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KUALITAS SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA (Kualifikasi, Kompetensi dan Sertifikasi Guru) Sunhaji, Sunhaji
Jurnal Kependidikan Vol 2, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Kelompok Kajian Pendidikan Ikatan Alumni IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (382.585 KB)


One of the characteristics of todays globalization era is that there are various competition in peoples life. The globalization era is marked by a variety of scientific progress and the success of technology. The globalized world gives a challenge for people who can compete and deal with it, other wise it can become a threat to those who are not ready to deal with it. The era of globalization is one of the advantages for educated human resources. Education as one of the main pillars of human resource development will be the benchmark for excellence of human resources. A teacher is one of the main pillars for human resource development, without which the education process will not run. Efforts to improve human resources, especially teachers, are mainly by increasing their competences, qualifications and certification of educations. Improving teachers qualification, competencies and certification of education is a “condicio sine qua non” or an indispensable and essential action for the Indonesian government. Salah satu ciri era global seperti sekarang ini adalah kompetisi dalam berbagai kehidupan, dengan ditandai oleh berbagai kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.Iindividu yang sukses adalah yang dapat bersaing dengan dunia global sehingga era global merupakan tantangan dan sekaligus ancaman bagi mereka yang tidak siap menghadapinya. Salah satu bekal untuk menghadapainya adalah sumber daya manusia yang unggul. Pendidikan sebagai salah satu pilar utama pengembangan SDM akan menjadi tolok ukur sebuah keunggulan SDM. Guru adalah salah orang yang utama dan pertama sebagai pilar peningkatan SDM, tanpa guru proses pendidikan tidak akan berjalan. Upaya peningkatan SDM terutama guru adalah dengan melalui peningkatan kualifikasi dan kompetensi serta sertifikasi pendidik. Peningkatan kualifikasi, kompetensi serta sertifikasi pendidik adalahmerupakan condition sine quanon atau suatu kefardhuan Nasional bagi bangsa Indonesia.
Jurnal Kependidikan Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Kelompok Kajian Pendidikan Ikatan Alumni IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (275.532 KB)


Classroom management is an integral part of the professional ability that should be mastered by a teacher. Managing a class is one of the basic skills of teaching that aims at achieving and maintaining an optimum learning atmosphere, meaning that this ability is closely connected to teachers’ professional ability to create favorable conditions, pleasant learners and a healthy learning discipline. The learning process will always take place in a classroom scene. The scene should be created and developed as a means of effective learning. This of course must be supported by the ability of a teacher to manage his/her class. Pengeloaan kelas merupakan bagian integral dari kemampuan profesional yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang guru, mengelola kelas merupakan salah satu keterampilan dasar mengajar yang bertujuan untuk mewujudkan dan mempertahankan suasana pembelajaran yang optimal, artinya kemampuan ini erat hubungannya dengan kemampauan profesional guru untuk menciptakan kondisi yang menguntungkan, menyenangkan peserta didik dan menciptakan disiplin belajar secara sehat. Proses pembelajaran akan selalu berlangsung dalam suatu adegan kelas. Adegan kelas itu perlu diciptakan dan dikembangkan menjadi wahana bagi berlangsungnya pembelajaran yang efektif. Hal ini tentu saja harus didukung oleh kemampuan guru dalam mengelola kelas.
Jurnal Kependidikan Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Kelompok Kajian Pendidikan Ikatan Alumni IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (330.298 KB)


Advances in science and technology today, the one that needs attention is the concept of education for adults . Not always we talk and review the students educational sputar school in the relatively young age of the reality on the ground , that is not little adults who should receive education , both informal and non -formal education , for example in the form of skills , courses , refresher courses and so on . The problem that often arises is how to tips and strategies membelajarkan adult postscript school is not occupied . In pskologis adults as students in learning activities can not be treated like regular students children whowere sitting in the school . Adults grow as a person and have a maturity of self-concept moves from dependency as occurs in childhood toward independence or self-direction . Adult psychological maturity as a person capable of self-directed and not directed, forced and manipulated by others. Kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dewasa ini, salah satu yang perlu mendapat perhatian adalah mengenai konsep pendidikan untuk orang dewasa. Tidak selamanya kita berbicara dan mengulas di sputar pendidikan siswa sekolah yang relatif berusia muda kenyataan di lapangan, bahwa tidak sedikit orang dewasa yang harus mendapat pendidikan, baik pendidikan informal maupun non formal, misalnya dalam bentuk ketrampilan, kursus- kursus, penataran dan sebagainya. Masalahnya yang sering muncul adalah bagaimana kiat dan strategi membelajarkan orang dewasa yang nota bene tidak menduduki bangku sekolah. Secara pskologis orang dewasa sebagai siswa dalam kegiatan belajar tidak dapat diperlakukan seperti anak-anak didik biasa yang sedang duduk dibangku sekolah. Orang dewasa tumbuh sebagai pribadi dan memiliki kematangan konsep diri bergerak dari ketergantungan seperti yang terjadi pada masa kanak-kanak menuju ke arah kemandirian atau pengarahan diri sendiri. Kematangan psikologi orang dewasa sebagai pribadi yang mampu mengarahkan diri sendiri, bukan diarahkan, dipaksa dan dimanipulasi oleh orang lain.
Jurnal Ilmiah Lingua Idea Vol 9 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (844.972 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.jili.2018.9.2.1168


This paper discusses the concepts of character education. The character of the nation is one key for the nation to develop. The character of the nation is highly determined by its efforts to continuously improve the character education processes. No character education may be well implanted to the men’s behavior when the heart of the nation is unhealthy. The main key education success of the nation is a healthy heart. The heart should be healthy that good education may be easily implanted and united into an individual who is reflectively and continuously demanded to do the good things. Thus, whatever the education is named by either character education, value education, multicultural education, religious education, or others intended to build the character and behavior of the educational participants may uneasily be realized if not firstly initiated by educating the heart.
Jurnal Kependidikan Vol 1 No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Kelompok Kajian Pendidikan Ikatan Alumni IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (330.298 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jk.v1i1.528


Advances in science and technology today, the one that needs attention is the concept of education for adults . Not always we talk and review the student's educational sputar school in the relatively young age of the reality on the ground , that is not little adults who should receive education , both informal and non -formal education , for example in the form of skills , courses , refresher courses and so on . The problem that often arises is how to tips and strategies membelajarkan adult postscript school is not occupied . In pskologis adults as students in learning activities can not be treated like regular students children whowere sitting in the school . Adults grow as a person and have a maturity of self-concept moves from dependency as occurs in childhood toward independence or self-direction . Adult psychological maturity as a person capable of self-directed and not directed, forced and manipulated by others. Kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dewasa ini, salah satu yang perlu mendapat perhatian adalah mengenai konsep pendidikan untuk orang dewasa. Tidak selamanya kita berbicara dan mengulas di sputar pendidikan siswa sekolah yang relatif berusia muda kenyataan di lapangan, bahwa tidak sedikit orang dewasa yang harus mendapat pendidikan, baik pendidikan informal maupun non formal, misalnya dalam bentuk ketrampilan, kursus- kursus, penataran dan sebagainya. Masalahnya yang sering muncul adalah bagaimana kiat dan strategi membelajarkan orang dewasa yang nota bene tidak menduduki bangku sekolah. Secara pskologis orang dewasa sebagai siswa dalam kegiatan belajar tidak dapat diperlakukan seperti anak-anak didik biasa yang sedang duduk dibangku sekolah. Orang dewasa tumbuh sebagai pribadi dan memiliki kematangan konsep diri bergerak dari ketergantungan seperti yang terjadi pada masa kanak-kanak menuju ke arah kemandirian atau pengarahan diri sendiri. Kematangan psikologi orang dewasa sebagai pribadi yang mampu mengarahkan diri sendiri, bukan diarahkan, dipaksa dan dimanipulasi oleh orang lain.
KUALITAS SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA (Kualifikasi, Kompetensi dan Sertifikasi Guru) Sunhaji, Sunhaji
Jurnal Kependidikan Vol 2 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Kelompok Kajian Pendidikan Ikatan Alumni IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (382.585 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jk.v2i1.546


One of the characteristics of today's globalization era is that there are various competition in people's life. The globalization era is marked by a variety of scientific progress and the success of technology. The globalized world gives a challenge for people who can compete and deal with it, other wise it can become a threat to those who are not ready to deal with it. The era of globalization is one of the advantages for educated human resources. Education as one of the main pillars of human resource development will be the benchmark for excellence of human resources. A teacher is one of the main pillars for human resource development, without which the education process will not run. Efforts to improve human resources, especially teachers, are mainly by increasing their competences, qualifications and certification of educations. Improving teachers' qualification, competencies and certification of education is a “condicio sine qua non” or an indispensable and essential action for the Indonesian government. Salah satu ciri era global seperti sekarang ini adalah kompetisi dalam berbagai kehidupan, dengan ditandai oleh berbagai kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.Iindividu yang sukses adalah yang dapat bersaing dengan dunia global sehingga era global merupakan tantangan dan sekaligus ancaman bagi mereka yang tidak siap menghadapinya. Salah satu bekal untuk menghadapainya adalah sumber daya manusia yang unggul. Pendidikan sebagai salah satu pilar utama pengembangan SDM akan menjadi tolok ukur sebuah keunggulan SDM. Guru adalah salah orang yang utama dan pertama sebagai pilar peningkatan SDM, tanpa guru proses pendidikan tidak akan berjalan. Upaya peningkatan SDM terutama guru adalah dengan melalui peningkatan kualifikasi dan kompetensi serta sertifikasi pendidik. Peningkatan kualifikasi, kompetensi serta sertifikasi pendidik adalahmerupakan condition sine quanon atau suatu kefardhuan Nasional bagi bangsa Indonesia.
Jurnal Kependidikan Vol 2 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Kelompok Kajian Pendidikan Ikatan Alumni IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (275.532 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jk.v2i2.551


Classroom management is an integral part of the professional ability that should be mastered by a teacher. Managing a class is one of the basic skills of teaching that aims at achieving and maintaining an optimum learning atmosphere, meaning that this ability is closely connected to teachers’ professional ability to create favorable conditions, pleasant learners and a healthy learning discipline. The learning process will always take place in a classroom scene. The scene should be created and developed as a means of effective learning. This of course must be supported by the ability of a teacher to manage his/her class. Pengeloaan kelas merupakan bagian integral dari kemampuan profesional yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang guru, mengelola kelas merupakan salah satu keterampilan dasar mengajar yang bertujuan untuk mewujudkan dan mempertahankan suasana pembelajaran yang optimal, artinya kemampuan ini erat hubungannya dengan kemampauan profesional guru untuk menciptakan kondisi yang menguntungkan, menyenangkan peserta didik dan menciptakan disiplin belajar secara sehat. Proses pembelajaran akan selalu berlangsung dalam suatu adegan kelas. Adegan kelas itu perlu diciptakan dan dikembangkan menjadi wahana bagi berlangsungnya pembelajaran yang efektif. Hal ini tentu saja harus didukung oleh kemampuan guru dalam mengelola kelas.
The Integration of Science-Technology and Living Environment through Islam Religion Education Learning at Adiwiyata-Based Junior High School in Banyumas Regency Sunhaji, Sunhaji
Dinamika Ilmu: Jurnal Pendidikan Dinamika Ilmu Vol 18 No 2, December 2018
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (417.808 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/di.v18i2.1179


Sciences play an important role for human in living their life and technology   constitutes the embodiment of human’s systemic effort in applying the sciences so that it can make things easier and provide wealth for human when it is followed by religion. However, it will bring disaster instead when it is not inspired by religion. One of the destructive impacts of science advancement is environmental crisis. This environmental crisis occurs because of spiritual emptiness, human are far from God. They succumb to greed and keep themselves away from God’s moral guideline and lack ethics in interacting with God’s other creatures. In the academic world, Islam Religion learning constitutes a medium to filter or minimize some human destructive measures to the nature, making the integration of sciences, technology and environment in learning a key to the creation of sciences, technology and environment harmonization.  Using qualitative research with a case study approach, it is expected that the ideal picture of science-technology and living environment sinergy can be obtained. The data are collected using observation, interview and documentation and analyzed using reduction, display and conclusion techniques as well as data verification. The research results indicate that the integration of science-technology and living environment constitutes the highest truth, i.e. the empirical truth which symbolizes the might of Allah, the Almighty Creator, and an effort of synergizing the qauliyah (textual) and kauniyah (universal) verses and of indirectly eliminating the scientific dichotomy. This synergy pattern will never be manifested without Islam Religion Education learning in academic context at schools, particularly Adiwiyata schools which implement the integration pattern of science-technology and environment integrally.
IBDA` : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya Vol 13 No 1 (2015): IBDA': Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (108.415 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/ibda.v13i1.490


This article stands on the idea that the spread and progress of Islam along the Indonesian Archipelago is influenced by literary works. They have become an important learning in Islamic boarding schools (Pesantren), which is intended to drive students (santri) not only to memorize al-Qur’an and hadits, but also implement them in their real life. This condition can be seen in in the story telling method, which can develop certain characters through appreciating every aspect of life and learning to reproduce the good sides and avoid the bad ones. In such a condition, literary works can be used as a media, a method, even a strategy of learning. Tulisan ini diasumsikan dari pola pikir bahwa Islam Nusantaradipengaruhi oleh karya sastra. Karya sastra menjadi pembelajaran penting di pondok pesantren. Kondisi ini dapat dilihat dalam metode pembelajaran kisah yang dapat membentuk karakter melalui penghayataan setiap sisikehidupan sehingga orang bisa belajar untuk meniru tokoh tersebut apabila baik, juga dapat untuk tidak mengulangi kejadian-kejadian buruk yang ada dalam kisah. Dalam hal ini, karya sastra dapat menjadi media pembelajaran, metode, bahkan strategi pembelajaran.
Paradigma Pendidikan Kritis: Menuju Humanisasi Pendidikan Sunhaji, Sunhaji
INSANIA : Jurnal Pemikiran Alternatif Kependidikan Vol 13 No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1005.702 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/insania.v13i1.288


The process of education must apply with “Learning Process Skill”, not “Learning Concept”. Process approach marked with student centered curricula, not teacher centered. Role of teacher is as facilitator, mediator, dynamizing, organizing, and catalyst to apply “dialog” as spirit of education process. Critical education model is an education that independent from internal-institutional fetter, social hegemony, or structured to maintain political and economical stability. These happen in the length of our national history, then produce tame-weak human accorded to system condition. Whereas, education is human right, even people right to enhance its maturity, self-identity, and independence to serve his function to his God. .