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The Philosophy of Language Acquisition in Stephen Krashen's Theory based Multiple Intelligences Classroom Suci Ramadhanti Febriani; Wildana Wargadinata; Zainul Arifin
Jurnal Internasional Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 3 No 01 (2021): International Journal of Arabic Language Teaching (IJALT)
Publisher : Postgraduate of IAIN Metro Lampung Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijalt.v3i01.2417


Language acquisition and language learning among scientists tend to be different. This is based on the fact that the language acquisition process is supported unconsciously and is limited to a certain time. Meanwhile, the language learning process can be done consciously and is not limited by time. Through these two arguments, according to Stephen Krashen the acquisition process has certain characteristics. He believes that language acquisition can be obtained in adults. Based on this information, the researcher wants to describe and analyze the philosophy that encourages Stephen Krashen to develop a theory of language acquisition through classroom management based on Multiple Intelligences. This study used a qualitative research design with a case study method at SD Plus Al-Kaustar Malang, Indonesia. Data collection included observation, interview and documentation study through an analysis technique consisting of three steps; data collection, reduction and conclusion. The results showed that the philosophical background built in the theory of Stephen Krashen based on Multiple Intelligences is a empiricism philosopgy. This is known through the process of language acquisition which is formed through an adequate language environment carried out by the sensory experiences of students with the help of their cognitive thinking processes. These findings indicate that language acquisition can be done through a good environmental design even though it has passed the age limit for first language acquisition.
الطباق فى سورة البقرة Ayat Nuraini; Masnal Asril; Zainul Arifin
Journal Cerdas Mahasiswa Vol 3, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1040.428 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/jcm.v3i2.3516


أحد معجزات القرآف الكرمي توجد ىف حتسُت الكلمة، ولن يستطيع أي بشر أف يأيت مبثلها، وىف القرآف كثَت مناألساليب اليت تستعمل لتزين ادلعٌت، احدى منها الطباؽ، والطباؽ جبنب لتزين ولتجميل اللغة القرآف ولكن لتوضيح ادلعٌت ولتأكيدادلعٌت. وأسلوب الطباؽ ىف القرآف الكرمي من أعظم احملسنات أثرا ىف جتميل األسلوب وإبراز ادلعاين، اليت كثر ورودىا ىف القرآف الكرمي. أما ادلسألة الرئيسية يف ىذه الرسالة ىي كيف كانت الطباؽ يف القرآف الكرمي استشهادا يف سورة البقرة. والبحث عن ىذا واسع فلذلك حددت الباحثة ىي: عدد الطباؽ يف سورة البقرة وأنوع الطباؽ وصوره يف سورة البقرة. ادلنهج ادلستعمل يف ىذه الرسالة فهي ادلنهج الوصفي، أما ادلنهج الوصفي فهو الذي يصور ويوضح مواضع احلقائق العلمية عنها باألمثلة ادلتعلقة بالبحث، وأما البحث ادلكتيب فهو بقراءة الكتب ادلتعلقة بادلثائل ادلبحوثة. وأما اخلطوات جلمع البيانات فقد استعملت الباحثة عنصرين ومها ادلالحظة والوثائق، وتالحظ الباحثة عن الطباؽ يف سورة البقرة خصوصا يف اآليات اليت توجد فيها الطباؽ، وأخذت الباحثة الوثائق من القرآفالكرمي خصوصا يف سورة البقرة. أما نتائج البحث يف ىذه الرسالة ىي: األوىل عدد الطباؽ يف سورة البقرة ىي ستة وتسعُت أية،والثانية نوع الطباؽ من الطباؽ اإلجيايب مخسة ومثانُت كلمات، ومن الطباؽ السليب: عشرة كلمة وأما صورالطباؽ من: الطباؽ بُت إمسُت: إحدى ومخسُت أعداد ومن الطباؽ بن فعلُت: ستة وثالثُت أعداد ومن الطباؽ بُت إسم وفعل ستة أعداد ومن طباؽ بُتحرفُت : عدادين
The CORD (Couple Card) game in teaching the skill of oral reading ‏ ‏Seventh grade students of Government Secondary School 2 ‎Padang Dianti Gustia ‎ Sari; Zainul Arifin
Lisaanuna Ta`lim Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Lisaanuna Ta`lim Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/lisaanuna.v6i1.6382


This dissertation was written with the subject of "CORD (Couple ‎Card) in learning loud reading skills in class VII students of Padang 2 ‎Public Middle School." This research is broadly and identified by ‎researchers, namely the ability to read a loud reading skills before ‎using the cord card game, and its use, and the effect of its use of the ‎ability to read loud reading skills. For grade VII students in Padang ‎‎2nd Middle School. The purpose of this study was to disclose the ‎ability to read loud reading skills before using the Cord Card (Couple ‎Card) game, and to reveal its usefulness, and to reveal the effect of its ‎use of loud reading skills of class VII students. Students at Padang ‎‎2nd Middle School. The research method used is an experimental ‎research method with a quantitative approach to field research. Data ‎collection tools used are interviews, tests and documentation. In ‎analyzing the data the researcher used the "T-Test" test using the ‎SPSS 21 program. However, before the "T" test was carried out the ‎researcher used the SPSS 21 program for the normal test and ‎homogeneity test, because the data must be normal and ‎homogeneous. The use of the CORD (Couple Card) game is effective ‎for the reading skills of class VII students of SMP Negeri 2 Padang. ‎This can be seen from the differences in learning outcomes before ‎using the CORD (Couple Card) game and after using it. Based on the ‎analysis of all control and experimental semester test results. The ‎‎"T" test (T test) shows that the result of the t test (-17.989) is greater ‎than the result of the t table (-23.298). The result of (Sig (2-tailed) is ‎‎0.00 and less than 0.05, the researcher concludes that the ‎morphological hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the practical ‎hypothesis (Ha) is accepted‎