Anang Sulistyono
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Malang

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Interpretasi Hukum oleh Hakim Konstitusi dalam Mendekonstruksi Anatomi Korupsi Migas Sulistyono, Anang; Wahid, Abdul; Primudyastutie, Mirin
Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 14, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (382.063 KB) | DOI: 10.31078/jk1429


Penafsiran hukum merupakan salah satu cara yang dilakukan dapat oleh hakim saat menangani atau menyelesaikan problem yuridis yang dihadapkan atau dimohonkan kepadanya. Hakim konstitusi sudah seringkali melakukan penafsiran hukum terhadap permohonan uji materiil Undang-undang yang dinilai oleh pemohon bertentangan dengan Undang-undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia. Penafsiran yang dilakukan hakim konstitusi ini membuat konstitusi menjadi lebih bermakna. Kebermaknaan (kemanfaatan) konstitusi ini dapat terbaca dalam putusannya terkait judicial review terhadap Undang-undang Migas. Dalam putusan hakim konstitusi ini, interpretasi yang digunakannya mampu memberikan tekanan kepada negara supaya serius menunjukkan keseriusannya dalam mebongkar praktik-praktik mafia migas. Negara memang akhirnya menunjukkan iktikad baiknya dengan membangun tata kelola migas yang baik, namun seiring dengan itu, terbukti bahwa interpretasi hakim konstitusi terbukti, bahwa salah satu kejahatan serius di Indonesia adalah korupsi migas.
Jurnal Hukum dan Kenotariatan Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (255.07 KB) | DOI: 10.33474/hukeno.v5i2.10801


 Eksistensi norma yuridis merupakan norma yang mengatur tentang peran yang bisa dilakukan oleh subyek hukum atau pihak yang ditunjukknya, diantaranya notaris. Norma yuridis yang menjadi pijakan utama bagi notaris diantaranya untuk menjalankan kewajiban-kewajiban atau kewenangan-kewenangannya. Peran mengimplementasikan norma yuridis ini adalah berkaitan  dengan tugas, kewajiban, kewenangan, larangan, dan lain sebagainya yang menentukan terhadap bekerjanya hukum, sehingga yang dilakukannya ini mengandung konsekuensi yuridis, yakni kewibawaan negara hukum. Ada hak-hak masyarakat dan martabat negara yang ikut dirugikan ketika norma hukum tidak dijalankan sebagaimana yang sudah digariskannya.  Kewibawaan negara hukum merupakan ujian riil propfesionalitas sebagai notaris, sehingga Ketika peran yang ditunjukkan tidak profesionalitas, dampak seriusnya terhadap kewibawaan negara hukum.Kata Kunci: kewibawaan, notaris, peran, negara The existence of juridical norms is a norm that regulates the roles that can be performed by a legal subject or party appointed by it, including a notary. Juridical norms that become the main foothold for notaries include to carry out their obligations or authorities. The role of implementing this juridical norm is related to the duties, obligations, authorities, prohibitions, etc. that determine the operation of the law, so that what it does has juridical consequences, namely the authority of the rule of law. There are community rights and state dignity that are also harmed when legal norms are not implemented as outlined by them. The authority of a rule of law is a real test of professionalism as a notary, so that when the role shown is not professional, it has a serious impact on the authority of the rule of law.Keywords: authority, notary, role, state
Anomali Penerapan Klausul Bersyarat dalam Putusan Pengujian Undang-Undang terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar Anang Sulistyono; Abdul Wahid; Mirin Primudyastutie
Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.031 KB) | DOI: 10.31078/jk1712


In the implementation of constitutional review by the Constitutional Court, one of the dynamics occur is the emergence of conditionally constitutional unconstitutional decisions. Furthermore, the utilization of these types of decisions also has its dynamics, especially concerning the interpretation of conditional decisions. It can be indicated by the existence of anomalies decisions, which in the legal consideration, states that the norms reviewed are conditionally constitutional, but in its verdict, the norms are declared conditionally unconstitutional. Therefore, this paper aimed to comprehend the utilization of conditional decisions in constitutional review and to understand how is the anomaly in conditional clause implementation, as well as what Constitutional Court can do to prevent the anomalies to occur. Based on the analysis of conditional decision’s anomalies, there are at least three points that need to be pointed out. First, the anomalies increasingly show that conditionally constitutional and conditionally unconstitutional are substantially the same. Second, the use of conditionally constitutional clause as a ratio decidendi is considered to have no impact on the implementation of decisions. Third, the seven decisions analyzed further emphasized the Constitutional Court views that conditionally constitutional clause is deemed to be more effective in the implementation.
Jurnal Ijtihad Vol 6, No 1 (2022): FEBRUARI
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/multikultural.v6i1.14106


Dunia peradilan di negara ini terus dalam penilaian publik. Dalam dunia penegakan hukum yang sering terjadi, salah satu aspek penting yang sering dituntut oleh masyarakat atau para pencari keadilan adalah penegakan prinsip persamaan kedudukan atau perlakuan di depan hukum, yang berarti  menuntut inklusifitas atau di tengah masyarakat pluralisme sekalipun, tidaklah dibedakan. Dalam ajaran Islam pun perlakuan demikian ini dituntut untuk ditegakkannya. Setiap aparat penegak hukum dituntut menjadi aparat yang mempunyai kapabilitas dalam menegakkan hukum dan keadilan tanpa membedakan status sosial atau kedudukan, sehingga tidak dikenal Namanya peradilan berdasarkan strata.Kata Kunci: peradilan, inklusif, penegakan, norma The world of justice in this country continues to be under public judgment. In the world of law enforcement that often happens, one of the important aspects that is often demanded by the community or justice seekers is the enforcement of the principle of equality of position or treatment before the law, which means demanding inclusiveness or even in a pluralistic society, it is not differentiated. Even in Islamic teachings, this kind of treatment is required to be enforced. Every law enforcement officer is required to be an officer who has the capability to enforce law and justice without distinguishing social status or position, so that the name of the judiciary is based on strata.Keywords: justice, inclusive, enforcement
Anomali Penerapan Klausul Bersyarat dalam Putusan Pengujian Undang-Undang terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar Anang Sulistyono; Abdul Wahid; Mirin Primudyastutie
Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.031 KB) | DOI: 10.31078/jk1712


In the implementation of constitutional review by the Constitutional Court, one of the dynamics occur is the emergence of conditionally constitutional unconstitutional decisions. Furthermore, the utilization of these types of decisions also has its dynamics, especially concerning the interpretation of conditional decisions. It can be indicated by the existence of anomalies decisions, which in the legal consideration, states that the norms reviewed are conditionally constitutional, but in its verdict, the norms are declared conditionally unconstitutional. Therefore, this paper aimed to comprehend the utilization of conditional decisions in constitutional review and to understand how is the anomaly in conditional clause implementation, as well as what Constitutional Court can do to prevent the anomalies to occur. Based on the analysis of conditional decision’s anomalies, there are at least three points that need to be pointed out. First, the anomalies increasingly show that conditionally constitutional and conditionally unconstitutional are substantially the same. Second, the use of conditionally constitutional clause as a ratio decidendi is considered to have no impact on the implementation of decisions. Third, the seven decisions analyzed further emphasized the Constitutional Court views that conditionally constitutional clause is deemed to be more effective in the implementation.
Jurnal Hukum dan Kenotariatan Vol. 6 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/hukeno.v6i3.17843


  Penelitian ini menganalisis tentang pendirian perusahaan yang saham perseroannya berasal dari harta bersama menurut Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas. Kedua, implikasi hukumnya bagi notaris yang membuat akta pendirian perusahaan yang modal dasarnya berasal dari harta bersama. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach) dan pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach) sedangkan bahan hukum yang digunakan adalah bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, dan bahan hukum tersier serta analisa bahan hukum digunakan secara deskriptif kualitatif.Kesimpulannya, pertama, pendirian perusahaan yang saham perseroannya berasal dari harta bersama tidak dibenarkan tanpa adanya perjanjian kawin karena tidak memenuhi syarat yang mana telah diatur dalam Pasal 7 ayat (1) UUPT, sehingga perjanjiannya batal demi hukum yang menjadikan suami istri masih berada dalam satu subjek hukum. Kedua, implikasi hukum bagi notaris yang membuat akta pendirian perusahaan yang modal dasarnya berasal dari harta bersama mengakibatkan akta pendirian PT terdegradasi dari akta autentik menjadi akta dibawah tangan. Kata Kunci : Perseroan Terbatas, Saham, Harta Bersama   This research analyzes the establishment of a company that the shares company from joint assets based on the Limited Liability Company Law. Second is the law implication for a notary who does a deed of establishing a company where the authorized capital comes from joint assets.The research method uses normative juridical research with a statute approach and a conceptual approach; meanwhile, the legal materials used are primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials, and analysis of legal materials is done qualitatively.In conclusion, first, the establishment of a company whose shares come from joint assets is not justified without a marriage agreement because it does not meet the requirements which have been regulated in Article 7 paragraph (1) of the Company Law, so that the deal is null and void by law which makes husband and wife still in one subject law. Second, the legal implication for a notary who makes a deed of establishment of a company whose primary capital comes from joint assets results in the act of establishment of a PT being relegated from an authentic deed to a private deed. Keywords : Limited Liability Company, Shares, Joint Assets