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Revitalisasi Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Melalui Pembelajaran PKN Berbasis Kearifan Lokal untuk Penguatan Karakter dan Jati Diri Bangsa Sumardjoko, Bambang
Jurnal Varidika: Varia Pendidikan Volume 25 No. 2, Desember 2013
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2254.692 KB)


General purpose of the research is to find and develop Pkn learning model at Junior High School bases local wise for revitalization pancasila values strategy to strength character and self characteristic country. This research is for two years. The first year, the research is qualitative research. Collecting data technique are interview, attentively method and observation. Analysis data uses interactive method. Focus prob- lem reviews and planning draft model uses qualitative approach with pathways: (1) lit- erature study, collecting materials support relationship Pkn learning model, (2) field data colleting and triangulation data descript PKn learning model at Junior High School implementation, (3) SWOT analysis constructs draft model, and (4) refining design mod- el (tentative) by workshop participation-collaborative. Result of the research shows (1) Profile background PKn teachers at Junior High School of Surakarta are PKn education and they have experience teach a long time. (2) PKn teachers have experience in scien- tific activities in local or national so understanding PKn teachers Junior High School of Surakarta about the primary and purpose of citizenship education is enough good. (3) To development PKn learning is powerfull it needs revision to PKn material, the primary about (a) integration local culture value and (b) strategy and learning method support mastery competent PKn and education value. (4) According SWOT analysis, draft de- velops PKn model in Junior High School bases local wise for revitalization strategy Pancasila values to strength character and self characteristic of country with (a) wise integration local java culture source from core value esteem, social problem solving, study with social interaction and study with interaction social-culture, (c) implementa- tion draft model with problem based learning model, project based learning and value classification.
Kontribusi Keterampilan Guru Dalam Pembelajaran dan Motivasi Berprestasi Terhadap Tanggung Jawab Siswa dan Dampaknya pada Kemandirian Belajar PKn SMP Rahayu, Hesti Oki; Sumardjoko, Bambang; Sumardi, Sumardi
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Vol. 09, No. 2, Juli 2014
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (134.942 KB)


The purposes of this research are to find out the available contribution and to measure the teachers’ learning capacity and need of achievement to students’ responsibility, students’ responsibility to the self-directed learning and the teachers’ learning capacity, need of achievement and students’ responsibility to the self-directed learning in Civic Education on the Roudlotus Saiddiyah Gunung Pati Semarang Integrated Islamic Junior High School. This is a quantitative research. The location of this research on the Roudlotus Saiddiyah Gunung Pati Semarang Integrated Islamic Junior High School. This research is begun in the end of the second semester academic year of 2012/2013. The samples are 114 for the population as many as 172 with 5% error. Technique of sampling is used proportional sampling. Technique of collecting data is used questioner. The results of this research are 1) there is a weak and significant contribution from the teachers’ learning capacity and need of achievement to the students’ responsibility in learning Civic Education on the Roudlotus Saiddiyah Gunung Pati Semarang Integrated Islamic Junior High School, 2) there is a weak and significant contribution from the students’ responsibility to the students’ self-directed learning in learning Civic Education on the Roudlotus Saiddiyah Gunung Pati Semarang Integrated Islamic Junior High School, 3) there is a weak and significant contribution from the teachers’ learning capacity, the need of achievement and the students’ responsibility to the students’ self-directed learning in learning Civic Education on the Roudlotus Saiddiyah Gunung Pati Semarang Integrated Islamic Junior High School.
Pengelolaan Pendidikan Karakter Bangsa Berbasis Budaya Jawa di TK Negeri Pembina Surakarta Surani, Surani; Sumardjoko, Bambang; Narimo, Sabar
Manajemen Pendidikan Vol 11, No 2 (2016): Juli 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (463.875 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/jmp.v11i2.2661


This study aimed to describe the character-based education management Javanese culture as well as enabling and inhibiting factors in TK Negeri Pembina Surakarta. This study uses qualitative research, research design using qualitative descriptive method. Implementation of this research is in the TK Negeri Pembina Surakarta. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Source of the data obtained through interviews and documentation. As a guest speaker in this study was the Principal Teachers and Parents / guardians of students. The validity of the data used in this research is triangulation and source triangulation method. Data were analyzed using interactive analysis. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion we concluded that: 1) The management of education-based character of Javanese culture in TK Negeri Pembina Surakarta carried out by adjusting the curriculum and educational materials charged Javanese culture integrates the material elements of the arts, languages and social systems of Javanese culture, delivering materials charged the value of honesty, humility, discipline, courtesy, cooperation, caring, and responsibility; and deliver material which imparts the principles of respect, harmony, character wise and honest, introspective, low self-esteem, as well as upload form-ungguh and good manners as a form of character Java. 2) The supporting factors in the management of Javanese culture-based character education is education offices and local governments, provision of facilities, committee and parents of students, school management, as well as students coming from the Java community. Factors inhibiting Javanese culture-based education is the lack of standard guidelines for the implementation of educational programs that charged Javanese culture, interests learners to Javanese culture, as well as operate and circumstances on ignorance educators learn less supportive media to use.
Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Karakter dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan di Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Klaten Sayektiningsih, S.; Sumardjoko, Bambang; Muhibin, Achmad
Manajemen Pendidikan Vol. 12., No. 2., Juli 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (370.977 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/jmp.v12i3.5518


This study attempts to described in detail and clear about planting value character inlearning education Pancasila and Citizenship covered planning, the implementationof the, assesment, obstacles faced and a solution that attempts at constraints. The kindof research qualitative with the design case study. The research phase in MadrasahAliyah Muhammadiyah Klaten. Technique data collection with the methods interview,observation and study the contents of doecumentation, with informants students,teachers, head madrasah, deputy head of madrasah affairs curriculum , and theother related. Technique data analysis model interactive (display at the interactivemodel of analysis), validity data using a method of triangulation source. Theresults of research is planting the values of the character in the learning educationPancasila and Citizenship in Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Klaten that havebeen carried out with an implement the theory of learning involving planning oflearning, the implementation of interactive learning, evaluation which includes theaspect of the attitude (affective), the aspect of knowledge (cognitive), and aspectskill (psichomotoryc). Also some berriers faced in the planting the values of goodcharacter from students in the form of the nature of character of students that lazybum, the influence of students as well as from a teacher in the form of limitationsin designing lesson plans, make use of technology and the source or a mediumthat variatif as well as the curriculum. A solution which is being undertaken to theresistance of the student with the approach in the form of psichologis, assistance,the guidance and his exemplary, include students in axtracurricular activities andorganization of Muhammadiyah, gifts (reward) and punishment. While solution forteachers by involving in training 2013 Curriculum, MGMP and well as counsellingit.
Pengembangan Profesionalisme Guru SMA, MA, dan SMK Muhammadiyah Sukoharjo Jawa Tengah Sumardjoko, Bambang; Prasetyo, Agus
Jurnal VARIDIKA Volume 28 No. 1, Juni 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1176.825 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/varidika.v28i1.2407


Tujuan utama penelitian adalah menemukan model pengembangan profesi guru berkelanjutan berbasis konstruktivis kolaboratif untuk meningkatkan soft skills-transferable skills dalam penulisan artikel ilmiah. Penelitian dilakukan selama 2 (dua) tahun, yakni tahun pertama studi pendahuluan dan tahun kedua, pengembangan model. Tujuan penelitian tahun I adalah (1) melakukan pemetaan model pengembangan keprofesian guru berkelanjutan yang tengah berlangsung, (2) melakukan pemetaan kemampuan guru dalam menulis karya ilmiah, (3) melakukan analisis bentuk-bentuk kebutuhan guru pada pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan, dan (4) merumuskan draft model pengembangan profesi guru berkelanjutan. Desain penelitian menerapkan penelitian pengembangan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, FGD, dan angket. Analisis data menggunakan analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan yang pertama, guru-guru SMA/MA/SMK Muhammadiyah di Sukoharjo yang bersertifikasi pendidik selama ini telah melakukan serangkaian kegiatan untuk mengembangkan kompetensinya, baik secara mandiri dengan mengikuti workshop, seminar, membeli buku teks pelajaran terbaru, mengikuti kegiatan MGMP maupun bersama-sama dengan cara berdiskusi sesama rekan guru bidang studi. Kedua, dalam kemampuan menulis karya ilmiah, guru-guru bersertifikasi pendidik belum sepenuhnya memiliki pemahaman konsep karya ilmiah. Pengalaman guru membuat karya ilmiah sebagian besar diperoleh pada saat Pendidikan Latihan Profesi Guru. Pemahaman guru mengenai konsep karya ilmiah terkendala pada sistematika baku penelitian. Ketiga, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengembangan keprofesian guru berkelanjutan masih menemui kendala, seperti kendala waktu, dana, usia, sarana prasarana, motivasi, kebijakan pimpinan, dan akses jaringan internet. Hal yang dibutuhkan adalah adanya langkah kongkrit dari pemangku kebijakan untuk menyederhanakan segala hal terkait aktivitas administratif pembelajaran, dukungan dana atau inisiatif majlis dikdasmen dan pihak sponsor lain, dukungan akses jaringan internet, dan dukungan dari lembaga perguruan tinggi. Keempat, desain awal model pengembangan keprofesian guru berkelanjutan berbasis konstruktivis-kolaboratif untuk meningkatkan soft skills–transferable skills guru dalam penulisan artikel ilmiah bersifat terpadu. Model didasarkan pada kebutuhan guru dalam menyusun artikel ilmiah dan dikembangkan secara konstruktif oleh guru sendiri, sementara tim eksternal memberikan penguatan dan pendampingan dalam penyusunan artikel ilmiah.
Pengelolaan Program Induksi Guru Pemula (Pigp) Di SMP Negeri 3 Kunduran Blora Sugiyarti, S; Sumardjoko, Bambang
Jurnal VARIDIKA Vol 29, No 1 (2017): Volume 29 No. 1, Juli 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.246 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/varidika.v29i1.5143


Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi program induksi guru pemula (PIGP) di SMP Negeri 3 Kunduran. Metode pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data menggunakan trianggulasi data. Teknik analisis data dengan analisis interaktif ang meliputi tahapan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa perencanaan PIGP direncanakan secara bersama oleh kepala sekolah dan guru pembimbing. Kepala sekola membuat analisis kebutuhan dan ditindak lanjuti oleh guru pembimbing menjadi prioritas pembimbingan pada bulan pertama program. Pelaksanaan PIGP pada bulan kedua sampai dengan bulan kesembilan dimana pada tahab pelaksanaan guru pemula melaksanakan pembelajaran didampingi guru pembimbing dengan evaluasi dilakukan minimal satu kali tiap bulan oleh guru pembimbing. Evaluasi akhir dilaksanakan pada bulan kesepuluh dan kesebelas oleh guru pembimbing, kepala sekolah, dan pengawas untuk menentukan kelanjutan karir keprofesian guru pemula.
PENANAMAN NILAI-NILAI KEBANGSAAN DI PONDOK PESANTREN KHALAFIYAH (Studi Kasus di Pondok Pesantren Al Huda Doglo Candigatak Cepogo Boyolali Tahun 2016) Prasetyo, Agus; Sumardjoko, Bambang
Vidya Karya Vol 31, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Vidya Karya

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Abstract: this research aim to describe the cultivation of nation values which do teachers to students in pesantren Al Huda Doglo Candigatak Cepogo Boyolali. Data were collected by interview, observation and documentation. The validity of the data is done by triangulation of sources, techniques, and researchers. Analysis of the data used an interactive model. The results of this study conclude that efforts made in the boarding school teachers in instilling national values is to use the activities in formal institutions and religious activities. Activities in the formal institutions meant that inculcate national values through belonging to boarding school level in the form of kindergarten, Islamic Elementary School (equivalent to elementary school), MTs (equivalent of junior high school), and Madrasah Aliyah (the equivalent of high school). Religious activity is the discussion between teachers and students to assess national values contained in the Quran and Hadith. Keywords: value, nation, and pesantren Abstrak: tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penanaman nilai-nilai kebangsaan yang dilakukan pengajar kepada santri di pondok pesantren Al Huda Doglo Candigatak Cepogo Boyolali. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Validitas data dilakukan dengan triangulasi sumber, teknik, dan peneliti. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah model analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa upaya yang dilakukan pengajar di pondok pesantren dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai kebangsaan adalah dengan memanfaatkan kegiatan di lembaga formal dan kegiatan keagamaan. Kegiatan di lembaga formal yang dimaksud yakni menanamkan nilai kebangsaan melalui jenjang sekolah milik pesantren berupa Taman Kanak-kanak, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (setara sekolah dasar), Madrasah Tsanawiyah (setara sekolah menengah pertama), dan Madrasah Aliyah (setara sekolah menengah atas). Kegiatan keagamaan yang dimaksud yakni diskusi antara pengajar dan santri dengan mengkaji nilai-nilai kebangsaan yang terdapat di Al Qur’an serta Hadist. Kata kunci: nilai, kebangsaan, dan pondok pesantren
Peran Pemimpin Pembelajaran dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Wahyudi, Ahmad; Sumardjoko, Bambang; Darsinah, D.
Jurnal VARIDIKA Volume 31, No. 1., Tahun 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (295.054 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/varidika.v1i1.8901


The purpose of this study is to describe the role of learning leadership and the obstacles faced by school principals in improving student learning outcomes at SMK Pelita Bangsa Sumberlawang Sragen. This research is a qualitative research that produces descriptive data in the form of words, written or oral from people and observed behavior. Data collection techniques carried out by in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using an interactive model of analysis. The results showed, first, the principal was the most instrumental element in improving the quality of education and learning. Learning leadership at SMK Pelita Bangsa Sumberlawang Sragen is carried out in 3 dimensions, namely through the formulation of school missions, good learning management, and building a conducive school climate. Second, the obstacles in implementing leadership learning in SMK Pelita Bangsa Sumberlawang Sragen include several things, namely the lack of professional teachers, conventional curriculum, incomplete supervision, and incomplete learning infrastructure.
Revitalisasi Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Melalui Pembelajaran PKN Berbasis Kearifan Lokal untuk Penguatan Karakter dan Jati Diri Bangsa Sumardjoko, Bambang
Jurnal VARIDIKA Volume 25 No. 2, Desember 2013
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2254.692 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/varidika.v25i2.726


General purpose of the research is to find and develop Pkn learning model at Junior High School bases local wise for revitalization pancasila values strategy to strength character and self characteristic country. This research is for two years. The first year, the research is qualitative research. Collecting data technique are interview, attentively method and observation. Analysis data uses interactive method. Focus prob- lem reviews and planning draft model uses qualitative approach with pathways: (1) lit- erature study, collecting materials support relationship Pkn learning model, (2) field data colleting and triangulation data descript PKn learning model at Junior High School implementation, (3) SWOT analysis constructs draft model, and (4) refining design mod- el (tentative) by workshop participation-collaborative. Result of the research shows (1) Profile background PKn teachers at Junior High School of Surakarta are PKn education and they have experience teach a long time. (2) PKn teachers have experience in scien- tific activities in local or national so understanding PKn teachers Junior High School of Surakarta about the primary and purpose of citizenship education is enough good. (3) To development PKn learning is powerfull it needs revision to PKn material, the primary about (a) integration local culture value and (b) strategy and learning method support mastery competent PKn and education value. (4) According SWOT analysis, draft de- velops PKn model in Junior High School bases local wise for revitalization strategy Pancasila values to strength character and self characteristic of country with (a) wise integration local java culture source from core value esteem, social problem solving, study with social interaction and study with interaction social-culture, (c) implementa- tion draft model with problem based learning model, project based learning and value classification.
Kontribusi Keterampilan Guru Dalam Pembelajaran dan Motivasi Berprestasi Terhadap Tanggung Jawab Siswa dan Dampaknya pada Kemandirian Belajar PKn SMP Rahayu, Hesti Oki; Sumardjoko, Bambang; Sumardi, Sumardi
Manajemen Pendidikan Vol. 09, No. 2, Juli 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (134.942 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/jmp.v9i2.1696


The purposes of this research are to find out the available contribution and to measure the teachers? learning capacity and need of achievement to students? responsibility, students? responsibility to the self-directed learning and the teachers? learning capacity, need of achievement and students? responsibility to the self-directed learning in Civic Education on the Roudlotus Saiddiyah Gunung Pati Semarang Integrated Islamic Junior High School. This is a quantitative research. The location of this research on the Roudlotus Saiddiyah Gunung Pati Semarang Integrated Islamic Junior High School. This research is begun in the end of the second semester academic year of 2012/2013. The samples are 114 for the population as many as 172 with 5% error. Technique of sampling is used proportional sampling. Technique of collecting data is used questioner. The results of this research are 1) there is a weak and significant contribution from the teachers? learning capacity and need of achievement to the students? responsibility in learning Civic Education on the Roudlotus Saiddiyah Gunung Pati Semarang Integrated Islamic Junior High School, 2) there is a weak and significant contribution from the students? responsibility to the students? self-directed learning in learning Civic Education on the Roudlotus Saiddiyah Gunung Pati Semarang Integrated Islamic Junior High School, 3) there is a weak and significant contribution from the teachers? learning capacity, the need of achievement and the students? responsibility to the students? self-directed learning in learning Civic Education on the Roudlotus Saiddiyah Gunung Pati Semarang Integrated Islamic Junior High School.
Co-Authors Abd. Syakur Achmad Fathoni Achmad Fathoni Achmad Muhibin Agus Maryanto Agus Prasetyo Agus Prasetyo Agus Prasetyo Agus Prasetyo Agustina Wahyuningsih Ahmad Muhibbin Ahmad Muhibbin Ahmad Wahyudi Alif Lutfi Ghozali Alifia Azzahra Amin Lestari Anatri Desstya Anik Ghufron Ardiansyah Widya Pahlevi Ari Anshori Arief Setyo Nugroho Arif Subowo Arifah Cahyo Andini Suparmun Bee Piang Tan Bee Piang Tan Choiriyah Choiriyah Widyasari Darsinah Darsinah Devary Pradana Setyabudi Dian Perdana Sulistya Rosid Djumadi Djumadi Dwi Sugeng Riyadi Dyah Astuti Endang Fauziati Eny Rahmawati Erni Suharini Erni Suharini Farita Lina Rodiyah Gamal Abdul Nasir Zakaria Gumgum Gumilar Harsono Harsono Harun Joko Prayitno Hernawan Sulistyanto Hesti Oki Rahayu Hesti Oki Rahayu, Hesti Oki Insan, Muzzaki Jamaalul Isnaini Maratus Sholihah Kafindi Kafindi Laili Etika Rahmawati Laksono Trisnantoro Mahasin Husni Mashudi Al furqon Ma’rifah Ma’rifah Meggy Novitasari Meti Fatimah Mimin Vera Dwi Priyantini Minsih Mintarsih Arbarini Mohamad Ali Monica Wahyu Pertiwi Muh Nur Rochim Maksum Muhamad Musyiam Muhammad Izzul Haq Muhammad Rifqi Nugroho Muhammad Syahriandi Adhantoro Muhibin, Achmad Murfiah Dewi Wulandari Muthoifin Muthoifin Naufal Ishartono Noor Banu Mahadir Naidu Noor Banu Mahadir Naidu Putra Pamungkas Ricky Darmawan Rima Aritaningsih Rosyid, Muh. Adi Abdur S Sugiyarti S. Sayektiningsih Sabar Narimo Sayektiningsih, S. Septana Nur Hidayat Sigit Haryanto Sofyan Anif Sri Arfiah Sri Kuspini Sugiyarti, S Sugiyarti, S. Sumardi Sumardi . Sumardi Sumardi Suprapto Suprapto Surani Surani Surani, Surani Sutopo Taufik Taufik Tri Hanung Widiyarso Wahyu Pradya Rizki Wahyudi Prabowo Waston Waston Waston Waston Wibowo Heru Prasetiyo Yasir Sidiq Yeny Prastiwi Yesi Murwati Yogianti Dwi Rahayu Wismaningrum Yulia Maftuhah Hidayati