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JURNAL KESMAS DAN GIZI (JKG) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Kesmas dan Gizi (JKG)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (199.557 KB) | DOI: 10.35451/jkg.v2i1.175


ABSTRACT Based on data from the Office of the Environment and cleanliness of Indragiri Hilir Regency, the amount of midden per day were approximately 57.312 tons, amount of middens per week were 401.18 tons and per month were 1719.36 ton. Kayujati market resulting waste in every day about 6000 kg/day. The research purpose was to analyzed waste management Kayujati market in Tembilahan Indragiri Hilir Regency in 2018. This research was qualitative descriptive, that was conducting observation and depth interviews. Informant in this research was 6 persons. Variables was researched among other was waste sorting, collecting and storage in source location, transportation. The results showed that there was no separation between organic and inorganic waste, waste collection was carried out by the market administrator who was conducted once a day, during the day with a fee is two thousand rupiah per kiosk, garbage transportation was carried out by janitors using brooms and scopes, even by hand, and then, it is conducted three times in a day in the morning, afternoon and evening. And total 5 person per work shift. Suggestions for market administrator to require traders to own their own trash, sorting between organic and inorganic waste so that they fulfill health requirements, and sanction the traders who dispose of their trash not in place. Keywords : Waste Management, Market
Pemanfaatan Media Dalam Strategi Pemasaran di Rumah Sakit Syafira Pekanbaru Tahun 2016: Pemanfaatan Media Dalam Strategi Pemasaran di Rumah Sakit Syafira Pekanbaru Tahun 2016 leon candra
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 3 No 5 (2017): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (545.8 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol3.Iss5.161


Use of media in the marketing strategy is an element of marketing tactics in an attempt to capture the market. Indicators of success are increased traffic promotions. Based on a survey conducted through interviews known that since the beginning of the Hospital stood own promotional programs, such as promotion through print media (brochures, leaflets, banners), electronic media (TV) and online media (official site). The purpose of this study is to obtain in-depth information about the use of media in the marketing strategy at the Hospital Syafira 2016. This study was descriptive qualitative. The study was conducted at Hospital Syafira Pekanbaru. Subject of the study consisted of 3 main informant, 3 people informant support. With the method of collecting data through observation, interviews dam has the document. To maintain the validity of the data is done by means of triangulation. The results of the study, targeted communication of the Hospital is the whole society is in need of health services as well as the expected response from the target of the media campaign is limited only to find out the services that exist at the hospital. In setting the amount of the budget into the specific factors that need to be considered, namely in terms of the frequency of advertising and market share. Determining the message is done by involving the community or visitors. Selection of the budget available media that is using print media such as brochures, leaflets, banners, billboards, online media and social media such as facebook, twitter, instagram, specific media type is most effective is to use the brochure. Suggestions to the hospital, to determine the target of communication. Paying attention to the message, not just to provide information services, but the message may cause awareness or attention, interest, create desire, and encourage action. Managing back website which until now have been inaccessible again
Sistem Informasi Vol 7 No 02 (2017): Jurnal Photon
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37859/jp.v7i02.504


Customer loyalty is a person who buys, especially purchase regularly and repeat edly (Hassan, 2008). The purpose of this study is whet her there is a relationship of health service quality and out patient loyalty of poly OBGYN in RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru 2016. This research method is quantitative analytic observational using cross-sectional design, respondents were out patients of poly OBGYN RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru. The study sample as many as 97 out patients. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. The analysisis univariate and bivariate analysis using Chi-square, measuring instruments used were question naires and computerized data processing. The results showed anassociation between tangibles (p value = 0.046 and POR = 2.9), reliability (p value = 0.007, and POR = 4) and empathy (p value = 0.031, and POR = 3.4) with patient loyalty in the Poly Obgyn RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru. The absence of a relationship between responsiveness (p value = 0.079, and POR = 0.3) and assurance (p value = 0.593, and POR = 1.4) with patient loyalty in the Poli OBGYN RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru. Suggested for RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru need to do the training, disseminating feed back, criticisms, and suggestions of the patien/family and need to think about how to suppress deficiencies in service, equipment (tangible ) to improve service quality, and human resources, that are expected to display the superior it service.
Determinan Kejadian Anemia Pada Remaja Putri Di SMA Negeri 1 Reteh Kecamatan Reteh Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir Tahun 2019 Sherly Vermita w; M Dedi Widodo; Leon Candra; Fenti Rialita
Sistem Informasi Vol 9 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Photon
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37859/jp.v9i2.1265


Anemia is a condition where there is a decrease in the number of red cell mass which is indicated by adecrease in hemoglobin level <11 g / dl, hematocrit, and erythrocyte count (red cell count). The Indragiri HilirDistrict Health Office for girlsin 2016 amounted to 22.8% of 880, 201 young women who experienced anemia.General Objectives Describe and determine Determinants that affect the incidence of anemia in youngwomen in SMA 1 Reteh in 2018. This type of research is observational analytic with Cross Sectional researchdesign. The population in this study were all young female in SMA 1 Reteh with a total of 405 female studentsand the number of samples in this study was 198 students taken using simple random techniques. Theanalysis used was univariate and bivariate analysis with chi-square test. The results showed values forknowledge (P value = 0.001), eating habits for inhibiting iron absorption (P value = 0.001), menstrual patterns(P value = 0.001) and nutritional status (P value = 0.001) meaning that there was a significant relationshipwith the incidence of anemia. It is better for the SMA 1 Reteh to be expected by the teacher to provide anemiaknowledge to the students and put information on anemia. And it is expected that students consumenutritious foods to avoid anemia
A Analisis Manajemen Pengelolaan Linen Di Instalasi Laundry Rumah Sakit Permata Hati Duri Kec Mandau Kab Bengkalis Tahun 2020: Manajemen Pengelolaan Linen Reni Ardrianti; Leon Candra; Arief Wahyudi
Media Kesmas (Public Health Media) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Media Kesmas ( Public Health Media )
Publisher : Progam Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (240.786 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/kesmas.Vol1.Iss2.18


Rumah sakit dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan perlu ditunjang oleh pelayanan non medik, salah satunya instalasi laundry. Survei awal di RS Permata Hati Duri menggambarkan bangunan instalasi laundry Rumah Sakit tidak memenuhi standar serta jumlah linen yang belum mencukupi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis manajemen pengelolaan linen di laundry RS Permata Hati Duri Kecamatan Mandau Kabupaten Bengkalis Tahun 2020. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif yaitu secara khusus membuat gambaran berdasakan hasil wawancara dan observasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Permata Hati selama satu bulan, mulai tanggal 31 April sampai dengan 30 Mei tahun 2020. Informan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling (non probability) yaitu kepala ruangan instalasi laundry, kepala bagian K3 RS dan umum, kepala bagian keperawatan, staf laundry, staf keperawatan. Analisis data menggunakan triangulasi data. Hasil penelitian yaitu SDM di instalasi laundry RS Permata Hati terdiri dari 4 orang staf pelaksana dan 1 orang kepala ruangan. Staf belum mendapatkan pelatihan. Sarana peralatan di instalasi laundry RS Permata Hati telah tersedia, namun prasarana seperti ruangan belum sesuai dengan standar serta belum ada sekat pemisah antara tiap kegiatan pengelolaan linen. SPO di instalasi laundry RS Permata Hati telah tersedia, disosialisasikan dan ada di ruangan serta terdapat reward dan punishment bagi petugas yang tidak menjalankan SPO. Namun evaluasi yang dijalankan belum maksimal.Diperlukan penambahan tenaga staf pelaksana di instalasi laundry RS Permata Hati serta pelatihan kepada para staf agar tidak terjadi kendala dalam pengelolaan dan pendistribusian linen.
ANALISIS KINERJA PETUGAS DIINSTALASI RADIOLOGI RUMAH SAKIT LANCANG KUNING PEKANBARU : Analysis Of Officer Performance Installed Radiology Of Lancang Kuning Of Pekanbaru Afridiyanti Diyanti; Leon Candra; Ahmad Satria Efendi
Media Kesmas (Public Health Media) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Media Kesmas ( Public Health Media )
Publisher : Progam Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (143.886 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/kesmas.Vol1.Iss2.23


Sumber daya manusia yang ada di Instalasi Radiologi Rumah Sakit Lancang kuning Pekanbaru masih belum memadai,pendidikan dan pelatihan yang masih jarang dilakukan serta kurangnya motivasi yang diberikan kepada petugas dan SOP yang belum dilaksanakan secara maksimal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk diketahuinya Analisis Kinerja Petugas DiInstalasi Radiologi Rumah Sakit Lancang Kuning Pekanbaru Tahun 2020. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan metode kualitatif. Informan penelitian berjumlah 4 orang yaitu Informan Utama terdiri dari Kepala Ruangan Radiologi dan Petugas Radiologi dan Informan Penunjang yaitu Direktur Rumah Sakit dan Kepala Bidang Pelayanan Medik atau Penunjang Medik.  Hasil penelitian diketahui jumlah SDM yang ada masih belum memadai dan perlu adanya penambahan lagi, pendidikan dan pelatihan hanya berupa seminar-seminar saja karna tidak adanya dana dari rumah sakit untuk melaksanakan pelatihan, motivasi yang diberikan atasan hanya berupa arahan saja tidak diberikan bonus, reward atau insentif kepada petugas, SOP di Instalasi Radiologi sudah ada dan sudah berjalan walaupun belum 100% karena masih terdapat kendala pada alatnya. Diharapakan SDM di Instalasi Radiologi ditambah dan diberikan pelatihan dan pendidikan sesuai kebutuhan, serta peningkatan motivasi kepada petugas.   The existing human resources in the Radiology Installation of LancangKuning Hospital in Pekanbaru are still inadequate, education and training are still rarely done as well as the lack of motivation given to officers and Standar Operasional Prosedur  that have not been carried out to the fullest. The purpose of this research is to know the Performance Analysis of Radiology Installation Officer at LancangKuning Hospital Pekanbaru in 2020. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative method approach. There were 4 research informants, namely the Main Informant consisting of the Head of the Radiology Room and Radiology Officers and Supporting Informants, namely the Hospital Director and the Head of Medical Services or Medical Support. The results of the study revealed that the number of existing human resources was still inadequate and there was a need for more additions, education and training were only in the form of seminars because there was no funding from the hospital to carry out training, motivation given by superiors was only in the form of directives, not given bonuses, rewards or incentives to officers, Standar operasional prosedur in Radiology Installation already exists and is already running even though it is not yet 100% because there are still problems with the equipment. It is expected that HR in the Radiology Installation will be added and given training and education as needed, as well as increased motivation for officers.  
Media Kesmas (Public Health Media) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Media Kesmas ( Public Health Media )
Publisher : Progam Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (88.341 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/kesmas.Vol1.Iss2.56


Instalasi gizi di rumah sakit menjadi tempat yang berpotensi tinggi menyebabkan kebakaran karena di instalasi gizi terdapat pekerjaan memasak, dimana pekerjaan tersebut sangat berisiko karena langsung berhadapan dengan api dan tabung gas. Untuk itu perlu dilakasanakan program tanggap darurat agar bahaya tersebut dapat diminimalisir. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui mengenai kesiapan pekerja dalam penanggulangan darurat kebakaran di gedung instalasi gizi  rumah sakit jiwa tampan tahun  2020. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dilakukan di gedung instalasi gizi Rumah Sakit Jiwa Tampan Riau pada tangga 7-9 Juli tahun 2020. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 3 orang terdiri dari Sekretaris komite K3, Kepala instalasi gizi, dan Karyawan instalasi gizi. Instrumen pendukung yang digunakan pedoman wawancara, yang terdapat pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sesuai dengan fokus penelitian. Peneliti juga menggunakan alat bantu rekam, kamera, serta alat pencatat yang mendukung penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kesiapan pekerja dalam penanggulan darurat kebakaran  khususnya dalam penggunaan APAR belum cukup siap, kesiapan dan pemahaman pekerja instalasi gizi terhadap proses evakuasi bila terjadi darurat kebakaran belum cukup siap, Akses menuju titik kumpul tidak sulit, hal ini sudah sesuai dengan Permen PU No.14/PRT/M/2017, namun jarak titik kumpul terlalu dekat, kurang dari 20 meter dengan bangunan gedung. Dapat disimpulkan kesiapan pekerja dalam penanggulangan darurat kebakaran di gedung instalasi gizi Rumah Sakit Jiwa Tampan Provinsi Riau belum cukup baik dikarnakan tidak semua pekerja mendapat pelatihan darurat kebakaran, untuk itu perlu pelatihan keseluruh pekerja sehingga bila terjadi darurat kebakaran semua pekerja sudah siap menghadapinya. The nutrition installation in the hospital is a place that has a high potential to cause fires because in the nutrition installation there is cooking work, where the work is very risky because it is directly dealing with fire and gas cylinders. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out an emergency response program so that these hazards can be minimized. The purpose of the study was to find out about the readiness of workers in dealing with fire emergencies in the nutrition installation building of the handsome mental hospital in 2020. This type of research used qualitative research, the research location was carried out in the nutrition installation building of the Tampan Riau Mental Hospital, the study was carried out in July 2020. There were 3 informants in this study, consisting of the secretary of the K3 committee, the head of the nutrition installation, and the employees of the nutrition installation. Collecting data using interview guidelines, and observation sheets. The results showed that the readiness of workers in dealing with fire emergencies, especially in the use of fire extinguishers, was not quite ready, the readiness and understanding of nutrition installation workers for the evacuation process in the event of a fire emergency was not quite ready. 14/PRT/M/2017, but the meeting point is too close, less than 20 meters from the building.
Penyelenggaraan Makanan Pasien Di Instalasinya Gizi RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru Tahun 2020: Provision of Patient Meals at the Nutrition Installation of RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru in 2020 Noviana Gusriyani; Leon Candra; Arnawilis Arnawilis
Media Kesmas (Public Health Media) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Media Kesmas ( Public Health Media )
Publisher : Progam Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (83.06 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/kesmas.Vol1.Iss2.73


Penyelenggaraan makanan di instalasi gizi RSIA Eria Bunda belum berjalan dengan baik, pada perencanaan menu belum berjalan optimal. Untuk pengantaran bahan makanan yang dilakukan vendor tidak tepat waktu. Rasa dan tekstur makanan masih kurang. Bahan yang diterima tidak sesuai. Untuk tempat penyimpanan bahan makanan belum memenuhi standar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perencanaan menu, pengadaan bahan makanan, penerimaan bahan makanan, penyimpanan bahan makanan dan pengolahan bahan makanan di Instalasi Gizi RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Informan penelitian berjumlah 5 orang yaitu Informan Utama terdiri dari Kepala Instalasi Gizi dan Penanggung Jawab Juru Masak, dan Informan Penunjang terdiri dari Pramusaji. Kesimpulan dari penelitian bahwa penyelenggaraan makanan di Instalasi Gizi masih belum sesuai dengan langkah-langkah atau pedoman yang dikeluarkan Kemenkes RI (2013), masih ada kendala dalam penyelenggaraan makanan pasien, untuk itu disarankan bagi Instalasi Gizi lebih memperhatikan dan lebih teliti lagi dalam memperhatikan proses penyelenggaraan makanan agar mendapatkan hasil yang bagus dan kualitas makanan pasien yang lebih terjamin. Food delivery at the nutrition installation of RSIA Eria Bunda has not been going well and the menu planning has not been optimal. The vendor did not deliver food on time. The taste and texture of the food are still lacking. Ingredient received is not suitable. For food storage, it does not meet the standart. The purpose of this study was to determine menu planning, procurement of foodstuff, receipt of foodstuff, storage of foodstuff and processing of food ingredient at the nutrition installation of RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru. This research was conducted using a descriptive research design with a qualitative approach. The number of informants in the study were 5 poeple, namely the main informants consisting of the head of the nutrition installation, the person in charge of the cook and the supporting informants consisting of the waiters. The conclusion from the research is that the implementation of food at the nutrition installation is still not in accordance with the step or guideline issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Health (2013), there are still obstacles in the administration of patient food, for that is recommended that the Nutrition Installation pay more attention and be more careful in paying attention to the food handing process in order to get good result and the quality of the patient’s food more guaranteed.
Media Kesmas (Public Health Media) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Media Kesmas ( Public Health Media )
Publisher : Progam Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (145.249 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/kesmas.Vol1.Iss2.76


Laboratorium klinik adalah laboratorium kesehatan yang melaksanakan pelayanan, pemeriksaan specimen klinik untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang kesehatan perorangan terutama untuk menunjang upaya diagnosis penyakit, penyembuhan penyakit, dan pemulihan kesehatan.Tujuan penelitian ini secara umum untuk mengetahui Analisi Kelengkapan Standar Instalasi Laboratorium di RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru Tahun 2020.Dilakukan wawancara mendalam dan observasi kepada 5 informan.Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru di jln.K.H.Ahmad Dahlan No.163 Sukajadi Pekanbaru, Riau, khususnya dibagian laboratorium pada bulan Maret-April 2020.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa SDM di laboratorium belum sesuai dengan standar, Sarana di laboratorium belum sesuai dengan standar, Prasarana di laboratorium belum sesuai dengan standar, dan SOP di laboratorium belum sesuai dengan standarnya. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa SDM di laboratorium masih perlu penambahan SDM atau memaksimalkan SDM yang ada dengan menggatur ulang jadwal shiff, Sarana di laboratorium harus dilengkapi dari ruang-ruangan sampai alat laboratorium, Prasarana menyediakan KM/WC untuk pasien dan petugas secara terpisah disekitar laboratorium, dan SOP di laboratorium perlu adanya pengawasan untuk staf analis dalam menerapkan SOP di RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru Tahun 2020. A clinical laboratory is a health laboratory that provides service, examines clinical specimen to obtain information on individual health, especially to support effort to diagnose disease, cures disease and restores health. The purpose of this study generally was to determine the analysis of standard completeness of laboratory installation at RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru in 2020. In-depth interview and observation were conducted with 5 informants. The location of the research was carried out at RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru on KH. Ahmad Dahlan street No.163 Sukajadi Pekanbaru, Riau, especially in the laboratory section on March-April 2020. The result showed that the human resources in the laboratory were not in accordance with standard, the facility in the laboratory was not in accordance with the standard, the infrastructure in the laboratory was not in accordance with the standard, and SOP in the laboratory was not in accordance with the standard. From the result of the study it can be concluded that the human resources in the laboratory still need to add more human resources or maximize existing human resources by resetting the shiff schedule, the facility in the laboratory must be equipped from rooms to laboratory equipment, infrastructure provides bathroom /toilet for patient and staff separately around the laboratory , and SOP in the laboratory needs supervision for analizing staff in implementing SOP at RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru in 2020.
Media Kesmas (Public Health Media) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): Jurnal Media Kesmas (Public Health Media)
Publisher : Progam Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (165.171 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/kesmas.Vol1.Iss3.87


Laboratorium salah satu prasarana kesehatan yang berpotensi terhadap gangguan kesehatan bagi tenaga medis petugas laboratorium. Untuk wilayah Riau pada tahun 2019 terdapat jumlah kecelakaan kerja sebanyak 14.325 kasus. RS Jiwa Tampan mempunyai beberapa prasarana kesehatan salah satunya adalah laboratorium klinik yang merupakan prasarana kesehatan yang berpotensi terhadap gangguan kesehatan bagi tenaga medis petugas laboratorium. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana Penerapan Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Pada Petugas Laboratorium Di RS Jiwa Tampan Provinsi Riau Tahun 2020. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan jumlah informan 3 (Tiga) orang, 1 informan kunci (IK), 1 informan utama (IU), dan 1 informan pendukung (IP). Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis triangulasi data yaitu dengan membandingkan hasil wawancara dengan hasil pengamatan (observasi) dan membandingkan keadaan dan perspektif seseorang dengan berbagai pendapat dan pandangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, secara keseluruhan semua petugas laboratorium sudah menggunakan APD secara tepat, APD yang petugas gunakan seperti masker, jas lab, penutup kepala, sepatu pelindung, handscoon, hanya saja sepatu booth khusus untuk di laboratorium yang belum rumah sakit sediakan. Rumah sakit juga sudah mempunyai standar operasional K3 tetapi belum terarah dan masih ada SOP yang belum dibuat dan semua petugas di laboratorium RS Jiwa Tampan juga melakukan pekerjaannya sesuai dengan SOP yang telah ditetapkan oleh rumah sakit. Petugas laboratorium pun sudah mengikuti pelatihan K3 umum dari rumah sakit tetapi mereka belum mendapatkan pelatihan K3 khusus untuk laboratorium. Laboratory is one of the health infrastructures that has the potential to cause health problems for laboratory medical personnel. For the Riau region in 2019 there were a total of 14,325 work accidents. Tampan Mental Hospital has several health infrastructure, one of which is a clinical laboratory which is a health infrastructure that has the potential to cause health problems for medical laboratory personnel. The purpose of this study was to determine how the application of occupational safety and health to laboratory personnel at the Tampan Mental Hospital in Riau Province in 2020. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with 3 (three) informants, 1 key informant (IK), 1 main informant (IU). ), and 1 supporting informant (IP). In this study, researchers used a qualitative descriptive research method. The analysis used is data triangulation analysis by comparing the results of interviews with observations (observations) and comparing the circumstances and perspectives of a person with various opinions and views. The results showed that, overall, all laboratory personnel had used PPE appropriately, the PPE the officers used such as masks, lab coats, headgear, protective shoes, handscoons, only special booth shoes for laboratories that the hospital did not provide. The hospital also has K3 operational standards but it is not yet targeted and there are still SOPs that have not been made and all the staff in the Tampan Mental Hospital laboratory also carry out their work in accordance with the SOPs set by the hospital. Laboratory staff have also attended general K3 training from the hospital but they have not received special K3 training for laboratories.