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Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Kelompok Tani Dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Petani Padi (Studi Pada Kelompok Mekar Tani Di Kelurahan Babakan Kalangsari Kecamatan Cipedes Kota Tasikmalaya) Mia Septia Ningrum; Lilis Karwati; Nastiti Novitasari
Learning Community : Jurnal Pendidikan Luar Sekolah Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Learning Community: Jurnal Pendidikan Luar Sekolah
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Luar Sekolah FKIP Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jlc.v6i1.30832


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemberdayaan dan dampak pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui kelompok tani dalam menunjang pendapatan petani padi kecamatan Cipedes kota Tasikmalaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan data dilakukan menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan reduksi data, display data, dan conclusion drawing. Hasil penelitian ini meunjukkan bahwa pemberdayaan masyarakat kelompok tani dalam meningkatkan pendapatan petani padi melalui beberapa indikator antara lain: Pemungkinan, Penguatan, Perlindungan, Penyokongan dan Pemeliharaan. Sedangkan hasil dari pemberdayaan kelompok tani padi dapat meningkatkatkan hasil panen padi yang baik melalui pendampingan Dinas Ketahanan Pangan, Pertanian dan Perikanan membantu memberikan penyuluhan dan pendampingan terhadap kegiatan panen padi ini dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia serta menambah ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam kegiatan panen padi
Abdimas Siliwangi Vol 4, No 1: Januari, 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/as.v4i1p61-70.6454


The general purpose of this community service is to facilitate the community in obtaining new livelihoods during the COVID-19 period. To be able to adapt to new livelihoods, people must be equipped with skills that suit the needs of the business world, one of the alternatives is through an entrepreneurial training program (PWK). The external type of community service activities is expected to improve people's skills to work and entrepreneurship to support family income that leads to family food security. Based on the findings in the field obtained information that the program participants feel that the PWK program is considered suitable for the community amid the limitations of the community in recognizing the potential, so that most program participants expect this activity to be carried out continuously in order to improve the skills of program participants. Furthermore, the participants of this program hope that this program can be equipped with assistance in pioneering efforts. The target set in the community service food security scheme (Pbm-KP) is to provide training to the community in District Cibeureum through the PWK program so that the community acquires knowledge and skills to increase family income so that it is ultimately able to maintain the stability of family food security. The implementation team in this service as many as three people who are lecturers majoring in public education FKIP UNSIL.
Comm-Edu (Community Education Journal) Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Januari 2022
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/comm-edu.v5i1.9488


This research was conducted to find out the online learning process at NonformalPAUD (Study on PlayGroup (Kober) Nurul Anwar Tawang District of Tasikmalaya City). This research uses a qualitative approach to obtain in-depth data, a data that contains meaning. Researchers conducted observations and looked for descriptive data in the form of written or oral words from respondents who were tapped via phone and WhatpApp to collect data from Nonformal PAUD Tutors, Managers and Parents. Based on the results of research that the Online Learning Process in PAUD Nonformal Nurul Anwar Play Group is carried out through three stages of learning planning, learning implementation, and learning evaluation. The online learning process using the WhatsApp application that is incorporated in the WhatsApp Group, Tutors carry out the preparation of learning planning that makes a Daily Learning Implementation Plan (RPPH) and a weekly learning implementation plan (RPPM). Tutors carry out online learning activities that are carried out include learning opening activities, core learning activities, learning conclusions. Furthermore, tutors carry out online learning evaluation stages that contain assessments of the results of children's activities sent through video, photos, and voicenotes and are used as the basis for daily, weekly, monthly, and end-of-semester assessments.
Jurnal AKRAB Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal AKRAB
Publisher : Direktorat Pendidikan Masyarakat dan Pendidikan Khusus, Direktorat Jenderal PAUD, Pendidikan Dasar, dan Pendidikan Menengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51495/jurnalakrab.v11i02.348


Education is always related to reading activities. The ability to read is often referred to as literacy activities. The reality in Indonesia so far is the low mastery of literacy, this is evidenced by the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) survey. The survey in 2018 showed that for the reading / literacy competency score, Indonesia was ranked 72 out of 77 countries. To deal with this problem, many things can be applied in the education process, both from formal non-formal and informal channels.Kampung Sinau is a thematic village located in the Cemorokandang Malang City. Various learning activities are carried out in unique ways that can attract citizens, the younger generation in particular, to enrich literacy and make citizens literate, one of which is community empowerment activities. Researchers are interested in knowing how to optimize community empowerment in making generations young people with literacy skills in Kampung Sinau. The approach and type of research used by the researcher is a qualitative approach to the type of case study. This research was conducted at the end of 2019 in Kampung Sinau, Malang City. The results of this study 1) Community participation is needed in the success of the empowerment program, 2) It takes stages to carry out community empowerment., 3) It takes collaboration and innovation to create a literate society. Suggestions from this study are that the results of this study can be used as a reference for evaluating and developing similar programs. AbstrakPendidikan selalu berkaitan erat dengan kegiatan membaca. Kegiatan ini selalu menjadi salah satu point utama yang mendukung lancarnya proses pendidikan. Kemampuan membaca sering disebut dengan kegiatan Literasi. Kenyataan yang dihadapi oleh Indonesia selama ini adalah rendahnya penguasaan literasi, dibuktikan melalui survei Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Survei pada tahun 2018 menunjukkan bahwa nilai kompetensi Membaca/literasi, Indonesia berada dalam peringkat 72 dari 77 negara. Kenyataan ini sangat bertentangan dengan keadaan Ideal yang seharusnya. Untuk menghadapi permasalahan, banyak hal yang dapat diterapkan dalam proses pendidikan, baik itu dari jalur formal nonformal maupun informal. Kampung sinau merupakan salah satu kampung tematik yang berada di kawasan Cemorokandang Kota Malang. Kegiatan belajar dilaksanakan dengan unik yang dapat menarik generasi muda khususnya, agar memperkaya khasanah literasi dan menjadikannya berdaya literasi, dikemas dengan kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam menjadikan generasi muda berdaya literasi di kampung sinau. Pendekatan dan jenis penelitian yang digunakan oleh penelliti yakni pendekatan kualitatif jenis studi kasus. Peneliti melaksanakan proses penelitan secara mendalam melalui penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada akhir tahun 2019 di Kampung Sinau Kota Malang. Hasil dari penelitian ini 1) Partisipasi masyarakat sangat dibutuhkan dalam keberhasilan program pemberdayaan, 2) Diperlukan tahapan-tahapan untuk melaksanakan pemberdayaan Masyarakat., 3) Diperlukan kerjasama dan inovasi untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang berdaya literasi. Saran dari Penelitian ini yakni Sebaiknya hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan bahan acuan untuk melakukan evaluasi dan pengembangan terhadap program serupa.
Learning Society: Jurnal CSR, Pendidikan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Masyarakat, Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/ls.v2i2.683


The Mosque Youth Association is a mosque youth organization that was established to uncrease religious activities in the community. This study aims to describe the participation pf mosque yout organizations in increasing religious activities. This research was conducted due to the lack of participation of mosque youth organizations. The reseacrh method used in this study was a qualitative descriptive method with data collection thechniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used was data reduction, data display, and conclusing drawing. Based on the result of the study, it shows that 1) The forms of participation of the Mosque Youth Association in increasing religious activities are the participation in the form of ideas, participation in the form of energy, and participation in the form of property/costs. 2) The participation rate of mosque youth associations in icreasing religious activities is di vided into three groups, namely high, medium, and low. 3) Religious activities in the community start from oneself, the attractiveness of the Mosque Youth Association, and the supporting and inhibiting factors of the Mosque Youth Association. Conclusion: Mosque Youth Association activities to increase religious activities in the community are carried out through religious activities such as regular weekly and monthly recitations, tahsin training, ‘maghrib mengaji’, so that religious activities can icrease mutual cooperation activities, add religious characteristics, increase rewards and religious knowledge, establish friendship, and add friends and relations.
Pojok Bermain Sebagai Media Pemberdayaan Untuk Mengurangi Ketergantungan Anak Pada Gawai Indiyani Indiyani; Muhamad Luthfi Maulana; Nastiti Novitasari; Nisrina Nur Fadia; Raihan Fitriana; Reziana Maeza
Jurnal Ilmiah Pangabdhi Vol 8, No 2: Oktober 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/pangabdhi.v8i2.14676


The rapid development of technology is certainly very helpful in fulfilling life in various fields. However, this can have a negative impact if not used properly, especially for children. With the advancement of technology, many children are more focused on gadgets and tend to forget our culture, one of which is traditional games. In addition to the development of the times, the existence of a pandemic that requires children to study remotely, this can result in a lack of motivation to learn and children become dependent on gadgets. Based on this, we have succeeded in creating a community empowerment program, namely Play Corner which aims to create a fun learning atmosphere interspersed with traditional games to foster their love for learning, their love for traditional game arts, and love for each other without intermediary devices. In this case, considering that traditional games have their own uniqueness and characteristics, there will be an instillation of values and characters in them. The method used in this program is to provide socialization, training, and calistung coaching to children. The results of this program increase children's learning motivation, children can maximize their free time by reviving traditional games, this of course can reduce the use of gadgets in children.
Partisipasi Komunitas Sosial Terhadap Permasalahan Sosial Dan Berbagi Iftar Sebagai Implementasi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Tasikmalaya Hilmy Hazimatul Maishan; Jihad Fathulloh; Maulidya Magfira Rahmatillah; Rio Fernando; Nastiti Novitasari
Randang Tana - Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Randang Tana - Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Unika Santu Paulus Ruteng

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36928/jrt.v6i1.1228


There are two sides of humanity inherent in humans, namely humans as individual beings and humans as social beings. It is generally interpreted that humans as social beings cannot live without the help of others. However, usually we just want to know about the good conditions in an area, without us realizing that there is still a slum area. Even in big cities, the problems faced by the community are increasingly numerous and varied, ranging from personal problems to social problems, one of which is a slum area that cannot be solved without the help of other parties. In this case, the social community is present as a forum for the community to express their aspirations with others to determine common goals, none other than in solving problems that are being faced by the community. Not only its presence, but also the participation of the community in solving a problem that is being experienced by the community. In helping to solve problems, the community cannot move on its own without the support of related parties. For this reason, the Discussion Forum is fun to be held as a place to convey community ideas and ideas as well as an area for the existence of the community so that its existence is recognized and supported by every program that is carried out to help solve problems. Social problems. One of the tangible forms of the community in helping to overcome social problems, one of which is by sharing, be it food packages or others. In the diskusi asyik forum initiated by the Pager Asik community (Tasikmalaya City Movement) together with other communities who attended the Diskusi Asyik event as a follow-up to the event was to share 1800 iftar packages for communities in need spread to 17 points on the coast of Tasikmalaya city
Pencegahan Maraknya Bank Emok Melalui Penyuluhan Literasi Keuangan Dalam Membangun Ketahanan Keluarga Lilis Karwati; Nastiti Novitasari; Rissa Asyofa Permadhi
Dikmas: Jurnal Pendidikan Masyarakat dan Pengabdian Vol 3, No 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Magister Pendidikan Nonformal Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/dikmas.3.3.635-640.2023


Bank Emok merupakan istilah yang digunakan oleh masyarakat kepada pinjaman manapun dengan sistem kelompok melalui cara membentuk perkumpulan di rumah-rumah pada setiap pertemuan dalam membayar angsuran dan pencairan pinjaman. Maraknya Bank Emok terjadi di Kampung Rahayu RT 05, warga yang tidak berdaya, tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pokoknya dikarenakan tidak menentunya penghasilan, sedangkan kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari semakin meningkat terpaksa harus menjadi konsumen dari Bank Emok. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menganalisis dampak dan upaya pencegahan yang mempengaruhi masyarakat Rahayu RT 05 kota Tasikmalaya pengguna Bank Emok serta solusi dari masalah tersebut melalui penyuluhan literasi keuangan sehingga tercapai ketahanan keuangan individu dan keluarga.
Manajemen Pembelajaran E-Learning di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Pada Program Kesetaraan Paket C di PKBM GEMA Kota Tasikmalaya) Aronia Rizky Nusantari Devi; Wiwin Herwina; Nastiti Novitasari
Diklus: Jurnal Pendidikan Luar Sekolah Vol 7, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/diklus.v7i1.58712


AbstrakPenelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran secara cermat tentang keadaan dan gejala yang terjadi. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder yang didapat dari 6 informan dan data administratif lembaga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada tahap perencanaan meliputi perumusan tujuan umum dan khusus pembelajaran, menyusun rangkaian dan proses pembelajaran, merencanakan jadwal akademik, menyiapkan sarana dan prasarana, perekrutan warga belajar serta kesiapan pengelola, tutor, dan warga belajar. Pada tahap pengorganisasian meliputi pemilihan SDM, pengorganisasian kelas, kurikulum, dan fasilitas, penyusunan kegiatan pembelajaran e-learning serta prosedur atau langkah-langkah pembelajaran. Pada tahap penggerakan meliputi penggerakan SDM, menentukan metode, materi atau bahan ajar, media, proses interaksi antara pendidik dan peserta didik, stimulus di dalam pembelajaran serta manajemen proses pembelajaran e-learning. Pada tahap pembinaan meliputi kegiatan pengawasan, penyeliaan, dan pemantauan. Pada tahap penilaian meliputi penentuan model penilaian, kriteria penilaian, serta evaluasi pembelajaran e-learning. Pada tahap pengembangan meliputi perbaikan atau modifikasi program pembelajaran e-learning.E-Learning Learning Management During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Study on the Package C Equality Program at PKBM Gema Kota Tasikmalaya)Abstract This study uses a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach that aims to provide a thorough description of the circumstances and symptoms that occur. The data sources used are primary and secondary data obtained from 6 informants and institutional administrative data. The results of the study show that the planning stage includes formulating general and specific learning objectives, compiling learning sequences and processes, planning academic schedules, preparing facilities and infrastructure, recruiting learning residents and preparing managers, tutors and learning residents. Organizing stage includes selecting human resources, organizing classes, curricula and facilities, preparing e-learning learning and learning procedures or steps. The activating stage includes mobilizing human resources, determining methods, materials or teaching materials, media, the process of interaction between educators and students, stimuli in learning and management of e-learning. At the coaching stage includes supervision, supervision, and monitoring activities. Assessment stage includes determining the assessment model, assessment criteria, and e-learning evaluation. development stage includes repairs or modifications to the e-learning learning program.
PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI GERAKAN CEGAH STUNTING DI KAMPUNG KELUARGA BERKUALITAS (GUNTING KERTAS) Rafi Muhammad Fauzi; Lilis Karwati; Nastiti Novitasari; Dimas Sunarya; Mega Silpia Agustin; Gigin Ginayaturrohmah; Dzuliani Faseha
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 1 No 1 (2023): JPMI Maret 2023
Publisher : CV Bayfa Cendekia Indonesia Bekerjasama dengan Jurusan/Program Studi Pendidikan Masyarakat FKIP Universitas Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Empowerment, the community in the process of preventing stunting which targets pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, mothers of toddlers, toddlers and teenagers who are located in Kembang Mulya KB Village in Padamulya Hamlet, Padamulya Village, Cihaurbeuti District, this program is designed in the form of outreach as an effort to prevent stunting is now in focus the main government to achieve the goal of West Java Zero Stunting in 2024 and to prepare for the demographic bonus that is expected to occur in Indonesia in 2030. Based on these problems, it is important that it is implemented through a stunting prevention program by the public education department as a Community Empowerment Facilitator through Family Planning Program Extension, and Community Health, Social, Village Facilitator Staff , as a Development Facilitator, namely becoming an Education, who has social mapping skills and provides an objective view of situation analysis, potential and social problems in society.