Sulistyanta Sulistyanta
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IMPLIKASI TINDAK PIDANADI LUAR KUHP DALAM HUKUM ACARA PIDANA (Studi Kasus Taraf Sinkronisasi) Sulistyanta Sulistyanta
Jurnal Dinamika Hukum Vol 13, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jdh.2013.13.2.202


Settings outside the Criminal Code offense of criminal procedural law contained (special) on the other hand there is the Criminal Procedure Code (general). Criminal law plays an important role in an integrated criminal justice system. Aspects of the substance in the criminal justice system should be aligned, harmonious and synchronous (vertical or horizontal), do not overlap (overlapping). This study contradicts the implications of the regulation of offenses outside the Penal Code raises a variety of criminal law and a matter of consistency in its application. The approach used is normative-legal and case studies. Secondary data to primary data. Data were collected by the research literature. Data were analyzed qualitatively descriptive. Research purposes to detect the level of synchronization rules. The results: there are many circulars issued by sub justice system, police, prosecutors, and judicial. In some ways inconsistent implementation such, the case KAI vs. PERADI in Kupang and Kupang District Court pre-trial ruling.Key words  : special crimes, the synchronization of criminal procedure and the criminal justice system.
Hak Korban untuk Menuntut Restitusi Akibat Tindak Pidana Korupsi Tertentu Supanto Supanto; Sulistyanta Sulistyanta; Ismunarno Ismunarno; Winarno Budyatmojo; Tika Andarani Parwitasari; Budi Setyanto; Sabar Selamet
Kosmik Hukum Vol 22, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/kosmikhukum.v22i1.13502


AbstractThere is a government program for the poor in the COVID-19 pandemic situation. People who receive assistance have the right to control as a form of transparency (Law 14 of 2008 concerning Openness of Public Information) so that people are not just objects. The public generally plays a preventive role in overcoming corruption. However, the judge's decision has not been touched on the Crime of Corruption (Tindak Pidana Korupsi, TIPIKOR). Especially when the community members are in a position as "victims." Cases of social assistance (Bantuan Sosial, BANSOS) and direct cash assistance (Bantuan Langsung Tunai, BLT) can be examples of how citizens are people who have a disadvantaged position of rights due to corrupt behavior so that they "can" become victims of corruption. This research seeks to make an innovation in law enforcement. In law enforcement of corruption criminal acts, if the perpetrator has been proven guilty, the judge will generally sentence them in the form of a loss of independence, a fine, and an additional penalty in the form of criminal compensation for the loss to the state as much as the one that has been corrupted. In addition, criminals often encounter difficulties and obstacles in collecting them. Fines and additional penalties in the form of corrupted returns must be deposited into the state treasury according to the legislation. At this point, mainly for corruption cases related to social assistance to the people, the people become "victims." Why become "victims" because they have the right to get it? Because it has been stipulated in a decision, people are entitled to receive assistance from the government. For this reason, it is necessary to be given access to prosecute perpetrators for recovering the amount of assistance they should have received. The claim is based on the binding rights and obligations that must be carried out. This demand can be in the form of restitution because the people who should have received the aid did not receive it, but it was reduced. So that people can be positioned as victims. An alternative pattern of settlement by involving the victim (beneficiary), such as social assistance, will be more equitable because it will provide access to people who have been formatted as objects of sufferers. This alternative solution involving the receiving community has never been seen before. Because so far, the public can participate in law enforcement only as providers of information and reports of alleged criminal acts of corruption. This alternative is a construction of law enforcement expected to provide justice for the community. The method uses a socio-legal research approach. Research locations in Semarang and Yogyakarta. Structured interviews do primary data, and secondary data is case studies. Data analysis was carried out employing content analysis. The research urgency: (1) to overcome the problem of non-cash social assistance, which so far has caused the "victim" of the community, which is consistently formatted as an object, (2). overcome injustice by seeking a balance between services closer to justice and community welfare.Keywords: Victims, Corruption, Restitution.AbstrakTerdapat program pemerintah untuk rakyat miskin dalam situasi pandemi covid 19. Masyarakat yang mendapat bantuan mempunyai hak mengontrol sebagai wujud transparansi (UU 14 Tahun 2008 tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik) sehingga rakyat tidak sekedar sebagai obyek. Masyarakat umumnya berperan secara preventif dalam penanggulangan tindak pidana korupsi. Namun dalam putusan hakim belum tersentuh dalam kaitannya dengan putusan hakim TIPIKOR. Utamanya ketika warga masyarakat dalam posisi sebagai “korban”. Kasus bantuan sosial (BANSOS) dan bantuan langsung tunai (BLT) dapat menjadi contoh bagaimana warga masyarakat adalah orang yang mempunyai posisi terugikan haknya akibat perilaku koruptif sehingga “dapat” menjadi korban tindak pidana korupsi. Penelitian ini berupaya melakukan inovatif dalam penegakan hukum. Dalam penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi, apabila terhadap pelaku telah terbukti bersalah umumnya dijatuhi putusan oleh hakim berupa pidana hilang kemerdekaan, pidana denda dan pidana tambahan berupa pidana pengganti kerugian terhadap negara sebesar yang telah dikorupsi. Untuk pidana tambahan sering menemui kesulitan dan hambatan untuk menagihnya. Pidana denda dan pidana tambahan berupa pengembalian yang dikorupsi sesuai perundang-undangan harus disetorkan ke kas negara. Pada titik inilah utamanya untuk kasus korupsi yang berkaitan dengan bantuan sosial kepada rakyat, maka rakyat menjadi “korban.” Mengapa menjadi “korban’ karena mereka telah berhak untuk mendapatkan karena telah ditetapkan dalam suatu keputusan sebagai orang yang berhak untuk mendapatkan bantuan dari pemerintah. Untuk itulah perlu diberi akses melakukan penuntutan kepada pelaku untuk memulihkan besaran bantuan yang seharusnya mereka terima. Tuntutan tersebut didasarkan pada ikatan hak dan kewajiban yang musti dilakukan. Tuntutan ini dapat berupa restitusi karena rakyat yang seharusnya menerima bantuan ternyata tidak menerima atau menerima namun dikurangi. Sehingga rakyat dapat diposisikan sebagai korban. Suatu alternatif pola penyelesaian dengan melibatkan pihak korban (penerima bantuan) seperti bantuan sosial ini akan lebih berkeadilan karena akan memberi akses pada masyarakat yang selama ini diformat sebagai obyek penderita. Alternatif penyelesaian yang melibatkan masyarakat penerima ini belum pernah terjadi. Karena selama ini masyarakat dapat berperan serta dalam penegakan hukum sekedar pemberi informasi dan laporan dugaan tindak pidana korupsi. Alternatif ini merupakan konstruksi penegakan hukum yang diharapkan memberikan keadilan bagi masyarakat.Metode dengan pendekatan sosio-legal riset. Lokasi penelitian di Semarang dan Yogyakarta. Data primer dilakukan dengan wawancara terstruktur, data sekunder studi kasus. Analisis data dilakukan secara analisis isi. Urgensi penelitian: (1) mengatasi persoalan bantuan sosial non tunai yang selama ini telah menimbulkan “korban” masyarakat yang senantiasa diformat sebagai obyek, (2). mengatasi ketidakadilan dengan mencari keseimbangan antara pelayanan yang mendekatkan pada keadilan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat.Kata kunci: Korban, Tindak Pidana Korupsi, Restitusi.