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Journal : Edulib

Edulib Vol 4, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/edulib.v4i1.1173


AbstractRural poverty can be understood as a social condition of a person, or a group of people who were associated with aspects of economic and non-economic aspects. Scientific aspects such as social, cultural, health, education, psychology, the environment, law, anthropology, and art, was often associated with poverty. Nevertheless, the notion of poor and rural poverty is, in general, is still viewed by researcher's perspective, rather than emic, ie see something from the perspective of the participant. This study took part of the effort to comprehensively understand the meaning of poor and poverty in the eyes of the poor, especially in rural areas, roomates point is on how to map view of rural poor people in hopes of interpreting experience of livelihood as poor in underlying survival living. By using a qualitative study approach, especially the tradition of phenomenology of Schutz, obtained a description of the results, that the meaning of poor and poverty, in phenomenology, containing context, such as: context ownership; contexts effort and trial and error; contexts powerlessness; contexts outside assistance; independence in the context of compulsion; contexts unattainable expectations; context of the struggle; context of limited access to information; contexts low curiosity; contexts simplicity needs; problems humiliation context; and context sensitivity in social communication.Keywords: Meaning poor, Poverty, Rural AbstrakKemiskinan di pedesaan dapat dipahami sebagai suatu kondisi sosial seseorang, atau sekelompok orang yang terkait dengan aspek-aspek ekonomi dan non-ekonomi. Aspek ilmiah seperti sosial, budaya, kesehatan, pendidikan, psikologi, lingkungan, hukum, antropologi, dan seni, yang sering dikaitkan dengan kemiskinan. Namun demikian, gagasan tentang kemiskinan dan pedesaan, secara umum, masih dilihat dari perspektif peneliti, bukan emik, yaitu melihat sesuatu dari perspektif partisipan. Penelitian ini mengambil bagian dari upaya untuk secara komprehensif memahami makna miskin dan kemiskinan di mata masyarakat miskin, terutama di daerah pedesaan, which titik adalah bagaimana memetakan pandangan masyarakat miskin pedesaan dengan harapan pengalaman yang menafsirkan mata pencaharian sebagai masyarakat miskin untuk bertahan hidup. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi kualitatif, khususnya tradisi fenomenologi Schutz, diperoleh gambaran hasil, bahwa makna miskin dan kemiskinan, dalam fenomenologi, mengandung konteks, seperti: kepemilikan konteks; Upaya konteks dan trial and error; Ketidakberdayaan konteks; konteks di luar bantuan; kemerdekaan dalam konteks paksaan; konteks harapan tercapai; konteks perjuangan; konteks terbatasnya akses terhadap informasi; konteks rasa ingin tahu yang rendah; kesederhanaan konteks kebutuhan; konteks masalah penghinaan; dan sensitivitas konteks komunikasi sosial.Kata Kunci : Makna kemiskinan, Kemiskinan, Desa
MANAJEMEN INFORMASI SPECIAL EVENT HUTTEL 62 OLEH SMA NEGERI 3 JAKARTA Aulia, Syahidatia Chairunissa; Setianti, Yanti; Subekti, Priyo
Edulib Vol 7, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/edulib.v7i1.7546


The purpose of this research is to know how to process information management special event conducted by organizers HUTTEL 62 ranging from research, design, planning, coordination, and evaluation in accordance with the concept special event belongs to Joe Goldblatt. Research methods a descriptive, qualitative data with the paradigm of positivism. The results of this study suggested that the management of the special event HUTTEL 62 categorized in five stages, namely research, design, planning, coordination, and evaluation. Research carried out in the form of informal research with secondary data searches ways be monitoring news coverage about SMA Negeri 3 Jakarta. Hasl research shows the overview of the situation of informing host HUTTEL 62 is the assumption that the community name of the example contained in the SMA Negeri 3 Jakarta not sesuaid with what happened at that school. The design of the color purple and blue created the Customize the theme carried HUTTEL 62 ‘ Return Teladanku ‘. Motion design elements and sounds indicated by performers in closing. 62 HUTTEL planning begins with setting goals to be achieved, namely restoring the image of ‘ exemplary ‘ to SMA Negeri 3 Jakarta Post acts of bullying incidents. Coordination is done by the Organizer HUTTEL 62 include coordination with internal and external parties the Committee involved in organizing HUTTEL 62. The communication is done by informal meetings and mandatory meetings and communications with online messenger. The evaluation was conducted to measure the achievement of HUTTEL 62, the evaluation is conducted in the Division and the Division of any series of events have been implemented and later serve as a report on liability. Hasl acquired evaluation of barriers in the internal Committee namely the barriers of communication and information in the internal Committee. A summary of this research menenujukan that special event management HUTTEL 62 made by SMA Negeri 3 Jakarta in conveying the message of anti bully hasn’t done effectively and optimally. 
Sajian Informasi Pelatihan Usaha Dalam Membentuk Sikap Peserta pada Program Melati Ashari, Muhammad Syahwal; Hafiar, Hanny; Subekti, Priyo
Edulib Vol 6, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/edulib.v6i1.5000


Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara sajian informasi pelatihan usaha dengan sikap peserta pada Program Melati. Dinas Koperasi dan UMKN Kota Bandung melalukan berbagai upaya untuk mecapai target yang sudah ditentukan oleh pemerintah disamping mencari solusi untuk mengurangi ketergantungan pengusaha kecil terhadap rentenir sebagai sumber modal usaha, salah satunya adalah melakukan pelatihan – pelatihan terhadap calon – calon pengusaha yang berada di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif jenis penelitian korelasional. Teori yang digunakan adalah Teori Integrasi Informasi dari Martin Fishbein. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensial dengan menggunakan rumus rank spearman. Sampel dari penelitian ini 95 orang dari 126 peserta kegiatan yang terambil dengan cara teknik sampling acak sederhana. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan hubungan yang cukup berarti antara pelatihan usaha Dinas KUMKM dengan sikap peserta terhadap Program Melati. Valensi dan bobot informasi Pelatihan Usaha Dinas KUMKM Kota Bandung memiliki hubungan yang cukup berarti dengan sikap peserta terhadap Program Melati. Dinas KUMKM Kota Bandung seharusnya lebih memperhatikan penentuan alur informasi yang menyentuh keyakinan peserta terhadap kredit melati, dengan cara dapat mengikutsertakan pihak Bank yang menjadi rekanan pemerintah sebagai narasumber pelatihan.Kata Kunci: Informasi, Integrasi Informasi, Pelatihan Usaha, Sikap.Abstract.This study aims to determine the relationship between the grain business training information with the attitude of the participants of the Programme Budget. This study uses a quantitative type of correlational research. The theory used is the Information Integration Theory of Martin Fishbein. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and inferential analysis using Spearman rank formula. Samples from this study 95 of the 126 participants in the drawn by means of simple random sampling technique. The results of this study showed a significant relationship between the Office business training participants KUMKM attitude towards Program Budget. Valance and weight information KUMKM Business Training Department Bandung has a significant relationship with the attitude of the participants of the Programme Budget. KUMKM Office of Bandung should pay more attention to the determination of the flow of information that touches the confidence of participants to credit jasmine, by the way can engage the Bank who are the partners of the government as a training resource.Keywords: Information, Information Integration, Business Training, Attitude