Nurti Rahayu
Trisakti School of Tourism

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Exploring English Communication Needs in A Tourism Village: What Do the Local Communities Say? Rina Suprina; Nurti Rahayu; Vienna Artina Sembiring
Journal of Business on Hospitality and Tourism Vol 9, No 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : Institut Pariwisata dan Bisnis Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22334/jbhost.v9i1.432


Local community empowerment in tourism villages is required to enhance community participation in community-based tourism (CBT). English learning programs in tourist villages are generally carried out as incidental community service programs. Because of time constraints and insufficient methods, the results are subpar. Therefore, an effective and efficient English learning model designed specifically to improve the communicative competence of the community managing tourist villages is required. This study aims to bridge government programs to improve tourism human resources, particularly in the community of Cibuntu, a tourist village in Kuningan Regency. The ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) is used as a reference and conceptual framework in this study. This study intends to carry out the first stage of the ADDIE model, namely the Analysis stage, to identify the English needs of the Cibuntu community. To this end, a descriptive qualitative research method was employed. The information was harnessed by observing and interviewing members of local communities who involved in tourism activities. In addition, interviews with the local tourism office were conducted to determine the profile of foreign tourists. The results demonstrated the community's need for English competence, their current English skill, and the English skills they wish to achieve. Based on the results of the needs analysis stage, the next stage of ADDIE should be carried out in the future research.
Barista : Jurnal Kajian Bahasa dan Pariwisata Vol. 4 No. 1 (2017): Juni
Publisher : Unit Bahasa, Politeknik Pariwisata NHI Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research aims to perform need analysis on the use of English in hospitality industries which is emphasized on travel industry in Jakarta. Need Analysis is employed to find out the need of English in specific area, i.e travel agents. This analysis makes sure that the course will contain relevant and useful things to learn. It also enables the course designer to achieve a detailed profile of what the learner needs to be able to do in English in an occupation or study for which he or she is being trained; and to produce a specification of the language skills, functions and forms required to carry out the communication described in the needs profile.The main method of the study was a survey conducted to travel agents in Jakarta.Questionnaires were used to look for primary data. The questionnaires cover different skill areas such as speaking, writing, listening, reading, and vocabulary which are needed in their workplace. Besides, observation and interviews are used to gain the data. These data are used to complete the primary data.The results are then computer-coded and analyzed with the help of the statistical techniques.The results of this research provides a useful input for developing a curriculum or designing an ESP (English for Specific Purposes) to meet the needs of travel agents, and thus ensure the high-quality service for international tourists.