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Optimalisasi Kinerja Alat Torefikasi pada Proses Pembuatan Biochar dari Limbah Jengkok Tembakau Susanto, Susanto; Indah Wana, Yaniar Lisa; Iskandar, Taufik; Abrina Anggraini, Sinar Perbawani
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Industri, Lingkungan dan Infrastruktur
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Industri, Lingkungan dan Infrastruktur

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The amount of tobacco waste produced by the cigarette industry reaches 20 tons/day has the potential to pollute the environment if it is not processed first. Tobacco waste content is dangerous because there is heavy Arsenic metal that not in accordance with environmental quality standards, which is 24.19 ppm. Therefore, further technological and waste management approaches need to be taken to become a product that is beneficial and safe for the environment. The processing that can be done is to convert tobacco waste into biochar (Bio-Charcoal) using a Torefication equipment. In the Torefication process there are factors that influence, including temperature and time treatment. Determination of the right temperature and time will determine the quality of biochar produced. The purpose of this reseach was to determine the optimal temperature and time in achieving the best performance of Torefication equipment in the biochar production process from tobacco waste. Changing variables used were temperature (400oC, 450oC, 500oC, 550oC and 600oC) and time (30 minutes, 35 minutes, 40 minutes). The research parameters are % yield, missing components and equipment performance. The result of this reseach showed that the highest and lowest of % yield is 58.37% and 26.27%, the highest and lowest missing components are 73.73% and 41.63% and the highest and lowest equipment performance is 58.2 g/(jam.m) and 19.7 g/(jam.m). Based on statistical analysis the optimal temperature and time is at 450oC and 30 minutes.
BUANA SAINS Vol 11, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (241.629 KB) | DOI: 10.33366/bs.v11i1.179


Cigarette industries in Indonesia especially nowadays still need to import some raw ingredients. The highest import for 10 years (2001-2010) is from China i.e. for about 28,288,197 ton/year or 53.38% from import total of the total import of 52,999,855 kg/year with a value of USD 127.149.050/year. The price of dried tobacco leaves from China is only USD 1,996/kg or 83.84% from the average price of import dried tobacco leaves. Base on these data, it is showed that most local cigarette industries need to have dried tobacco leaves with medium quality and low price. Opportunity for East Java to develop virginia tobacco is high enough. East Java not only has quite potential area, but also has technology packages which are sufficient enough to increase productivity up to 2,000kg/ha or more. The weakness is the system for guiding farmers. There is no link in the technology partnership, production tools, furthermore marketing resulted in low productivity and quality. As a fancy product there should be a link between farmers as producers and tobacco industries as consumers for all sub-systems of virginia tobacco farming business. Cooperation of producers, consumers, and local governments is the basic framework of the system for guiding. Producers and consumers had more cooperation in the aspects of production and quality improvement. Local government regulations governed on all parties working together based on justice. Farmers as producers are obliged to apply the technology built and sell dried tobacco leaves according to the company's pricing agreement builder
BUANA SAINS Vol 9, No 2 (2009)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (215.522 KB) | DOI: 10.33366/bs.v9i2.240


Titanium diokside (TiO2) is widely used in chemical industries, especially in ceramics industries. It could be produced by destructing of the ilmenite mineral with sulfuric acid. The design process of destruction needs mathematical modeling which is similar to heterogeneous system that involves both mass transfer and chemical reaction simultaneously. The reaction between the ilmenite mineral and sulfuric acid was conducted in a stirred-batch reactor. The ilmenite mineral and sulfuric acid were mixed in the reactor then it was closed. The reactor was heated and stirred at a certain stirring rate until desired temperature was reached. Samples were withdrawn every 10 minutes. The variables studied were the reaction temperature in the tange of 383 K and 403 K and the rate of stirring in the range of 60 and 125 rpm. There were two proposes models. The first model was a shrinking-core mixed chemical-dynamic regime model. The second model was a shrinking-core chemical regime model. Based on the results, the first model was the suitable model of the two models proposed for describing the kinetics phenomena of the destruction of ilmenite mineral with sulfuric acid. From this model it was obtained that the value of reaction rate constant (kr) could be approached by the Arrhenius equation, as the following; kr = 8,59.1019.e-44578/(RT), in which R is the gas constant and T is the absolute temperature. It was obtained that the value of mass transfer coefficient was not significantly influenced by the rate of stirring
BUANA SAINS Vol 17, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (262.589 KB) | DOI: 10.33366/bs.v17i1.584


Soybeans and meat are the most strategic food commodities and are very risky if it is fully entrusted to the mechanism of the free market. The point is, soy and meat commodities have a very central role in national food policy channels. One of the agricultural ministry targets for 2010 - 2014 is to increase food diversification, especially to reduce rice and wheat consumption. During 2010 - 2014, rice consumption is targeted to fall by 1.5% per year and balanced by increasing in consumption of tubers, animal foods, fruits and vegetables. On the other side, it is also strived to achieve a diverse, nutritious, balanced and safe food consumption pattern as reflected by the increase of Expected Food Pattern (PPH) scores from 86.4 in 2010 to 93.3 in 2014. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of the community in taking decision to buy food products from both tofu and meat sources and to analyze the key factors of consumer’s willingness to buy tofu and meat by using multiple linear regression methods. The results of the study showedthat the characteristics of respondents in the research that affected the gender of respondents were women because married women were the decision makers in terms of household needs. The factors that affected the willingness of consumers to pay tofu were: taste, price and size. Meanwhile, thefactors that affected consumers' willingness to pay for meat were price and shape.
BUANA SAINS Vol 11, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (107.992 KB) | DOI: 10.33366/bs.v11i2.171


Dehydration to be run by heating castor oil and of natrium sulphate hydrogen at temperature, certain time is at the same time swirled and emited a stream of by carbon gas of dioxid. Result of which is to determined by its iodine number, sour number, viscosity, diffraction index, specific gravity and colour. Situation of good process is usage 0,946 gmol; 100 g castor oil; NaHSO4 3% from oil weight, temperature 1900C, time 45 castor oil amount and minute 100 g, for gourd 500 cc. biggest and time reaction of. Iodine number which have been reached 181,5 or increase of iodine number 98,3 from its value in oil initialy
BUANA SAINS Vol 9, No 2 (2009)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (159.127 KB) | DOI: 10.33366/bs.v9i2.241


The process of making fish ketchup used to take quite long time. There are many efforts to improve the technology; one of them is using proteolitic enzime as a catalist that has a function of breaking down protein into asam aminos. Anyway, the problem is that the pure proteolistic enzime costs very expensive. This research was trying to find the way to easily and less costly make proteolitic enzime, and highly to dissolve nitrogen as well. The extract of pineapples was then used in the hydrolisis process because it is known that it contains high quantity of bromelin enzime act as proteolitic enzime. A kind of fish called lemuru was choosen as a raw material of producing ketchup in this observation due to the high content of protein. The hydrolisis process is conducted in the room temperature by adding the extract of pineapples in some variety of concentration (6, 8, 10%) and using 8, 10, and 12 hours incubation time. The best result was at the concentration of 8% pineapple axtract and 10 hours incubation time. It produced totally 1,0233% nitrogen, contained of 0,86% dissolvent nitrogen, 27,5% dissolvent solid substance, 17% liquid volume and viscocity of 41,364%
Optimasi Kadar Ultimate dan Tingkat Kebasaan Bio-arang Limbah Kayu Durian sebagai Pembenah Tanah Heri Soedarmanto; Evy Setiawaty; Taufik Iskandar
Publisher : Center for Pulp and Paper

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25269/jsel.v11i02.332


Konversi biomassa melalui pirolisis menghasilkan bio-arang, bio-minyak dan gas. Pirolisis biomassa dipengaruhi oleh kondisi pirolisis seperti bahan baku dan suhu pirolisis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kondisi optimum kadar ultimate (CHO) dan pH bio-arang berdasarkan ukuran partikel bahan baku limbah kayu durian dan suhu pirolisis sebagai pembenah tanah. Limbah kayu durian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berukuran diameter 0,17–0,42 mm; 0,42–1,00 mm; dan 1,00–2,83 mm, dengan variasi suhu pirolisis 350°C, 450°C, dan 550°C sebanyak tiga kali ulangan. Optimasi menggunakan metode Response Surface Methodology. Berdasarkan model kuadratik, didapatkan kadar karbon optimum bio-arang sebesar 81,78% dengan ukuran partikel bahan baku pada 2,09 mm dan suhu pirolisis 530,5oC. Kadar hidrogen optimum bio-arang sebesar 3,35% dengan ukuran partikel bahan baku 2,89 mm dan suhu pirolisis 547,4oC. Kadar oksigen optimum bio-arang sebesar 12,22% dengan ukuran partikel bahan baku 1,89 mm dan suhu pirolisis 529,5oC. pH optimum bio-arang sebesar 8,35 dengan ukuran partikel bahan baku 0,6 mm dan suhu pirolisis 521,8oC. Kondisi proses terbaik untuk menghasilkan kadar ultimate dan pH yang paling optimal berada pada range ukuran diameter bahan baku 0,6 mm–2,89 mm dan suhu pirolisis sebesar 521,8oC–547,4oC.  The Optimization of Ultimate Levels and Basicity of Durian Wood Waste Biochar as Soil AmendmentAbstractBiomass conversion through pyrolysis produces biochar, bio-oil and gas. Pyrolysis of biomass is influenced by pyrolysis conditions such as raw materials and pyrolysis temperature. The purpose of this study was to analyze the optimum conditions for ultimate levels (CHO) and pH of biochar based on the particle size of the durian wood waste and the pyrolysis temperature as soil amendment. Particle sizes of durian waste were 0.17–0.42 mm; 0.42–1.00 mm; and 1.00–2.83 mm in diameter where pyrolysis temperatures were 350°C; 450°C; and 550°C. Optimization was used by the Response Surface Methodology method. Based on the quadratic model, the optimum carbon content of biochar was 81.78% with the particle size at 2.09 mm and the pyrolysis temperature of 530.5oC. The optimum hydrogen content of biochar was 3.35% with a particle size of 2.89 mm and a pyrolysis temperature of 547.4oC. The optimum oxygen content of biochar was 12.22% with a particle size of 1.89 mm and a pyrolysis temperature of 529.5oC. The optimum pH of biochar was 8.35 with a particle size of 0.6 mm and a pyrolysis temperature of 521.8oC. The most optimal ultimate levels and pH were in the diameter size range of 0.6 mm-2.89 mm and pyrolysis temperature of 521.8oC-547.4oC.
Optimalisasi Proses Karbonisasi Limbah Plastik Menggunakan Teknologi Teknologi Pyrolisis Menjadi Briket Arang (Briquette Charcoal) Heny Adisansury Malo; Taufik Iskandar; Susanti Konga Wandal; Dina Trisak Diah
Reka Buana : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 3, No 2 (2018): EDISI SEPTEMBER 2018
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/rekabuana.v3i2.1019


Limbah plastik adalah salah satu sumber pencemaran lingkungan hidup yang meningkat setiap tahunnya seiring dengan pertumbuhan penduduk namun belum dapat memberikan nilai ekonomis bagi masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengubah limbah plastik menjadi briket arang (Briquette charcoal) sebagai bahan bakar alternatif dengan cara dikarbonisasi/diarangkan menggunakan reaktor fast pirolisis pada suhu 400ᵒC ; 500ᵒC ; 600ᵒC selama 30 menit ; 45 menit ; 60 menit hingga menghasilkan arang. Arang plastik yang telah terbentuk dicampur dengan perekat amylum dengan konsentrasi 5% ; 8% ; 11% serta dicetak dengan alat hydrolic press. Hasil analisa yang  diperoleh, nilai kadar abu (1,26%), kadar air (0,0098%), volatile matter (1,37%),  fixed carbon (97,43%) dan nilai kalor (7.399 kkal/kg). Berdasarkan hasil analisa statistik, maka kondisi operasi optimal pembuatan briket arang plastik (Plastic briquette charcoal) yaitu pada suhu 600ᵒC selama 60 menit dengan konsentrasi perekat 5%.Kata kunci: Limbah plastik, briket arang plastik, bahan bakar alternatif, fast pirolisisABSTRACTPlastic waste is one of the sources of environmental pollution that increases every year along with population growth but has not been able to provide economic value to the community. The purpose of this study was to convert plastic waste into charcoal briquette (Briquette charcoal) as an alternative fuel by carbonized/fabricated using a fast pyrolysis reactor at a temperature of 400ᵒC ; 500ᵒC ; 600ᵒC for 30 minutes ; 45 minutes ; 60 minutes to produce charcoal. The formed plastic charcoal is mixed with amylum adhesive with a concentration of 5% ; 8% ; 11% and printed with a hydrolic press. The results of the analysis were obtained, the value of ash content (1.26%), moisture content (0.0098%), volatile matter (1.37%), fixed carbon (97.43%) and heating value (7,399 kcal/kg). Based on the results of statistical analysis, the optimal operating conditions for making plastic briquettes charcoal are at 600 on for 60 minutes with an adhesive concentration of 5%.
Optimalisasi Kinerja Alat Pirolisis pada Pembuatan Biochar dari Limbah Jengkok Tembakau Hendra Banat; Sinar Perbawani Abrina Anggraini; Yeni Ulfi Rahayu; Taufik Iskandar
Reka Buana : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 3, No 2 (2018): EDISI SEPTEMBER 2018
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (644.779 KB) | DOI: 10.33366/rekabuana.v3i2.1022


The pyrolysis process can convert biomass waste from various agricultural wastes into high value products, easy to operate, friendly of high environmental security standard and environment. This research aims to determine the optimization of pyrolysis machine performance based on temperature and combustion time in producing quality biochar. Variable pyrolisis temperature are (400, 450, 500, 550, 600) 0C with combustion time (30, 35, 40) minutes and type of biomass waste in the form of tobacco waste. Tobacco waste is the remnants of the production process of cigarettes in the form of fine (powder), put in a sack or burlap and stored in certain warehouses to avoid undesirable things to the environment. Pursuant to result of research which have been done, the optimal performance of pyrolysis machine is at 500 °C and 30 minutes with biochar moisture content of 0,06%, biochar percentage 29,79%, loss components of 70,21%, heat loss of 304,50 KJ / Kg and machine performance of 17,06 Kg / m.h. So that can be concluded that a pyrolysis machine can be said to be optimal if the machine produces biochar with low moisture content, high biochar percentage (yield percentage), low loss components, low discharged energy and produce high machine performance with the lowest possible time.
Pembuatan Bahan Bakar Diesel dari Limbah Plastik HDPE dengan Proses Pirolisis Taufik Iskandar; Sinar Perbawani Abrina Anggraini; Melinda Melinda
Reka Buana : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 6, No 1 (2021): EDISI MARET 2021
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/rekabuana.v6i1.2251


Indonesia menduduki posisi ke dua setelah cina penghasil sampah plastik terbesar di dunia. Dimana salah satu limbah plastik tersebut adalah HDPE (High Density Polyethylene). Sedangkan plastik merupakan produk hasil pengolahan minyak bumi yang dapat direcycle ke bentuk semulanya karena bahan baku pembuatan limbah plastik adalah nafta yang merupakan salah satu unsur dari minyak bumi. Salah satu solusi yang diperlukan adalah recycle dengan mengubah limbah plastik menjadi bahan bakar dengan proses pirolisis. Pirolisis merupakan salah satu proses terbaik dari recycle limbah plastik, dengan pertimbangan memahami sifat limbah plastik HDPE. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat pirolisis dengan variable suhu proses yaitu 300⸰C, 325⸰C, dan 350⸰C, waktu proses pirolisis yaitu 2 dan 4 jam. Dari proses pirolisis diperoleh hasil volume bahan bakar diesel yaitu pada suhu 300⸰C sebanyak 95 ml, suhu 325⸰C sebanyak 100 ml, dan suhu 350⸰C sebanyak 145 ml. Dari hasil analisa data optimal  untuk suhu dan waktu optimum proses pirolisis limbah plastik HDPE yaitu pada suhu 325⸰C selama 2 jam, bahan bakar diesel yang didapat memiliki kadar abu 0,044 (b/b), dan kadar air 0,031(%vol). ABSTRACTIndonesia is in second place after China, the largest plastic waste producer in the world. Where one of the plastic wastes is HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene). Meanwhile, plastic is a product of petroleum processing that can be recycled to its original form because the raw material for making plastic waste is naphtha, which is an element of petroleum. One solution that is needed to recycle by converting plastic waste into fuel by the pyrolysis process. Pyrolysis is one of the best processes for recycling plastic waste, with consideration of understanding the nature of HDPE plastic waste. This study used a pyrolysis tool with process temperature variables, namely 300⸰C, 325⸰C, and 350⸰C, the pyrolysis process time was 2 and 4 hours. From the pyrolysis process, the results of the volume of diesel fuel are at a temperature of 300 ⸰C as much as 95 ml, a temperature of 325 C as much as 100 ml, and a temperature of 350 ⸰C as much as 145 ml. From the results of the optimal data analysis for the optimum temperature and time of the HDPE plastic waste pyrolysis process, which is at a temperature of 325⸰C for 2 hours, the obtained diesel fuel has an ash content of 0.044 (w / w), and a moisture content of 0.031 (vol%).