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Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian

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This study aims to examine mechanism of the parties involved on reclaiming in acquiring, controlling and maintaining the flow of benefits from protected forest protection and its distribution. The method of research was qualitative approach using case study strategy and multi method. Reclaiming of protected forest by community of coffee growers in Sidomulyo has ideological purpose that is related to the reasons of morality, justice, normative and history. It also has a practical purpose that is related to the economic and ecological value of forests. The main actors in the conflict for agrarian resource (protected forests) are community of coffee growers and Perhutani. In addition there are also other actors are indirectly involved. They are private sector (traders, owners of capital and exporters) and government (village and region). The actors have their own interests to protected forest as conflicted resource. Mechanism of the parties in acquiring, controlling and maintaining the flow of benefits from protected forest and its distribution is influenced by the ability to access the technology, capital, markets, knowledge, authority, social identity and social relations.Keywords: Contestastion, Conflict, Access mechanism, and Agrarian resource.
FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PERILAKU KONSUMEN BUAH IMPOR Sudiyarto, Sudiyarto; Hidayat, Ramdan; Widayanti, Sri
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol 1, No 2 (2007)
Publisher : Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian

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Consumers hold important role in determination whether the product has superiority or not. The overflowing or import fruits affected to a strong competition between local and impor fruits.  Although local fruit seemingly lost in the competing with import fruits, however the consumer (especially city consumer) is the final determiner who act the jury to judge the kind of fruit that is superior through multi attribute judgement. The research objected was to analyze the influece of the factors namely culture, social enviroment, individual, psychological and marketing strategy toward consumer’s attitude in purchasing fruits to show ‘competitive value’ of local fruit toward impor fruits. This research purposely conducted in Surabaya as one of the final destinations for fruit marketing with fruit’s consumer as a respondent and using survey method.  Sample taken of 140 responden from five Surabaya areas. Data collection conducted by interviews and direct obsevation toward several research object. This  research analyzed by Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The result shows that on import fruits, changing culture and the increasing of individual characteristic significally significant effect to consumer behaviour in import fruits consumtion. Furthermore, the consumer  achievement behaviour statistically significant support to vendor to take  “marketing strategi”   Keywords : Consumer Behaviour, Import fruits, Structural Equation Modelling
PERILAKU KONSUMEN PENIKMAT KOPI TUBRUK DAN KOPI INSTAN Sudiyarto, Sudiyarto; Widayanti, Sri; Kresna, Dya Maretya
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol 6, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian

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The levels of Indonesian domestic coffee consumption increases more and more; this is related to consumer behavior, living standards improvement and lifestyle shift of urban people as in Surabaya. Each year coffee processing industry continues to grow in line with market demand. The purpose of this study was to: 1) describe the type of product and the known and favored coffee brand, 2) analyze consumer behavior in purchasing or consuming mud coffee and instant coffee. The research was conducted in Surabaya in March-April, 2012. This research applied qualitative-descriptive analysis. The coffee brand available in all traditional stores and minimarkets was only one brand of coffee (Kapal Api brand), while the coffee brands which were available in minimarket but were not available in traditional stores/food stalls were 4 brands of coffee. The coffee lovers bought coffee mostly in food stalls. Further, consumers enjoyed coffee at home, while the type of coffee mostly chosen was in form of original coffee powder, and the time to enjoy coffee was most frequently at night. Consumers enjoyed coffee for 2 cups/day in average. The consumer considerations in choosing coffee were influenced by flavor and external factors, mostly due to friendship effect. 55.00 percent of consumers preferred mud coffee. Keywords: consumer behavior, coffee, type (mud, instant) and brand.
Efektivitas Distribusi Pupuk Bersubsidi di Desa Wajak, Kecamatan Wajak, Kabupaten Malang Surono, Anggun Kurniawati; Widayanti, Sri; Sudiyarto, Sudiyarto
JIA (Jurnal Ilmiah Agribisnis) : Jurnal Agribisnis dan Ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Agribusiness, Halu Oleo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37149/jia.v6i2.17217


This study describes the implementation of subsidized fertilizer distribution in Wajak village and analyzes the effectiveness of subsidized fertilizer distribution in Wajak village. The research location was conducted in Wajak village, Wajak sub-district, Malang regency, from February until March 2021. The data analysis used is four precise indicators (Price, Time, Place, and Amount) with a sample of 50 farmers. The results of this study are an indicator of an effective place in the subsidized fertilizer policy. There are two indicators, namely price, and quantity which are stated to be quite effective. And one indicator is the time which is declared ineffective.
Analisis Struktur, Perilaku dan Kinerja Pasar pada Sentra Industri Rengginang Lorjuk di Kabupaten Sumenep Hopid, Hopid; Sudiyarto, Sudiyarto; Hendrarini, Hamidah
Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis Vol 5, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jepa.2021.005.03.16


Salah satu industri pangan yang berkembang pesat di Kabupaten Sumenep adalah industri makanan ringan “rengginang lorjuk” sebagai  makanan khas yang sudah terkenal ke berbagai daerah dan menjadi brand image makanan ringan kabupaten Sumenep. Sentra industri rengginang Lorjuk terletak di Desa Prenduan Kecamatan Pragaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis struktur, perilaku dan kinerja pasar pada sentra industri rengginang lorjuk di Kabupaten Sumenep. Metode acak sederhana (simple random sampling) digunakan untuk pengambilan sampel 20 produsen rengginang lorjuk. Hasil analisis menunjukkan struktur pasar industri rengginang lorjuk mengarah pada bentuk pasar oligopoli sedang dengan nilai CR4 sebesar 43,15%. Perilaku pasar ditandai dengan penerapan strategi harga, produk, promosi dan distribusi serta terdapat 4 pola saluran pemasaran. Kinerja pasar ditunjukkan dengan nilai rata-rata PCM seluruh produsen rengginang lorjuk sebesar 15%. Nilai PCM tertinggi industri rengginang lorjuk cap Dua Putri 47,27% dan terendah sebesar 4,55% dimiliki oleh Dua Jempol.
Perspektif Preferensi Konsumen Remaja terhadap Jajanan Tradisional Khas Gresik Asparin, Arinda; Sudiyarto, Sudiyarto
JIA (Jurnal Ilmiah Agribisnis) : Jurnal Agribisnis dan Ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol 6, No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Agribusiness, Halu Oleo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37149/jia.v6i4.19742


This study aims to explain the order of attributes of Gresik's traditional snacks based on the level of importance according to adolescent consumer preferences and the combination of Gresik's traditional snack product attribute levels, which are adolescent consumers' preferences Gresik Regency. The method used in determining the sample is purposive sampling. The respondents used were 55 teenagers who had made purchases and consumed snacks at least once. Location selection technique using the purposive method. This research was conducted from March 2021 to June 2021. Methods of data collection using closed questionnaires and case studies. The research data were analyzed using conjoint analysis with a combination of 7 attributes. Based on the study results, the order of attributes of Gresik's traditional snacks based on the level of importance according to adolescent consumer preferences was taste, brand, elasticity, price, product appearance, aroma, and packaging materials. The combination of the attribute levels of Gresik's traditional snacks that are the preferences of adolescent consumers in Gresik Regency is sweet to taste, very famous brand, sufficient elasticity, low price, attractive colour, medium characteristic aroma, and paper packaging material.