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Analysis and Evaluation Change Order in Flexible Pavement (Case Study: Road Projects in East Kalimantan) Sulistio, Hendrik; Waty, Mega
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (295.768 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v16i1.3664


Change Orders often occur in construction project, whether during early, middle, or late stage of  project. The objectives of this research are to find types of work and construction stages where change orders often occur; average percentage of change order costs anda main causes of change order in flexible pavement project in East Kalimantan. Data for the research were obtained by first, distributing questionnares to project and field coordinators, contractors, and consultans working in Samarinda, East Kalimantan. The findings show thar cut and fill works in sub grade often experience change order. The main causes of change order are differences between drawing and site condition, design changes, and landslide. The average change order’s percentage is 28,26%. Meanwhile change order often occurred during the early phase of construction.Keywords : Change Order, Flexible Pavement, East KalimantanPermalink:[How to cite: Sulistio, H. dan Waty, M. (2008), Analysis and Evaluation Change Order  in Flexible Pavement (Case Study: Road Projects in East Kalimantan), Jurnal Media Komunikasi Teknik Sipil, Tahun 16, No. 1, pp. 31-47]
Analisis Undang Undang yang Mengatur Jasa Konstruksi Indonesia Terhadap Pengguna dan Penyedia Jasa Konstruksi Putra, Andi Bayu; Sulistio, Hendrik
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (327.689 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v25i2.19678


Construction Services Law is a statutory regulation that is used to regulate all matters involving construction services, whereas in this study conducted in Jakarta, Indonesia, Law No. 18 of 1999 about Construction Services and Law No. 2 of 2017 about Construction Services. With changes in the Construction Services Law, there are differences in the form of revisions, additions, and reductions. These differences and changes are analyzed with the aim of developing a better Construction Services Law in the future. The method used in this research is a literature study method and questionnaire survey method. Questionnaire questions were formed based on literature studies from previous research and Construction Services Law discussed in this study. Data obtained from respondents were entered into the IBM SPSS Statistics 23 program and then conducted a validity test, reliability test, correlation test, and regression analysis. The analysis shows that there are several Construction Services Law’s regulations which cannot be a good guide for construction service providers and users yet, due to: the provisions regarding building failures are not well explained, the general lack of provisions governing the selection of expert assessors, the lack of clarity governing labor standards construction work and unclear regulations regarding sanctions for parties involved in construction work.
Peran Kontraktor dalam Peningkatan Constructability pada Pembangunan Jalan Jembatan Wilayah Kalimantan Timur Sulistio, Hendrik; Magawaty, Magawaty
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (413.711 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v19i1.7832


Contructability has been defined as the optimus usefull of construction knowledgeand experience in planning design, procurement and field operation to achieve overall can be effective, efficiency efficiency and good quality (CII, Uaustin, USA). Successful application from constructability improvement suspended commited from overall group Project Management Team for achievent of project goals. Project Management Team is referred between the project owner, architect or designer and the construction company before construction commences. Purpuse of observing is understanding set construction company manager in practice concept constructability in goal construction project for achieve improvement of performance and optimum project can be efficiency can be saved. Object observe focust in build of road and bridge in East Borneo with sample are construction company manager with questionare after that with Analysis Static Parametric. Result of Improtance Analysis is 6.32 and result of performance analysis is enough high but has separated from importance in project management road is 10.42%. Result of factor analysis can see that responden toward conceptual constructability can more complication with capability controlling time schedule. One manner can be use for controlling time implementation is do “Construction Method” as well, can do improving quality and safety implementation.
Pengaruh Model Change Order pada Kehilangan Produktivitas dan Performa Proyek KOnstruksi Jalan dari Perspektif System Teori Sulistio, Hendrik; Wibowo, M. Agung
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3094.326 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v17i3.7862


Change order at project of road construction almost cannot avoid. Change of work happened because of field needs, and completeness of physical work to be in line with the initially project’s purpose. Some research of change order show that change order can influence by efficiency, execution, of profit, dispute and claim, losing productivity and degradation of performance. All  former research about change order not yet been analysed holysticly. The model of change order influence of productivity and performance should be predict holisticly with paying attention to the indicator influencing each variable. The research purpose is to analyse influence of change order at productivity losing and performance of the road costruction projrct from the theory system in 4 steps, that is phase 1 to describes about change order variable, phase 2 to describe about productivity losing, phase 3 to describe variable of performance, phase 4 to assimilate phase 1 up tophase 3. The cobclusion is change order has to check holisticly to influencing variable, so the model can illustrate the real phenomena happened. The influencing variable is productivity losing and performance in the construction project. Number of influence and the variable is being influence one each other and this research cluster 3 phases nee hard system method. Keywords : Change order, Losing productivity, Soft system, Performance, System theory.   Abstrak     Change order pada proyek konstruksi jalan hampir tidak dapat dihindari. Perubahan pekerjaan terjadi karena kebutuhan lapangan, dan untuk menyempurnakan pekerjan fisik agar sesuai dengan tujuan semula proyek. Beberapa penelitian Change order menunjukkan bahwa change order dapat juga mempengaruhi efisiensi, pelaksanaan, penurunan profit, klaim dan perselisihan, kontingensi, kehilangan produktivitas, dan penurunan performa. Semua penelitian terdahulu tentang change order belum dianalisis secara holistic. Model pengaruh change order terhadap kehilangan produktivitas dan performa, seharusnya diprediksi secara holistic dengan memperhatikan indikator yang mempengaruhi masing-masing variable tersebut. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis pengaruh change order pada kehilangan produktivitas dan performa proyek konstruksi jalan dari perspektif system theory dengan cara soft system (mental model). Metodologi dari penelitian dianalisis dengan cara system teori dengan 4 langkah, yaitu fase 1 mendiskripsi tentang variable change order, fase 2 mendeskripsikan tentang variable kehilangan produktivitas, fase 3 mendeskripsikan tentang variable performa, fase 4 menggabungkan fase 1 sampai dengan fase 3. Kesimpulan adalah change order harus diteliti secara holistic terhadap variabel yang mempengaruhinya, sehingga model dapat menggambarkan fenomena yang sebenarnya terjadi. Variabel yang mempengaruhinya adalah kehilangan produktivitas dan performa proyek konstruksi. Besar pengaruh dan variabel-variabel tersebut saling mempengaruhi, perlu dilakukan penelitian terhadap penggabungan tiga fase diatas dengan hard system. Kata kunci: Change order, Sistem teori, soft sistem, kehilangan produktivitas, performa
Permodelan Faktor Pengaruh Change Order Pada Proyek Konstruksi Sulistio, Hendrik; Wibowo, M. Agung
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3652.966 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v18i1.7844


Change order at project of road cobstruction almost cannot avoid. Change of work happened because of field needs, and completeness of physical work to be in line with the initially project’s purpose. Some research of change order can influence by efficiency, execution, degradation of profit, disput and claim, losing productivity and degradation of performance. The research done by exploring form former research about change order, and looking at those research is the any opportunity to check furthermore with paying attention to the factors which not yet checked. The research conducted by 4 analysed phase to former research those are not research about change order., and looking at those 1 and phase 2 referred as seeking phase of step., phase 3 refeered as analysis phase, and phase 4 reffered as discovery phase. The research result found that variable of change order can be developed furthermore by researching the influence of change order to construction project performance related to losing productivity with model. Keywords : Change order, Soft model, Developing models.   Abstrak   Change order pada proyek konstruksi jalan hampir tidak dapat dihindari. Perubahan pekerjaan terjadi karena kebutuhan lapangan, dan untuk menyempurnakan pekerjan fisik agar sesuai dengan tujuan semula proyek. Beberapa penelitian Change order menunjukkan bahwa change order dapat juga mempengaruhi efisiensi, pelaksanaan, penurunan profit, klaim dan perselisihan, kontingensi, kehilangan produktivitas, dan penurunan performa. Tujuan penelitian adalah meneliti faktor-faktor change order pada kehilangan produktivitas dan performa proyek konstruksi, berdasarkan penelitian terdahulu mengenai pengaruh change order pada proyek konstruksi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggali dari penelitian terdahulu tentang change order, dan melihat penelitian-penelitian tersebut apakah ada peluang untuk meneliti lebih lanjut dengan memperhatiakn faktor-faktor yang belum diteliti. Penelitian dilakukan dngan 4 fase analisis terhadap penelitian terdahulu yaitu fase 1 dan 2 disebut fase pencarian langkah, fase 3 disebut fase analisis dan fase 4 disebut fase penemuan. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa variable change order dapat dikembangkan lagi dengan meneliti pengaruh change order terhadap performa proyek kostruksi dikaitkan dengan kehilangan produktivitas dengan permodelan. Kata-kata Kunci : Change order, Soft model, Tahapan model
Identifikasi Risiko Lanjutan Terhadap Sumber dan Penyebab Material Waste Proyek Konstruksi Jalan Waty, Mega; Sulistio, Hendrik
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (720.347 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v26i1.21817


Early risk identification of the sources and causes of waste material for road construction projects has been carried out, and the research continues to carry out further risk identification which then becomes the final risk identification. Description and validity tests and reliability tests were carried out to obtain further risk identification. Each source variable and indicator of the cause of material waste in each material is differentfrom one another because each has a difference. The results of continued identification resulted in:   1) ready mix concrete has eight variables of waste material sources and 21 indicators of material waste causes, 2) lean concrete has seven variables of waste material sources and 18 indicators of material waste causes, 3) aggregate B has seven variables of waste material sources and 12 indicators of material waste causes,  4) landfill has eight variables of material waste sources and 26 indicators of material waste causes, 5) cement has seven variables of material waste sources and 31 indicators of material waste.
Jurnal Muara Sains, Teknologi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Muara Sains, Teknologi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jmstkik.v4i2.6342


ABSTRACTChange orders include a number of variants in the scope of work namely the amount of material, design errors, and price changes. This paper discusses change orders in a road construction project in Banten by investigating the causes, studying their effects on the project, and identifying the beneficiaries. The study used five road projects as actual case studies and the questionnaire used a six-point Likert Scale. To determine the ranking of factors that influence the causes of change orders, the effect of change orders and the factors that benefit from change orders are used the Relative Importance Index (RII) calculation. The most important effects of change orders on projects are found to be schedule delays, cost overruns and disputes. The contractor as the party that benefits the most from the change order is followed by the consultant and then the owner. Keywords: change order; road project; Relative Importance Index (RII) ABSTRAK Change order mencakup sejumlah varian dalam ruang lingkup pekerjaan yakni jumlah material, kesalahan desain, dan perubahan harga. Makalah ini membahas change order dalam proyek konstruksi jalan di Banten dengan menyelidiki penyebab, mempelajari efeknya pada proyek, dan mengidentifikasi pihak-pihak yang diuntungkan. Penelitian menggunakan lima proyek jalan sebagai studi kasus aktual dan Kuisoner menggunakan Skala Likert Enam poin. Untuk mengetahui peringkat faktor yang mempengaruhi penyebab change order, efek change order dan faktor yang diuntungkan dari change order digunakan perhitungan Relative Importance Index (RII). Efek terpenting dari change order pada proyek ditemukan adalah penundaan jadwal, pembengkakan biaya dan perselisihan. Kontraktor selaku pihak yang paling diuntungkan dari change order diikuti oleh konsultan dan kemudian owner.
Jurnal Muara Sains, Teknologi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Muara Sains, Teknologi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jmstkik.v5i1.10094


A Change Order is a written and legal work order that changes the scope of the original contract, with compensation that has been agreed upon by the owner and the contractor. Changes can be in the form of adding or reducing the scope of work, changing materials, or changing schedules. Change Order causes the cost of contract items to swell, planning errors and negligence as well as changes in scope that can be reduced by sharpening planning results. The scope of research on road construction in Indonesia, especially in DKI Jakarta and Banten provinces. This study aims to determine the identification of change orders in road construction projects. Data obtained from real data on road construction projects from 2013-2018 on 16 road construction project packages in the form of road construction project addendum contracts. Based on the addendum contract, added work, less work, addition of new items and removal of work items are determined. The identification of change order risk is seen from three aspects, namely the addition and reduction of work items, the removal of items and the addition of new items and the wishes of the owner, thereby increasing the cost of the change order contract. This study found 732 changes in construction work items. Risk identification is obtained from the frequency of changes above 35% which is an intermediate frequency that tends to increase the occurrence of change orders. The results of risk identification were obtained for 31 construction work items, the highest percentage was for Thermoplastic Road Marking work, followed by 30 other construction work items. Keywords: risk identification; change orders; road construction projects  AbstrakChange Order adalah perintah kerja tertulis dan sah  yang mengubah lingkup kontrak semula, dengan kompensasi  yang sudah disetujui oleh pemilik dan  kontraktor.  Perubahan dapat berupa penambahan atau pengurangan lingkup pekerjaan, perubahan material, atau perubahan jadwal. Change Order menyebabkan biaya  item kontrak membengkak, kesalahan perencanaan dan kelalaian serta perubahan ruang lingkup yang dapat dikurangi dengan mempertajam hasil perencanaan.. Lingkup penelitian pada konstruksi jalan di Indonesia khususnya  provinsi DKI Jakarta dan Banten. Penelitian  bertujuan untuk  mengetahui  identifikasi change order proyek konstruksi jalan. Data didapat dari data riil proyek konstruksi jalan dari tahun 2013- 2018 pada 16 paket proyek konstruksi jalan berupa kontrak addendum proyek konstruksi jalan. Berdasarkan kontrak addendum maka ditentukan pekerjaan tambah, pekerjaan kurang, penambahan item baru dan penghilangan item pekerjaan. Identifikasi risiko change order dilihat dari tiga aspek yakni penambahan dan pengurangan item pekerjaan, penghilangan item dan penambahan item baru dan keinginan dari pihak owner sehingga meningkatkan biaya kontrak change order.  Penelitian ini mendapatkan 732 perubahan  item pekerjaan konstruksi.  Identifikasi risiko didapat dari  frekuensi perubahan diatas 35% yang merupakan frekuensi menengah yang cenderung meningkatkan terjadinya change order. Hasil identifikasi risiko didapat pada  31 item pekerjaan konstruksi, yang tertinggi persentase pada pekerjaan  Marka Jalan Termoplastik, diikuti 30 item pekerjaan konstruksi lainnya.
Jurnal Muara Sains, Teknologi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Muara Sains, Teknologi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jmstkik.v5i1.10120


Material as one of the components that has a contribution of 40-60% of the project cost in the research of Intan et al., 2005. Concrete is currently being studied because it is one of the five materials that affects 80% of material costs.. The purpose of this research is to examine how much the loss of iron concrete material waste and the ranking of the factors that influence it in multi-storey building projects. The research method is by conducting a questionnaire to contractors. The data collection process is carried out by distributing questionnaires in multi-storey building projects in Jakarta. Measuring the value of the questionnaire as many as 64 respondents used the Likert measurement technique. The sequence of data processing, first done by testing the validity and reliability testing. After that, these factors are ranked using the Relative Importance Index method. The result is a loss of Concrete Iron material waste of 7.5% and ratings that affect the loss of concrete are: not planning reinforcement bestat, complicated image detailing, cutting errors due to lack of understanding of work drawings / carelessness, lack of / unclear image information, use of wrong so that it needs to be replaced, the remaining cuts due to the process of use and a design change. Keywords: multi-storey building; reinforcing steel;  waste material AbstrakMaterial sebagai salah satu komponen yang mempunyai kontribusi sebesar 40-60% dari biaya proyek di dalam penelitian Intan et al, 2005.  Besi beton saat ini mau diteliti karena merupakan salah satu dari lima material  mempengaruhi 80% biaya material.  Tujuan penelitian ini meneliti  berapa besar kerugian waste material besi beton dan peringkat faktor faktor yang mempengaruhinya pada proyek bangunan gedung bertingkat . Metode penelitian dengan melakukan kuesioner terhadap kontraktor. Proses pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah dengan menyebar kuesioner di proyek bangunan gedung bertingkat yang berada di Jakarta.  Pengukuran nilai kuesioner sebanyak 64 responden  digunakan teknik pengukuran Likert.  Urutan pengolahan data, pertama dilakukan dengan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas. Setelah itu faktor-faktor tersebut ditentukan  peringkat dengan metode Relative Importance Index. Hasilnya adalah kerugian  waste material Besi Beton  sebesar 7,5 % dan peringkat yang mempengaruhi kerugian besi beton  adalah:tidak merencanakan bestat penulangan, pendetailan gambar yang rumit, kesalahan pemotongan karena kurang memahami gambar kerja/kecerobohan,informasi gambar kurang/tidak jelas, penggunaan material yang salah sehingga perlu diganti, sisa pemotongan karena proses pemakaian dan adanya perubahan desain.
Penerapan Soft System Methodology untuk Model Konseptual Tingkat Pemahaman Implementasi Management Strategik Berbasis Administrasi Kontrak Dalam Peningkatan Profit Perusahaan Konstruksi Gita Puspa Artiani; Nilam Tantri; Hendrik Sulistio
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknik - PLN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33322/forummekanika.v11i1.1659


The construction world in Indonesia is currently growing rapidly, the competition conditions in the construction world today to get tighter. However, this condition can be a serious threat to the inadequate construction industry and company personnel unpreparedness, especially for project managers in dealing with problems and uncertainties caused by the high level of risk and complexity of the project, so that it can cause a high level of project failure which has an impact on decreasing company profits, so it can cause a high level of project failure which has an impact on decreasing company profits. Some causes that must be addressed include weak project management competence, lack of strategic management understanding based on contract administration by project managers and organizational culture that tends to be reactive. The main purpose of this research is to obtain an overview for the latest form of modeling developments that can be used as a model to see effect of strategic management implementation level based on contract administration by project managers on company performance in an effort to increase company profits. By using Soft System Methodology (SSM), a conceptual model has been built to describes a relationship between understanding level of strategic management implementation based on contract administration on company performance in an effort to increase company profits. Through the steps of SSM implementation has prepared an action plan to be taken, namely, strategic management planning that supports mission, strategies and organization goals