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Metode : Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol 3, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Metode
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (917.873 KB)


Kualitas pelayanan adalah salah satu indikator keberhasilan dalam member pelayanan. kualitas pelayanan dapat dilihat dan dirasakan langsung oleh masyarakat dan dinilai langsung oleh masyarakat yang menerima pelayanan. bagian pelayanan pada umumnya berupa loket-loket yang minimal dioperasikan oleh seorang pegawai yang ditugaskan untuk melayani suatu keperluan masyarakat. bagian ini mudah terkena kritik dari masyarakat karena merupakan bagian yang tampak di mata mereka. kinerja dan berbagai fasilitas pelayanan akan dirasakan dan tampak dimata masyarakat. pada kantor samsat kota sorong terutama pada pelayanan pengesahan pajak kendaraan, masih tampak beberapa kekurangan antara lain seperti masyarakat yang akan menerima pelayanan masih kebingungan saat akan mendaftarkan pajak kendaraan mereka karena keterangan tempat pendaftran tertutup dengan keramaian saat mengantri dan terkadang saat mengantri tidak sesuai dengan kedatangan penerima layanan, dan lain sebagainya. hal ini perlu dipertimbangkan mengingat citra lembaga yang harus dipertahankan. samsat kota sorong merespon positif kekurangan ini dengan ingin meningkatkan mutu pelayanannya. hasil pengolahan datanya membahas tentang model dan struktur antrian yang diusulkan berdasarkan asumsi-asumsi agar antriannya menjadi lebih baik yang dihitung dari hasil pengamatan secara langsung dan juga hasil kinerja pelayanan dan antriannya guna untuk mengetahui banyaknya waktu menunggu dan jumlah orang yang menunggu selama mengantri untuk menerima pelayanan yang dimulai dari pendaftaran, membayar, dan terakhir menerima notis pajak yang telah diperbaharui.
Metode : Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol 6, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Metode
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (487.263 KB)


CV. Tirta Dwimas adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di industri air mineral dalam kemasan (AMDK) yang memproduksi produk DWIMAS kemasan 240 ml, 600 ml dan gallo 19 L. Pada proses produksi DWIMAS kemasan 240 ml terdapat 3 jenis cacat yang menyebabkan suatu produk DWIMAS mengalami reject yaitu, bocor lid, kurang pres dan bocor gelas. Pada 3 jenis cacat tersebut terjadi penurunan kualitas produk dan mengakibatkan kerugian. Terjadinya kecacatan ini diakibatkan dari berbagai faktor yaitu manusia, mesin, metode dan material. Hal yang dapat dilakukan untuk menghilangkan atau mengurangi riject pada produk yaitu melakukan suatu penelitian dengan menggunakan seven tools. Hasil perhitungan dan analisis terdapat 3 jenis cacat bocor lid,kurang pres dan bocor gelas dan presentasi jumlah masing-masing cacat sebesar 65%, 25%, dan 10 %. Level yang tertinggi terdapat pada bocor lid. Diagram sebab akibat dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penyebab dan diperoleh 4 aspek faktor usulan perbaikan dari hasil diagram sebab akibat yaitu dengan cara memperhatikan aspek manusia,mesin,metode, dan material.
Analisis Pengendalian Persediaan Air Mineral Dengan Metode Just In Time Sanny Hahury; Umar Rusli Marasabessy; Asih Ahistasari; Fadli Pelani Rama Silalahi
Metode : Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Metode
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33506/mt.v8i2.2017


Inventory in a company has an important role in supporting the course of a production and sales process. If the inventory in a company is managed properly, the production and sales processes can run smoothly. Based on this method of meeting the needs that are applied, sometimes the inventory becomes out of control, because demand changes every time. In response to this problem, Gudang Blessing Mandiri requires a new method to control inventory to be more efficient and effective. One method of inventory control is a method that only brings in goods if they are going to do the sales process or if they have received orders from consumers or distributors. And cooperate or contract with several suppliers of goods in the long term. This method is called Just In Time (JIT). The results obtained after applying the Just In Time method to the Mandiri Berkah Warehouse, the total cost for Aqua 330 ml was Rp. 103,723 with a cost savings of Rp. 105,476, on Aqua 600 ml of Rp. 236,560 with a cost savings of Rp. 552,683 and at Aqua 1,500 ml Rp. 187,789 with a cost savings of Rp. 417,158.
USULAN RANCANGAN SISTEM USAHA WARALABA PADA RUMAH MAKAN SAWAYAKA SUSHI Tamrin Tajuddin; Aprisa Rian Histiarini; Asih Ahistasari; Muhammad Rizky Hamunta
Metode : Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Metode
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33506/mt.v8i2.2019


Franchise is a business activity using the method of granting licenses, trademarks, copyrights, or patents from the franchisor to the franchisee. Sawayaka Sushi is a franchise business that offers Japanese food products. Sawayaka Sushi is currently incomplete and does not cover all activities at Sawayaka Sushi. The restaurant owner has plans to expand his business by applying the improved franchise system to the new Sawayaka Sushi restaurant. The system that will be used is a franchise system that matches the Sawayaka Sushi restaurant. Therefore, the old Sawayaka Sushi business system will be evaluated and with this evaluation a new system will be created and can be proposed as a franchise business system at the Sawayaka Sushi restaurant. To find out whether Sawayaka Sushi's business is eligible to become a franchise or not, a franchisability study is used, namely from a qualitative and quantitative perspective. In the marketing strategy used SWOT analysis. The results obtained based on the business feasibility aspect show that the Sawayaka Sushi business can be said to be feasible. The payback period of the Sawayaka Sushi franchise is 2 years 7 months, the NPV generates a positive value of IDR 57,639,635. Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 28.316% is declared acceptable.
Pelatihan Dasar Manajemen Dan Perhitungan Harga Pokok Penjualan Untuk Ibu-Ibu MT. Miftahurrahmah Kampung Makassar Di Kelurahan Malabutor Kota Sorong Asih Ahistasari; Masniar Masniar; Nanik Purwanti; Wisang Candra Bintari; Lona Helti Nanlohy
Jompa Abdi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Jompa Abdi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Jompa Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Sejak pandemi covid-19 masuk ke Indonesia pertengahan Maret 2020, melumpuhkan hampir seluruh aktivitas masyarakat, salah satunya di bidang perdagangan. Banyak pelaku usaha khususnya UMKM mendapatkan beberapa kesulitan dalam mempertahankan penjualan produknya baik jasa maupun barang. Namun  selama pandemi tersebut, pelaku usaha juga mendapatkan jalan untuk tetap berdagang, salah satunya melalui online. Meski demikian, sering kali pelaku usaha masih mendapat kesulitan misalnya salah satunya dalam menentukan harga pokok penjualan atau harga jual. Harga jual menjadi salah satu hal yang harus dipahami oleh setiap pelaku usaha agar mendapatkan keuntungan yang diinginkan dari hasil penjualannya. Banyak pelaku usaha masih perlu diberi pemahaman bagaimana cara menghitung dan akhirnya mendapatkan harga jual. Sehingga dalam kasus tersebut, perlu diadakannya pelatihan dasar manajemen perhitungan penentuan harga pokok penjualan kepada pelaku usaha UMKM agar mendapatkan keuntungan sesuai dengan biaya-biaya yang dikeluarkannya. Pelatihan dilakukan kepada ibu-ibu pelaku usaha UMKM dengan menyampaikan materi dan pelatihan uji coba perhitungan pada salah satu produk penjualan peserta pelatihan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi, dan simulasi. Hasil pelatihan tersebut, peserta menjadi mengerti dan paham cara perhitungan untuk menentukan harga pokok penjualan produk dan juga diharapkan pelaku usaha UMKM dapat dengan mudah menghitung dan mengetahui besaran keuntungan penjualan produk yang didapatkan.
Pelatihan Microsoft Word pada Panti Asuhan Al-Amin Muhammadiyah (Putri) Kota Sorong Fitriyani Tella; Muhammad Rizki Setyawan; Ermin Ermin; Dewi Astria Faroek; Asih Ahistasari; Nurfitri Nurfitri
Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Laksana Vol 5, No 2 (2023): JPDL (Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Laksana)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/j.pdl.v5i2.25693


Aplikasi Microsoft Word telah diterapkan hampir di setiap bidang pekerjaan. Begitupula pada bidang pendidikan mulai dari sekolah dasar hingga sekolah menengah atas, dimana siswa menggunakan aplikasi Microsoft Word untuk membantu dalam menyelesaikan tugas-tugas yang diberikan oleh guru. Situasi Panti Asuhan Al-Amin Muhammadiyah saat ini sudah memiliki beberapa komputer yang dapat digunakan anak-anak untuk  tugas sekolah. Namun, komputer tersebut dalam keadaan rusak dan tidak dapat digunakan oleh anak-anak. Sedangkan untuk pengurus panti asuhan, jika diminta untuk mengajari anak-anak aplikasi Microsoft Word merasa sedikit kesulitan mengingat jumlah anak panti yang banyak. Oleh karena dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian berupa pelatihan aplikasi Microsoft Word kepada anak-anak panti asuhan untuk menambah soft skill yang mereka punya serta mempermudah anak-anak dalam menyelesaikan tugas yang diberikan oleh guru. Hasil dari kegiatan ini, anak-anak panti asuhan dapat membuat sebuah surat dan mampu menggunakan aplikasi Microsoft Word untuk menyelesaikan tugas sekolah serta menambah keterampilan soft skill mereka
Proposed Packaging of Assar Fish Products with Methods Quality Function Deployment Tamrin Tajuddin; Irman Amri; Syach Reza Syamsuddin; Asih Ahistasari
Journal of Industrial System Engineering and Management Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Industrial System Engineering and Management (Edisi October)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (296.464 KB) | DOI: 10.56882/jisem.v1i2.8


Generally, selling fish asar by the community, the seller only wraps or packs fish asar in the traditional way, using banana leaves. Traditional asar fish packaging is still carried out in the Sorong city area, especially in the market and its surroundings. So action or change is needed so that the asar fish which is the interest of the residents of the city of Sorong is still protected by the cleanliness and quality of the asar fish product. The packaging used to pack asar fish products is Polypropylene (PP) plastic packaging. The choice of packaging with this material is because it is strong, resistant to chemicals, heat, oil, transparent, and flexible. Quality Function Deployment is a product development system that starts from product design, manufacturing processes until the product is in the hands of consumers, where product development is based on consumer desires. This study aims to produce packaging designs for asar fish products that meet consumer desires using the Quality Function Deployment method. The research begins with distributing questionnaires, identifying consumer desires, determining the value of importance rating, technical response, technical correlation matrix, relation matrix, planning matrix, determining target specifications, making House of Quality. The resulting packaging design is a rectangle measuring 35 cm x 18 cm, made of Polypropylene (PP) plastic, packaging using a sticker measuring 12 cm x 12 cm, and the packaging is pressed using a sealer.
Analisis Risiko Kebakaran Di Bandar Udara RR Menggunakan Metode FMEA Mardhiah Gani; Aprisa Rian Histiarini; Asih Ahistasari; raymans Wariori
Metode : Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Metode
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33506/mt.v9i1.2205


Risk is "the possibility of an event occurring that can affect the achievement of organizational goals", this shows that the need for awareness and prevention of fires needs to be increased. Risk control is an action taken to save the company from losses, by determining the best way to deal with risk. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a method of evaluating the possibility of a failure of a system, design, process or service to make steps for handling it. The main objective of FMEA is to identify and prevent disturbances by knowing the risks that may occur and developing strategies to reduce these risks. There are three components that will assist in determining the priority of disturbances, namely: a. Frequency (occurrence) b. Level of Damage (severity) c. Detection level (detection). Based on the results of data processing, there are 8 highest risk levels from the RPN, the largest is 213.33 and the RPN with a moderate risk level is 76. Meanwhile, the highest fire risk level from the largest RPN is 193.33 and the RPN with a medium risk level is 110.
Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Di RH SOQ Asih Ahistasari; Aprisa Rian Histiarini; Nicolaus Yulio Sarfunin
Metode : Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Metode
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33506/mt.v9i1.2224


This study aims to find out how much influence the factors of service quality have on customer satisfaction in RH SOQ. The method used is a quantitative method. Data were collected through observation, interviews, dissemination of questionnaires, documentation, literature studies and RH SOQ sales data. The sample in this study was 93 consumers, with sampling using accidental sampling. Data analysis using multiple linear regression. The results of the coefficient of determination analysis (R2) showed that the influence of variables in the study was 74% and the remaining 26% was influenced by other factors outside this study. Partial testing (t) shows that the variables that have a significant influence are concern, assurance and reliability, while for direct evidence and responsiveness it has no significant effect. The results of simultaneous testing (f) showed that the five variables of service quality in this study had an effect on consumer satisfaction in RH SOQ. This research is expected to be a consideration in decision making for RH SOQ in improving the quality of its services.
Analysis of Work Measurement Using the Stopwatch Time Study Method at PTEA masniar masniar; Umar Rusli Marasabessy; Engelberto Astrides; Asih Ahistasari; Mohammad Arief Nur Wahyudien; Mirga Maulana Rachmadhani
Journal of Industrial System Engineering and Management Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Industrial System Engineering and Management (Edisi March)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56882/jisem.v2i1.14


In the era of globalization or the world of free trade, competition in the industrial world is increasing rapidly, this causes business competition to increase. Seeing the importance of measuring every activity carried out by the company, an accurate measurement method is needed to be able to provide accurate information on the time needed and the efficiency of each product activity in meeting production targets to achieve profits. The Stopwatch Time Study method is a work measurement technique using a stopwatch as a means of measuring the time shown in the completion of an observed activity. From the measurement results, a standard time will be obtained to complete a work cycle, where this time will be used as a standard for completing work for all workers who will carry out the same work as that. To determine the standard time, first calculate the cycle time and the time normal considering the degree of adjustment and allowance. Based on the results of data processing and discussion, it can be concluded that the lowest normal time is for employee 2 with a time of 39.05 seconds. Employee adjustment factor 2 with a total adjustment of +0.12 and employee allowance factor 2 with a total allowance of 22.