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Pemberitaan Isu Tsunami Megathurst 20 Meter Jawa dalam Tinjauan Jurnalisme Sains Mia Reva Ukhtiana; Arief Subhan; Abdul Muis Sobri
Jurnal Studi Jurnalistik Vol 4, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Studi Jurnalistik
Publisher : Fidikom UIN Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jsj.v4i1.25849


News coverage on natural disaster issues often appears from various academic, theological, and mystical perspectives. This article explores how the reporting model developed by,, and in writing on the megathrust tsunami issue from the perspective of science journalism and how the three media's writing differs on this issue. This article uses the constructivist paradigm and the perspective of science journalism to see an overview of the practice of producing natural disaster issues in online media. The results show that the three online portals have succeeded in providing actual and factual information about natural disaster issues scientifically and, at the same time, increasing the reader's understanding of the early-warning system. Thus, this article illustrates that media should report disasters issues scientifically so the readers will think critically and empirically and support the change of disaster approach from curative to preventive.
Diaspora Hadrami di Asia Tenggara Arief Subhan
Studia Islamika Vol 9, No 3 (2002): Studia Islamika
Publisher : Center for Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v9i3.663


This book under review is basically in the same line as the above mentioned book it focus to the roles the Hadrami held in the destination countries of their diaspora. The difference lies in the fact that this book concentrated its discussion to the Hadrami diaspora in Southeast Asia. This present book, edited by Huub de Jong and Nico Kaptein, originates from a workshop held in Leiden (1997), "The Arab in Southeast Asia (1870-1990)", which was organized by the Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-Land- en Volkenkunde (KITLV) in conjunction with the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Leiden. All papers in this book, except the work by Ahmad lbrahim Abu Shouk, come from those presented in the workshop. Taking Southeast Asia as its main focus, this book contributed to the understanding of a rather neglected aspect of the Hadrami diaspora in the world.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v9i3.663
Harmonizing Modernity with Tradition: Report on Indonesian Delegation of Teachers and Pesantren Heads to Japan 2007 Arief Subhan
Studia Islamika Vol 15, No 1 (2008): Studia Islamika
Publisher : Center for Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v15i1.541


The 2007 visit was themed "Development Harmonized with Traditional Culture". As well as visiting a number of education institutions, which was the focus of the trip, the group also took a look at various types of Japanese industry, including the automotive industry that has become the icon of modern Japan. On the final day of the visit, the participants were asked to write about their impressions of Japan, with emphasis on the aspect of the tour which they found to be most interesting. This article, which is based on feedback from the participants, has not been written only in order to describe the perceptions of the participants towards places visited throughout the tour, but to further discuss how the participants gave meaning to what they experienced throughout the trip.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v15i1.541
Al-Shaykh ‘Alī Ma’sūm ‘Alim Nahḍat al-‘Ulamā’ Dhū al-Ittijah al-Ḥadīth Arief Subhan
Studia Islamika Vol 6, No 3 (1999): Studia Islamika
Publisher : Center for Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3547.623 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v6i3.725


K.H. Ali Maksum is recognized as one of the most leading 'ulama's (Muslim Scholars) of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the biggest traditional Muslim organization in Indonesia. This can be seen not only frorn the fact the he became rais 'am (the highest post in the structure of NU) from 1981 to 1984, but also from an important political role be played in this organization. It was Ali Maksum who supported the NU to take the principle (khittah) of 1925 in 1984 by which NU come back to be a social-religious organization after having had involved in the political practice. Likewise it was also Ali Maksum who "protected" Abdurrahman Wahid -the executive head of NU- from strong criticism of the 'ulami's as advocated by K.H. As'ad Syamsul Arifin. Abdurrahman Wahid was contended from his misconduct, especially from traditional Islamic viewpoint, so that be was elected again in 1989 as the executive head of the NU.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v6i3.725
Al-Islām fī Indūnīsīyā: Itārujadīd Arief Subhan
Studia Islamika Vol 13, No 2 (2006): Studia Islamika
Publisher : Center for Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (10072.469 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v13i2.569


Intellectual Muslims generally began to attain prominence in the early 20th century, in line with the growing modernization of the Islamic world. During this period, the Islamic world faced colonialism and imperialism which had unthought-of of implications for the wider Muslim community. The struggle against colonialism sparked debate about jihad with a more varied and complex meaning. The cultural struggle that took place between Islam and the West gave rise to a "cultural exchange" that not only resulted in the rise of the social class that we now refer to as intellectual Muslims, but also created a new-found sense of enthusiasm and passion for debating lslamic doctrine and issues in the context of modern values.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v13i2.569
Marsūm al-Dawlah al-Indūnīsīyā fī Siyāq al-‘Alāqāt bayn al-Fi’āt al-Dīnīyah Arief Subhan
Studia Islamika Vol 16, No 3 (2009): Studia Islamika
Publisher : Center for Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1612.605 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v16i3.477


This article discusses state regulations related to religious defamation and religious freedom, which are indeed controversial. Some people understand them as part of a larger e?ort to create harmonious and peaceful religious life, while others comprehend them as intervention and a violation of the freedom of religion. The latter groups proposed a judicial review to Law No 1/PNPS/1965. Although the Constitutional Court of Indonesia rejected it, at least it explicates the di?erences in society's views on how far the state is authorized to regulate religious life. The Indonesian Constitution formally acknowledges that freedom of religion is an integral part of civic live.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v16i3.477
Jam'iyyah Istijma al-Juhud li Islah al-Tarbiyyah al-Islamiyyah (GUPPI): Tajdid fi al-Tarbiyyah al-Islamiyyah an Tariq al-Siyasah? Arief Subhan
Studia Islamika Vol 5, No 3 (1998): Studia Islamika
Publisher : Center for Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1645.16 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v5i3.741


GUPPI (Gabungan Usaha Pembaruan Pendidikan Islam) dapat diletakkan sebagai sejarah pembaruan pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. GUPPI merupakan satu-satunya organisasi yang secara eksplisit bertujuan melakukan pembaruan pendidikan Islam. Namun, dilihat dari sisi tokoh pendirinya yang terdiri dari para pemimpin pesantren di daerah Jawa Barat, dapat diduga bahwa GUPPI merupakan salah satu bentuk representasi kekhawatiran kalangan tradisional terhadap semakin kuatnyapengaruh kaum modernis, terutama dalam bidang pendidikan. Pergumulan antara pendidikan dan politik membuat organisasi ini kehilangan wataknya sebagai pembaru pendidikan Islam. GUPPI bahkan lebih dikenal sebagai organisasi sayap GOLKAR daripada organisasi pembaharu pendidikan yang inisiatifnya muncul dari bawahDOI: 10.15408/sdi.v5i3.741
Potret Madrasah di Dunia Islam: Keragaman, Kompleksitas, dan Persaingan Konsep Keislaman Arief Subhan
Studia Islamika Vol 14, No 3 (2007): Studia Islamika
Publisher : Center for Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v14i3.551


Book Review: Robert w. Hefner and Muhammad Qasim Zaman, schooling Islam: The culture and Politics of Modem Muslim Education (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007).This book offers a portrait of Islamic education while presenting their struggles with s variety of political systems, modernization, and religious ideology. Cases were studied in important regions in the lslamic world such as Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia, Morocco, and Mali as well as Islamic education in the West, in this case, England. In the discussion is revealed that the Islamic educational institutions, especially the madrasah are not only confronted by changing social and political realities, but also by the issue: How to make a modern Muslim. In response to these challenges various models of Islamic education appeared in various regions in the Muslim world.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v14i3.551
TASÂMUH Vol. 14 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (492.926 KB) | DOI: 10.20414/tasamuh.v14i2.149


Various cultures, races, ethnics, and religions grow and flourish in Indonesia. However, conflict events due to cultural differences, ethnicities, ethnicities, and religions indicate that communication, mutual understanding, and recognition of others (which in the language of social science is called multiculturalism or “pluralistic culture” This reform and openness is even more important and urgent to be included in the agenda of every religion, especially the da’wah agenda. In today’s diverse society there is a need for a new world setting where cultural differences, belief systems, and values do not trigger social divisions and conflicts. Instead, serve as a backdrop to encourage the excitement of human beings to get to know each other. In managing diversity as a social reality as in Indonesia, which is needed not only recognition and acceptance; Not just tolerance for diversity and diversity; More than all it is a willingness to cooperate and cultivate unity as a nation. In addition, every ethnic, cultural, and religious group in Indonesia should also have a view of the same “imagined communities”
Virtu: Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi, Budaya dan Islam Vol 1, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Dakwah and Communication, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2380.918 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/virtu.v1i1.21749


Teknologi kerap dipandang negatif oleh kelompok agama karena dianggap bagian dari modernitas yang identik dengan sekularisme. Kehadiran praktik dakwah online di internet mematahkan anggapan ini. Dakwah online tidak sekedar sebagai ruang keberagamaan baru, namun juga mampu menunjukkan ekssitensinya sebagai gerakan sosial spiritual di ruang virtual. Salah satu praktik dakwah online yang memperoleh perhatian adalah akun dakwah kelompok Salafi @khalidbasalamahofficial. Studi ini ingin menjawab bagaimana praktik dakwah online pemuka agama dari kelompok Salafi di media sosial. Riset ini menggunakan perspektif religion online yang melihat bagaimana praktik agama di ruang nyata (offline) masuk kedalam ruang online. Menggunakan  pendekatan kualitatif, metode etnografi virtual, dan model level analisis media siber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam praktik dakwah online terjadi proses modifikasi atas praktik dakwah konvensional di ruang nyata. Pelaku dakwah tidak hanya sekadar memindahkan kajian konvensionalnya ke ruang virtual, namun juga mengubah cara mereka dalam mengemas pesan dan meraih jamaah. Dalam praktik online ada proses yang terorganisir dan terstruktur baik dalam penentuan konten, penyajian, maupun dalam merespons jamaah yang lebih interaktif dibanding pada praktik dakwah konvensional yang terbatas. Meski demikian, keberadaan teknologi sebatas sebagai saluran baru, tanpa mengubah substansi nilai yang melekat pada ajaran Salafi. Selain itu, riset ini menunjukkan bahwa ruang online telah membuka sekat dan kebebasan jamaah untuk merespons isi dakwah secara terbuka dan langsung. Kata Kunci: praktik dakwah online, new media, salafi, instagram, akun @khalidbasalamahofficial