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Penerapan Teknologi Image Processing untuk Optimalisasi Petik Merah pada Kebun Kopi Rakyat Aris Budianto; Cucuk Budiyanto; Qois Amin Fauzan; Indah Widiastuti; Dwi Maryono
DEDIKASI: Community Service Reports Vol 2, No 1 (2020): DEDIKASI: Community Service Report
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/dedikasi.v2i1.35845


AbstractCoffee has been cultivated as the secondary produce for decades in Girimarto, Wonogiri, however, the selective picking practice remain alient for local farmers. Selective picking is considered impractical due to time consumption and laborous work that farmers should carry out. The community service project designs and implements image recognition technology to help acquire           coffee-cheery ripeness condition. Adopting a geolocation, the appropriate routing strategies, would enable farmers to selectively pick the red cherries in a systematic sequence. The image processing technology was applied by adopting Raspberry Pi microcomputer, Raspberry Pi Camera Board, version 2, and OpenCV programming language. The transition to selective picking and the subsequent post-harvest technology would likely produce high-quality green bean coffee. It is expected that the income of smallholder coffee farmers will gradually be increasing.ABSTRAKPraktek petik buah merah dalam budidaya kopi belum menjadi prosedur baku pada perkebunan kopi rakyat di wilayah Girimarto, Wonogiri. Petani menganggap praktek petik merah pada panen buah kopi merepotkan dan memakan waktu karena dalam satu kunjungan ke kebun mereka hanya memetik buah kopi yang benar-benar matang. Pengabdian ini mendesain dan menerapkan perangkat pemantau kematangan buah kopi untuk membantu petani memperoleh informasi lokasi buah matang dan estimasi jumlahnya sehingga petani bisa merencanakan jalur pemetikan kopi berdasarkan lokasi batang pohon kopi tingkat kematangannya. Teknologi image processing diterapkan dengan mengadopsi penggunaan komputer mikro Raspberry Pi, modul kamera Raspberry Pi Camera Board, versi 2, dan bahasa pemrograman OpenCV. Perubahan pola panen buah kopi dari petik sembarang (petik racutan_ menjadi panen petik merah diikuti dengan perbaikan proses fermentasi buah kopi diharapkan menghasilkan kualitas green bean menjadi lebih baik dan harga jual yang lebih tinggi.
Development of a Facial Recognition-based Attendance System using Binary Patterns Histograms Method and Telegram Bot Notification Qois Amin Fauzan; Aris Budianto; Cucuk Wawan Budiyanto
Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education - July
Publisher : Pendidikan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/joive.v5i2.65789


In carrying out attendance activities, most schools still use the manual attendance method, which utilizes the attendance book as a medium. However, the presence of the manual still causes some problems that arise when using this method. With the aim of this study, a "Facial Recognition-Based Attendance System" was created. This study used the Local Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH) method to detect and recognize faces. The system is made to recognize the student's face and name, which the attendance system will then carry out along with the student's identity in the form of Name and Absence Number in real time to find out that the student is present in the class. The names that have been diabase can be saved through the XLS format. The result of this study is a facial recognition-based attendance system using the LBPH (Local Binary Pattern Histogram) method. The system is web-based, so users can easily access it through the internet. This research method uses research and development methods. This research stage consists of research and information collection, planning, and product draft development. The results of this study showed the feasibility level of facial recognition-based attendance systems. The eligibility rate obtained showed a score of 78.98%. From these results, this system is worthy of being used as an attendance system.