the Bina Marga (1987) method, while based on the NAASRA (2004) method, the decrease in design life was 8.7898 years, or 43.949%, from the 20-year life plan. Keywords: Importance Performance Analysis; Facility Feasibility; Field Show Terminal