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The Study of Online and Conventional Transportation in Semarang City Parameswari, Gita Yuliantina; Soesilowati, Etty
Economics Development Analysis Journal Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Economics Development Analysis Journal
Publisher : Economics Development Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/edaj.v8i1.25685


The aims of this study are; knowing the profile of users of online transportation services, knowing the factors that influence the selection of online transportation and knowing the correlation of online transportation towards the income of conventional transportation drivers in Semarang City. This research used descriptive percentage, multiple linear regression and the correlation with the helped of SPSS program as analysis method. The results show that the users of online transportation services are dominant female in the age range 21-30 with the last education taken is college. For employee, mostly are private employees and college students with dominant status are not married or single. Factors that significantly influence the use of online transportation in Semarang City are price, income, service quality and distance. While the price of other transportation and travel time factors do not have a real influence on the use of online transportation services in Semarang City. Technological variables show a very weak correlation, and the number of online transport fleets variable shows sufficient or moderate correlation. The government is expected to be more careful in setting conventional transportation prices so that the price inequality that occurs between online transportation and conventional transportation is not too high. Because not all consumers use online transportation and able to use internet
MARKETING MANAGEMENT EDUCATION (Case Study in SD Kemala Bhayangkari 02 Semarang) Musino, Musino; Raharjo, Tri Joko; Soesilowati, Etty
Educational Management Vol 7 No 1 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Educational Management

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This study discusses the educational marketing activities conducted by SD Kemala Bhayangkari 02 Semarang. Geographically SD Kemala Bhayangkari 02 Semarang is located in the city center. Despite its location in the middle of the city but the number of students every year continues to decline. This is evidenced by the data on the number of students over the last five years indicates that there is a Decrease in students every year. This study aims to analyze: 1) marketing management services elementary education Kemala Bhayangkari 02 Semarang. 2) supporting and inhibiting factors of education services marketing. The method used qualitative research method. The results Showed. 1) The concept of education marketing management conducted by SD Kemala Bhayangkari 02 Semarang in the form of analysis, planning, implementation and supervision. 2) Inhibiting factors in the marketing of education services include the lack of excellent programs that characterize children after graduating from the school, as well as intense competition in attracting students with other public and private schools. The supporting factor is the SD Kemala Bhayangkari shaded by Police CENTRAL. Conclusion in this research is Implementation of concept and function of marketing management done roomates still not optimal. It is advisable to all the board of the foundation, committee, and all teachers and employees of SD Kemala Bhayangkari 02 Semarang to Make optimum quality improvement to face the competition the which is very open in this era.
Implementasi Kebijakan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah di Smk Negeri 4 Kendal Nadhirin, Nadhirin; Soesilowati, Etty; Budi Utomo, Cahyo
Educational Management Vol 6 No 2 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Educational Management

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui implementasi kebijakan manajemen berbasis sekolah (MBS), faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya serta mengetahui model MBS yang efektif di SMK Negeri 4 Kendal.Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan fokus SMK Negeri 4 Kendal sebagai informan adalah kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, komite sekolah dan guru. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan model interaktif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan MPMBS diawali dengan proses interpretasi dan sosialisasi kebijakan kepada seluruh stakeholders pendidikan. Kebijakan MPMBS di SMK Negeri 4 Kendal tercapai sesuai tujuan kebijakan MPMBS yaitu meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dengan melakukan perubahan terhadap manajemen pendidikan dari pola lama ke pola MPMBS. Faktor pendukung efektifitas implementasi MPMBS meliputi telah dilaksanakan dengan sungguh-sungguh otonomi yang dimiliki sekolah, peran serta masyarakat, kepemimpinan kepala sekolah yang demokratis transparan dan akuntabel, lingkungan sekolah yang kondusif serta dukungan anggaran dari pemerintah. Faktor penghambat meliputi masih rendahnya mutu guru sesuai standar pelayanan minimal pendidikan, keterbatasan sumber belajar dan media belajar serta hambatan birokrasi dalam pengelolaan keuangan sekolah.Saran yang diajukan: meningkatkan kualifikasi akademik guru yang belum sesuai dengan tuntutan program, serta Model MPMBS yang efektif adalah model manajemen yang demokratis, transparansi, dan komunikasi secara terbuka. The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of school-based management policy (MBS), supporting factor and inhibiting of SBM policy and to know the effective MBS model at SMK N 4 Kendal. The approach used in this research is qualitative approach with focus SMK Negeri 4 Kendal as an informant is principal, vice principal, school committee and teacher. Data collection is done through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed by using interactive model.The results showed that MPMBS ( Improvement quality based of management school ) policy begins interpretation process and socialization of policy to all education stakeholders. MPMBS policy implementation in SMK Negeri 4 Kendal achieved in accordance with the objectives of MPMBS policy that is to improve the quality of education by making changes to the management of education from the old pattern to the MPMBS pattern. Factors supporting the effectiveness of MPMBS implementation include having been implemented with genuine autonomy owned by schools, community participation, transparent and accountable headmaster leadership, a conducive school environment and budget support from the government. Inhibiting factors include the low quality of teachers according to minimum service standards of education, limited learning resources and learning media and bureaucratic obstacles in school financial management.Suggested suggestions: improve teacher academic qualifications that are not in line with program demands, effective MPMBS model is a democratic management model, transparency, and open communication.
The Influence of Service Quality on Loyality with Satisfaction, Trust and Corpaorate Image as Intervening Variables in Rukun Tani Village Cooperative Unit in Pageruyung District Kendal Regency. Maeriyana, Maeriyana; Soesilowati, Etty; Rozi, Fahrur
Journal of Economic Education Vol 8 No 1 (2019): June 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jeec.v8i1.30185


KUD (Village Cooperative Unit) becomes the main pillar of rural community’s economy which is a forum for the development of various rural community activities organized by and for the community itself. Therefore, support from various parties is needed to improve the progress of the KUD especially for its members to always be loyal to each of its business unit. The objective of the study is to analyze and identify the loyalty of members of the Rukun Tani Village Cooperative Unit who were influenced by the quality of service through satisfaction, trust and corporate image. The research method used is quantitative approach. The study population is 365 members and the sample is 191 members. The sampling technique used is proportional sampling. While the data analysis techniques used are descriptive analysis and path analysis. The results of path analysis showed that service quality has a direct effect on satisfaction, trust, corporate image, and loyalty. The service quality influences loyalty indirectly through satisfaction. The quality of service influences loyalty indirectly through trust. The quality of service influences loyalty indirectly through corporate image.
JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Vol 2, No 2 (2009): September 2009
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jejak.v2i2.1465


Whether the government interference is necessary or not, has already everlasting theme in term ofthe history of economy policy. Most of people believed in vary of irrational myths that market mechanismwould be able to guarantee productivity, privatization would increase efficiency, the government roleshould be restricted and most of all, everything should be liberated to the private sector. It is unavoidablethat such policy contained certain implications. Deregulation policy that has been done so far, was one ofthe main factors of the bigger global policy that is liberalization of economy. However, does that globalpolicy was really useful for the public? Does privatization bring into people prosperity? Didn’tglobalization is only a myth that increased poverty and even huge gap between the have and the havenot? This paper is trying to study what neo liberalism is, what the policies, what is the government role,the strategic sectors that is colonized by foreign companies and, how intellectual should make theirmanner.Keywords: Neo liberalism, Myths, Expectation.
JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Vol 1, No 1 (2008): March 2008
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jejak.v1i1.1447


The aim of this research is to know how much is the impact of Semarang economics growth to theintensity of traffic jam on Semarang – Mranggen road, and, what is the strategy to solve it. This researchused descriptive percentase and SWOT analysis. The economics growth which is measured is GrossDomestic Product per capita (PDRB) during 1996 – 2005, and it had become a free variable. Meanwhile,the level of the annual average traffic jam during 1996 – 2005 had become a bounded variable. To knowthe policy strategy, it was done by interviewing some stake holders that has an authority in the field oftransportation. The result of this research showed that the economics growth of Semarang city hadimpact on individual role to the traffic jam as sum of 80,9%. The rest, 44,6% was influenced by someother things such as the activity of micro trader (PKL), parking man, public transportation and also peoplewho crossed the road. Based on SWOT analysis, the most appropriate strategy to solve the traffic jam isby integrated horizontal strategy. It means, all institutions that subordinated by Local Government(Pemda) such as Bapeda, Dinas Perhubungan dan Satpol PP, should work together to overcome thetraffic jam based on each authority. Nevertheless, the role of the police of Demak County as a verticalinstitution is not less important. In the long run, it is important to develop a modern public transportationsystem which is integrated, comfortable and also efficient, geometry road system that will be able toavoid the traffic intersection, and also to educate people how to do a good manner in trafficKeywords: Economic Growth, Traffic Jam, Policy Strategic.
JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Vol 3, No 2 (2010): September 2010
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jejak.v3i2.4654


The research aimed to synchronize inters sectors, which uses Rencana Tata Ruang dan Wilayah  as main guide. Scope of the discussion consist of comparison between the exixting and should condition. The locus of this research was in direct Aceh Singkil by focusing on housing and settlement, business and post disater infrastructure. The secondary data resources collected from BRR (Badan Rekonstruksi dan Rehabilitasi), The local Government of province and county and the identified funding institution. The primary data resources collected from interview, observation, focus group discussion and stakeholders meeting forum. The data analyzed by participative planning analysis, policy analysis, scale of priority and budget analysis. The result of this research showed: (1) there was overlapping program found on housing and settlement sectors; (2) some program that should be required but in fact they didn’t appear, even In infrastructure, housing and settlement sector and economics; (3) most of the program proposed to BRR expected to get financial support from BRR. The recommendations are: (1) they should organize completely definite RTRW program includes the amount of budget needed for the coming 20 years; (2 )they should allocate the budget for maximum 40% of APBD for routine and 60% for development, because after year of 2009 BRR and NGO’s will be no longer work there; (3) the patterns of coordination should gradually do from Musrenbang/Musbangdes/Musbang to sub district/county and another communication forum.  
Journal of Management and Business Vol 11, No 1 (2012): MARCH 2012
Publisher : Department of Management - Faculty of Business and Economics. Universitas Surabaya.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (17734.304 KB) | DOI: 10.24123/jmb.v11i1.210


This research was intended (1) to conduct deep examinations on the preparedness of KEK (Special Area for Economic Activity) infrastructures and the related institutions for investors. (2) to conduct the relevant cost-benefit analyses. This research employed quantitative and qualitative approaches. The analyses showed that there were really infrastructure supports (a sea harbor for exports, roads of national class, by pass, a tolled highway, railroads, an international airport and ample electricity), vendor supports (3,339 big- and medium-size industries, 644,000 small industries, a metal industrial center, 524 manufacturers and 873 export-oriented industries) and human resource supports (9 State-owned Colleges, 332 Private Colleges, 782 Vocational High Schools, 19 Private Work Training Centers and 2 State-owned Work Training Centers). Based on an assumption of an average price of Rp. 45,000/m for land and an average cost of Rp. 60,000/nT for filling out 2-meter deep coastal areas, it can be concluded that the recommended project should be continued because it has positive cashflows and net-cashflows as well as relatively high B/C ratio (19 kali). However, it has a relatively long waiting time for ROI (at least 25 years) and small IRR (7.7%).
Sainteknol : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 2 (2013): December 2013
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sainteknol.v11i2.5572


Penelitian bertujuan : mendesain sistem produksi garam yang berkualitas dan diversifikasi produk garam. Penelitian mempergunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan locus PT Garam Mas. Data dianalisis secara interaktif dan uji laboratorium. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hasil produksi garam menggunakan membran HDPE lebih putih dan bersih daripada produk garam konvensional “solar evaporation”. Garam konsumsi bermutu tinggi memiliki kandungan NaCl 97%, kadar air dibawah 0,05%, warna putih bersih, butiran kristal halus, digunakan untuk garam meja, penyedap makanan, camilan, industri sosis dan keju, serta industri minyak goreng. Garam konsumsi kelas menengah memiliki kadar NaCl 94,7-97% dan kadar air 3-7% untuk garam dapur, industri kecap, tahu, pakan ternak.Garam konsumsi mutu rendah memiliki kadar NaCl 90-94,7%, kadar air 5-10%, warna putih kusam, digunakan untuk pengasinan ikan dan pertanian. Kualitas dan kuantitas garam dipengaruhi oleh temperatur, iklim/cuaca, kekentalan air yang digunakan dan kedisiplinan petani.Penggunaan air kurang dari 23 Be berakibat produk garam tidak berkualitas. Optimasi proses pengolahan garam bahan baku menjadi garam konsumsi beriodium perlu dilakukan, sehingga memenuhi standar SNI. Sedangkan untuk membangun kelembagaan di tingkat petani diperlukan integrasi kebijakan antar stakeholder yang terkait melalui pembentukan kawasan minapolitan garam. o
The Effectiveness of School Operational Assistance Fund (Bos) Distribution in SD Negeri Girirejo 02 Ngablak Magelang Regency Rinda, Rinda Herdiyani; Joko Raharjo, Tri; Soesilowati, Etty
Educational Management Vol 8 No 2 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Educational Management

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This study aims to describe the planning, implementation, supervision, evaluation and reporting and accountability of the management of school operational assistance fund in SDN Girirejo 02 Ngablak, Magelang Regency. Data were collected by interview, questionnaire and documentation, which were then analyzed by quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the preparation of the RKAS was on schedule at the beginning of the fiscal year, based on the priority scale of school needs, and involved committees and teachers. The implementation aspect was not entirely successful because the distribution of BOS fund was still too late. Bookkeeping administration was in accordance with Permendiknas No. 48 of 2017. The aspect of supervision was still unsuccessful because there was no supervision from the school committee and related agencies on a regular basis. Evaluation activities by the committee had been conducted even though they had not been maximized. Reporting on the management of BOS fund in SDN Girirejo 02 can be said that it had been successful because it had made a report in accordance with the technical guidelines for managing BOS funds in accordance with Ministry of Education Regulation No.48 2017. The effectiveness of BOS fund management at SD Negeri Girirejo 02 reaches 63%, within the effective criteria.
Co-Authors - Jumaeri Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Adhim, Assafrul Ali Adhim, Assafrul Ali Agung Haryono Agung Yudhi Pramono, Agung Yudhi Agus Wahyudin Alifia Azzahrah Amin Pujiati Andi Basuki Andryan Setyadharma Anik Rahmawati, Anik Anita Widyawati Aris Ichwanto, Muhammad Aryan Eka Prastya Nugraha, Aryan Eka Avi Budi Setiawan Avi Budi Setiawan Ayu, Lely Kusumaning Baiq Diyah Rumingsih, Baiq Diyah Bambang Priyono Cahyo Budi Utomo, Cahyo Christy Elisha, Lempira Delu Damelia Delu Damelia, Delu Dewi Ayu Sakdiyyah Dewi Liesnoor Setyowati Dhita Prasisca Mutiatari Djoko Widodo Dyah Maya Nihayah Dyah Rini Indriyanti Efriyani Sumastuti Efryani Sumastuti Eko Handoyo Emi Anwarul Prastiwi, Emi Anwarul Erni Suryandari, Erni Eva Banowati Fahrur Rozi Fathur Rokhman Fitri Nurhayati Gias Agrianto Grace Natalia Marpaung, Grace Natalia Handayani, Trisna Haryono Haryono Hidayatun, Hidayatun Hidayatun, Hidayatun I Ketut Sudiana I Wayan Bayu Wiarta Indri Rahmawati Isti Hidayah Karmelia Ardhyanti Nor Fauzin Khaironi, Khaironi Kusuma, Nova Indra Latisha Sarah Lita Latiana Maeriyana, Maeriyana Maeriyana, Maeriyana Makbuludin Makbuludin, Makbuludin Maman Rachman Margunani, Margunani Melati, Inaya Sari Muh Fakhrihun Na'am Musino, Musino Musino, Musino Na:am, Muh Fakhrihun Nadhirin, Nadhirin Nadhirin, Nadhirin Nafisa, Rizki Nana Kariada Trimartuti Nana Kariada.TM Noffik Ermawati, Noffik Novita Rahmawati, Novita Nur Chayyi, Nur NURLAELA NURLAELA Octavianti Paramita P. Eko Prasetyo Pangestu, Yustiko Arvan Gilang Parameswari, Gita Yuliantina Parameswari, Gita Yuliantina Phany Ineke Putri Phany Inneke Putri Priyanto, Agustinus Sugeng Puji Handayati, Puji Renny Dwijayanti Retno Budi Wahyuni Rinda, Rinda Herdiyani Rusdarti - Rusiyanto Rusiyanto, Rusiyanto Satya Budi Nugraha Sidha Belanandra Radise Siti Ismuzaroh Siti Mas’ula Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti Sumihudiningsih, Yekti Syaiful Amri Thriwaty Arsal Tjaturahono Budi Sanjoto Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi, Tjetjep Rohendi Tri Atmaja, Hamdan Tri Joko Raharjo Wahid Akhsin Budi Nur Sidiq, Wahid Akhsin Budi Nur Wahyuningrum, Febrianti Wicaksana, Tania Widiyanto . Widiyanto Widiyanto Widiyanto Widiyanto Yozi Aulia Rahman, Yozi Aulia Yudhi Pramono, Agung Yudhi Pramono, Agung Yunus, Mahmud