Asyiah Simanjorang
Institut Kesehatan Helvetia Medan

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Analisis Kemampuan Petugas Penyuluh Lapangan Keluarga Berencana (PLKB) Dalam Melaksanakan Program Kependudukan Keluarga Berencana dan Pembangunan Keluarga (KKBPK) di Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara Tahun 2018 Irmauli Simanjuntak; Tarsyad Nugraha; Asyiah Simanjorang
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Research Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (332.354 KB)


Family Planning Program (KB) is one of the basic social programs that are very important for the progress of a nation. The National Family Planning Program has been inseparable from the role of Planning Field Planners (PLKB) officers. The success of the PLKB in carrying out their duties is supported by their ability in mastering the National Family Planning Program in the face of changing environmental conditions. Objectives; to determine the ability of PLKB officers and efforts to improve the capacity of the PLKB in implementing KKBPK programs in North Tapanuli Regency. Method; The research design used in this study is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods (mixed method). The samples in this quantitative research is that all PLKB in North Tapanuli Regency are 26 PLKB people. The informants for the qualitative research were PLKB in Simangumban District, North Tapanuli Regency as the main informants and Head of Division, Head of Program Sub-Division and Planning of PPKBP3A Office, and the Village Head as triangulation informant. Data analysis used is univariate and bivariate analysis with chi square statistical test for quantitative research and data reduction stages, data display, and conclusionorverification. Results; that the p-value of the knowledge variable was 0.000 <0.05 and the p-value for the attitude variable was 0.003 <0.05. Conclusion; there is a relationship between knowledge and attitudes with the ability of the PLKB officers to implement the KKBPK program in North Tapanuli District in 2018
Jurnal Kesehatan Kusuma Husada Vol. 11 No. 1, Januari 2020
Publisher : Universitas Kusuma Husada Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (186.498 KB) | DOI: 10.34035/jk.v11i1.405


Pemberian pelayanan yang berkualitas kepada pasien merupakan cara untuk meningkatkan loyalitas pasien ke rumah sakit. Loyalitas pasien rawat inap di RSUD Munyang Kute Redelong Kabupaten Bener Meriah Provinsi Aceh. Data kunjungan pasien lama dengan baru rawat inap periode Januari-Juni 2018 menunjukkan perbedaan proporsi signifikan. Jumlah pasien lama adalah 498 orang dengan rata-rata perbulan 83 orang dan pasien baru adalah 4.625 orang dan rata-rata per bulan 770 orang. Kondisi diduga disebabkan kunjungan ulang rendah, kurang suka, komitmen rendah, penolakan kuat, dan tidak rekomendasi kepada orang lain. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis loyalitas pasien di Instalasi Rawat Inap RSUD Munyang Kute Redelong.Jenis penelitian adalah mix methode dengan pendekatan kuantitatif cross sectional dan penelitian kualitatif. Populasi sebanyak 5.123orang pasien. Sampel pendekatan kuantitatif sebanyak 113orang dengan teknik proporsional to size. Informan pendekatan kualitatif yaitu 3 orang pasien dan 4 orang (Kabid Pelayanan, Kabid Keperawatan, Kabid Penunjang Medik, dan Direktur). Data kuantitatif dianalisis secara univariat, bivariat dan multivariat, sedangkan data kualitatif melalui reduksi data, penyajian dan penarikan kesimpulan.Faktor kunjungan ulang pasien (0,012), kesukaan (0,019), komitmen (0,003), penolakan (0,037) dan rekomendasi (0,001) berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas pasien. Hasil wawancara ditemukan faktor memengaruhi loyalitas pasien adalah akses, fasilitas, kebersihan, dan kebisingan. Untuk meningkatkan loyalitas pasien dengan mengevaluasi tingkat kepuasan pasien melalui kotak saran secara berkala, meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan tenaga kesehatandalam berkomunikasi melalui pelatihan/kursus, menyediakan fasilitas pendukung yang memadai, membuat kebijakan tentang evaluasi kinerja petugas kebersihan ruang rawat inap secara berjenjang dengan instrument lembar ceklis dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan kebijakan tentang jadwal dan batasan keluarga berkunjung. Providing quality services to patients is a way to increase patient loyalty to the hospital. Inpatient loyalty at Munyang Kute Redelong Hospital in Bener Meriah District, Aceh Province. Data on visits of old patients with new hospitalizations for the period January-June 2018 show a significant difference in proportion. The number of old patients is 498 people with an average of 83 people per month and new patients are 4,625 people and 770 people per month on average. The condition is suspected to be caused by low repeat visits, dislike, low commitment, strong rejection, and not recommendations to others. The aim of the study was to analyze the loyalty of patients in the Inpatient Installation of Munyang Kute Hospital in Redelong. This type of research is a mix method with a quantitative cross sectional approach and qualitative research. The population was 5,123 patients. The quantitative approach sample is 113 people with a proportional to size technique. Qualitative approach informants were 3 patients and 4 people (Head of Services, Head of Nursing, Head of Medical Support, and Director). Quantitative data were analyzed by univariate, bivariate and multivariate, while qualitative data through data reduction, presentation and conclusion.Factors of patient re-visit (0.012), preference (0.019), commitment (0.003), rejection (0.037) and recommendations (0.001) had an effect on patient loyalty. The results of the interviews found that factors affecting patient loyalty were access, facilities, cleanliness and noise.To increase patient loyalty by evaluating the level of patient satisfaction through a suggestion box regularly, increasing the ability and skills of health workers in communicating through training / courses, providing adequate supporting facilities, making policies on evaluating the performance of janitors in tiered rooms with instruments checklist and evaluate the implementation of policies regarding the schedule and limits of family visits.