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EVALUASI BIAYA DAN WAKTU DENGAN METODE EARNED VALUE MANAGEMENT (Studi Kasus: Ruko Damara Village, Kel. Ciparigi, Kota Bogor) Noor Ida Hayati; Dede Lugi
Jurnal Komposit: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Teknik Sipil Vol 4, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/komposit.v4i2.3760


Abstrak: Kontraktor seringkali mengalami kesulitan atau kendala-kendala saat menjalankan proyek, seperti ketersediaan bahan baku, ketersediaan tenaga kerja, faktor cuaca dsb. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan selaku pelaksana proyek harus mampu mengadakan pengendalian yang tepat agar dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan proyek dapat diselesaikan tepat waktu dengan biaya yang sesuai dengan rencana. Metode earned value dapat diguankan untuk mengetahui adanya penyimpangan varians biaya dan varians jadwal secara terpadu. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan perhitungan dengan menggunakan metode earned value pada proyek ruko Damara Village, dapat disimpulkan pada bulan Juni varian biaya sebesar Rp -621.705 dan varians jadwal sebesar Rp 2.482.070, untuk index kinerja sebesar 0,94 dan index kinerja jadwal sebesar 1,32. Sedangkan untuk bulan Juli varian biaya sebesar Rp -9.433.536 dan varians jadwal Rp -5.329.146 dengan index kinerja biaya sebesar 0,82 dan index kinerja jadwal sebesar 0,89 sehingga proyek pembangunan ruko bernilai negatif, artinya pelaksanaan proyek belum berjalan baik. Pada bulan Agustus varians biaya sebesar Rp 4.293.035 dan varians jadwal sebesar Rp -338.926, untuk index kinerja sebesar 1,16 dan index kinerja jadwal sebesar 0,99 mengalami kenaikan dikarenakan penambahan tenaga kerja dan sebagai akselerasi setelah masa libur kerja saat hari raya di bulan Juli 2017.Kata Kunci: pengendalian biaya, varian biaya, varian jadwal, metode earned value.Abstract: Contractors often experience difficulties or obstacles when carrying out projects, such as availability of raw materials, availability of labor, weather factors, etc. Therefore, as operators, developers must be able to carry out proper control so that the implementation of project activities can be completed on time at a cost according to plan. The earned value method can be used to find out the deviation of cost variance and schedule variance in an integrated manner. Based on the results of research and calculations using the earned value method on the Ruko Damara Village project, it can be concluded that in June the cost variant was IDR -621,705 and the schedule variance was IDR 2,482,070, for a performance index of 0.94 and a schedule performance index of 1.32. Whereas for July the cost variant was IDR -9,433,536 and the schedule variance was IDR -5,329,146 with a cost performance index of 0.82 and a schedule performance index of 0.89 so that the project index was negative, meaning that the project implementation was not going well. In August the cost variance was Rp.4,293,035 and the schedule variance was Rp.338,926, for the performance index of 1.16 and the schedule performance index of 0.99, an increase was due to the addition of labor and as an acceleration after the working holiday during holidays at July 2017.Keywords: cost management, cost variance, schedule variance, earned value method.
EVALUASI BIAYA DAN WAKTU DENGAN METODE EARNED VALUE MANAGEMENT (Studi Kasus: Pembangunan Masjid AL-Hijri 2, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor) Noor Ida Hayati; Muhammad Agil Salim
Jurnal Komposit Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/komposit.v3i1.3744


Jurnal Komposit Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/komposit.v1i1.4755


ABSTRAKSempadan pantai merupakan kawasan yang secara undang-undang merupakan kawasan lindung yang memiliki fungsi utama untuk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan hidup. Pembangunan di kawasan pantai tidak dapat dihindari dan seringkali melanggar batas-batas sempadan. Jalan sebagai salah  satu  infrastruktur  penting  terkadang dibangun di kawasan pantai dan berada dalam batas sempadan pantai. Hal itu tidak melanggar peraturan yang sudah ada, karena fungsi jalan di kawasan pantai adalah sebagai jalan masuk dan jalan evakuasi bila terjadi bencana. Akan tetapi dalam perencanaannya, kondisi lingkungan pantai seringkali diabaikan, akibatnya  jalan menjadi capat rusak. Oleh karena itu dalam perencanaan jalan pesisir perlu diperhatikan aspek keilmuan teknik pantai, seperti pengetahuan mengenai gelombang, pasang surut, transport sedimen, agar jalan yang dibangun mampu memenuhi syarat kelestarian fisik dan fungsi jalan.Kata kunci: sempadan pantai, pantai, pesisir, jalan pesisirABSTRACTCoastal borders are areas that are legally protected areas that have the main function of preserving the environment. Development in coastal areas is unavoidable and often breaches boundaries. Roads as one of the important infrastructures are sometimes built in coastal areas and are within the coastal boundary. This does not violate existing regulations, because the function of roads in the coastal area is as an entrance and evacuation route in the event of a disaster. However, in its planning, the condition of the coastal environment is often neglected, as a result of which the road can be quickly damaged. Therefore, in the planning of coastal roads, it is necessary to pay attention to the scientific aspects of coastal engineering, such as knowledge of waves, tides, sediment transport, so that the roads built can meet the physical preservation and function requirements of the road.Keywords: coastal boundaries, beaches, coasts, coastal roads