Togar M Simatupang
School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Published : 24 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Managerial Views of Supply Chain Collaboration: An Empirical Study Sridharan, Ramaswami; Simatupang, Togar M
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business Vol 11, No 2 (2009): May - August
Publisher : Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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  This paper is carried out to empirically examine managerial perceptions on the relationship between supply chain collaboration practice and operational performance. The framework suggests that collaborative practice is characterised by three distinct factors: (1) decision synchronisation, (2) information sharing, and (3) incentive alignment, which enable the chain members to effectively match supply with customer demand. An important question is whether or not collaborative practice leads to better operational performance. A survey research was employed to assess the relationship between collaborative practice and operational performance of New Zealand companies. The survey results show significant positive impacts of key factors of collaborative practice on operational performance. The findings suggest that information sharing, decision synchronisation, and incentive alignment are important determinants of operational performance. This study demonstrates that the chain members need to understand the role of different key factors of collaborative practice that can be redesigned to leverage operational performance.
Dynamic Marketing and Service Innovation for Service Excellence Hariandja, Evo S.; Simatupang, Togar M.; Nasution, Reza A.; Larso, Dwi
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business Vol 16, No 2 (2014): May-August
Publisher : Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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This study aims at creating a framework describing how the interaction capabilities between dynamic marketing and service innovation can influence service excellence. In this study market sensing, market learning, market targeting or positioning are classified as dynamic marketing capabilities (DMC), while sensing, seizing, and transformi ng are classified as service innovation capabilities (SIC). Hence, the drivers of service excellence for the framework being developed are divided into three main categories: dynamic marketing capability, service innovation capability, and their interaction. The findings of the study  on three hotels, ranging from 4-star to 5-star hotels and operating in Indonesia, suggest that both capabilities and their interaction play their roles in achieving service excellence.Abstrak: Riset ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan kerangka yang menggambarkan bagaimana kapabilitas interaksi antara pemasaran dinamik dan inovasi jasa dapat mempengaruhi keunggulan layanan. Dalam riset ini, penginderaan pasar, pembelajaran pasar, target pasar serta positioning diklasifikasikan sebagai kapabilitas pemasaran dinamik (DMC), sementara penginderaan (sensing), merebut (seizing), dan transforming diklasifikasikan sebagai kapabilitas inovasi jasa (SIC). Oleh karena itu, penggerak keunggulan layanan untuk kerangka yang dikembangkan dibagi menjadi tiga kategori utama: kapabilitas pemasaran dinamik, kapabilitas inovasi jasa, dan interaksi diantara kedua kapabilitas. Temuan studi pada tiga hotel yang dijadikan sebagai studi kasus di hotel bintang 4 (empat) dan 5 (lima) yang beroperasi di Indonesia, menunjukkan bahwa kedua kapabilitas dan interaksinya memainkan peran mereka dalam mencapai keunggulan layanan.          
Analisis Kolaborasi Coca-Cola dan Carrefour dengan Menggunakan Teori Drama Handayati, Yuanita; Simatupang, Togar M
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 8, No 3 2009
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Kolaborasi merupakan sebuah proses di mana beberapa orang dengan perbedaan kepentingan berbagi pengetahuan dalam pembuatan keputusan untuk meningkatkan kinerja bersama. Dalam proses pencapaian kolaborasi sering terjadi konflik strategi yang diakibatkan oleh keterlibatan pilihan-pilihan yang diajukan oleh dua atau lebih pihak terlibat yang memiliki tujuan yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses kolaborasi antar anggota rantai pasok, dengan studi kasus kolaborasi yang terjadi antara Coca-Cola dan Carrefour. Graph Model for Conflict Resolution (GMCR) dan teori drama (drama theory) digunakan sebagai pendekatan dalam pemodelan, analisis, dan pemahaman konflik strategi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa antara Coca-Cola dan Carrefour terjadi kolaborasi dalam bidang komersial dan bidang rantai pasok. Kolaborasi dalam bidang komersial dapat digambarkan dalam tiga fase yaitu fase inisiasi, fase kompetisi, dan diakhiri dengan fase kolaborasi di mana Coca-Cola dan Carrefour sepakat akan menjalankan program promosi bersama, dan juga sepakat untuk meningkatkan trading term dalam jumlah yang disepakati bersama. Sedangkan kolaborasi dalam bidang rantai pasok digambarkan dalam dua fase, yaitu fase kerja sama yang diakhiri dengan fase kolaborasi di mana Coca-Cola sepakat untuk meningkatkan tingkat pelayanannya kepada Carrefour, dan Carrefour sepakat untuk berbagi informasi dengan Coca-Cola.Kata kunci: rantai pasok, kolaborasi, teori drama, GMCR, Coca-Cola, Carrefour
Analisis Kebijakan Pengembangan Industri Kreatif di Kota Bandung Simatupang, Togar Mangihut; Yudoko, Gatot; Handayati, Yuanita; Pascasuseno, Agung; Permadi, Krishna; Listiani, Wanda
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 8, No 1 2009
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Industri kreatif didefinisikan sebagai industri yang berfokus pada kreasi dan eksploitasi karya kepemilikan intelektual seperti seni, film, permainan atau desain fashion, dan termasuk layanan kreatif antar perusahaan seperti iklan. Industri kreatif ini bersumber dari ide, seni dan teknologi yang dikelola untuk menciptakan kemakmuran. Sedangkan ekonomi yang bersumber pada kegiatan ekonomi dari industry kreatif dinamakan ekonomi kreatif. Dalam ekonomi kreatif, pemerintah (regulator) dan perusahaan (operator) memerlukan suatu paradigm tersendiri dalam penentuan kebijakan dan manajemen. Kota bandung dikenal sebagai kota seni yang masyarakatnya memiliki kreativitas yang tinggi, baik dalam hal rancangan busana yang unik, hingga kreasi makanan yang selalu mengalami perkembangan terbaru. Oleh karena itu terdapat keinginan untuk menjadikan Kota Bandung sebagai ikon kota kreatif di Indonesia. Dari hasil metode wawancara yang dilakukan kepada seluruh informan kunci, semua informan mempunyai kesamaan pandangan bahwa Bandung memiliki potensi sebagai kota kreatif. Umumnya potensi ini dilihat dari potensi sumber daya manusia di Bandung yang ditunjang oleh banyaknya institusi pendidikan dan tempat untuk menimba ilmu. Usulan perangkat kebijakan mengenai pengembangan Bandung sebagai kota kreatif yang ditemukan dari hasil analisis dan pengumpulan data menunjukan bahwa semua sebenarnya sudah terdapat instrumen-instrumen kebijakan yang bisa digunakan untuk menyokong industri kreatif. Hanya saja penerapan dari kebijakan tersebutlah yang sering kali tidak memuaskan. Salah satu usulan yang perlu dicermati adalah program jangka panjang yang membutuhkan komitmen dari semua pihak agar program berkesinambungan penegakan hokum dan sosialisasi juga menjadi kebijakan yang dapat mengefektifkan kebijakan lain. Kebijakan yang hampir selalu disebutkan oleh informan adalah penyediaan ruang public, infrastruktur dan hak paten. Katakunci:industri kreatif, kebijakan, kota kreatif, Kota Bandung
Rethinking Management of Technology Simatupang, Togar Mangihut
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 7, No 1 2008
Publisher : SBM ITB

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This paper discusess how management of technology can be made more critical and a new method of reasoning is incorporated into this dicsipline to stimulate more widely application. Management of technology is found as a discipline that practitioners or academics need to have in order to be able to manage and improve technology. It relies on two streams of reasoning called deduction and induction. These two reasoning methods tends to neglect the human need to make sense and therefore fails to stimulate critical thinking of how to extract meaning from complex reality surrounding technology. It is suggested that abduction is the missing link in managemet of technology which is capable to combine the predominant strands of induction and deduction. Based on abductive thinking, TechnoValue is developed as a methodology to gain understanding the general statements when and how new technology creates value to all related stakeholders. Future research is also presented in this paper. Keywords: management of technology, induction, deduction, abduction, information technology
Perancangan Indikator Kinerja Utama pada Proses Distribusi Industri Minuman Ringan Simatupang, Togar Mangihut; Adhiutama, Akbar; Setiadi, Anjar
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 5, No 1 2006
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Proses distribusi merupakan salah satu bagian terpenting dalam rantai pasok. Peningkatan kinerja dari tiap-tiap mata rantai pasok ini dapat terukur melalui indikator kinerja utama (key performance indicator) yang terintegrasi. Demikian juga dalam proses distribusi, diperlukan perancangan suatu indicator kinerja utama yang menyatukan seluruh mata rantai pasok. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjabarkan evaluasi indikator kinerja utama pada proses distribusi melalui proses pemodelan dengan menggunakan Model SCOR (the Supply Chain Operations Reference). Pemodelan SCOR diterapkan pada proses distribusi perusahaan nasional minuman ringan. Katakunci: proses distribusi, SCOR Model, Indikator kinerja Utama, Industri minuman ringan
A Taxonomy of Supply Chain Collaboration Simatupang, Togar Mangihut
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 6, No 2 2007
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Supply chain collaboration has emerged as an important cooperative strategy leading to new focus on interorganisational boundaries as the determinants of performance. Although collaboration increasingly receives great attention both from practitioners and academics, relatively little attention has been given to systematically reviewing the research literature that has appeared about supply chain collaboration. The purpose of this paper is to examine previous studies on supply chain collaboration based on a taxonomy. The proposed taxonomy is composed of four different research streams of describing specific subjects of interorganisational settings, namely information sharing, business processes, incentive schemes, and performance systems. The analysis includes the assessment of research ideas and key findings. Results show the great variability of key concepts across the four components of the taxonomy and an increased awareness of complementarity amongst research streams. Several recommendations for future research are also identified in this paper. Keywords: supply chain collaboration, literature review, supply chain management, taxonomy
Utilisation of Buffer Management to Build focused productive maintenance Simatupang, Togar Mangihut
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 4, No 1 2005
Publisher : SBM ITB

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In today’s time based competition, high equipment productivity in a manufacturing line is necessary in ensuring a competitive company. Focused Productive Maintenance emphasizes the importance of achieving profitability through equipment effectiveness. This paper demonstrates the logic of Buffer Management and Focused Productive Maintenance to shape competitive advantage in utilizing resources. Some ideas for future are given.
How does collaborative inventory management make progress? Simatupang, Togar Mangihut
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 2, No 1 2003
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Collaborative inventory management (CIM) has revolutionized electronics, textile, apparel, and grocery industries. An intriguing question is how far does the movement of CIM challenge the traditional practice of inventory management? This paper illustrates how to expose and challenge flawed assumptions of traditional inventory management. It also proposes a collaborative replenishment process that consists of a cyclic process of tactical planning, execution, and control. The proposed scheme makes it possible for the chain members to apply collaborative inventory management. The paper also outlines directions for future research.Keywords: inventory management, supply chain collaboration, logistics, theory of constraints
Applying the Theory of Contraints to Supply Chain Management Simatupang, Togar Mangihut; Sandroto, Indah Victoria
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 3, No 2 2004
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Supply chain management among independent firms often provide larger benefits form effectively satisfying customer needs and wants than working in isolation. However, many improvement initiatives often end up with devastating effects on supply chain performance. Part of the reason is sub-optimisation among the chain members resulting form a lack of awareness about the importance of the perspective of the supply chain as a whole and the existence of constraint(s). This paper applies the Theory of Constraints as a creative methodology to expose and break constraint that inhibits the chain members form progressing toward profitability. It also suggests opportunities for further research. Keywords: theory of constraints, supply chain management, and collaboration