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MODEL ENROLLMENT PENERIMAAN SISWA BARU SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA NEGERI MENGGUNAKAN METODE AHP & SAW (Studi Kasus : Dinas Pendidikan Kab Bangkalan) Novia Sulviatin; Moch. Kautsar Sophan; Yeni Kustiyahningsih
Jurnal Simantec Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/simantec.v4i2.1387


ABSTRAKPenerimaan Siswa Baru (PSB) merupakan kegiatan tahunan yang dilaksanakan oleh semua sekolah di setiap jenjang. Di Kabupaten Bangkalan proses ini masih menggunakan cara manual dalam pelaksanaannya. Selama ini, calon siswa harus datang ke sekolah untuk melakukan pendaftaran. Setiap hari calon siswa harus mengecek apakah namanya tercantum dalam kuota penerimaan atau tidak. Apabila nama mereka tidak tercantum dalam kuota penerimaan, maka mereka harus memilih sekolah baru dan melakukan proses yang sama hingga batas waktu yang ditetapkan. Sistem enrollment merupakan salah satu solusi permasalahan di atas. Enrollment dimulai dari proses pendaftaran online, proses penyeleksian hingga pengumaman hasil seleksi secara online. Pada penelitian ini, proses penyeleksian menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). AHP digunakan untuk menentukan bobot dari kriteria calon siswa yaitu nilai UAN, prestasi individu, dan usia, sedangkan SAW digunakan sebagai langkah akhir penjumlahan bobot kriteria hingga menghasilkan peringkat nilai tertinggi ke terendah calon siswa berdasarkan kriteria tersebut. Calon siswa yang tersisih dari kuota penerimaan diberikan rekomendasi sekolah baru berdasarkan jarak terdekat tempat domosili siswa ke sekolah baru. Data yang digunakan sebagai uji coba adalah data pendaftar siswa baru tahun pelajaran 2012-2013 SMP Negeri 2 Bangkalan dan menghasilkan tingkat akurasi sebesar 91.5%.Kata kunci : AHP,Enrollment, PSB Online, Rekomendasi, SAW. ABSTRACTNew Student Admission (NSA) is an annual activity held by all education institutions. In Bangkalan regency, this activity still uses a manual way in its process. Prospective students should come to the school to register themselves. Every day they should check whether their names are included on the list of the admission quota or not. If their names are not included in the list, then they should choose other school and repeat the same process until the deadline of the admission. Enrollment system is one of the solutions of the above problem. Enrollment begins with an online registration, then a selection process, until the last is the online announcement of the selection result. In this study, the selection process used the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) methods. AHP is used to determine the quality of the prospective students’ criteria, including the national examination score, individual achievement, and age. While SAW is used as the last step, the addition of the criteria quality to reveal the highest until the lowest ranks based on those criteria. The eliminated prospective students from the admission quota would get a recommendation of the new prospective schools based on the distance of their place of residence to the new schools. The trial data used is the data of the new student admission in the academic year of 2012-2013 in Junior High School 2 Bangkalan and result accuracy rate of 91.5 %.Keywords: Enrollment, NSA Online, AHP, SAW, Recommendation
Jurnal Simantec Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/simantec.v4i2.1388


ABSTRAKKantor pos memberikan suatu jasa pelayanan yaitu jasa pelayanan pengiriman barang. Dalam hal ini petugas pos harus mengirimkan banyak barang ke alamat-alamat pelanggan. Namun banyaknya jalan raya pada jaman sekarang terkadang menyulitkan petugas pos untuk memilih jalan mana yang dalam segi waktu tempuhnya lebih optimal. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu sistem informasi yang dapat menemukan jalur optimum untuk menghemat waktu dengan memperhitungkan antara panjang jalan dan kecepatan berkendara pada tiap ruas jalan. Sistem ini nantinya dibuat dengan menggunakan metode Simulated Annealing dan berbasis Web. Dengan memanfaatkan web untuk pengaksesannya, sistem ini mampu memberikan informasi yang cukup berguna bagi petugas pos mengenai jalur optimum dengan nilai total waktu tempuh paling optimal sehingga dalam mengantarkan barang dari kantor pos menuju alamat tujuan pelanggannya dapat menghemat waktu. Jalur optimum divisualisasikan dalam bentuk graf. Dari hasil uji coba yang dilakukan dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa metode Simulated Annealing dapat digunakan untuk proses pencarian jalur optimal dengan alamat tujuan lebih dari satu.Kata Kunci : Simulated Annealing, Pengiriman Barang, Jalur Optimum, Kantor Pos, Graf. ABSTRACTPost offices provide a service that is service delivery. In this case the postman has to send stuff to the customer addresses. But many roads today sometimes make it difficult for the postman to choose which path in terms of travel time is more optimal. Therefore we need an information system that can find the optimal path to save time by measuring the length of the road and driving speed on each road segment. This system will be made by using the method of Simulated Annealing and Web-based. By making use of the web for accessing it, the system is able to provide information that is useful for the postman about optimum path with a total value of travel time so that the most optimal from the post office to deliver the goods from the post office to the customers address can save time. The optimum path is visualized in the form of a graph. From the results of experiments performed can be concluded that the method of Simulated Annealing can be used to search the optimal path to the destination address more than one.Keyword: Simulated Annealing, Shipping, Optimum Path, Post Office, Graph
Jurnal Simantec Vol 5, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/simantec.v5i3.2348


ABSTRAKLaboratorium berfungsi untuk menunjang kegiatan perkuliahan. Dalam hal ini, admin bertanggungjawab atas semua kegiatan akademik yang dilaksanakan di laboratorium. Namun banyaknya kegiatan akademik tersebut tidak sebanding dengan sumber daya manusia, sehingga admin kesulitan menangani semua kegiatan akademik tersebut. Open recruitment dibutuhkan untuk menjaring mahasiswa-mahasiswa berprestasi guna menjadi warga laboratorium. Kriteria kriteria yang ditentukan pada open recruitment warga laboratorium, meliputi: online test, live coding, interview, presentasi, IPK, dan semester. Penilaian open recruitment selama ini dilakukan secara manual dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel, sehingga proses pengolahan data lama dalam pengambilan keputusan, maka sistem ini dibuat dengan menggunakan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) dan Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) sebagai solusi alternatif serta berbasis web. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba menggunakan metode SAW menunjukkan nilai kecocokan urutan alternatif dengan hasil real sebesar 33,33%dan nilai kecocokan jumlah alternatif dengan hasil real sebesar 93,33%. Sedangkan, hasil uji coba menggunakan metode TOPSIS menunjukkan nilai kecocokan urutan alternatif dengan hasil real sebesar 46,67%dan nilai kecocokan jumlah alternatif dengan hasil real sebesar 100%.Kata Kunci : Open recruitment, Laboratorium, Simple Additive Weighting, Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution.ABSTRACTLaboratorium has function to support college activity. In this case, administrator has responsible for all academic activity that held in the laboratorium. Nonetheless, the amounts of academic activities are not balance with human resources, in order that, administrator difficult handles all this academic activity. Open Recruitment needed to trawl the outstanding college students to be a society of laboratorium. Requirements for Open Recruitment include of : online test, live coding, interview, presentation, IPK, and semester. The valuation of Open Recruitment for this whole time is manual by using Microsoft Excel, so that the process management of data take a long time to decide, then this system create with the method Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) as an alternative solution based of WEB. Based of trial by using method SAW shows suitable value of alternative arrangement with the result real as 33,33% and suitable value of alternative total with the result real as 93,33%. While, the result of trial use method TOPSIS shows suitable value of alternative arrangement with the result real as 46,67% and suitable value of alternative total with the result real as 100%.Keywords :Open recruitment, Laboratory, Simple Additive Weighting, Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution.
PENGEMBANGAN KOMPETENSI GURU SMKN 1 LABANG BANGKALAN MELALUI PEMBUATAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN AUGMENTED REALITY DENGAN METAVERSE Ariesta Kartika Sari; Puji Rahayu Ningsih; Wanda Ramansyah; Arik Kurniawati; Indah Agustien Siradjuddin; Mochammad Kautsar Sophan
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Februari 2020
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (715.425 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v4i1.7620


An Improvement on Competence of SMKN 1 Labang Bangkalan Educators by Creating Augmented Reality Learning Media Using MetaverseAbstract. Currently, technology has entered the Information Technology Era 4.0, where technology using the internet is increasingly being used. Along with the development of technology and information and referring to the competence of teachers in the Teacher Law and Lecturer Number 14 of 2005, a teacher is expected to be able to utilize technology, information and communication in the application of learning. This is needed in order to improve the quality of education and learning in schools. One of the efforts in increasing teacher competency related to instructional media is through training in making augmented reality learning media using the metaverse application. The learning media development activity is located at SMK Negeri 1 Labang Bangkalan Madura with the Participants being 14 teachers. The method of this activities is workshops and presentations. The evaluation method in this activity is through the distribution of the questionnaire response instruments. This activity produces: (a)  augmented reality learning media by using the metaverse application and (b) teacher responses. This activity giving conclusion that: (a) training in the development of Augmented Reality learning media using metaverse application can develop the competency of teacher skills which related to learning media, (b) 100% of the activity participants expressed interest, and (c) 93% of the training participants stated that the development of media Augmented Reality learning by using the metaverse application is useful.Keywords: competence, learning media, Augmented Reality, MetaverseAbstrak. Saat ini teknologi telah memasuki Era Teknologi Informasi 4.0, yang mana teknologi dengan memanfaatkan internet makin banyak digunakan. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi dan informasi tesebut serta mengacu pada kompetensi guru dalam Undang-undang Guru dan Dosen Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tersebut, maka seorang guru diharapkan mampu memanfaatkan teknologi, informasi  dan komunikasi dalam penerapan pembelajaran.  Hal ini diperlukan dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas pendidikan dan pembelajaran dalam sekolah. Salah satu upaya dalam peningkatan kompetensi guru terkait media pembelajaran adalah melalui adanya pelatihan pembuatan media pembelajaran Augmented Reality dengan menggunakan aplikasi metaverse.  Kegiatan pengabdian pengembangan media pembelajaran ini bertempat di SMKN 1 Labang Bangkalan Madura, Peserta Kegiatan adalah guru-guru sebanyak 14 orang. Metode kegiatan pengabdian adalah berupa workshop dan presentasi. Metode evaluasi pada kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah melalui penyebaran instrumen angket respon. Kegiatan ini menghasilkan media pembelajaran Augmented Reality dengan menggunakan aplikasi metaverse serta respon guru. Kegiatan pengabdian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa: (a) pelatihan pengembangan media pembelajaran Augmented Reality dengan aplikasi metaverse dapat mengembangkan kompetensi keterampilan guru terkait media pembelajaran, (b) 100% peserta kegiatan menyatakan tertarik, dan (c) 93% peserta pelatihan menyatakan bahwa pengembangan media pembelajaran Augmented Reality dengan menggunakan aplikasi metaverse adalah bermanfaat.Kata Kunci:  kompetensi, media pembelajaran, Augmented Reality, Metaverse
DEVELOPMENT OF “INTRODUCTION TO NETWORKING” LEARNING MATERIALS FOR CLASS XI TKJ IN SMKN 1 KAMAL USING UNITY 3D Mochammad Kautsar Sophan; Muchamad Arif; Yonathan Ferry Hendrawan; Indah Rodiatun Mardiyah
Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education(APJME) Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education
Publisher : AIBPM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32535/apjme.v1i1.102


This research is based on the condition in which printed books and modules were not enabling enough for the students to study the Introduction to Networking materials. The results were the students’ lack of learning motivation and low learning outcomes. One alternative to improve the motivation and interest in learning is using Unity 3D for learning resources. For this research, ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) was used as the development model. The new materials were tested to XI grade TKJ students of SMKN 1 Kamal. Results obtained from survey on small group trials were 93% and for large group trials were 90%. After they were converted to the table of achievement level and qualification, the results acquired very high qualification of 90% -100% with highly feasible description.
PEMBUATAN DAN DIGITALISASI BATIK TULIS MADURA PADA UKM BATIK BANGKALAN Indah Agustien Siradjuddin; M. Kautsar Sophan; Arik Kurniawati; Rima Triwahyuningrum
Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Services) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): JURNAL LAYANAN MASYARAKAT
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (198.341 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jlm.v3i1.2019.18-21


Batik Madura dikenal akan jenis batik tulis Madura yang memiliki motif batik dan warna batik yang unik. Keseluruhan produksi batik tulis Madura ini dilakukan secara manual, mulai dari desain batik, menggambar batik pada kain, mencanting, fiksasi, pewarnaan, dan lain-lain. Proses manual inilah yang tetap menjaga keaslian batik tulis Madura. Hanya saja, kain batik yang dihasilkan pada batik tulis Madura ini, tidak menghasilkan pola yang simetris ketika kain batik dibuat menjadi sebuah pakaian. Motif-motif yang terdapat pada pakaian yang berasal dari kain batik tulis Madura, tidak membentuk pola yang simetris. Oleh karena itu diperlukan upaya agar motif-motif yang dibuat oleh pengrajin batik, dapat membentuk pola simetris pada suatu pakaian. Kegiatan pengabdian yang diusulkan adalah pembuatan motif batik tulis Madura, agar pakaian yang dihasilkan menampilkan pola simetris, dengan bantuan perangkat lunak. Tahap pertama yang dilakukan adalah pembuatan mal atau template pakaian yang akan dibuat, penyusunan mal ini pada desain kain batik, penyusunan motif-motif batik pada kain sehingga sesuai dengan mal pakaian yang telah ada.
SMS Gateway Based Vacancy of Work Vocation Information System on Pamekasan Region selia resita; achmad jauhari; Moch Kautsar Sophan
International Journal of Science, Engineering, and Information Technology Vol 1, No 2 (2017): IJSEIT Volume. 01 Issue. 02 JULY 2017
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (278.751 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/ijseit.v1i2.6455


The increased growth of the society in Pamekasan from year to year is directly proportional to the number of job seekers increase continuesly. A large number of job seekers is not only due to the inadequate number of jobs, but also because of the slow and precise job information to the proper parties (the people who need jobs). Disnakertrans as an institution formed by the Government has made several attemps to minimize the number of job seekers, but until now the result obtained are not optimal, because there is no systemthat can accommodate the needs of both parties (providers and job seekers). Therefore, the research aims to create a website that accommodates data vacancies and job seekers. Later, the data is automatically going throught the process of weighting by means of the Simple Additive Weighting, this method is expected to optimize the selection of a job based on the latest education, gender, and age that has been mentioned by job seekers when registering. Once the selection process is complete, the job information is sent via SMS Gateway to job seekers. This SMS will send the job information suitable for the number of job seekers who have posted on the website.
Data Basic Information System Based On Accreditation Based On Trunojoyo Madura University moch nasrul ulum; moch kautsar sophan
International Journal of Science, Engineering, and Information Technology Vol 1, No 2 (2017): IJSEIT Volume. 01 Issue. 02 JULY 2017
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (157.439 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/ijseit.v1i2.6456


The accreditation program of undergraduate study is an evaluation process which is done periodically by a body that has the authority i.e. the BANPT. The implementation of the process of preparing the accreditation program of study form of some organizations which play a role in manage and supply the data needs of the accreditation form. The data used by the program to study the process of preparation of the accreditation form is historical data collected periodically from time to time in order to give an overview of the activities/information. The process of collecting the scattered data from each of these organizations require great resources and time briefly. The system used a course at University in conducting the Madura Trunojoyo gathering historical data accreditation by searching, collecting and recording the data in its own separate list and yet maximally computerized and centralized yet most of the management and the management of its data. So it developed a system that can muster such data i.e. Information System Database-based Accrediting University Trunojoyo Madura .
Pemanfaatan Tools Animasi Untuk Media Pembelajaran Bagi SMKN 1 Labang Bangkalan Madura Arik Kurniawati; Indah Agustien Siradjuddin; Mochammad Kautsar Sophan; Ariesta Kartika Sari; Puji Rahayu Ningsih; Wanda Ramansyah
JPPM (Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat) VOL. 4 NOMOR 2 SEPTEMBER 2020 JPPM (Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat)
Publisher : Lembaga Publikasi Ilmiah dan Penerbitan (LPIP)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1448.116 KB) | DOI: 10.30595/jppm.v4i2.6796


Media pembelajaran merupakan salah satu aspek terpenting dalam proses pembelajaran, karena akan membantu siswa dalam memahami ceramah yang diberikan oleh guru. Seiring tumbuhnya teknologi informasi di Era Industrial 4.0, maka sebaiknya media pembelajaran yang digunakan juga menggunakan teknologi informasi terbaru yang dibuat semenarik mungkin sehingga menimbulkan semangat siswa dalam memperhatikan dan memahami mata pelajaran yang diajarkan. Dalam pengabdian ini, digunakan Animaker, sebagai tools untuk membuat media pembelajaran, karena memiliki banyak fitur, selain itu media ini dapat dilihat dan dipelajari oleh siswa kapan saja, di mana saja dengan smartphone yang mereka miliki. Pemanfaatan tools Animasi sebagai Media Pembelajaran dilakukan di SMKN 1 Labang, Bangkalan, Madura. Ada empat langkah utama untuk membangun media pembelajaran menggunakan Animaker, yaitu menentukan topik ceramah; memilih karakter yang sesuai dan juga property; mendefinisikan adegan; dan langkah terakhir adalah mendesain scene. Bentuk kegiatan ini adalah pelatihan tentang cara membuat media pembelajaran menggunakan Animaker dan selanjutnya adalah pendampingan dalam mengerjakan tugas untuk membuat projek sesuai dengan mata pelajaran yang meraka ajarkan. Berdasarkan pelatihan dan tugas proyek yang diberikan ini, Animaker dapat digunakan sebagai tools yang menarik untuk membuat media pembelajaran.
Jurnal Simantec Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/simantec.v10i2.14652


This study aims to determine student perceptions of the Learning Management System (LMS) during the Corona pandemic. Currently, many educational institutions are conducting online learning and using LMS in their activities. The LMS system is used as a medium for managing the learning process. By utilizing the LMS, schools can register, identify lesson plans, monitor learning, and evaluate learning. During the pandemic learning period, LMS plays a very important role in determining the success of learning targets. It is therefore important to get students' perceptions of the LMS used. The LMS system used in this study is a free web-based LMS system and can be used by the public. The assessment methodology used to fulfill the research objectives uses a Likert-type scale. This study provides insight into the LMS preferred by students. The results of this study can be used as a reference in the selection of the LMS tool used. The method we use is a simple questionnaire using a google form. This research is included in quantitative research. From the results of the research, it is evident that there are two things that are of great concern to students, namely the LMS is easy to use and is able to facilitate the availability of teaching materials. Respectively with a total agree of 86.8% and 93.3%.