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PENGELOLAAN DAN PENGOLAHAN SAMPAH PADA MASYARAKAT SEKITAR KAMPUS 2 UNAND, PAYAKUMBUH Bintang Rizky Abdullah Majo Saibah; Winny Alna Marlina; Ranny Fitriana Faisal; Agestayani Agestayani; Erizal Erizal; Susiana Susiana; Musbatiq Srivani; Faisal Ali Ahmad; Jauharry Jauharry
Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS Vol 1 No 4.b (2018)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (719.631 KB)


Environmental, economic and social aspects are three important pillars in sustainable development. However, the 2017 West Sumatra Environmental Management Regional Performance Document (DIKPLHD) stated that the waste generation in West Sumatra reached 2,452,213 kg / day and only 34.54% of districts / cities had managed the waste properly. So far, the handling of waste is usually conducted by stacking, collecting, and transporting to the Final Processing Site (TPA). Therefore, it is important to start a systematic program to reduce waste. One possible method that can be implemented is the empowerment of the waste bank. Campus 2 UNAND Payakumbuh has conducted community service through socialization and training programs with the theme "Turning Waste Into Rupiah". The objective of this program is to educate the public to be able to reduce waste in order to reach sustainable business development. In this training, the participants were provided with knowledge about waste management and the added value of recycling unused newspapers into useful items such as flower vases.
ECOMMERCE KEPADA PEDAGANG KAKI LIMA DAN UMKM KOTA PAYAKUMBUH UNTUK MENINGKATKAN DAYA SAING DI ERA GLOBAL Winny Alna Marlina; Bintang Rizky Abdullah Majo Saibah; Ranny Fitriana Faisal; Agestayani Agestayani; Erizal Erizal; Susiana Susiana; Musbatiq Srivani
Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS Vol 1 No 3.b (2018)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (615.205 KB)


Payakumbuh is one of City on Sumatera Barat where having many street foods at night around 254 retailers. These food night retailers always move from another place to another place and lack of promotion. The purpose of our community service program is to enhance knowledge of street vendorts/retailers in Payakumbuh regarding technology especially e-commerce. The method of this is sharing and transferring knowledge and exercise. It was expected that participants will have a greater understanding in how to make the most of social media for business. The result of this public free service activity is for helping promotion of the street food retailers in Payakumbuh. Based on our survey after this activity, the merchants were able to promote their products through the website, thus 41% participant could elevate their knowledge, and 13% participant could implement e-commerce to their business.
Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS Vol 2 No 4.b (2019)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (670.515 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jhi.v2i4.b.361


Salah satu program pengabdian yang dilakukan oleh Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Andalas Kampus II Payakumbuh ialah kegiatan pengolahan tanaman paku menjadi cenderamata yang dilaksanakan di Kenagarian Padang Rukam Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota. Nagari Rukam merupakan Nagari yang kaya tempat wisata dan tanaman paku-pakuan. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk memberikan pengetahuan sekaligus pelatihan pada warga di Kenagarian Padang Rukam untuk memanfaatkan tumbuhan paku menjadi suvenir seperti gelang, tas, topi dan sebagainya untuk dijual kepada turis yang datang ke Lembah Harau. Sehingga dengan pelatihan ini, masyarakat Kenagarian Padang Rukam mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan dari pengolahan paku-pakuan. Tanaman paku-pakuan yang ada di Harau merupakan parasit tanaman dan sering dibuang sehingga jika diolah dapat menghasilkan uang. Suvenir yang dibuat dari batang paku yang banyak terdapat di sekitar Harau, bahannya mudah di dapat dan pembuatan nya tidak memerlukan biaya yang besar. Metode kegiatan ini dilakukan pada tanggal 8 November 2019 di Sikola Harau, di Kenagarian Padang Rukam, Lima Puluh Kota dengan metode ceramah dan praktik langsung. Pemateri ialah Bapak Maszul Zul Amri yang merupakan pemuda asli Kenagarian Rukam, Harau yang sehari-hari pekerja sebagai petani dan tour guide wisata yang memiliki kemampuan mengolah tanaman paku-pakuan menjadi gelang. Pemateri langsung mengajarkan kepada peserta cara pembuatan gelang dari tanaman paku-pakuan lalu peserta mempraktikkan secara langsung. Hasil dari kegiatan ini berupa skill warga sekitar dalam pembuatan suvenir dari tanaman paku-pakuan yang siap dijual kepada wisatawan yang datang sehingga membantu ekonomi masyarakat sekitar.
HIDROPONIK SEBAGAI BENTUK PEMANFAATAN LAHAN SEMPIT UNTUK PENINGKATAN PENDAPATAN RUMAH TANGGA DI NAGARI SUNGAI KAMUYANG Devi Yulia Rahmi; Ranny Fitriana Faisal; Agestayani Agestayani; Susiana Susiana; Winny Alna Marlina; Fatma Poni Mardiah; Erizal Erizal; Faisal Ali Ahmad; Musbatiq Srivani
Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS Vol 3 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.186 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jhi.v3i1.389


Narrow land is a problem for conventional agriculture to grow crops Management of small area can be overcome with a hydroponic system that utilizes technology in farming. Small area owned by households can be maximized for agriculture. However, household stigma is still fixed on conventional agriculture by managing large tracts of land. This stigma must then be changed by giving literacy to households about farming using the hydroponic method. Based on this understanding, Department of Management Campus II Universitas Andalas held socialization and training with the theme "Utilizing Small Area to Increase Household Incomes, Through Cultivation Using the Hydroponic System". The primary purpose of this activity is to provide knowledge through training to residents of the Nagari Sungai Kamuyang on the use of hydroponic systems. Another goal is to provide interest in business opportunities that can be generated from farming using the hydroponic system, exploring the creativity of citizens in the use of narrow land, and producing clean and healthy plants. The dedication method uses lectures, hands-on practice, and discussion with speakers. Community service activities are carried out at the Kamuyang Nagari guardian's office. In organizing this training, the participants are equipped with necessary knowledge related to hydroponics, and then directly practice farming with the hydroponic wick system. The community expects activities like this to continue to be carried out in the framework of better community empowerment.
Studi Kelayakan Bisnis Studi Kasus Di Umkm Jagung Goreng Sukma, Payakumbuh Winny Alna Marlina
Jurnal Manajemen (Edisi Elektronik) Vol 12, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Manajemen (Edisi Elektronik)
Publisher : Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/jm-uika.v12i2.4087


Sukma Fried Corn Business is one of fried corn MSME business that is developing in Payakumbuh. This business has problems in the marketing, technical, and environmental aspects. Feasible study or business feasibility study is very useful for MSME owners, because it helps them in terms of product design and variety, waste management, production optimization by modifying the layout, management and organizational aspects which are common problems for MSMEs. The target of this research is to make standard product variants and packaging and modified layout. The Research Method is Qualitative descriptive. The data collection technique used in this study was the direct observation of MSMEs and focused on observing : Production System, Layout, Machines and equipment used and Waste generated. Results: In terms of market and marketing aspects, Sukma Fried Corn is innovating in adding flavor variants for its products. It is conducting promotions with both electronic and printed medias, to expand the reach of the target markert.  In addition, it  also created a unique and attractive product packaging design so that consumers can easily recognize their products. Concerning the layout of the facility, Sukma fried corn is working on separating the frying room and the packing room
Six Sigma pada UMKM Rina Payakumbuh Untuk Minimasi Defect Produk Sanjai Winny Alna Marlina; Khairi Khairi; Poni Poni
Jurnal Manajemen (Edisi Elektronik) Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Manajemen (Edisi Elektronik)
Publisher : Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (835.346 KB) | DOI: 10.32832/jm-uika.v11i1.2647


Based on Survey data in 2018, Payakumbuh has a cracker industry of 44%, a wet cake industry 37%, 11% of the food industry which is not yet included in any group, and 8% of the bread and similar industries. One of the SMEs that produce Sanjai in Payakumbuh is Sanjai Rina. Sanjai Rina's business has been established since 1990. The production system at Sanjai Rina is still simple in its processing, so there are defective products every month. The number of defects in December 2018 will be 50 kg, with a production of 3300 kg. For this reason, Six Sigma at Rina Payakumbuh MSMEs for Minimizing Defect Sanjai Products. The use of Six Sigma to prevent and reduce product defects, save costs, and customer satisfaction. Results Sigma scores of Sanjai defective products at Rina's UMKM were 4% and exceeded Sigma's standard by 3%. In minimizing defects in Sanjai products by using the Six Sigma methodology, which includes DMAIC. Sanjai Rina's product damage classification consists of 32% because the packaging is caused by plastics exposed to the heat of the frying pan, 29.8% due to expired products, and 38.2% technical problems, namely a large number of requests by the retailer due to running out of stock. Technical errors cause the most significant product defect, so UKM Rina will provide training to employees and provide training in producing sanjai to minimize the number of defective products to increase company profits.
Forecasting technique using time sequence: model penentuan volume produksi Sanjai di UKM Rina Payakumbuh Winny Alna Marlina; Susiana Susiana; Erizal N; Faisal Ali Ahmad
Jurnal Manajemen (Edisi Elektronik) Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Manajemen (Edisi Elektronik)
Publisher : UPT Jurnal & Publikasi Ilmiah SPs Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (491.61 KB) | DOI: 10.32832/jm-uika.v9i2.1567


Forecasting is essential for factories to gain competitive ad-vantages. Forecasting is estimates of values at certain specific future times. Forecasting helps in reducing inventory and to schedule customers’ orders. Accurate sales forecasting is very helpful in planning of plant procurement and for cutting the cost. Sanjai Rina on Payakumbuh is a small business who sell traditional food with-out using forecasting method. In this case inventory of traditional food was affected to out of stock or over stocked. In this paper, forecasting methods using time series such linear method, exponential smoothing, etc. Forecasting based on historical data then the suggestion forecasting model will be implemented to this business. Using standard estimation error (SEE) to estimate the error of fore-casting. The result show that exponential methods were more accurate concrete to other. With exponential methods, Sanjai demand for next period can be estimated on ward become more effective and efficient.Peramalan sangat penting bagi pabrik untuk mendapatkan keunggulan kompetitif. Peramalan adalah perkiraan nilai pada waktu mendatang tertentu. Peramalan membantu dalam mengurangi persediaan dan untuk menjadwalkan pesanan pelanggan. Perkiraan penjualan yang akurat sangat membantu dalam perencanaan pengadaan pabrik dan untuk memotong biaya. Sanjai Rina di Payakumbuh adalah usaha kecil yang menjual makanan tradisional tanpa menggunakan metode peramalan. Dalam hal ini persediaan makanan tradisional dipengaruhi kehabisan stok atau kelebihan persediaan. Dalam tulisan ini, metode peramalan menggunakan deret waktu seperti metode linear, perataan eksponensial, dll. Peramalan berdasarkan data historis maka model peramalan saran akan diterapkan pada bisnis ini. Menggunakan standard error estimasi (SEE) untuk memperkirakan kesalahan forecasting. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode eksponensial lebih konkret tingkat ke yang lain. Dengan metode eksponensial, permintaan Sanjai untuk periode selanjutnya dapat diperkirakan lingkungan menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien.
PENINGKATAN KAPASITAS KELOMPOK SADAR WISATA BERBASIS COMMUNITY BASED TOURISM DI NAGARI SITAPA KECAMATAN LUAK KABUPATEN LIMA PULUH KOTA Nur Ari Sufiawan; Verinita Verinita; Ranny Fitriana Faisal; Suryatman Desri; Erizal Erizal; Jauharry Jauharry; Winny Alna Marlina; Fatma Poni Mardiah; Lukman Lukman; Syaiful Anwar; Nelvia Iryani
Publisher : LPPM (Institute for Research and Community Services) Universitas Andalas Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/bina.v5i2.395


Tourism is a sector that contributes to the income of a region. Tourism activities not only have a positive impact on tourism objects, but this will be related to other sectors supporting tourism (accommodation, culinary and other service providers). One of the villages/villages that have started to develop tourism in West Sumatra is Nagari Sikabu-Kabu Tanjung Haro Padang Panjang (SITAPA), Luak District, Limapuluh Kota Regency which is famous for its natural attractions such as the natural panorama of Talang and Kayu Kolek. The development of this tourist attraction cannot be separated from the role of local tourism awareness groups (pokdarwis) and other interest groups. The purpose of this activity is to increase the capacity of tourism awareness groups in the field of tourism management in Nagari Sitapa by using the Community Based Tourism (CBT) approach and the target is given to the Tourism Awareness Group. With the implementation of CBT in tourism development, it is hoped that the community and other interested parties can continue to develop the tourism sector without changing the existing environmental conditions and ensuring that tourist objects remain natural without making many changes that will cause damage to the surrounding environment. Some strategies that can be implemented are to maximize natural potentials such as providing outbound and camping ground, as well as preparing supporting industries (MSMEs) to be able to provide edutourism to tourists.
Pengembangan Anyaman Mansiang dengan Inovasi Produk dan Pemasaran dengan Media Sosial di Taratak Kenagaraian Kubang, Kecamatan Guguak Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota Ratni Prima Lita; Verinita Verinita; Ranny Fitriana Faisal; Bintang Rizky Abdullah Majo Saibah; Werianton Weriantoni; Syuryatman Desri; Winny Alna Marlina; Erizal Nazaruddin; Devi Yulia Rahmi; Fatma Poni Mardiyah; Nur Ari Sufiawan
Warta Pengabdian Andalas Vol 29 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jwa.29.1.61-66.2022


Taratak village is one of the Jorongs in Nagari Kubang, Guguak District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency, and West Sumatra. Taratak is a natural village with a creative business, namely Mansiang leaf craft. There are seven groups of Mansiang leaf craftsmen in Taratak. The social activity was carried out in 3 stages, namely the preparation stage, starting with obtaining permits, socializing with related institutions, and contacting artisans to decide on the schedule for activities. Activities were carried out using training, practice and mentoring methods. At the monitoring and evaluation stage, activities were carried out to evaluate and monitor the implementation of activities. The results of the activity include product innovation with embroidery, increasing product variants, and creating social media for marketing, i.e. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Publisher : LPPM (Institute for Research and Community Services) Universitas Andalas Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/bina.v5i3.386


The Sumatra Volunteer Foundation was established in 2014. One of the Foundation's programs is to provide free English language education for children, youth and the community. The Foundation's location is in Jorong Balai Labuah Bawah, Lima Kaum, Tanah Datar. Sumatra straws is part of the Sumatra Volunteer Foundation which produces straws from bamboo. The sales system is still conventional in the form of word of mouth starting from friends to friends, then campus students and assisted by student alumni and internship students at the Sumatra Volunteer Foundation. Financial Recording is still mixed with personal finance and there are no financial reports such as sales data, purchase data, inventory data. The purpose of this activity is to develop a product craft business at the Sumatra Volunteer Foundation to downstream products from bamboo so that the Foundation is financially independent. Methods and stages of implementing activities in the form of training and demonstrations of making financial reports to partners directly, making websites and procuring goods. The activity was held on October 9, 2021 with the theme of simple bookkeeping training. In the activities of the presenters transferring knowledge about financial statements, then the owner of the Foundation immediately practiced using software. The results of service activities in the form of financial software provided to the Foundation to facilitate financial bookkeeping. Financial software contains profit and loss data, cash flow, income data, inventory data. With financial training, the Foundation can separate personal financial reports from the Foundation so that they can find out financial transactions at the Foundation. The conclusion of the activity is beneficial for the Foundation and future activities in the form of managing the legality of the business.