This study aims to determine the form of collaboration between the library and the community while measuring the level of utilization and participation of the community in the development of libraries. The community in this study can be Government Agencies, Corporations / Companies and Non-Governmental Organizations. There are five interrelated elements in the library management concept that can be used as objects of cooperation in improving services, namely collections, Human Resources, users, services, and infrastructure. During this time the main constraints of the library are operational costs in the procurement and development of both collections, human resources, and infrastructure. In library science, procuring collections can be done by buying, gifts, donations, and exchanges. Perhaps this is the gap that can be used by librarians in procuring and developing collections in the library. Librarians can collaborate with the community in an effort to increase collections, HR and services without having to be constrained by the lack of available funds. This is also the implementation of RI Law No. 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services Chapter VI Article 39 paragraph 2 which states that "the participation of the community as referred to in paragraph (1) is realized in the form of cooperation, fulfillment of the rights and obligations of the community, and an active role in preparing public service policies". This research was conducted by taking a sample of four PTKIN libraries in East Java Province namely UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, IAIN Kediri, and IAIN Ponorogo. The method of data collection is done by the method of observation, interview, and questionnaire.