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Analisa Penataan Outlet Channel Sungai Karang Anyar Di Kota Tarakan Irianto, Danang Bimo; Sisinggih, Dian; Priyantoro, Dwi
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Karang Anyar outlet channel has the outlets that directly flow in to the sea and it’s influenced by the tides. Flooding often occurs when rain along with high tides. The outlet channel has a very gentle slope,initial data mentioned that outlet channel length is approximately 1625 m, elevation in the upstream = +4.40 m and +0.10 m in the downstream, with an average slope = 0.003. Elevation embankment upstream = +6.00 m and downstream = +1.50 m. Meanwhile, according to secondary data, the flood with 10 th years return periode that flow in the outlet channel is 66.4 m 3 /sec and the flood with 25 th years return periode is 75.16 m 3/sec. On average, a tide water level is +1.5 m above sea level. Based on the variety of modeling, the action concepts that can eliminate the flooding are these following action: widening the channel dimension, build the embankment on channel side, making the local storage for each sub-catchment in the downstream, making the gate for the local storage, making tidal gate to prevent the tide come into the system, making the retarding basin to accommodate flood waters from upstream when the outlet is closed due to high tide.Keyword: Outlet channel, Regional arrangement, Outlet, Karang Anyar, Tarakan
Pengaruh Perubahan Material Penampang Saluran Irigasi Terhadap Luas Areal Layanan Daerah Irigasi Gumbasa Frida Sulistyani, Kiki ; Bimo Irianto, Danang
Prosiding SENTIKUIN (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Industri, Lingkungan dan Infrastruktur) Vol 2 (2019): PROSIDING SENTIKUIN
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

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The Palu earthquake in September 2018 caused damage in various sectors, the GumbasaIrrigation Network was also damaged and will be repaired, repairs in primary canal werecarried out along 36,047 km using concrete material on the side and bottom of thechannel.Gumbasa Irrigation Networks has 8180 Ha service area ,and has 40 tapping structure,2 split structure and 16 split tapping structure. With the change of channel material in theprimary channel, the water level decreased between 5 cm - 55 cm, from 40 tapping structure inthe primary channel only 4 tapping structure that can still deliver water to their service area,there has been a reduction in service area from 2965 Ha to 50.2 Ha, and from 18 secondarychannels, there is only 1 that cannot supplay water into its service area, while others can stillflow even if it is not according to needs, there is a decrease in service area from 5215 Ha to2948 ha. So overall with the change in channel material from soil to concrete, the service areain Gumbasa decreased from 8180 Ha to 2998 Ha or 36.7% of the planned service area. Thiscan be resolved by raising the base of the channel between 5 cm - 55 cm,or changing thedimensions and sloope of the channel
Inventarisasi dan Penentuan Prioritas Pembangunan Embung di Kecamatan Lamaknen Kabupaten Belu, NTT Sulistyani, Kiki Frida; Irianto, Danang Bimo
Prosiding SENTIKUIN (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Industri, Lingkungan dan Infrastruktur) Vol 3 (2020): PROSIDING SENTIKUIN
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

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Lamaknen Regency is located in Belu Regency, NTT Province. This sub-district experiences water shortages during the dry season. Embung is one solution to overcome this problem. In Lamaknen District there are 5 alternative reservoir locations in 2 villages, namely Dirun Village and Makir Village. Survey activities were carried out at 5 reservoir locations to determine the condition of the watershed, the service area, and the geological conditions. From the survey results, it was found that the location with the greatest potential for inundation was the Balokama reservoir and the location with the largest watershed area of ​​the Leowalu Embung, while the one with the smallest span was the Lesutil Embung. Meanwhile, for the service area that can be two villages is the Leowalu reservoir. Kalimati and Nelas.. Survey data were then made matrices from a technical (60%) and non-technical (40%) perspective. The technical aspects consist of 9 items, namely embung span, embankment height, storage volume, distance to availability of rock and soil materials, geological conditions, access roads to the site, watershed conditions, and distance to service areas. Non-technical aspects consist of the benefits of the embung, the number of beneficiaries for irrigation, community raw water, livestock water, tourism water and the impact on the environment. From the embung matrix, it was found that Embung Nelas had the highest value, namely 80. The order of the matrix results after the Nelas reservoir was Embung Leowalu 67, Embung Kalimati 61.9, Embung Lesutil 58 and Embung Balokama 51.
Prokons: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 15, No 1 (2021): Februari 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/prokons.v15i1.283


Abstract East Nusa Tenggara Province is a province that has many embungs. Embung Nelas, in Lamaknen District, Belu Regencyis planned to meet the water demand of the population and cattle in Makir & Lamaksenulu Village as well as field water demand in Makir Village. Embung Nelas is design by using dependable flow Q 80%. From the calculation, Embung Nelas can meet the water demand in Makir and Lamaksenulu villages until 2040 for a population of 5888 people, 4029 large cattle, 1739 small livestock and 3277 chicken, as well as the irrigation water demand of 23 hectares the Makir Village Considering that the rainy conditions are not the same every year, a water use scenario is made based on the water conditions. There are 4 discharge conditions, dry discharge (Q97.3%), low discharge (Q 80%), normal water discharge (50.7%) and sufficient water discharge (26%). The simulation results in the other 3 scenarios, were obtained for the dry discharge of Embung Nelas in 2040 which was only able to irrigate 76% of raw water and cattle, in normal water conditions it could irrigate 6.6 Ha more fields and in sufficient water it could irrigate 12.9 Ha more fields. Keywords: Embung, Dependable flow, Simulation, Scenario
Optimasi Pola Tata Tanam untuk Peningkatan Luas Layanan pada Daerah Irigasi Saddang Kiki Frida Sulistyani; Danang Bimo Irianto
Reka Buana : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 6, No 1 (2021): EDISI MARET 2021
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/rekabuana.v6i1.2244


Daerah Irigasi (DI) Saddang berada di Kabupaten Pinrang Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan dengan luas areal 61.198 Ha, yang mendapatkan air dari Bendung Benteng memiliki debit rata-rata 319 m3/dt dan debit Andalan yang berfluktuasi antara 39,8 – 328,1 m3/dt. DI Sadang memiliki Pola Tata Tanam (PTT) eksisting Padi-Padi Palawija dengan awal tanam yang berbeda-beda pada setiap primer/sekundernya. Hasil perhitungan neraca air dengan PTT eksisting tanpa memperhitungkan debit pemeliharaan didapatkan areal yang terairi seluas 48.958 Ha di MT1 61.198 Ha di MT2 dan 61.198 ha di MT3 atau areal terairi 61.198 Ha dengan intensitas tanam 280%. Guna mengoptimalkan air yang ada maka dibuat PTT rencana, dengan mengeser awal musim tanam pada berbagai variasi. Dari hasil perhitungan dengan PTT rencana Padi-Padi-Palawija didapat bahwa  air yang ada masih cukup untuk mengairi areal seluas 61.198 dengan intensitas tanam 300%. Kelebihan air yang ada, jika di manfaatkan untuk penambahan areal, didapat tambahan areal yang bisa terairi seluas 47.016 Ha dengan intensitas tanam 300%. Jadi secara perhitungan total, didapat areal terairi seluas 108.214 Ha dengan intensitas tanam 300%. Perhitungan ini juga tanpa mempertimbangkan debit pemeliharaan. Sesuai dengan peraturan yang ada, debit pemeliharaan tetap harus dialokasikan untuk kelestarian sungai. Perhitungan debit pemeliharaan dengan menggunakan metode Tennant, didapatkan debit pemeliharaan Bendung benteng adalah 31,9 m3/dt. Dari hasil analisa neraca air dengan memperhitungkan debit pemeliharaan didapatkan areal yang terairi dengan pola tanam Padi-Padi-Palawija adalah seluas 61.198 Ha di MT1 61.198 Ha di MT2 dan 16.523 ha di MT3 atau areal terairi 61.198 Ha dengan intensitas tanam 227 %. Terjadi penurunan intensitas tanam sebesar 53 % di banding pola tata eksisting.ABSTRACTThe Saddang Irrigation Area is located in Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi Province with an area of 61,198 ha, which gets water from the Benteng Barrage, which has an average discharge of 319 m3/s and a fluctuating dependable flow between 39.8 - 328.1 m3/s Saddang Irrigation Area has an existing crop pattern of Paddy Paddy Palawija with different planting starts for each primary/secondary. The results of the calculation of the water balance with the existing cropping pattern without considering maintenance flow as an obligation that must be fulfilled, have a result it can irrigate 48.958 ha in Planting Season 1, 61.198 ha in planting season 2, and 61.198 ha in planting season 3, or irrigated 61.198 ha with 280% crop intensity. To optimize the available water, a planned crop pattern was created, by shifting the beginning of the planting season to various variations. From the results of calculations with the cropping pattern of the Paddy-Paddy-Palawija, it was found that the available water was still sufficient to irrigate an area of 61.198 ha with 300% crop intensity. If the excess water is used for additional areas, an additional area that can be irrigated is 47.016 ha with 300% crop intensity. So in the total calculation, the irrigated area is 108,214 ha with 300% crop intensity. This calculation is also without considering maintenance flow as an obligation that must be fulfilled. Under existing regulations, the maintenance flow must be allocated for river conservation. Calculation of the maintenance flow using the Tennant method, it is found that the maintenance discharge of the Benteng Barrage is 31.9 m3/s. From the results of the water balance analysis with maintenance flow as an obligation that must be fulfilled, from the calculation results obtained that the irrigated area with the Paddy-Paddy-Palawija cropping pattern, was 61.198 ha in planting season 1, 61.198 ha in planting season 2, and 16.523 ha in planting season 3, or 61.198 ha with 227% crop intensity. There was a 53 % decrease compared to the existing crop intensity.
Studi Pemanfaatan Air Sumber Jenon untuk Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Air Irigasi dan Domestik di Kecamatan Tajinan Kabupaten Malang Kiki Frida Sulistyani; Danang Bimo Irianto
Reka Buana : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 3, No 2 (2018): EDISI SEPTEMBER 2018
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/rekabuana.v3i2.1020


Sumber Jenon merupakan salah satu sumber potensial yang ada di Kabupaten Malang, tepatnya di Desa Gunung Ronggo Kecamatan Tajinan. Saat ini Sumber Jenon sudah dimanfaatkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air Domestik seluruh penduduk Desa Gunung Ronggo (1136 KK) dan Desa Purwo Sekar sebanyak 2 RT (76 KK), serta untuk kebutuhan air irigasi di Desa Gunung Ronggo Seluas 72 Ha, dengan Pola Tanam Padi-Palawija. Sumber Jenon memiliki tampungan dengan keliling 159,13 m dan luas 649,1 m2. Dari Hasil pengukuran pada outlet kolam tampungan di dapatkan debit rata-rata air Sumber Jenon setelah dikurangi untuk kebutuhan air domestik adalah 139,2 l/dt. Berdasarkan kebutuhan air dari dinas ciptakarya, serta hasil informasi dari pengguna Kebutuhan air domestik untuk masyarakat kecamatan Tajinan adalah 60 l/orang/hari. Kebutuhan air domestik Desa Gunung Ronggo dan Sumber Sekar ( 2 RT)  saat ini adalah   3,44 l/dt, kebutuhan air irigasi 123,84 l/dt dengan daerah layanan seluas 72 Ha,sehingga didapatkan Ketersediaan air total Sumber Jenon saat ini adalah 142,6 l/dt. Hasil Perhitungan proyeksi penduduk tahun 2030 menyatakan , jumlah penduduk Desa Gunung Ronggo adalah 4093 jiwa dan Desa Sumber Sekar (2 RT) adalah 399 Jiwa. Dari hasil perhitungan  kebutuhan air domestik  tahun 2030 adalah 4,1 l/dt. Kebutuhan air untuk irigasi desa Gunung Ronggo adalah 123,84 l/dt dengan asumsi luas areal irigasi tetap bertahan 72 Ha. Dari Perhitungan ketersediaan air dan kebutuhan air di dapatkan neraca air pada tahun 2018 adalah 15,33 l/dt dan pada Tahun 2030 adalah 14,7 l/dt. Hasil Analisa  neraca air sampai dengan Tahun 2030, menyatakan bahwa air dari Sumber Jenon masih bisa dimanfaatkan untuk eksisting serta proyeksinya sampai tahun 2030 dan masih memiliki sisa potensi sebesar 10,45 liter/detik sehingga masih berpeluang di kembangkan untuk Seluruh Desa Gunung Ronggo, Purwo Sekar, Gunung Sari , Tajinan  serta areal irigasi seluas 72 Ha, dengan neraca air surplus sebesar 1,37 l/dt.Kata-kata kunci : ketersediaan air;kebutuhan air; pemanfaatan air ABSTRACTSumber jenon  is one of the potential sources that exist in Malang Regency, precisely in Gunung Ronggo Village, Tajinan District. Currently Jenon has been used to meet domestic water needs for all residents in Gunung Ronggo Village (1136 households) and 2 RT in Purwo Sekar Village (76 households), and for irrigation water needs in Gunung Ronggo Village, 72 hectares wide, with Pattern Padi-Palawija. At present Sumber Jenon has a 159.13 m3 storage area and 649.1 m2 of pool area. From the results of measurements at the storage pond outlet, the average discharge of Sumber jenon after being reduced for domestic water needs is 139.2 l / sec. Based on the water requirements of the Cipta Karya service, as well as the results of information from users, domestic water needs for the community of Tajinan sub-district are 60 l / person / day. Domestic water needs of Gunung Ronggo and Sumber Sekar Villages (2 RT) currently served by Sumber Jenon  are 3.44 l / sec, irrigation water needs 123.84 l / sec with 72 Ha of service area,  so the availability of Sumber Jenon total water source is 142.6 l / sec. Calculation Results of population projections in 2030 states, the population of Gunung Ronggo Village is 4093 people and Sumber Sekar Village (2 RT) is 399 people.   From the results of the calculation, domestic water demand in 2030 is 4.1 l / sec. The water needs for the irrigation of Gunung Ronggo village is 123.84 l / sec with the assumption that the irrigation area will last 72 ha. From the calculation of water availability and water demand, the water balance surplus in 2018 is 15.33 l / sec and in 2030 is 14.7 l / sec. Water balance analysis results up to 2030, stated that the water from Sumber Jenon can still be used for existing and projected until 2030 and still has the remaining potential of 10.45 liters / second so that it is still likely to be developed for the entire Gunung Ronggo Village, Purwo Sekar , Gunung Sari, Tajinan and an area of 72 ha of irrigation, with a surplus water balance of 1.37 l / sec.
Reka Buana : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 3, No 1 (2018): EDISI MARET 2018
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/rekabuana.v3i1.916


Nangalili Is a watershed that has a very wide area in WS Flores, it is 843.73 km2 and is located in two districts ,Manggarai and West Manggarai. Das Nangalili has a potential large water availability that is 595,449 Million m3 / year. The Nangalili watershed also has diverse water needs ranging from irrigation, livestock, household, urban, industrial and river maintenance. In Nangalili watershed there is also Irrigation Area with functional area of 3954Ha. Nangalili watershed is divided into 17 sub watersheds and its water balance calculations are held at 13 locations. From the anual water balance analisys, the result are deficit in 4 location and surplus in 9 location surplus with deficit in period 10 days in certain months with percentage of deficit between 16,7% until. 47.2%. • The deficit location on yearly basis are Wae Lombur Dam, Wae Sele's Bend, Wae Cewo's Bend and Bendung Wae Sesap.