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Jurnal Ecogen Vol 1, No 3 (2018): Jurnal Ecogen
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jmpe.v1i3.4989


This study aims to determine and analyze the factors that influence foreign debt in Indonesia with variables that effect economic growth, inflation, and foreign interest rates. This type of research is associative descriptive research, where the data used is secondary data from 1970 to 2017 obtained from institutions and related institutions, which are analyzed using the Error Correction Model (ECM) method. This study initially used the Ordinary Lest Square (OLS) method to see long-term, and used ECM because it wanted to see short-term at the same time. The findings of this study indicate that economic growth and inflation have a significant effect in the long run, but the interest rates have no significant effect, and in the short term all have a significant effect on foreign debt in Indonesia. Keywords: foreign debt, economic growth, inflation, interest rates and error correction model (ECM)
GRAFIS LINGKUNGAN KOTA PADANG PANJANG DALAM MEWUJUDKAN KOTA BERNUANSA ISLAMI Defrizal Saputra; Rifqi Aulia Zaim; Eko Purnomo; Aditya Hanum Widarsa; Riri Trinanda
Ranah Seni Vol 14 No 2 (2020): RANAH SENI
Publisher : Jurusan Seni Rupa, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/ranahseni.v14i1.67


Indonesia terdiri dari beberapa pulau dari Sabang hingga Merauke. Beberapa provinsi telah banyak berkembang dan maju. Namun tidak semuanya terkenal dan dikunjungi oleh masyarakat. Beberapa usaha telah dilakukan agar turis dalam dan luar negeri berkunjung ke daearah tersebut. Seperti halnya membentuk image kota dengan proses city branding. Daerah lain di pulau Jawa sudah banyak melakukan hal tersebut, seperti halnya Pekalongan terkenal dengan Kota Batik, makna Kota Batik sebagai kota yang Bersih, Aman, Tertib, Indah dan Komunikatif. Pesatnya industri Batik disini, hingga menjadikan Kota Pekalongan sebagai Kota Batik Dunia. Hampir semua kota-kota di dunia memiliki sebutan yang melekat pada diri mereka masing-masing seperti Jakarta“Enjoy Jakarta”, Bandung“Parijs Van Java”, New York “Big Apple”, Las Vegas “Sin City”, Solo “Spirit of Java” dan Bali “Shanti-Shanti-Shanti”. Keuntungan dari city branding yang baik, adalah masyarakat akan dengan cepat ingat akan kota tersebut. Sementara ini Kota Padangpanjang telah memiliki julukan sendiri yaitu Kota Serambi Mekah. Namun julukan tersebut baru hanya untuk masyarakat Padangpanjang itu sendiri. Pemerintah Kota Padangpanjang telah berusaha agar nuansa Kota Islami tersebut dapat dirasakan oleh setiap orang yang berkunjung kesini. Namun karena pembangunannya tidak merata, sehingga maksud tersebut belum sepenuhnya sampai. Menurut desainer Grafis lingkungan, kota ini belum sesuai dengai konsep Kota Serambi Mekah. Memperbaiki grafis lingkungan Kota Padangpanjang adalah usaha yang cukup efektif dilakukan, agar nuansa Kota Serambi Mekah tersebut dapat dirasakan. Mulai dari redesign Asmaul Husna di sepanjang jalan utama hingga membuat petunjuk arah atau wayfinding yang sesuai dengan ilmu Desain Komunikasi Visual. Selanjutnya desainer juga ingin membuat sign system menuju lokasi-lokasi utama di pusat Kota Padangpanjang. Berdasarkan hal itu sehingga keinginan masyarakat Kota Padangpanjang untuk mewujudkan kota bernuansa Islami akan dapat diwujudkan.
The Improvement of Physics Teachers’ Competence in Developing an Interactive Recitation Programs to Remediate Students’ Misconception Putri Dwi Sundari; Wahyuni Satria Dewi; Defrizal Saputra; Mairizwan - Mairizwan; Rahmat Hidayat
Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (507.47 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ijsme.v4i3.10053


During learning from home, the teacher is very limited in giving feedback on assignments. Consequently, students’ understanding of physics concepts is still low and experiencing misconceptions. Therefore, teachers should able to develop an interactive recitation program completed by corrective feedback that could remediate students’ misconceptions. The research objective is to improve the competence of physics teachers at Sijunjung Regency through mentoring in developing an interactive recitation program. This sort of research is quasi-experimental with one-group pretest-posttest design. The research data was obtained from the pretest and posttest about understanding of the interactive recitation programs. The results showed that there was an increase in the knowledge of high school physics teachers in understanding the interactive recitation program with a percentage of 32.4%, and the provision of mentoring activities have a significant effect on increasing the competence of physics teachers in developing interactive recitation programs.
Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa Vol 11, No 1 (2022): Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/gr.v11i1.32531


Environmental graphic design or the term 'environmental graphics' is all forms of graphic design that exist in an environment. This includes sign systems, bulletin boards, graphic ornaments in a building, name signs on buildings and all forms of writing on two- or three-dimensional objects. The method used in this design is the SWOT analysis method, how this method can later assist designers in determining in terms of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) from an Environmental graphic design that is designed and can create visual communication media informative and communicative. The purpose of this environmental graphic design is to strengthen the Islamic nuance as a city identity in the city of Padang Panjang, so that the nickname of the Veranda of Mecca is increasingly attached to the community. Because previously efforts to realize it already existed but there was no harmony in each of these graphic elements. So that the face of the city of Padangpanjang does not look well. By using a graphic environment designed in the form of a sign system. Local content is brought back into the design, so that it can improve regional imagery, local elements are also packaged in Islamic concepts and modern or contemporary looks.Keywords: environmental graphic design.AbstrakEnyiromental graphic design atau istilahnya ‘grafis lingkungan’ adalah segala bentuk perancangan grafik yang ada di suatu lingkungan. Termasuk di dalamnya berupa sign system, papan pengumuman, ornamen grafis yang berada pada sebuah bangunan, tanda nama di gedung-gedung dan segala bentuk tulisan pada objek dua maupun tiga dimensi. metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan ini adalah metode analisis S.W.O.T bagaimana metode ini nantinya dapat memebantu desainer dalam menentukan dari segi kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) dari Environmental graphic design yang dirancang dan dapat menciptakan media komunikasi visual yang informatif dan komunikatif. Tujuan dari perancangan grafis lingkungan tersebut adalah untuk menguatkan nuansa Islami sebagai identitas kota di Kota Padang panjang, sehingga julukan kota serambi mekah semakin melekat kepada masyarakat. Karena sebelumnya usaha untuk mewujudkan sudah ada namun belum adanya keserasian disetiap elemen-elemen grafis tersebut. Sehingga wajah kota Padangpanjang belum tampak dengan baik. Dengan menggunakan grafis lingkungan yang dirancang berupa sign system. Local konten dimunculkan kembali kedalam desain, sehingga dapat meningkatkan pencitraan daerah, unsur-unsur lokal juga dikemas dalam konsep islami dan tampilan modern atau kekinian.   Kata Kunci: environmental graphic design.Authors:Defrizal Saputra : Universitas Negeri PadangM. Nasrul Kamal : Universitas Negeri PadangEko Purnomo : Universitas Negeri Padang References:Djelantik, A.A.M. (2001). Estetika Sebuah Pengantar. Bandung: MSPI.Kusrianto, Adi. (2006). Pengantar Desain Komunikasi Visual. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Adi.Saputra. Defrizal. (2013). ”Dokumentasi Penelitian”. Hasil Dokumentasi Pribadi: 09 Juni 2013, Padangpanjang. Sobur, Alex. (2009). Semiotika Komunikasi, Cetakan ke-IV. Bandung: Pt. Remaja Rosdakarya.Supandi, M. B., & Azis, A. C. K. (2020). Peninjauan Poster dari Warna dan Tipografi di SMK Multimedia Istiqlal. Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa, 9(2), 419-423.Torang, Syamsir. (2012). Metode Riset Struktur dan Perilaku Organisasi, Cetakan Kesatu. Bandung: CV Alfabeta.
Optimalisasi pembelajaran daring melalui pengembangan program resitasi interaktif bagi guru fisika SMA di Kabupaten Sijunjung Putri Dwi Sundari; Wahyuni Satria Dewi; Defrizal Saputra; Fadhila Ulfa Jhora; Fanny Rahmatina Rahim
Transformasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 18 No. 1 (2022): Transformasi Juni
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/transformasi.v18i1.4216


[Bahasa]: Di masa pandemi Covid-19, pelaksanaan pembelajaran memberikan tantangan bagi guru untuk lebih terampil dalam mengembangkan metode pembelajaran yang interaktif, tidak terkecuali bagi guru-guru di Kabupaten Sijunjung, Sumatera Barat. Pada pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring masih ditemukan beberapa kendala terutama dalam menanamkan pemahaman konsep yang benar kepada siswa pada mata pelajaran fisika. Program kemitraan masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan bagi guru dalam mengembangkan media interaktif dalam bentuk program resitasi yang berguna untuk meremediasi miskonsepsi siswa selama learning from home. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 14 orang guru yang tergabung dalam MGMP fisika SMA di Kabupaten Sijunjung. Kegiatan dilaksanakan mulai bulan Juli-Oktober 2021 dengan metode service learning. Ada tiga tahapan yang dilakukan selama kegiatan PKM yakni tahap eksplorasi, elaborasi, dan konfirmasi. Angket disebar kepada para peserta untuk mengumpulkan data terkait tingkat pemahaman terhadap materi pendampingan dan sekaligus sebagai evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil kegiatan PKM menunjukkan adanya respon positif dari peserta dan dapat menjadi alternatif solusi serta meningkatkan motivasi guru dalam mengembangkan program untuk pembelajaran fisika terutama di masa pembelajaran daring. Guru telah memiliki tingkat pemahaman yang baik terhadap materi pendampingan dan merasakan manfaat dari kegiatan ini. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini juga menghasilkan empat buah produk resitasi interaktif dengan kategori valid. Kata Kunci: MGMP fisika SMA, pembelajaran daring, pendampingan, program resitasi interaktif [English]: During the Covid-19 pandemic, instructional practices challenged teachers to be more skilled in implementing interactive learning methods, including teachers in Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra. One of the obstacles in online teaching and learning is developing students’ understanding of physics concepts. This community partnership program (PKM) aims to facilitate teachers’ knowledge and skills in developing interactive media, called recitation programs, that is useful for remediating students' misconceptions during learning from home. A total of 14 senior high school teachers who are members of physics teachers working group in the Sijunjung Regency were involved. The program was carried out from July-October 2021 with the service-learning method. There were three stages carried out, namely exploration, elaboration, and confirmation. Questionnaires were distributed to participants to collect data regarding the level of understanding of the mentoring material and activities. The results of this program show a positive response from the participants. It could be an alternative solution of teacher-related development programs. Also, it increases the teacher’s motivation in developing programs for physics learning, especially during the online learning period. The teachers have a good level of understanding of the mentoring material and feel the benefits of this activity. Moreover, the program also produces four recitation programs with a valid category. Keywords: high school physics teacher’s forum, online learning, mentoring, interactive recitation program
BUSHCRAFT DALAM KARYA UKIR BATU Angga Elpatsa; San Ahdi; Defrizal Saputra
Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa Vol 11, No 2 (2022): Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/gr.v11i2.38312


So far, many people don't know the term Bushcraft in detail, even though we see this language very often on our social media. In a narrow sense, some of us think that bushcraft is about adventure in the wild, or there are also those who think that this is the same as the science of survival in the wild. Indeed, some of these points of view are a bit close to the notion of bushcraft itself, both are related to survival in the wild, but there are differences. Bushcraft is more about using primitive tools made by hand as a medium for survival in the wild. This is one of the author's goals in the creation of this stone carving, using primitive human knowledge as a technique for survival. The method of creating this stone carving work is by elaboration and synthesis. Elaboration is an activity carried out by the author to find and collect the required data and work carefully. Then the data is analyzed in detail in the preparation process. Synthesis is a process of combining the results of the elaboration to be realized in a form of concept work. The creation of this work is an implementation of primitive culture as a way to survive. This stone carving later developed into a work of art that has aesthetic value in today's society. Not only as a form of survival in the wild, even bushcraft scholarship can also be a medium of survival in this era of globalization.Keyword : bushcraft, carving, stone. AbstrakIstilah Bushcraft sejauh ini masih banyak yang belum mengetahui secara detail, walaupun penggunaan bahasa ini sangat sering kita lihat dalam media sosial kita. Dalam makna sempitnya sebagian kita menganggap bushcraft ialah tentang berpetualang di alam liar, atau ada juga yang menganggap hal ini sama dengan keilmuan bertahan hidup di alam liar. Memang beberapa sudut pandang tersebut sedikit berdekatan dengan pengertian bushcraft itu sendiri, sama-sama berkaitan dengan bertahan hidup di alam liar, namun ada perbedaannya. Bushcraft lebih kepada penggunaan alat-alat primitif yang dibuat oleh tangan sebagai media untuk bertahan hidup di alam liar. Inilah salah satu tujuan penulis dalam penciptaan karya ukir batu ini, menggunakan keilmuan manusia primitif tersebut sebagai teknik untuk bertahan hidup. Metode penciptaan karya ukir batu ini adalah dengan elaborasi dan sintesis. Elaborasi merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan penulis untuk mencari dan mengumpulkan data-data yang dibutuhkan serta pengerjaan karya dengan teliti. Kemudian data-data tersebut dianalisis secara rinci dalam proses persiapan. Sedangkan Sintesis merupakan suatu proses penggabungan hasil dari elaborasi untuk diwujudkan dalam sebuah bentuk konsep karya. Penciptaan karya ini merupakan   implementasi dari budaya primitif sebagai salah satu cara untuk bertahan hidup. Ukiran batu ini kemudian berkembang menjadi sebuah karya seni yang bernilai estetik di tengah kehidupan masyarakat sekarang. Bukan hanya sebagai bentuk bertahan hidup di alam liar bahkan keilmuan bushcraft ini juga bisa menjadi sebagai media bertahan hidup di era globalisasi seperti sekarang ini.Kata kunci: bushcraft, ukiran, batu. Authors:Angga Elpatsa : Universitas Ngeri PadangSan Ahdi : Universitas Ngeri PadangDefrizal Saputra : Universitas Ngeri Padang References:Adiyuwono, N. S. (2008). Survival. Teknik Bertahan Hidup Di Alam Bebas. Bandung: Angkasa.Bahari, N. (2008). Kritik Seni Wacana: Wacana Apresiasi  dan  Kreasi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.Fenton, L. (2016). Bushcraft and Indigenous Knowledge : Transformation of a Concept in the Modern World. Doctoral of Philosophy (PhD) Thesis, Inggris: University of Kent.Justin, M. R., Rohiman, R., & Darmawan, A. (2022). Desain Identitas Visual pada UMKM Ruang Keramik Studio Kota Metro Lampung. Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa, 11(1), 156-164., R. (1984). Australian Bushcraft: A Guide To Survival & Camping. Australia: Pty Ltd.Kusrianto, A. (2009). Pengantar Desain Komunikasi Visual. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset.Kartika, D. S. (2003). Tinjauan Seni Rupa Modern. Surakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional STSI Surakarta.Marah, R. (1988). Ragam Hias Minangkabau. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.Maulana, A. (2009). Kamus Ilmiah Populer. Yogyakarta: Absolut.Oxford, E. D. (1989). A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (NED).English: Oxford University Pressamadhan, M. S., Yulianti, K. N., & Ananta, D. (2022). Inovasi Produk Fashion dengan Menerapkan Karakter Visual Chiaroscuro Menggunakan Teknik Cetak Tinggi Cukil Kayu Block Printing. Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa, 11(1), 192-201., M. (2012). Diksi Rupa: Kumpulan Istilah dan Gerakan Seni Rupa. Yogyakarta: DictiArt Lab & Djagad Art House.
Descriptions of Student Needs for Digital Physics Teaching Materials on Particle Dynamics: A Preliminary Study Hidayati Hidayati; Putri Dwi Sundari; Defrizal Saputra; Silvi Yulia Sari; Nabilah Ikrimah Ayani
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol. 9 No. 9 (2023): September
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i9.4900


This research describes the initial study to develop e-modules based on student perceptions. This type of research is descriptive which was conducted in seven high schools in Padang based on school level with 667 students as respondents. Data were obtained using a questionnaire of student needs for teaching materials consisting of four indicators, namely student characteristics, implementation of physics learning, use of teaching materials in physics learning, and student needs for teaching materials. The results showed that as many as 67% of students experienced difficulties in physics subjects, supported by 53% of teachers who provided feedback at the end of each physics lesson and 45% of teaching materials used were less varied, in other words 80% of students needed other learning resources containing text, images and learning videos that were studied independently. The results of this study are expected to be the basis for the development of e-modules and efforts to improve the quality of physics learning in high school.
Promosi Air Terjun Tangsi 3 Di Solok Selatan Riski Ramadhan; Defrizal Saputra
SENIMAN: Jurnal Publikasi Desain Komunikasi Visual Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): November : Jurnal Publikasi Desain Komunikasi Visual
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Widya Karya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59581/seniman-widyakarya.v1i2.1080


Tourism is a sector that can be considered profitable and also has the potential for an area to be developed into an asset that is used as a source of production for the region or the country itself. South Solok Regency is one of the regencies in West Sumatra Province, which is one of the prima donna of tourism in this province. Solok Selatan Regency itself is given a quite unique tagline, namely The Heart of Minangkabau. Giving the tagline really represents what the district has. Starting from a variety of tourist and cultural destinations in it. But there are not a few tours in South Solok Regency that have not been exposed by the Tourism Office, one of which is the Tangsi 3 Waterfall Tour. Tangsi 3 Waterfall is located in a tropical rain forest area which has a natural charm that is still beautiful. This waterfall is one of the hidden paradises that this district has.
Analysis of Teaching Materials Needs for Digital Module Development in Physics Learning: Teachers Perception Putri Dwi Sundari; Hidayati; Defrizal Saputra; Silvi Yulia Sari; Elarismoy Beporta Anusba
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024): February
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v10i2.6093


This research aims to describe teachers’ needs for developing teaching materials. Concept understanding is important for students so that teaching materials are needed to improve students’ concept understanding. The type of research carried out is descriptive research with a quantitative and qualitative approaches. The data instruments are in the form of interview sheets and teacher needs analysis questionnaires. Questionnaires to find out the learning resources used by teachers, obstacles when learning physics, and learning resources needed by teachers to facilitate students. A total of nine physics teachers in high schools throughout the city of Padang were involved in this research. Based on the result data of analysis, it was found that 83% of teachers used printed teaching materials in learning. As many as 36% of teachers use teaching materials that they make themselves. As many as 86% of teachers have never used digital teaching materials, teachers are not sufficient as learning resources. As many as 83% supported the development of teaching materials on physics to improve students' understanding of concepts. It is hoped that the results of this research will become the basis for developing digital modules based on the POE model to improve understanding of concepts in kinematics.