Komang Agus Triadi Kiswara
Universitas Hindu Indonesia

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Publisher : UNHI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/widyanatya.v1i2.502


Disability is an inability of the body to carry out certain activities or activities as normal people in general are caused by a condition of disability in terms of physiological, psychological and structural abnormalities or anatomic functions. Disability was formerly better known by people as people with disabilities. then the Sekar Dewata dance studio in Serongga village, gianyar district took an action to restore the social function of children with disabilities in this study examines three things, namely 1) why an important strategy in dance learning is violated by sekar dewata village, Serongga village, Serongga district, Kab.gianyar2) dance learning strategies for children with disabilities violated by sekar dewata? 3) what are the implications of implementing the senitari learning strategy at Sanggara Sekar Deawata? This study uses qualitative research methods where data collected in the form of words. Theories used in this study are 1) Phenomenology theory 2) Structural functional theory 3) Behaviorism theory. The results of this study are 1) the importance of the role of strategy in learning dance in Sanggar Sekar Dewata are a. Cultural reasons see that dance art is an activity that is very closely related to Balinese life both in social and religious life. B. human social reasons are challenged as social creatures so to restore the social function is needed a plan (strategy) c. economic reasons where the skills possessed by children with disabilities can be an economic bridge. 2 How is the application of dance learning that is divided into several sub. A. the process of introducing various types of dance b. determining the type of dance to be given. C. basic training in a dance. D. dance learning in its entirety. The process is also supported by internal and external factors. 3. The method used is a method. demonstration method, 2. Driil method. 3. Is the method of imitation.
WIDYANATYA Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Widyanatya: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama dan Seni 
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

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The main task of Hindu religious teachers is to transform knowledge to students in order to have srada (faith) and devotion (taqwa) to God Almighty. In the learning process that is carried out, the teacher often experiences several obstacles that come from the teacher's internal and external nature, for this reason, a learning strategy is needed to be able to overcome these obstacles. The learning strategy used by Hindu religious education teachers at SD Negeri Tinggarsari is MASTER, namely, an independent learning strategy developed by Rose and Nicholl. MASTER is an acronym for Mind, namely the use of learning styles, Acquire, which is to get core ideas, Search out, namely learning with a supervisor, Triger builds motivation, Exhibit is an assessment, Reflect means a combination of what is known then and now. The purpose of this study was to determine the rationale for the use of MASTER learning strategies in Hindu religious education learning at SD Negeri in Tinggarsari, the methods of cultivation, constraints and impacts of learning with MASTER learning strategies. The theory used to solve this problem is Cognitive theory, structural functional theory. , and behavioristic theory. This research is in the form of a qualitative design where the data were collected using observation techniques, interview techniques and document study techniques. After the data has been collected, it is analyzed using qualitative methods through three steps, namely data reduction, data verification, drawing conclusions and data presentation. The results of the research produced in this study, the reason teachers at SD Negeri in Tinggarsari use the MASTER strategy in Hindu religious education learning is the achievement of the goal of Hindu religious education, namely forming students who have srada and Bhakti, forming student characters in accordance with the teachings of Hinduism. , instilling values that exist in society, active, creative, effective and fun learning. The application of the MASTER learning strategy through two stages, namely planning and implementing learning. The resulting impact is the creation of conducive learning for students. ABSTRAK Tugas utama dari guru Agama Hindu adalah mentransformasi pengetahuan kepada peserta didik agar dapat memiliki srada (keimanan) dan bhakti (taqwa) kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Dalam proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan, guru sering mengalami beberapa kendala-kendala yang sifatnya dating dari internal guru maupun eksternalnya, untuk itulah diperlukan sebuah strategi pembelajaran untuk dapat mengatasi kendala tersebut. Strategi pembelajaran yang di pakai oleh guru pendidikan Agama Hindu di SD Negeri Tinggarsari adalah MASTER yaitu, strategi pembelajaran mandiri yang dikembangkan oleh Rose dan Nicholl. MASTER merupakan akronim Mind yaitu penggunaan gaya belajar, Acquire yaitu memperoleh gagasan inti, Search out yaitu belajar bersama pembimbing, Triger membangun motivasi, Exhibit adalah penilaian, Reflect artinya adalah perpaduan apa yang diketahui dahulu dan sekarang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui dasar pikiran digunakannya strategi pembelajaran MASTER dalam pembelajaran pendidikan Agama Hindu di SD Negeri di Tinggarsari, cara penarapan, kendala-kendala serta dampak dari pembelajaran dengan strategi pembelajaran MASTERTeori yang digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah ini adalah teori Kognitif, teori fungsional struktural, dan teori behavioristik. Penelitian ini berbentuk rancangan kualitatif dimana data dikumpulkan denga n menggunakan teknik observasi, teknik wawancara dan teknik studi dokumen. Setelah data terkumpul kemudian dianalisa dengan metode kualitatif yang melalui tiga langkah yaitu reduksi data, verifikasi data, penarikan kesimpulan dan penyajian data. Hasil penelitian yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini,Alasan guru- guru di SD Negeri di Tinggarsari memakai strategi MASTER dalam pembelajaran pendidikan Agama Hindu adalah, tercapainya tujuan pendidikan Agama Hindu yaitu membentuk siswa yang memiliki srada dan Bhakti, membentuk karakter siswa yang sesuai dengan ajaran agama Hindu, menanamkan nilai- nilai yang ada di masyarakat, pembelajaran yang aktif, kreatif, efektif dan menyenangkan. Penerapan strategi pembelajaran MASTER melalui dua tahap yaitu perencanaan dan penerapan pembelajaran.Dampak yang dihasilkan adalah terciptanya pembelajaran yang kondusif bagi siswa.
PEMENTASAN ARJA VIRTUAL DI TENGAH PANDEMI OLEH KKB RRI DENPASAR Ida Ayu Gede Prayitna Dewi; Anak Agung Dwi Dirgantini; Komang Agus Triadi Kiswara
VIDYA WERTTA : Media Komunikasi Universitas Hindu Indonesia Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Vidya Wertta: Media Komunikasi Universitas Hindu Indonesia

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Di tengah pandemi covid, para seniman di Bali semakin mengintensifkan penggunaan media virtual dalam pementasan. Salah satunya adalah Drama tari arja yang merupakan bentuk kesenian tradisional. Sebagai bentuk kesenian tradisional yang telah memiliki pakem yang kuat, mulai mengalami distorsi dalam pementasanya terlebih ketika disajikan dalam media virtual perubahan tersebut cenderung menghilangkan esensi-esensi yang terkandung dalam drama tari arja. Ditengah goncangan perubahan tersebut sekeha Arja yang tergabung dalam kekuarga kesenian Bali (KKB) RRI Denpasar masih eksis dalam pementasan yag mempertahankan drama tari arja tersebut. Demikian pula halnya ketika disajikan dalam media virtual, sehingga dipandang penting untuk mengkaji tentang kebertahanan sekeha tersebut dalam melestarikan seni drama tari Arja. Pengkajian ini penting dilakukan sebagai sebuah acuan dalam konsep pelestarian kesenian budaya.
DHARMASMRTI: Jurnal Ilmu Agama dan Kebudayaan Vol 21 No 2 (2021): Dharmasmrti: Jurnal Ilmu Agama dan Kebudayaan
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Hindu Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/ds.v21i2.2131


Artikel ini mengkaji tentang pendidikan yoga dalam tradisi meboros. Agama Hindu merupakan agama yang tertua, hal ini berimplikasi pada kompleksitas ajaran-ajaran yang terkandung didalamnya. Dalam agama Hindu tertuang tiga kerangka dasar yaitu Tattwa, Susila, dan Upacara. Namun demikan yang nampak pada pelaksanaan ajaran agama Hindu khususnya di Bali adalah pada tataran upacara. Hal ini bisa kita lihat dari semaraknya pelaksanaan yadnya (upacara) di Bali. Kendatipun demikian bila kita telisik lebih dalam ajaran-ajaran tattwa (filsafat) susila (etika) juga tersublim dalam pelaksanaan yadnya tersebut. Salah satunya pada tradisi meboros. Pelaksanaan meboros, di samping merupakan tradisi keagamaan juga termuat tentang pendidikan tattwa khususnya ajaran yoga. Nilai Pendidikan yoga dalam tradisi meboros inilah yang akan dibahas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan Teknik wawancara, obervasi dan studi dokumen. Analisis juga dilakukan secara deskriptif. Berdasarkan analisis data didapatkan keismpulan bahwa tradisi meboros mengajarkan tentang disiplin yang harus dilakukan oleh manusia dengan tujuan peningkatan keyakinan terhadap Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa dan juga peningkatan kualitas kehidupan ke arah yang lebih baik. Hal ini sangat relevan dengan ajaran yoga.
WIDYANATYA Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Widyanatya: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama dan Seni 
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

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ABSTRACT Hinduism is a religion that has quite complex teachings, the essence of Hinduism is contained in the Three Frameworks of Hinduism, namely Tattwa (philosophy) Susila (ethics) Upakara (Ritual). As a medium for internalizing the three teachings of Hinduism, there is a temple which also functions as a medium for worshiping God (Ida Sang Haynag Widhi Wasa). Besides that, the existence of the temple itself has a historical value that is quite important for the development of human civilization. This is marked by the influence of the development of the temple which cannot be separated from the development of culture. One form of temple that has its own uniqueness is the temple with the bebaturan concept where the temple with the bebaturan concept has a significant difference from the shape of the temple in general. We can see this difference from the gods who are worshiped still with local names, the concept of trimadala which does not follow the concept of trimandala in general temples in Bali, and the concept of pelinggih order which still uses natural stone with minimal ornamentation. The estuary of all these differences is the theology that is carried on the concept of the Batura Temple. This is what underlies researchers to be able to examine how Hindu theology is at the Bebaturan temple in Tinggarsari Village, Busungbiu District, Buleleng Regency. ABSTRAK Agama Hindu merupakan agama yang memiliki ajaran cukup komples, inti sari agama Hindu tertuang dalam Tiga Kerangka Agama Hindu yaitu Tattwa (filsafat) Susila (etika) Upakara ( Ritual). Sebagai media internalisasi ketiga ajaran agama Hindu ini adalah dengan adanya pura yang juga berfungsi sebagai media pemujaan terhadap Tuhan (Ida Sang Haynag Widhi Wasa). Disamping itu keberadaan pura sendiri memiliki nilai histori yang cukup peenting terhadap perkembangan peradaban manusia., hal ini ditandai dengan pengaruh perkembangan pura yang tidak lepas dari perkembangan kebudayaan. Salah satu bentuk pura yang memiliki keunikan sendiri adalah pura dengan konsep bebaturan dimana pura dengan konsep bebaturan ini memiliki perbedaan yang cukup signifikan dari bentuk pura pada umumnya. Perbedaan ini dapat kita lihat dari Dewa-dewa yang dipuja masih dengan nama local, konsep trimadala yang tidak mengikuti konsep trimandala pada umunya pura yang ada di Bali, serta konsep tatanan pelinggih yang masih menggunakan Batu alami dengan minim ornament. Muara dari semua perbedaan tersebut adalah teologi yang di usung pada konsep pura bebatura tersebut. Hal inilah yang melandasi peneliti untuk dapat mengkaji bagaimana teologi Hindu pada pura bebaturan yang ada didesa Tinggarsari Kecamatan Busungbiu Kabupaten Buleleng tersebut.
PENGUATAN KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI BERBASIS HINDU DI TAMAN KANAK-KANAK DESA ADAT TAMBAWU, KECAMATAN DENPASAR TIMUR, KOTA DENPASAR Made Sukrawati; W.A Sindu Gitananda; Komang Agus Triadi Kiswara; I Gede Agus Darma Putra; I Kadek Sumadiyasa; Made Sudarsana; A.A Putra Dwipayana
JURNAL SEWAKA BHAKTI Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Sewaka Bhakti
Publisher : UNHI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/jsb.v8i2.3321


Education is a conscious effort made by educators to the students with the aim to change behavior that leads to positive. Likewise in early childhood education where students are expected to develop abilities and shape the character and civilization of a dignified nation in the context of educating the nation's life, aiming to develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have good morals and are healthy. knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become a democratic and responsible citizen. In order to answer this, teachers should be expected to be able to instill the values ??of Hindu religious education in every lesson carried out in early childhood education. The bottom line is how to develop a curriculum based on Hinduism. Based on the results of surveys and research conducted, it was known that early childhood education teachers at Tembau Kindergarten, Penatih District, East Denpasar, need to get a workshop related to strengthening the Hindu religion-based curriculum. The methods used in this activity are mentoring methods, practice, discussion methods, sustainability and evaluation.
PENGUATAN KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI BERBASIS HINDU DI TAMAN KANAK-KANAK DESA ADAT TAMBAWU, KECAMATAN DENPASAR TIMUR, KOTA DENPASAR Made Sukrawati; W.A Sindu Gitananda; Komang Agus Triadi Kiswara; I Gede Agus Darma Putra; I Kadek Sumadiyasa; Made Sudarsana; A.A Putra Dwipayana
JURNAL SEWAKA BHAKTI Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Sewaka Bhakti
Publisher : UNHI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/jsb.v8i2.3321


Education is a conscious effort made by educators to the students with the aim to change behavior that leads to positive. Likewise in early childhood education where students are expected to develop abilities and shape the character and civilization of a dignified nation in the context of educating the nation's life, aiming to develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have good morals and are healthy. knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become a democratic and responsible citizen. In order to answer this, teachers should be expected to be able to instill the values ??of Hindu religious education in every lesson carried out in early childhood education. The bottom line is how to develop a curriculum based on Hinduism. Based on the results of surveys and research conducted, it was known that early childhood education teachers at Tembau Kindergarten, Penatih District, East Denpasar, need to get a workshop related to strengthening the Hindu religion-based curriculum. The methods used in this activity are mentoring methods, practice, discussion methods, sustainability and evaluation.
KEBERADAAN PASRAMAN FORMAL DI KOTA DENPASAR Komang Agus Triadi Kiswara; Ni Wayan Yuni Astuti; I Made Yudabakti; I Ketut Sukrawa; I Wayan Sudiarsa
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

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Abstrak Aktualisasi dari amanat undang –undang pendidikan nasional adalah dengan terselenggaranya pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama dalam tiap jenjang pendidikan formal. Demikian halnya dengan pendidikan Agama Hindu tujuan pendidikan agama Hindu sendiri adalah untuk meningkatkan Sradha dan Bhakti kehadapan Ida sang Hyang widhi wasa. Namun demikian dalam peleksanaanya masih terdapat hal-hal yang menyebabkan proses pendidikan Agama Hindu Belum berjalan sesuai dengan harapan. Maka untuk menjawab tantangan tersebut maka peran serta masyarakat dalam menciptakan pembelajaran masih sangat diperlukan. Hal ini diaktualisasikan melalui pembelajaran yang disebut dengan pesraman. Tentu penyelengaraan pasraman ini dipayungi oleh dasar yuridis yaitu peraturan menteri Agama No 56 Tahun 2014 tentang pendidikan keagamaan. Hal ini bertujuan untuk membuka peran serta masyarakat dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan keagamaan Hindu bagi peserta didik. Ditengah gencarnya keinginan pemerintah untuk dapat menyelenggarakan pendidikan berbasiskan Pasraman sampai dengan saat ini masih minim ditemukan pasraman formal Desa adat di Bali, salah satunya adalah di kota Denpasar. Kata kunci : Keberadaan, Pasraman formal, Desa Adat Abstract The actualization of the mandate of the national education law is the implementation of Religious Education learning at every level of formal education. Likewise with Hindu religious education the purpose of Hindu religious education itself is to increase Sradha and Bhakti in the presence of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. However, in its implementation there are still things that cause the process of Hinduism education not to run as expected. So to answer these challenges, community participation in creating learning is still very much needed. This is actualized through learning which is called boarding school. Of course, the organization of this pasraman is under the umbrella of a juridical basis, namely the regulation of the Minister of Religion No. 56 of 2014 concerning religious education. This aims to open up community participation in improving the quality of Hindu religious education for students. In the midst of the government's incessant desire to be able to organize Pasraman-based education, up to now there is still very little formal Pasraman in traditional villages in Bali, one of which is in the city of Denpasar. Keywords: Existence, formal Pasraman, Traditional Village
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

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Abstrak Agama Hindu dan kesenain merupakan dua hal yang tak dapat dipisah terutama di Bali. Kehadiran pelaksanaan upacara agama senantiasa memberikan ruang terhadpa kesenian di Bali terutama senitari. Shingga dalam bentuk pementasan dikennal dengan jenis kesenian yaitu Tari wali, Tari Bebali, dan Balih-balihan. Pementasan seni tari senan tiasa memakai konsep. Salah satu konsep yang unik yaitu dimana terdapat aktualisasi nilai-nilai pendidikan Ki haar dewantoro. Nilai-nilai pendidikan ki Hajar Dewantoro dibangun dari mrwah nilai-nilai yang bersumber pada Bangsa iNdonesia. Nilai-nilai pendidikan yang beliau sapaikan tertuang dala semboyaan Ing arso Sung Tulodo, Ing Madyo Mangun Karso dan Tut wuri Handayani. Ketiga konsep pendidikan yang beliau sampaikan tentunya tidak berlangsung hanya dalam proses pembelajaran namun juga dlam berbagai dimensi salah satunya tertuang dalam seni tari rejang lilit yang dipentaskan dlam upacara di desa Tinggarsari Kecamatan Busungbiu Kabupaten Buleleng. Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Ki Hajr dewantoro, Tari, Rejang Lilit. Abstract Hinduism and art are two things that cannot be separated, especially in Bali. The presence of religious ceremonies always provides space for art in Bali, especially dance. So that in the form of staging it is known as the type of art, namely Wali Dance, Bebali Dance, and Balih-balihan. Art performances of Senan dance always use concepts. One of the unique concepts is where there is the actualization of Ki Haar Dewantoro's educational values. Ki Hajar Dewantoro's educational values ??were built from the spirit of values ??originating from the Indonesian nation. The educational values ??he conveyed are contained in the motto Ing arso Sung Tulodo, Ing Madyo Mangun Karso and Tut wuri Handayani. The three educational concepts that he conveyed certainly did not only take place in the learning process but also in various dimensions, one of which was contained in the art of Rejang Lilit dance which was staged in a ceremony in Tinggarsari Village, Busungbiu District, Buleleng Regency. Keywords: Ki Hajr Dewantoro Education, Dance, Rejang Lilit.
EKSTRAKURIKULER DHARMA GITA MEMBANGUN SIKAP SUPUTRA PADA SISWA I Gusti Ayu Suasthi -; Komang Agus Triadi Kiswara -; Ida Ayu Putu Sari -; Ni Komang Ayu Restiti -
WIDYANATYA Vol 5 No 02 (2023): Widyanatya: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama dan Seni
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

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ABSTRACT Ethical education (morals) is very important as time goes by. With so many cases and phenomena indicating a decline in the moral and ethical qualities of the nation's children, schools are expected to be a place for internalizing the values ??of Hindu religious education in moral and moral teachings as the initial foundation for students to get along with their environment. As research material, researchers formulate several problems that will seek solutions, namely: 1) How is the process of internalizing the values ??of Hindu religious education through Dharmagita extracurriculars at SD No. 2 Kerobokan? 2) What are the factors that influence the process of internalizing the values ??of Hindu religious education through the Dharmagita extracurricular at SD No. 2 Kerobokan? 3) What are the Implications of Internalizing the Values ??of Hindu Religious Education through Dharmagita Extracurriculars for Suputra students at SD No. 2 Kerobokan? As a theoretical framework in describing the problems above, the researcher examines it with several theories, namely: cognitive theory, behavioristic theory, humanistic theory. In this study, researchers used a qualitative research design with a case study research design and data collection using observation, interviews and document recording methods. Based on the research that has been carried out, the following results are obtained: first, the process of internalizing the values ??of Hindu religious education through the Dharma Gita extracurricular at SD No. 2 Kerobokan, including: Extracurricular learning begins with initial activities, continues with core activities, and ends with activities end). Second, the factors that influence the process of internalizing the values ??of Hindu religious education through the Dharma Gita extracurricular at SD No. 2 Kerobokan: Internal factors (talent or innate, motivation), external factors (peers, the role of parents, cultural/multicultural diversity, social media). Third, the implications of internalizing the values ??of Hindu religious education through the Dharma Gita extracurricular for Suputra students at SD No. 2 Kerobokan: students become interested in learning the Dharma Gita, being polite, honest, cultured, ethical, moral, and with character. Keywords: Extracurricular, Dharma Gita, Suputra Students