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Karakterisasi Kekuatan Bending dan Hidrofobisitas Komposit Serat Kulit Waru (Hibiscus tiliaceus) Kontinyu Bermatrik Pati Ubi Kayu Rianto, Ari; Soeparman, Sudjito; Sugiarto, Sugiarto
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Vol 2, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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The development of biopolymer becomes alternative solution of the waste problem which is mostly produced by synthetic polymer. Biopolymer cassava extract which has big potency to be developed as synthetic polymer alternative. Nevertheless, the basic characteristic which is hydrofilyc and low tensile strength makes the polymer film produced not acceptable to be used as synthetic polymer alternative. The method used in this research was continous fiber biocomposite by pressed hand lay up. The matrix was Wau wood fiber which had layer variety 1,2,3,4 and the fiber directions 0o and 90o. The matrix biocomposite uses cassava extract with addition variation of gliserol 5%,10%,15% of dry weight. The experiment testing used bending test standart ASTM C 393 (1997) and moisture test standart ASTM D570-81. From this research, it was found that the highest bending result on fiber variation 3 layers and 5 % matrix gliserol was 50,58 Mpa. The highest elongation on 15% gliserol+1 layer was 35%. The lowest moisture test occurred on 1% laye and 5% matrix was 39.3%. Keywords: Biocomposite, bending, biopolymer, Waru wood fiber , gliserol.
Optimalisasi Destilasi Nilam Kering melalui Pembekuan Pra Destilasi Sugiarto, Sugiarto; Sonief, A. As’ad; Sutikno, Djoko; Widhiyanuriyawan, Denny
Rekayasa Mesin Vol 5, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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The process of extracting oil from the leaves or stems cells by damaging the cell which usually done before or during distillation process. Damaging the cell can be done by mechanical process or freezing process. Chopping the leaves was done to damage the cells through the mechanical process, however the damage have not been able to destroy up to the celular level. While the freezing process could be expected to damage the tissue at the cellular level. Pure research on laboratory scale was used as the experiment method in this study. Freezing temperature pasca-distillation was variated on -13,4 ºC, -19,6 ºC and -24,8 ºC and without freezing process. While distillation process was varied on 95 ºC, 105 ºC dan 115 ºC. In this study, patchouli was distilled on wet and dry condition. LPG was used with automatically combustion control system of for keeping the temperature stability, increasing the capacity and quality of patchouli oil and reducing the production cost and the distillation time to less than 6 hours The stable distillation temperature was able to raise the volume of oil per kilogram of dry weight raw material and decrease the distillation time to less than 5 hours. Patchouli oil volume produced per kilogram of dry raw materials post freeze predistillation increased with increasing the distillation temperature. The low freezing temperature of the pre-distillation produced the high volume of patchouli oil per kilogram of raw material. Pre-distillation on the freezing process of dried patchouli was able to shorten the time of maximum distillation only in 3 hours. The range of distillation temperature on 95 ⁰C, 105 ⁰C and 115 ⁰C produced the different colors of patchouli oil from light brown to dark brown color.Keywords : optimalisation, distillation, dry patchouli, freeze pre-distillation
Perubahan Sifat Mekanis Komposit Hibrid Polyester yang Diperkuat Serat Sabut Kelapa dan Serat Ampas Empulur Sagu Leiwakabessy, Arthur Yanny; Purnowidodo, Anindito; Sugiarto, Sugiarto; Soenoko, Rudy
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Vol 4, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Filler composite material with natural fibers is ranging widely known in the manufacturing industry. Environmentally friendly material, able to be recycled, as well as able to destroy it self by nature is a technological demands of today. Coco fiber and pith of sago pulp fiber are natural fibers that derived from the processing of waste coconut and sago palms are abundant in the Moluccas and they have not been used optimally. Both of these materials can be used for the manufacture of composite, using polyester resin as the matrix. The research emphasis to get the maximum value of variation of fiber volume fraction and fiber coir pith of sago waste to the value of bending strength and impact strength, according to the desired application. Research methods Lay Hands Up in the manufacture of hybrid fiber composites with a combination of coconut fiber (SSK): sago pith pulp fibers (SES) with a variation of 10% SSK: SES40%, 20% SSK: SES30%, 30% SSK: SES20%, 40% SSK: SES10%. Dependent variable in the study is the bending strength and impact strength. The result is that an increase in bending strength and impact strength with increasing volume fraction, which is higher than the hybrid fiber coir fiber and coconut fiber pith of sago waste. The highest bending strength of the fiber volume fraction of 30%SSK: SES20%, amounting to 97 354 MPa, and the lowest bending force on the fiber volume fraction of 10% SSK: SES40% of 73 701 MPa, while the highest value of impact strength at SSK fiber volume fraction of 40% :SES10%, at 0178 J/mm², and the lowest value of the impact strength on the fiber volume fraction of 10% SSK : SES40% at 0.053 J/mm².Keywords: Mechanical Properties, composites hybrid, polyester, coconut coir fiber, fiber pulp sago pith.
Efek Freezing Damages dan Temperatur Distilasi terhadap Hasil Minyak Atsiri (Nilam) Hamidi, Nurhkolis; Ariyanto, Adhy; Sasongko, Mega Nur; Sugiarto, Sugiarto
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Essential oils are a great group of vegetable oils in the form a viscous liquid at room temperature but easily evaporate so as to provide a distinctive scent. Indonesia is the world's largest patchouli oil each year to supply about 75% of the world, but seen from the quality and quantity did not experience much change. This is due to most of the units of the oil still using simple technology / traditional and generally has a limited production capacity. Problems like this need to find a solution with one of the ways that pre-distillation using a freezing effect on the leaf so that the cells will be damaged so that the distillation process will be easier and get the quality of good patchouli oil. Freezing performed on fresh leaves and stems with a temperature variation of 13.8, -19.6 and -24.8 º C, while the temperature of distillation varies the 95, 105 and 115 º C, the clotting time for 2 hours. The results showed the presence of the lower freezing temperature the higher freezing the higher the content of patchouli alcohol (C15H26O), was to the effect of the higher distillation temperature distillation temperatures accelerate the process of spending patchouli oil from the leaves and stems.Keywords: Essential Oil, Predistillation, Temperature, Patchouli Alcohol (C15H26O)
Purifikasi Biogas Sistem Kontinyu Menggunakan Zeolit Sugiarto, Sugiarto; Oerbandono, Tjuk; Widhiyanuriyawan, Denny; Permana Putra, Faruq Syah
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Vol 4, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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The continued development of the technology industry and the rapid depletion of petroleum energy the need for alternative sources of renewable energy to be a very important consideration. Biogas is a renewable energy that has great potential as an alternative energy. The content consists of CH4 biogas as fuel around 50-80% and CO2 as an impurity around 27-45%. With the CO2 gas can affect the purity of CH4 in biogas womb. Therefore, to get the maximum quality of biogas purification necessary. The research was done by making purification equipment (purifier) with zeolite granular solid filler mounted on a biogas digester system continue. Purification processes varying on zeolite layer that fills the purifier is 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 layer. All walks take a purification process for 60 minutes and observed every 15 minutes. The results showed that the increasing time between biogas purification with zeolite, the CO2 levels tend to decline with the lowest percentage of 21.3% and CH4 levels increase with the highest percentage of 74.7%. This is due to the increasing time of purification, CO2 absorbed in the zeolite structure more and more. So with the absorption of CO2 by the zeolite, the resulting levels of CH4 has increased. In addition to the greater number of zeolite layers become increasingly declining CO2 and CH4 levels increase. This is because the more the number of layers of filler, wide contact area between the biogas by zeolite increasingly large that CO2 is absorbed by the zeolite increased.Keywords: Zeolite, CO2, CH4, purification, biogas continuous system
Dampak Perubahan Temperatur Lingkungan Terhadap Temperatur Puncak Las Dan Laju Pendinginan Sambungan Dissimilar Metal Menggunakan Las Mlg Sugiarto, Sugiarto; Wahyudi, Ari; Masduki, Masduki
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Vol 2, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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The failure of dissimilar weld joint happen to train contructions because of unweld joint quality optimal.This research used MIG welding with CO2 gas shield. The welding current used was 110 Ampere with wire diameter 0.8mm, welding velocity 2 mm/s, gas rate of CO2 was 5L/mnt. Temperature measurement distance towards welding center was 5 mm and 10mm. The joint plate was low carbon steel ST37 and austenitic stainless steel SS 304 with thickness 4mm. In order to obtain the temperature, thermocouple was used complated with ADC and computer to display and graph. Enviroment temperature was variated with room temperature 100 ºC, 200 ºC and 250 ºC. The low peak temperature cause cooling rate post welding deacreased, which was shown trough the decreasing shape of cooling graph. The higher the enviroment temperature, the lower welding peak temperature. It happen to both ST37 and SUS 304. The peak temperature and cooling rate post welding of SUS 304 was lower than ST37. The distribution of peak temperature similar the incrase of enviroment temperature. The most similar and lowest peak distribution of enviroment temperature was obtained 250ºC. Keywords: Thermal cycles, cooling rate, dissimilar metal, MIG welding, enviroment temperature.
Konsep Pengembangan Potensi Pesisir Pantai Desa Semare Menuju Desa Ekowisata Café Laut Semare (CLS) Maftuch, Maftuch; Sugiarto, Sugiarto; Hoetoro, Arif; Adam, Moh. Awaludin
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Vol 2 No 2 (2018): JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Forum Dosen Indonesia JATIM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (603.606 KB) | DOI: 10.36339/je.v2i2.153


Semare village has the potential of nature to developed to ecotourism village, located north of Pasuruanregency of East Java. Community service is done by formulating the concept of Semare Village development, KecamatanKraton, Pasuruan to an independent village with basic development of coastal village through Semare Sea Cafe concept(CLS) and strategy to be pursued in succeeding concept that has been formed. Community service is carried out for 6 (six)months, ie February 2018 to July 2018 in Coastal Village Semare, Pasuruan Regency. The methods used in this devotionare field observation, Foccus Group Discussion (FGD), comparative study and graphic design to get the CLS design inline with the expectations of Semare Village residents. Meanwhile, to find out how much participation in villagedevelopment conducted by the community is analyzed menggungan method of Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA). Villagepartner development activities that have been implemented during the first year with the aim of introducing andsocializing the mindset waterfront village in Semare Village community have a positive impact. This is reflected in thebehavior and attitude of the people who have consciously organized the coastal environment to a village that is at leastworth visiting. The villagers are very enthusiastic to succeed the event. So in the second year of service activity is moreemphasized on the study activity of Village Ecotourism based on community participation
PENGGUNAAN TEPUNG BIJI DURIAN (Durio zibethinus Murr) SEBAGAI SUMBER ENERGI DALAM PAKAN TERHADAP PERFORMAN ITIK LOKAL JANTAN (Anas platyrhynchos) Hasnawati, Hasnawati; Marfuah, Nuun; Sugiarto, Sugiarto
AgriSains Vol 17, No 2 (2016)

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The aim of this study was to determine the use effect of durian seed flour as a source of energy in the ration of the male local duck growth performance. This research was conducted in experimental cages of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Faculty Tadulako University, using 80 ducks for 8 weeks. This study was designed using completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments were tested, as follows: R0 (control); R1 (5% boiled durian seed flour replacing corn in the control diet); R2 (10% boiled durian seed flour replacing corn in the control diet); R3 (5% durian seed flour without replacing corn in the control diet) and R4 (10% durian seed flour without replacing corn in the control diet) with 20% protein iso and 3,100 kcal metabolizable energy iso. Data were analyzed using analysis of diversity according to the design used and followed by honestly significant difference test. The results showed that the treatment significant effect (P <0.05) on feed consumption, body weight gain and feed conversion. Treatment composition that gives the best results, namely the R1 treatment with the use of 5% boiled durian seed flour replacing corn in the ration, with average feed consumption 5.069g; 1.100g body weight gain; and conversion of 4.61. Keywords: duck performance, durian seed flour, male local duck
AgriSains Vol 18, No 1 (2017)

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The purpose of this study was to determine effect of young corn cob meal as a product of mushroom oyster white (pleurotus ostreatus) biodegradation and breaking fiber enzyme were added in the ration to broiler carcass. This research was implemented in Sigi districts central Sulawesi from June 11 to November 27, 2016. The used chickens is were 175 DOC. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 7 treatments and 5 replication as follows: R0 = 100% control ration, R1 = ration + 5% TTJMF, R2 = ration + 10% TTJMF, R3 = ration + 15% TTJMF, R4 = ration + 5% TTJMF + 7,5% units/kg breaking fiber enzyme, R5 = ration + 10% TTJMF + 7,5% units/kg breaking fiber enzyme, R6 = ration + 15% TTJMF + 7,5% units/kg breaking fiber enzyme. The results of this study showed that the treatment highly significant (P<0.01) to slaughter weight. The treatment showed non significant effect (P>0.05) on carcass percentage as well as the very significant effect (P<0,01) to abdominal fat. It caused of the basic materials used with high fiber feed affected to reduce slaughter weight and abdominal fat. It was concluded that used of TTJMF and breaking fiber enzyme in the ration to the extent 15% + 7.5% units/ kg gived the lowest result on abdominal fat but can not increase the slaughter weight and carcass percentage. Keywords: Broiler, corn cob, breaking fiber enzyme, carcass percentage.
JURNAL BISNIS STRATEGI Vol 25, No 2 (2016): Desember
Publisher : Magister Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Undip

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (495.322 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jbs.25.2.111-124


The business world is now facing more challenges: limited resources, increasing competition andrapidly changing environment. Demands in the distribution company also added by increasing the amount of principal that shorten the distribution channel. PT. Aga is the official distributor of paint products from PT. A for the Central Java. PT. Aga’s performance who continued to decline during the past two years after the change of management becomes a problem. The aim of this study was to examine the factors that should be improved by PT. Aga to improve its distribution performance. This study uses the relationship view as a background theory. Relationship Quality between PT. Aga with its customers, and PT. Aga’s Adaptation Capabilities are factors that will be examined related to competitive advantage and performance.The sample was 200 customers of PT. Aga. 124 questionnaires were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The analysis shows that the Adaptation Capabilities to the Environment and Relationship Qualityto its customers, have a significant positive influence on performance, either directly or indirectly.
Co-Authors Abdilah, Yan Amal Abduh, Ikhwan Achmad Wibolo Adhy Ariyanto Adi Nur Cahyono Adi Prayitno Adi Yusuf Setiawan, Adi Yusuf Afrida, Anisa Nur Ahlan, Muhammad Alamsyah - Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara Anies Setiowati, Anies Anindita, Rahma Anindito Purnowidodo Anton Wachidin Widjaja Apriliyani, Wina Dwi Ardiyanti, Muthia Ari Probandari Ari Rianto ARI WAHYUDI Arif Hoetoro Arif, Hutoro Arinto Hadi, Arinto Arthur Yanny Leiwakabessy Asril Adjis Atmoko, Warigit Dri aviria ermamilia, aviria Bambang Purwanto Banun Rohimah, Banun Bayu Rahayudi Berliana, Novi Bramaseto Rosie Pamungkas, Bramaseto Rosie Budi Santosa Budiyanti Wiboworini Budiyanto, Ricky Teguh Carnegi, Dale D, Widhiyanuriyawan Denny Widhiyanuriyawan Desi Nurfita Diah Suwarti Widyastuti Dian Sisinggih Diding HP, Diding HP Diffah Hanim Dinata, Benny Fika Djarot B Darmadi Djarot B. Darmadi, Djarot B. Djoko Sutikno Dono Indarto Dora, sylvia Terra Edy Soedjoko Elbi Wiseno Emi Pujiastuti Endang Yektiningsih, Endang Entianopa, Entianopa Erwin Sulistyo Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Fahrudin Fahrudin Farda, Hilyatin Faruq Syah Permana Putra Femiana Gapsari MF Gilang Prasidya Jati Prasidya Jati, Gilang Prasidya Jati Gracia S Ugut Gunawan, Ardi Guntiyastutik, Enik Guntur H, Guntur H Gustiana Mega Anggita Hadi Cahyadi Hanjarini, Gita Diana Hari Wujoso Harianto, Aryono Fajar Harry Soesanto Hasnawati Hasnawati Herdianti Herdianti, Herdianti Heri Sutarto Herlina, Intan Hermansjah, Reynaldi Hery Sutarto Hulu, Edison Husna, Himatul Ifnuari, Moh. Reza Irin Caisarina Isnarto, Isnarto Isti Hidayah J. Darmawan Jalil, Erlinawati Jumain, Jumain K. Wijayanti K., Anggraeni Dwi Karnati, Neti Kholiqowati, Heni Kongchulagul, Natsuangkorn Konita, Mita Krisna Harimurti, Krisna Kristiani, Wahyu Kunarti, Eny Kuneni, Erna Kurniawan, Rizal Mahdi Leni Pujiastuti Lisa Agustriyana Ma'arif, Mohammad Zainul Madyowati, Sri Oetami Maftuch Maftuch Mangku Purnomo Marfu'ah, Nuun Marsetio D, Marsetio D Masduki Ahmad Masduki Masduki Maslivah, Vita Soniya Matin, Matin Mega Nur Sasongko Miyasto Miyasto Moh. Awaludin Adam Mohammad Arif Ali, Mohammad Arif Mudiantono Mudiantono Muhammad Ikram Kido Musharyanti, Lisa Mustafa, Azhar Muttaqien, Kingking Muttaqin, Faisal Nanang Indardi, Nanang nanang muhibuddin, nanang Nugroho Bagus Nuhrawangsa, Adi Magna Patriadi Nurhattati Fuad, Nurhattati Nurhkolis Hamidi Nurkhoiriyah, Siti Nuun Marfuah Pamungkas, Agung Permatasari, Rani Putri Pramono, Rudy Pratama Wirya Atmaja Pratami, Andhyarnita Pratinuari, Karina Priambodo, Arinto Surya R. Sapto Hendri Boedi Soesatyo Rachmadhany, Fitri Rahmani, Dhuyufur randy, riki Renni Anggraini Rini Astuti Rini, Kurnia Setyo Rochmad - Rokhman, M.Taufiq Noor Romadhon, Bazargan RUBEN DHARMAWAN Rudy Soenoko Rudy, Yuwono rumiati, rumiati Runi Asmaranto S Siswanto Safa'atullah, Muhammad Fajar Said Junaidi Sari, Yuni Andira Sarifudin, Sarip Septiana, Atika Septiani, Shelomita Elisabeth Setiono Setiono Setya Rahayu Slamet Wahyudi Sonief, A. As’ad Stevani, Devi Sudjito Soeparman Sukmana, Tatas Aldian Sumarni Sumarni Sunarmi Sunarmi Suradi Suradi Suryani, Atik Syahbuddin Syahbuddin Syaiful Amin Takashi Nakatsuji Tan, Jacob Donald Tantoro Harmono Tejo Nugroho Thirayoot Limanoond Tjokroprawiro A, Tjokroprawiro A Tjuk Oerbandono Tonang Dwi Ardyanto, Tonang Dwi Tran, Phan Duc Anh Tri Agustina, Tri Tri Yuli Pramana Ulya, Lulu Fathnatul Ummiani Hatta Utommo, Danang Afri W, Irawan Dodi Wardati, Wardati Wawan Wawan Wibowo, Wisnu Widhiyastuti, Endang Widodo, Ibnu Sam Winata, Felix Andhy Wisudanto Wisudanto, Wisudanto Wiwit Pratiwi, Wiwit Wrisnijati, Dita Wrisnijati, Dita Wuni, Cici Yang, Chia-En Yaslis Ilyas yenni, melda Yoestini Yoestini Yudi Suryawan Zaenuri Mastur